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Last active May 26, 2020 06:40
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Ethereum 2.0 and Beyond (SBC19)

Ethereum 2.0 and beyond

Vitalik Buterin (Ethereum Foundation)

  • Ethereum 2.0 spec pre-release
    • Released yesterday!
  • Proof of stake and sharding have been part of the ETH roadmap since 2014
    • Started with Slasher in 2014, which is totally broken
    • But since then have made a lot of progress
    • Casper FFG devised and formally verified
    • Sharding is now better specified
    • All this is being implemented, a couple months away from testnet
  • What is Ethereum 2.0?
    • Hub and spoke system around the beacon chain
      • Connected to the ETH 1.0 chain (this is necessary, but temporary, to migrate assets to new chain)
      • 1024 shard chains connected to the beacon chain
    • Phase 0 (just beacon chain and PoS)
    • Phase 1 (data sharding, shards contain just data blobs)
    • Phase 2 (state + execution, now you actually get smart contracts on shards, storage rent, etc.)
    • Phase 3 (STARKs, other scaling approaches)
  • The Beacon Chain!
    • PoS system, you need to burn at least 32 ETH into a 1-way burn contract
    • Publish a Merkle proof receipt of this burn onto the Beacon chain
      • Now you are deposited onto the Beacon chain (into BETH)
      • Thus, the Beacon chain needs to be aware of root hashes on Ethereum chain
    • The Beacon chain runs PoS consensus independently of other systems
    • Time is broken up into slots about 6 seconds long, grouped into 64 slots in an epoch
      • In each epoch, each validator makes 1 signature
      • First signed by block proposer, then signed by large randomly selected committee of other nodes
    • Attestations get put into the chain and chain moves forward
    • Attestations do three things:
      • Contribute to beacon chain fork choice (not Nakamoto consensus, but through LMD Ghost)
      • Contributes to beacon chain finality (FFG)
      • Validates data and commits to shards
  • What is LMD Ghost?
    • An adaptation of GHOST (Sompolinsky, et al 2013)
    • Idea: look only at latest messages of each node as evidence what chain that node favors
    • GHOST is a fork choice rule that says start from genesis, walk up the tree
      • at each branch, choose the child that has more latest-messages supporting it in the tree
        • (in traditional GHOST, you choose child with most PoW built on its subtree)
    • LMD GHOST can take in information from many parallel attestations in one block
      • Making it less dependent on proposers, fewer messages are wasted
      • This is really valuable for high block throughput!
      • 1 confirmation becomes as final as 50 confirmations on ETH 1.0 chain
  • FFG Finalization
    • Adaptation of classical consensus algorithms
      • Dual-purpose messages that are already part of a chain-based PoS to achieve finality
    • If more than 2/3rds of messages agree on blocks within 2 epochs,
      • then block at the beginning gets finalized
      • This is asynchronously and cryptoeconomically safe (not possible in PoW or chain-based PoS)
  • Crosslinks
    • How PoS interfaces with sharding
    • Each shard is its own chain, and each validator on beacon chain validates some shard chains
      • Blocks in shard chains get committed into beacon chain
      • If beacon block gets finalized, the shard chain block gets finalized by proxy
    • With enough crosslinks...
      • Anything that happens on one shard can be proven to happen on another shard
        • Via Merkle proof
      • This is also the engine through which shards talk to each other
    • Crosslinks are signed by committees (128-4096 validators)
      • Note: you're assuming that committees are >1/2 honest
      • For each crosslink, the committee is sampled via random sortition via on-chain randomness
  • BLS Signature Aggregation
    • We might have a LOT of validators... At worst case, we can have hundreds of thousands of validators
    • 4K + signatures can be aggregated into a single ~600 byte signature, about 7ms to verify
  • Proof of custody
    • Can we do better than an honest majority assumption among validators for crosslinks?
    • Given validator's dilemma... how much faith should we put in validators?
      • Most nodes are lazy and will not validate if they don't have to
    • Well, let's give them an incentive to pay attention to crosslinks!
    • Proof of custody is a way to put bounties on each of these crosslinks
      • The attester runs a computation on the raw block data, adding a secret salt
      • Then publishes a commitment to a Merkle tree
      • Later, they reveal the salt, which lets anyone with the true block recompute the tree
      • If you didn't do the computation correctly, watchdogs can catch you with a fraud proof
      • And if you perform the commitment over some bullshit data that you don't even have...
        • They can initiate a fraud challenge, and you won't be able to produce evidence
      • Either way if you misbehave, you get slashed, and the whistleblower gets rewarded
  • Future directions
    • Data availability proofs via erasure coding
      • Basically, instead of committing to Merkle root of regular data...
        • Instead you commit to Merkle root of erasure coded version of data
        • (Such that half of data is needed to recover original data)
      • Light client can randomly sample Merkle branches, and if more than half of data is available, they can assume it's mostly there
      • Useful for allowing light clients to check block data is available w/o downloading it
      • Providing maximally close to full-node security guarantees in case of 51% attacks
    • STARKs
      • Useful for compressing Merkle branches (needed by crosslink committees)
        • These branch proofs are larger than even the block contents
        • With STARKs, we can compress that and get a 5x improvement on data efficiency
      • Verifying correctness of proofs of custody, data availability proofs, etc.
      • Verifying correctness of arbitrary computation (maybe someday!)
    • Casper CBC
      • Not integrated into roadmap yet, but actively looking at
      • Significantly reduced protocol complexity
      • Lets large portions of validators go offline
      • Significant performance improvements recently
  • And that's Ethereum 2.0!
    • A lot of disparate technologies and ideas that have synergies between them
    • Next milestone will be testnets released sometime in the next few months
    • Ethereum Foundation and core research team and trying to spearhead spec development
      • But implementation itself should happen through other development teams
      • Prysmatic Labs, Pegasys, Lighthouse, Nimbus, etc.
      • If you want to hear about timelines for launch, ask the implementers, not Ethereum Foundation!
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