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Created April 12, 2018 03:26
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import numpy as np
import itertools
def vf_gradient(field, *, axis=None):
Gradient of a vector field.
:param field: (n, c1, c2, ... , cn)
:param axis: None or tuple of ints, optional.
:return: Gradient of the field.
:rtype: ndarray
:raises TypeError:
:raises ValueError:
if axis == None:
axis = tuple([i for i in range(len(field))])
elif not isinstance(axis, tuple):
raise TypeError('\'axis\' entry must be a tuple.')
elif len(field) != len(axis):
raise ValueError('\'axis\' and \'field\' must have the same length.')
num_dims = len(field)
ret = []
for i in axis:
ret.append([np.gradient(field[j], axis=i) for j in range(num_dims)])
return np.array(ret)
def gradient(field, rank, *, axis=None):
Gradient of a field.
:param field: (c1, c2, ... , cn) or (n, c1, c2, ... , cn)
:param rank: {0, 1}
:param axis: None or int or tuple of ints, optional.
:return: Gradient of the field.
:rtype: ndarray
:raises ValueError:
if rank == 0: # for a scalar field.
return np.array(np.gradient(field, axis=axis))
elif rank == 1: # for a vector field.
return vf_gradient(field, axis=axis)
raise ValueError('\'axis\' entry is out of bounds.')
def vf_divergence(field, *, axis=None):
Divergence of a vector field.
:param field: (n, c1, c2, ... , cn)
:param axis: None or tuple of ints, optional.
:return: Divergence of the field.
:rtype: ndarray
:raises TypeError:
:raises ValueError:
if axis == None:
axis = tuple([i for i in range(len(field))])
elif not isinstance(axis, tuple):
raise TypeError('\'axis\' entry must be a tuple.')
elif len(field) != len(axis):
raise ValueError('\'axis\' and \'field\' must have the same length.')
return np.ufunc.reduce(np.add, [np.gradient(field[i], axis=j) for i, j in enumerate(axis)])
def tf_divergence(field, *, axis=None):
Divergence of a tensor field.
:param field: (n, n, c1, c2, ... , cn)
:param axis: None or tuple of ints, optional.
:return: Divergence of the field.
:rtype: ndarray
:raises TypeError:
:raises ValueError:
if axis == None:
axis = tuple([i for i in range(len(field))])
elif not isinstance(axis, tuple):
raise TypeError('\'axis\' entry must be a tuple.')
elif len(field) != len(axis):
raise ValueError('\'axis\' and \'field\' must have the same length.')
num_dims = len(field)
ret = []
for i in range(num_dims):
ret.append(np.ufunc.reduce(np.add, [np.gradient(field[j, i], axis=k) for j, k in enumerate(axis)]))
return np.array(ret)
def divergence(field, rank, *, axis=None):
Divergence of a field.
:param field: (n, c1, c2, ... , cn) or (n, n, c1, c2, ... , cn)
:param rank: {1, 2}
:param axis: None or tuple of ints, optional.
:return: Divergence of the field.
:rtype: ndarray
:raises ValueError:
if rank == 1: # for a vector field.
return vf_divergence(field, axis=axis)
elif rank == 2: # for a tensor field.
return tf_divergence(field, axis=axis)
raise ValueError('\'axis\' entry is out of bounds')
def vf_curl(field, *, axis=None):
Curl of a vector field.
:param field: (n, c1, c2, ... , cn)
:param axis: None or tuple of ints, optional.
:return: Curl of the field.
:rtype: ndarray
:raises TypeError:
:raises ValueError:
if len(field) != 3:
raise ValueError('')
elif axis == None:
axis = tuple([i for i in range(len(field))])
elif not isinstance(axis, tuple):
raise TypeError('\'axis\' entry must be a tuple.')
elif len(field) != len(axis):
raise ValueError('\'axis\' and \'field\' must have the same length.')
num_dims = len(field)
return np.array([np.gradient(field[(i + 2) % num_dims], axis=axis[(i + 1) % num_dims]) - np.gradient(
field[(i + 1) % num_dims], axis=axis[(i + 2) % num_dims]) for i in range(num_dims)])
def curl(field, rank, *, axis=None):
Curl of a vector field.
:param field: (n, c1, c2, ... , cn)
:param rank: {1}
:param axis: None or tuple of ints, optional.
:return: Curl of the field.
:rtype: ndarray
:raises TypeError:
:raises ValueError:
if rank == 1: # for a vector field.
return vf_curl(field, axis=axis)
raise ValueError('\'axis\' entry is out of bounds')
def sf_laplacian(field, *, axis=None):
Laplacian of a scalar field.
:param field: (c1, c2, ... , cn)
:param axis: None or tuple of ints, optional.
:return: Laplacian of the field.
:rtype: ndarray
:raises TypeError:
:raises ValueError:
if axis == None:
axis = tuple([i for i in range(field.ndim)])
elif not isinstance(axis, tuple):
raise TypeError('\'axis\' entry must be a tuple.')
elif field.ndim != len(axis):
raise ValueError('\'axis\' and \'field\' must have the same length.')
grad = np.gradient(field, axis=axis)
return np.ufunc.reduce(np.add, [np.gradient(grad[i], axis=j) for i, j in enumerate(axis)])
def vf_laplacian(field, *, axis=None):
Laplacian of a vector field.
:param field: (n, c1, c2, ... , cn)
:param axis: None or tuple of ints, optional.
:return: Laplacian of the field.
:rtype: ndarray
:raises TypeError:
:raises ValueError:
if axis == None:
axis = tuple([i for i in range(len(field))])
elif not isinstance(axis, tuple):
raise TypeError('\'axis\' entry must be a tuple.')
elif len(field) != len(axis):
raise ValueError('\'axis\' and \'field\' must have the same length.')
ret = []
for f in field:
g = np.gradient(f, axis=axis)
ret.append(np.ufunc.reduce(np.add, [np.gradient(g[j], axis=k) for j, k in enumerate(axis)]))
return np.array(ret)
def laplacian(field, rank, *, axis=None):
Laplacian of a field.
:param field: (c1, c2, ... , cn) or (n, c1, c2, ... , cn)
:param rank: {0, 1}
:param axis: None or tuple of ints, optional.
:return: Laplacian of the field.
:rtype: ndarray
:raises ValueError:
if rank == 0: # for a scalar field.
return sf_laplacian(field, axis=axis)
elif rank == 1: # for a vector field.
return vf_laplacian(field, axis=axis)
raise ValueError('\'axis\' entry is out of bounds')
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