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Last active April 12, 2021 04:06
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Save Hashbrown777/69daf94bb291fe2dc5115e0a704f64b4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Give a detailed report on the ping and tcp status of servers.
#Requires -Version 5.1
. ./async.ps1
. ./asynclet.ps1
. ./clone.ps1
. ./colors.ps1
. ./htmlTable.ps1
. ./ServerCheck.ps1
. ./windows.ps1
. ./wrap.ps1
{name:"UPS", address:"10.<<REDACTED>>.28", services:[{port:"http"}]},
{name:"proxmox", address:"10.<<REDACTED>>.24", services:[
{name:"Murphy" , address:"10.<<REDACTED>>.182", services:[{name:"Meetings", port:[7250,"Miracast"]}] ,ignore:true},
{name:"Oliver" , address:"10.<<REDACTED>>.166", services:[{name:"Meetings", port:[7250,"Miracast"]}] ,ignore:true},
{name:"Rossiter", address:"10.<<REDACTED>>.87" , services:[{name:"Meetings", port:[7250,"Miracast"]}] ,ignore:true},
{name:"skype", services:[{address:"sfbint.<<REDACTED>>" , port : "https"}]},
{name:"skype", services:[{address:"sfbext.<<REDACTED>>" , port : "https"}]},
{name:"skype", services:[{address:"sfbpool.<<REDACTED>>", ports:[[8060,"sip"], [8061,"sip"]]}]},
{name:"CP1", address:"10.<<REDACTED>>.11", services:[{ports:[["http","admin"], ["https","admin"], [445,"smb"], [139,"NetBIOS"]]}]},
{name:"CP3", address:"10.<<REDACTED>>.12", services:[{port : ["http","admin"]}]},
{name:"CP5", address:"10.<<REDACTED>>.13", services:[{port : ["http","admin"]}]},
{name:"CP9", address:"10.<<REDACTED>>.14", services:[{ports:[["http","admin"], ["https","admin"]]}]},
{name:"PUBLIC", services:[
{address: "beta.<<REDACTED>>.au", ports:["https"]},
{address: "www.<<REDACTED>>.au", ports:["https", ["http","redirect"]]},
{address: "<<REDACTED>>.au", ports:["https", ["http","redirect"]]},
{address:"www.gazette.<<REDACTED>>.au", ports:["https", ["http","redirect"]]},
{address: "gazette.<<REDACTED>>.au", ports:["https", ["http","redirect"]]}
{name:"DC", address:"dcdb", services:[
{ports:[[22,"ssh"], [445,"smb"], [139,"NetBIOS"]]},
{name:"dirs" , ports:[[7500,"http"], [7501,"sal"]]},
{name:"boots", port : [7502,"http"]},
{name:"sls" , ports:[[7504,"http"], [7505,"sal"]]},
{name:"ddi" , port : [7506,"http"]},
{name:"adv" , port : [7507,"http"]},
{name:"XXX website" , port : [7001,"http"]},
{name:"YYY website" , port : [7002,"http"]},
{name:"ZZZ intranet" , ports:[[8082,"http"], [7514,"teratext"]]},
{name:"AAA intranet" , ports:[[8088,"http"], [7513,"teratext"]]},
{name:"BBB Live", ports:[
{name:"CCC", ports:[
[7509,"http","Replication Server"]
{name:"drWEB", address:"drweb", services:[
{name:"dirs" , ports:[[7500,"http"], [7501,"sal"]]},
{name:"boots", port : [7502,"http"]},
{name:"sls" , ports:[[7504,"http"], [7505,"sal"]]},
{name:"ddi" , port : [7506,"http"]},
{name:"adv" , port : [7507,"http"]},
{name:"XXX website" , port : [7001,"http"]},
{name:"YYY website" , port : [7002,"http"]},
{name:"AAA website" , ports:[[8082,"http"], [7514,"teratext"]]},
{name:"BBB website" , ports:["http", [7513,"teratext"]]},
// {name:"test website", ports:[[8887,"http"], [8889,"https"]]},
// ]},
//TODO fix this
{name:"DEV", address:"10.<<REDACTED>>.110", services:[
{name:"TeraText", ports:[
{name:"XXX", ports:[
{name:"YYY", ports:[
{name:"AAA intranet", ports:[
{name:"BBB intranet", ports:[
{name:"AAA website", ports:[
{name:"BBB website", ports:[
// {name:"PCO website", port:[7001,"https"]},
// {name:"PCC website", port:[7002,"https"]},
//DNS testing
//TODO get them to finally get this good
// {address:"ABC"},
// {address:""},
// {address:""},
// {address:"DEF"},
// {address:""},
// {address:""},
$_TABLE_TITLE='The powershell window will show progress. You can email or run again by making a selection'
$config=$config `
-replace '(?<=^|\n)((?:[^\n"\\/]|\\.|"(?:[^\n"\\]|\\.)*")*)//[^\r\n]*(?=\r|\n|$)' ,'$1' <#allow comments in the JSON#>`
-replace '(?<=^|\n)((?:[^\n"\\,]|\\.|"(?:[^\n"\\]|\\.)*"|,\s*(?!\s|}|]))*),(?=\s*[}\]])','$1' <#allow trailing commas in the JSON#>`
| ConvertFrom-Json `
| Write-Output -NoEnumerate <#bug in pwsh, may need removing if we update to PS6#>`
| TransformConfig
#main loop
do {
$results=[Asynclet]::new('Out-GridView', @{PassThru=$True; Title=$_TABLE_TITLE})
$config `
| Clone `
| Async `
-Name 'Testing Services' `
-Expected $config.Count `
-Func $Test `
-PassThru `
-AsJob `
-Parameters @{
[Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls -bor `
[Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls11 -bor `
[Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 -bor `
[Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls13 -bor `
} `
| Analyse `
| Present -Results $results `
| ResetScreen -Before -After `
| Print `
| Sort-Object -Property machine,up,service,address,proto `
| Format-Table -Wrap -AutoSize -GroupBy machine -Property up,service,address,port,proto,info
Completed in
$($timer.Elapsed.Seconds -replace '^(.)$','0$1')
" -replace '\r?\n\t*','')
Title 'You may now make a selection and close the table'
BringToFront $_TABLE_TITLE
try {
catch {
$NULL | ResetScreen
BringToFront $_TITLE
Title "$failed failures. $($results.Count) items selected"
#finish up with a total time and wait for the user to close
Switch -exact ($Host.UI.PromptForChoice(
'What would you like to do now?',
if ($results.Count) {
'&Run again'
#make sure exit is selected
)) {
@(1,0)[!$results.Count] {
@(0,-1)[!$results.Count] {
$outlook=New-Object -ComObject Outlook.Application
$email.HTMLBody=$results | Html | Concat
} until ($continue=!$continue)
'Thank you :)'
#recognised protocols
http =80 ;
teratext='Content Server';
smb ='Network share' ;
ssh ='Remote shell' ;
rdp ='Remote desktop';
'Content Server'=0x1F4BD;
'NetBIOS' =0x1F5A7;
'Network share' =0x1F4C2;
'Remote shell' =0x1F4BB;
'Remote desktop'=0x1F5B3;
Filter TransformConfig {
#launder the input so its persistent
$machine=$_ | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 32 -Compress | ConvertFrom-Json
class Machine {
$ignore=$machine.ignore -or $machine.disable
#if we have a machine address, feed it on
if ($machine.address) {
#if we have services
if (!$ {
$ `
| %{
class Service : Machine {
$address=($machine.address,$service.address -match '.')[0]
$reverse=$service.reverse -or $machine.reverse
$ignore=$service.ignore -or $machine.disable
Service($name, $port, $proto, $reverse, $ignore) {
$this.service=@($this.service,$name) -match '.' -join ' - '
$this.reverse=$this.reverse -or $reverse
$this.ignore=$this.ignore -or $ignore
#process them and feed them on
if ($service.port) {
else {
} `
| &{
Begin { $start=$True }
Process {
$ignore=$_ | ?{ $_ -eq $NULL } | %{ $True } | Select-Object -First 1
$_=$_ | ?{ $_ -ne $NULL }
$proto =$_ | ?{ $protocols[$_] } | Select-Object -First 1
$port =$_ | ?{ $_ -is [int] } | Select-Object -First 1
$name =$_ | ?{ $_ -is [string] -and $_ -ne $proto } | Select-Object -Last 1
$reverse=$_ | ?{ $_ -is [bool] } | %{ !$_ } | Select-Object -First 1
if ($port) {}
elseif ($proto) {
else {
Write-Error 'Unknown protocol' -TargetObject ($_ | ConvertTo-Json -Compress)
$name=if ($start -and $ -and !$name) {
elseif ($name -or $proto) {
if (!$name) {
if ($names[$name]) {
else {
else {
[Service]::new($name, $port, ('tcp','ssl')[$proto -eq 'https'], $reverse, $ignore)
if ($proto) {
[Service]::new($name, $port, $proto, $reverse, $ignore)
$tcpTest={ Param($address, $port, $proxy, $SecurityProtocol)
$socket=New-Object System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient
try {
$result=$socket.BeginConnect($address, $port, $NULL, $NULL)
if (!$result.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(5000, $False)) {
throw [System.Exception]::new('Connection Timeout')
$socket.EndConnect($result) | Out-Null
if ($SecurityProtocol) {
(New-object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509CertificateCollection),
if (!$result.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(5000, $False)) {
throw [System.Exception]::new('Connection Timeout')
#$ssl.IsEncrypted -and $ssl.IsAuthenticated
else {
if ($proxy) {
$Input `
| Add-Member `
-MemberType NoteProperty `
-Name info `
-Value 'Test succeeded without proxy'
catch {
if ($proxy -and !$SecurityProtocol) {
$Input `
| Add-Member `
-MemberType NoteProperty `
-Force `
-Name ignore `
-Value $True
'Unable to test raw TCP, HTTP proxy cannot permit it'
else {
finally {
$httpsSync={ Param($request, $SecurityProtocol)
if ($SecurityProtocol) {
$Test={ Param([parameter(Position=0)]$x)
Switch -regex ($x.input.proto) {
'^icmp$' {
$x.job=Test-Connection `
-ComputerName $x.input.address `
-Count 1 `
-ThrottleLimit 1 `
'^(tcp|ssl)$' {
SecurityProtocol=($NULL,$x.args.SecurityProtocol)[$x.input.proto -eq 'ssl']
'^(http|https)$' {
# if ($x.args.Expect100Continue) {
# [Net.ServicePointManager]::Expect100Continue=$x.args.Expect100Continue
# }
($x.input.proto -replace '^tcp$','http'),
if ($x.params.Credentials) {
if ($x.params.Proxy) {
$x.params.Proxy.GetProxy($uri) -replace '(?<=^http)s(?=:)',''
if ($proxy.Address.Host -ne $uri.Host) {
$x.input `
| Add-Member `
-MemberType NoteProperty `
-Name proxy `
-Value $proxy.Address.AbsoluteUri
if ($x.input.proto -eq 'http') {
else {
#maybe we do want to test this for MITM attacks?
#dont bother assessing the certificates
return $True
Function Analyse {
Begin { $script:failed=0 }
Process {
'up','good','info' | %{
if (!$result.($_)) {
$result | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $_ -Value $NULL
if ($response.Response -is [System.Net.HttpWebResponse]) {
elseif ($response.InnerException) {
$result.up=Switch -regex ($result.proto) {
{$response -is [Exception]} {
'^icmp$' {
$ -exact ($response.StatusCode) {
0 { $up=$True; }
11001 { 'Buffer Too Small' }
11002 { 'Destination Net Unreachable' }
11003 { 'Destination Host Unreachable' }
11004 { 'Destination Protocol Unreachable' }
11005 { 'Destination Port Unreachable' }
11006 { 'No Resources' }
11007 { 'Bad Option' }
11008 { 'Hardware Error' }
11009 { 'Packet Too Big' }
11010 { 'Request Timed Out' }
11011 { 'Bad Request' }
11012 { 'Bad Route' }
11013 { 'TimeToLive Expired Transit' }
11014 { 'TimeToLive Expired Reassembly' }
11015 { 'Parameter Problem' }
11016 { 'Source Quench' }
11017 { 'Option Too Big' }
11018 { 'Bad Destination' }
11032 { 'Negotiating IPSEC' }
11050 { 'General Failure' }
'^tcp$' {
'^(http|https)$' {
$"$up`: $($response.StatusDescription)"
$result `
| Add-Member `
-MemberType NoteProperty `
-Name url `
-Value $response.ResponseUri
if ($up -ge 200 -and $up -le 299) {
if ($up -eq 200) {
elseif ($up -ge 300 -and $up -le 399) {
$"$up`: $to"
if (
#it's not relative
$to -match '^[^?#/]*:' -and `
!(#and going to a different domain
$to -replace '^[^?#/:]*:(?://|)([^/:]*)(?:[/:].*|)$','$1'
) {
#not needing login
elseif ($up -ne 401 -and $up -ne 403) {
if ($response) {
#broken depends on whether the service is -meant- to be up
$result.good=(!$result.up) -ne (!$result.reverse)
if (!($result.ignore -or $result.good)) {
Title ("$failed FAILED! " + (
($result `
| Get-Member -Name machine,name,address,port,proto `
| %{$result.($_.Name)} `
) -join ' '
Function Print {
Begin {
Process {
$x=$_ | Select-Object $print
$colour=@($,$[$_.good -or $_.ignore]
if ($_.ignore) {
#colour the tick
elseif ($_.good) {
else {
#tick character (actually a sqrt because PS doesnt have good unicode yet)
@(0x221A, 'DOWN')[!$x.up]
} `
| Unicode
# $x.address=Hyperlink -Link $_.url -Text $x.address
$x.machine=$,$x.machine -join ''
$x.service=$,$x.service -join ''
$x.address=$,$x.address -join ''
$x.proto=$style.underline,$color,$x.proto,$style.nounderline -join ''
$x.port=$colour,$x.port -join ''
$info=$,'{0}',$,$style.fg.default,$style.nounderline,$style.default -join ''
$x `
| Clone `
| %{
$_.machine=$_._,$_.machine,$_._ -join ''
$$info -f $
#output the result to the console as we go
$print `
| %{
$(switch -exact ($_) {
'info' {
if ($ -and !$x.good) {
Wrap `
-Length ($Host.UI.RawUI.WindowSize.Width - 10) `
($info -f $ `
) -replace '^|\r?\n|$',"$([System.Environment]::NewLine)`t"
Default { $x.($_) }
}) -replace '^$',"`t"
} `
| Concat -Join "`t" `
| Write-Host
Function Present {
Begin {
'CP1|CP3|CP5|CP9' =0x1F5A8;
'PUBLIC' =0x1F30E;
'skype' =0x1F4DE;
'DC' =0x1F5C4;
'DR' =0x1F5C3;
'TEST' =0x1F5B0;
'..WEB' =0x1F30F;
'proxmox' =0x1F5A5;
'UPS' =0x1F50C;
$up=0x1F4A1 | Unicode
Process {
if ($_.port) {
$$ -replace '(?<=[:.])[^\S\r\n]+',[System.Environment]::NewLine
$_ | Clone
$ -Length 55 $
if ($_.ignore) {
elseif ($_.good) {
else {
) `
| Unicode
$_ `
| Add-Member `
-MemberType NoteProperty `
-Name $up `
-Value (
if ($_.up) {
$$ -replace '^(?=.)',(0x1F6C8,0xA0 | Unicode)
else {
$$ -replace '^(?=.)',(0x26A0,0xFE0F,0xA0 | Unicode)
) `
| Unicode
$machineIcons.GetEnumerator() `
| &{
Param([parameter(Position=0)]$x, [parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$True)]$y)
Process {
$x.machine=$x.machine -creplace "^(?=$($y.Key)$)",($y.Value,0xA0 | Unicode)
} $_
$icons.GetEnumerator() `
| &{
Param([parameter(Position=0)]$x, [parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$True)]$y)
Process {
$x.service=$x.service -replace "^(?:.* - |)$($y.Key)`$",($y.Value,0xA0,'$0' | Unicode)
} $_
$_.service=$_.service `
-replace '^redirect$',(0x21BA | Unicode) `
-replace '^ping$',(0x2911 | Unicode)
#pipe the result to the table generator
$_ `
| Select-Object $show `
| Add-Member `
-MemberType NoteProperty `
-PassThru `
-Name _ `
-Value (
$_ `
| Select-Object $hide `
| Add-Member `
-MemberType ScriptMethod `
-Name ToString `
-Value {''} `
-Force `
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