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Last active October 16, 2023 16:14
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Useful utils for pwsh
#just to name the gist as per
#asynchronous - How to execute a PowerShell function several times in parallel? - Stack Overflow
. "$PSScriptRoot/asynclet.ps1"
#asynchronously run a pool of tasks,
#and aggregate the results back into a synchronous output
Function Async { Param(
#maximum permitted simultaneous background tasks
[int]$BatchSize = [int]$env:NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS * 3,
#number of items received in the input to cache before instantiating a single job to process in bulk
#only takes effect if -AsJob is false
[int]$Collate = 1,
#the task that accepts input on a pipe to execute in the background
#may be a string representing a cmdlet
#output data as soon as it's received from each asynchronous process
#the default is to output all data from processes at each of their conclusions
#because your task is in a subshell you wont have access to your outer scope,
#you may pass them in here
[array]$ArgumentList = @(),
[System.Collections.IDictionary]$Parameters = @{},
#the title of the progress bar
[string]$Name = 'Processing',
#instead of being backgrounded itself, your -Func may return a [Job]/[Task]
#it must accept @{job;input;args;params} as its only argument, and insert the job to that object
#optionally job may be a [scriptblock] which will be backgrounded, in which case you should overwrite input, args, and params as well
#if you know the number of tasks ahead of time,
#providing it here will have the progress bar show an ETA
#outputs of this stream will be @{job;input;error} where job is the result
#the time it takes to give up on one job type if there are others waiting
[int]$Retry = 5,
Begin {
$ArgumentList = [Array]::AsReadOnly($ArgumentList)
$Parameters = $Parameters.GetEnumerator() `
| &{
Begin { $params=[ordered]@{} }
Process { $params.Add($_.Key, $_.Value) }
End { $params.AsReadOnly() }
#the currently running background tasks
$running = @{}
$counts = [PSCustomObject]@{
completed = 0
jobs = 0
tasks = 0
results = 0
#a lazy attempt at uniquely IDing this instance for Write-Progress
$asyncId = Get-Random
#a timer for Write-Progress
$timer = [system.diagnostics.stopwatch]::StartNew()
$bulk = [PSCustomObject]@{
pwsh = $NULL
count = 0
$inputs = @{}
$pool = [RunspaceFactory]::CreateRunspacePool(1, $BatchSize)
#called whenever we want to update the progress bar
Function Progress { Param($Reason)
#calculate ETA if applicable
$eta = -1
$total = [math]::Max(1, $counts.completed + $running.Count)
if ($Expected) {
$total = [math]::Max($total, [math]::Ceiling($Expected / $Collate))
if ($counts.completed) {
$eta = (
($total - $counts.completed) * `
$timer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds / `
$Reason=Switch -regex ($Reason) {
'^done$' { "Finishing up the final $($running.Count) jobs." }
'^(do|next)$' { "
jobs concurrently.
$(@('Adding','Waiting to add')[!($Reason -eq 'do')])
job #
$($counts.completed + $running.Count + 1)
" -replace '\r?\n\t*','' }
Default { "
Running $($running.Count) jobs concurrently.
$(@{1='st';2='nd';3='rd'}[$counts.completed % 10] -replace '^$','th')
" -replace '\r?\n\t*','' }
Write-Progress `
-Id $asyncId `
-Activity $Name `
-SecondsRemaining $eta `
-Status ("
jobs completed in
$($timer.Elapsed.Seconds -replace '^(.)$','0$1')
" -replace '\r?\n\t*','') `
-CurrentOperation $Reason `
-PercentComplete (100 * $counts.completed / $total)
#called with the [Job]'s that have completed
Filter Done {
$job = $NULL
$id = $_.Id
$error = $NULL
$in = $inputs.Item($Id)
if ($_ -is [System.Management.Automation.Job]) {
try {
$job = $_ | Receive-Job
catch {
$error = $_
elseif ($_.pwsh) {
try {
$job = $_.pwsh.done()
catch {
$error = $_.Exception.InnerException
elseif ($_.IsFaulted) {
$error = $_.Exception.InnerException
else {
$job = $_.Result
if ($PassThru) {
job = $job
input = $in
error = $error
elseif ($error -and !$IgnoreError) {
throw $error
else {
$handle = { $_.AsyncWaitHandle }
$isJob = { $_ -is [System.Management.Automation.Job] }
$isTask = { $_ -is [System.Threading.Tasks.Task] }
$isResult = { $_ -is [IAsyncResult] }
$isFinished = {
$_.IsCompleted -or `
$_.JobStateInfo.State -gt 1 -and
$_.JobStateInfo.State -ne 6 -and
$_.JobStateInfo.State -ne 8
Function Jobs { Param($Filter)
$running.Values | ? $Filter
#called whenever we need to wait for at least one task to completed
#outputs the completed tasks
Function Wait { Param([switch]$Finishing)
#if we are at the max background tasks this instant
while ($running.Count -ge $BatchSize) {
Progress -Reason @('done','next')[!$Finishing]
if ($Immediate) {
Jobs -Filter { $_.pwsh.has() } `
| %{ $_.pwsh.readAll() }
$value = @('jobs', 'tasks', 'results') `
| %{ $counts.($_) } `
| measure -Maximum -Sum
$wait =`
if ($value.Maximum -lt $value.Sum) {
else {
$value = Switch -exact ($value.Maximum) {
$ {
(Wait-Job `
-Any `
-Job (Jobs -Filter $isJob) `
-Timeout $wait
).Count -lt 1
#[task]s have `AsyncWaitHandle`s just like [IAsyncResult]s, so there's no need for specific code
# $counts.tasks {
# [System.Threading.Tasks.Task]::WaitAny(
# (Jobs -Filter $isTask),
# [math]::Max($wait * 1000, -1)
# ) -lt 0
# break
# }
# $counts.results {
# [System.Threading.WaitHandle]::WaitAny(
# (Jobs -Filter $isResult | % $handle),
# [math]::Max($wait * 1000, -1)
# ) -eq [System.Threading.WaitHandle]::WaitTimeout
# break
# }
Default {
(Jobs -Filter $handle | % $handle),
[math]::Max($wait * 1000, -1)
) -eq [System.Threading.WaitHandle]::WaitTimeout
(Jobs -Filter $isFinished) | Done
Function Run { Param($run=$NULL)
Progress -Reason 'do'
$run = [PSCustomObject]@{
input = $run
job = $Func
args = $ArgumentList
params = $Parameters
if ($AsJob) {
$run.job = $NULL
Invoke-Command `
-ScriptBlock $Func `
-ArgumentList @($run) `
| Out-Null
if ($run.job | % $isJob) {
elseif ($run.job | % $isTask) {
#if we weren't given a [Job] we need to spawn it for them
else {#if ($run.job -is [ScriptBlock]) {
if ($Asynclet) {
$bulk.pwsh = $Asynclet::new($pool, $run.job, $run.params, $run.args)
else {
$bulk.pwsh = [Asynclet]::new($pool, $run.job, $run.params, $run.args)
$run.job = $bulk.pwsh.job `
| Add-Member `
-MemberType NoteProperty `
-Name pwsh `
-Value $bulk.pwsh `
-PassThru `
| Add-Member `
-MemberType NoteProperty `
-Name Id `
-Value $bulk.pwsh.job.AsyncWaitHandle.Handle.ToString() `
if ($AsJob) {
$run.input | %{ $bulk.pwsh.input($_) }
# else {
# throw "$($run.job.GetType()) needs to be a ScriptBlock"
# }
$running.Add($run.job.Id, $run.job) | Out-Null
if ($PassThru) {
$inputs.Add($run.job.Id, $run.input) | Out-Null
#accepts inputs to spawn a new background task with
Process {
if ($AsJob) {
Run -run $_
if (!$bulk.pwsh) {
$bulk.count = 0
if (++$bulk.count -ge $Collate) {
$bulk.pwsh = $NULL
End {
if ($bulk.pwsh -and !$AsJob) {
#wait for the remaining running processes
Wait -Finishing
Write-Progress -Id $asyncId -Activity $Name -Completed
#allows you to run a cmdlet seperate to the script's program-flow, and pipe data in
#at various points of the program, passing the cmdlet instance, and getting the
#resultant stream later
class Asynclet {
hidden init(
) {
if ($pool) {
$this.pwsh.RunspacePool = $pool
if ($Cmdlet -is [ScriptBlock]) {
else {
$ArgumentList | %{ $this.pwsh.AddArgument($_) }
$this.job=$this.pwsh.AddParameters($Parameters).BeginInvoke($this.put, $this.out)
Asynclet( [string] $Cmdlet, [System.Collections.IDictionary]$Parameters, [array]$ArgumentList) { $this.init($Cmdlet, $Parameters, $ArgumentList, $NULL) }
Asynclet( [string] $Cmdlet, [System.Collections.IDictionary]$Parameters ) { $this.init($Cmdlet, $Parameters, @() , $NULL) }
Asynclet( [string] $Cmdlet, [array]$ArgumentList) { $this.init($Cmdlet, @{} , $ArgumentList, $NULL) }
Asynclet( [string] $Cmdlet ) { $this.init($Cmdlet, @{} , @() , $NULL) }
Asynclet( [scriptblock]$Cmdlet, [System.Collections.IDictionary]$Parameters, [array]$ArgumentList) { $this.init($Cmdlet, $Parameters, $ArgumentList, $NULL) }
Asynclet( [scriptblock]$Cmdlet, [System.Collections.IDictionary]$Parameters ) { $this.init($Cmdlet, $Parameters, @() , $NULL) }
Asynclet( [scriptblock]$Cmdlet, [array]$ArgumentList) { $this.init($Cmdlet, @{} , $ArgumentList, $NULL) }
Asynclet( [scriptblock]$Cmdlet ) { $this.init($Cmdlet, @{} , @() , $NULL) }
Asynclet([System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.RunspacePool]$pool, [string] $Cmdlet, [System.Collections.IDictionary]$Parameters, [array]$ArgumentList) { $this.init($Cmdlet, $Parameters, $ArgumentList, $pool) }
Asynclet([System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.RunspacePool]$pool, [string] $Cmdlet, [System.Collections.IDictionary]$Parameters ) { $this.init($Cmdlet, $Parameters, @() , $pool) }
Asynclet([System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.RunspacePool]$pool, [string] $Cmdlet, [array]$ArgumentList) { $this.init($Cmdlet, @{} , $ArgumentList, $pool) }
Asynclet([System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.RunspacePool]$pool, [string] $Cmdlet ) { $this.init($Cmdlet, @{} , @() , $pool) }
Asynclet([System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.RunspacePool]$pool, [scriptblock]$Cmdlet, [System.Collections.IDictionary]$Parameters, [array]$ArgumentList) { $this.init($Cmdlet, $Parameters, $ArgumentList, $pool) }
Asynclet([System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.RunspacePool]$pool, [scriptblock]$Cmdlet, [System.Collections.IDictionary]$Parameters ) { $this.init($Cmdlet, $Parameters, @() , $pool) }
Asynclet([System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.RunspacePool]$pool, [scriptblock]$Cmdlet, [array]$ArgumentList) { $this.init($Cmdlet, @{} , $ArgumentList, $pool) }
Asynclet([System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.RunspacePool]$pool, [scriptblock]$Cmdlet ) { $this.init($Cmdlet, @{} , @() , $pool) }
input([PSObject]$object) {
input() {
[int] has() {
return $this.out.Count
#TODO currently errors only propagate on EndInvoke(), we should throw them on any read()
hidden $pull={
if ($EventSubscriber) {
$EventSubscriber | Unregister-Event
[PSObject] read() {
return $(
if ($this.has()) {
else {
Register-ObjectEvent `
-InputObject $this.out `
-EventName DataAdded `
-Action $this.pull `
| Receive-Job
[PSObject[]] readAll() {
return $this.out.ReadAll()
[PSObject[]] done() {
try {
if ($this.put.IsOpen) {
return $this.readAll()
finally {
Function _Clone {
Begin {
Process {
$output | Add-Member `
-Force `
-MemberType ($_.MemberType -replace '^(?=Property$)','Note') `
-Name $_.Name `
-Value $Object.($_.Name)
End {
Filter Clone {
$_ `
| Get-Member -MemberType Properties,ScriptMethod `
| _Clone -Object $_
Function Concat {
Param ([switch]$Newlines, $Wrap, $Begin='', $End='', $Join='')
Begin {
if ($Newlines) {
if (!$Wrap) {
$output.Append($Begin) | Out-Null
elseif ($Wrap -is [string]) {
$output.Append(($End=$Wrap)) | Out-Null
else {
$output.Append($Wrap[0]) | Out-Null
Process {
if (!($_=[string]$_).length) {
elseif ($deliniate) {
$output.Append($deliniate) | Out-Null
$output.Append($_) | Out-Null
else {
$output.Append($_) | Out-Null
End {
Filter AbsolutePath {
($_ | Get-Item -Force).FullName
Function Ancestors { Param([switch]$File)
#this needs to be a function for grep.ps1 who steals this as a scriptblock
Process {
$dir = $_ | Get-Item -Force
if ($dir -is [System.IO.FileInfo]) {
if ($File) {
$dir = $dir.Directory
while ($dir) {
#terminating slashes are only included in `.FullName` if `gi` was called with one or it is a root
#let's just make this consistent..
$dir.FullName -replace '(?<=[^\\/])$',[IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar
$dir = $dir.Parent
} }
#A much better alternative to `Resolve-Path -Relative`, the following problems with that are fixed here:
# - returns broken paths if input is not on the same resource
# - returns broken paths if $PWD or input is a UNC path (even if it's the same resource)
# - if you want to resolve from a location other than $PWD you cannot
#On top of those improvements, this differs from other third-party algorithms online in that this actually uses the filesystem not interpreted strings,
#this means that it intrinsically follows any rules of hierarchy and doesn't need to be aware at all of any syntax rules.
#However, this does mean that the items need to exist on a mount; hypothetical paths wont resolve.
#You can pass in a result from `Ancestors` directly into `-From` if you're calling this function outside of a pipe repeatedly
Function RelativePath { Param(
Begin {
if ($From -isnot [array]) {
$From = @($From | Ancestors)
Process {
$To = $_
if ($To -isnot [array]) {
$To = @($To | Ancestors -File)
$toIndex = $To.Count - $From.Count
$fromIndex = 0
if ($toIndex -lt 0) {
$fromIndex = -$toIndex
$toIndex = 0
while ($True) {
if ($fromIndex -ge $From.Count) {
return $To[0]
if ($From[$fromIndex] -eq $To[$toIndex]) {
$output = ''
while (--$fromIndex -ge 0) {
$output += '..' + [IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar
if (!$output) {
$output = '.' + [IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar
$output + $To[0].SubString($To[$toIndex].Length)
$encoding = [System.Text.UTF8Encoding]::new($False)
Filter Gunzip {
$stream = $NULL
$gzip = $NULL
try {
$stream = [System.IO.FileStream]::new(
$gzip = [System.IO.Compression.GZipStream]::new(
[System.IO.StreamReader]::new($gzip, $encoding).ReadToEnd()
finally {
Function Html {
Begin {
Function Safe {
Param ($Text)
return (
$Text -split '\r?\n' `
| %{ [System.Net.WebUtility]::HtmlEncode($_) }
) -join '<br>'
Function Row {
Param ($Data, $Url)
Begin {
Process {
@('<td {0}>','<th {0}>')[$row -eq $NULL] `
-f @('','style="background-color:#f9fafb"')[!$row]
$content=@($Data.($_.Name),$_.Name)[$row -eq $NULL]
if ($_.Name -eq 'address' -and $Url) {
'<a href="'
Safe -Text $Url
Safe -Text $content
else {
Safe -Text $content
@('</td>','</th>')[$row -eq $NULL]
End {
'<table cellspacing="5" cellpadding="5">'
Process {
if ($row -eq $NULL) {
$_.PsObject.Properties | Row -Data $_
$_.PsObject.Properties | Row -Data $_ -Url $_._.url
End {
#dot-source this script with a reference to a function defining your variables that returns any wanted unconsumed arguments
#if this script returns nothing, you must error code 1
#eg `if (!($args = . ./PermitArrays.ps1 (Get-Command Params) $args)) { Exit 1 }`
#The parameters as declared in Params will now be defined in your scope, and a correctly populated args is returned.
#Permits multiple identical flags and respects end-of-parameters '--'
# NB for whoever is calling your code
# within powershell, '--' must be '`--'
# outside powershell, '-switchParam:$True' must be '-switchParam=true' ([bool] params may remain '-param:false')
Param($_command, $_arguments)
try {
$_params = @{''=[System.Collections.ArrayList]@()}
$_types = @{}
$_command.Parameters.Values `
| %{
$_checking = $_
if ($_checking.Aliases -in 'vb','db','ea','wa','infa','ev','wv','iv','ov','ob','pv') {
@($_checking.Name) + $_checking.Aliases `
| %{
if ($_checking.SwitchParameter) {
$_checking = 'switch'
elseif ($_checking.ParameterType -eq [bool]) {
$_checking = 'bool'
else {
$_checking = ''
$_types[$_] = $_checking
$_arguments = [System.Collections.Queue]$_arguments
for ($_arg = $NULL; $_arguments.Count;) {
$_checking = $_arguments.Dequeue()
$_keep = $False
if ('--' -eq $_checking) {
elseif (
$_checking -match '^--?' -and
$_types.ContainsKey(($_checking -replace '^--?|(:|=.*)$',''))
) {
$_arg = ($_checking -replace '^--?|(:|=.*)$')
#when calling from bash, '-x:False' is preprocessed by pwsh and made ambiguous with '-x $False'
#so I'm introducing '-x=False'
if ($_checking -match '=') {
$_checking = $_checking -replace '^[^=]*=',''
if (
($_types[$_arg] -in 'bool','switch') -and
($_checking -in 'True','False','1','0')
) {
$_checking = $_checking -in 'True','1'
elseif (
($_types[$_arg] -eq 'switch') -and
($_checking -notmatch ':$')
) {
$_checking = $True
else {
$_keep = $True
$_checking = $NULL
if ($_params.ContainsKey($_arg)) {
#Issue if calling from pwsh and passing objects that have Count defined, such as trying to create arrays of arrays.
#Remember I wanted 'multiple arguments', even if that ends up being represented as an array, I'm not implementing 'array passing'.
#I've added support to calling from pwsh as much as I can, but I'm not going to support mixing multiple AND array arguments on the same parameters.
if ($_params[$_arg].Count -lt 2) {
$_params[$_arg] = @($_params[$_arg])
$_params[$_arg] += ,$_checking
else {
$_params[$_arg] = $_checking
elseif ($_arg) {
if (
($_types[$_arg] -eq 'switch') -and
($_checking -in 'True','False')
) {
$_checking = $_checking -match 'True'
if ($_params[$_arg].Count -lt 2) {
$_params[$_arg] = $_checking
else {
$_params[$_arg][-1] = $_checking
else {
$_params[''].Add($_checking) >$NULL
if (!$_keep) {
$_arg = $NULL
$_keep = $_params['']
$_keep = . $_command @_params @_keep
return ,@($_keep + $_arguments)
#mimic the real ParameterArgumentTransformationError message
catch {
#Write-Error doesn't listen to ConciseView
if ($ErrorView -eq 'ConciseView') {
[Console]::ForegroundColor = 'red'
[Console]::Error.WriteLine("$((Get-PSCallStack)[1].Command): $($_.Exception.Message)")
else {
Write-Error `
-Message $_.Exception.Message `
-Category $_.CategoryInfo.Category `
-ErrorId $_.Exception.ErrorId
#none of the other options seem to be able to replace the leading "./Params.ps1 : "
finally {
#on top of the attempted non-clobbering with underscoring, actually delete the variables too
Remove-Variable _arguments,_command,_params,_checking,_types,_arg,_keep
#List of all colors available for PowerShell? - Stack Overflow
. "$PSScriptRoot/unicode.ps1"
#console colours (VT escape sequences)
#ones in double quotes dont work in Windows terminals
0, 'default', 'heavy', "soft", 'italic', 'underline', "blink", "rapid", 'negative', "conceal", "strike",
21, "double", 'noweight', 'noitalic', 'nounderline', 'noblink',
27, 'nonegative', 'noconceal', 'nostrike',
10, 'default', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'fractur',
30, 'black', 'red', 'green', 'yellow', 'blue', 'magenta', 'cyan', 'white',
39, 'default',
40, 'black', 'red', 'green', 'yellow', 'blue', 'magenta', 'cyan', 'white',
49, 'default',
90, 'black', 'red', 'green', 'yellow', 'blue', 'magenta', 'cyan', 'white',
100, 'black', 'red', 'green', 'yellow', 'blue', 'magenta', 'cyan', 'white',
51, 'frame', 'circle', 'line', 'default', 'noline',
60, 'ur', 'dur', 'ol', 'dol', 'stress', 'default'
) `
| &{
Begin {
$sequence=27,'[{0}m' | Unicode
rgb=$sequence -f '38;2;{0};{1};{2}'
x=$sequence -f '38;5;{0}'
rgb=$sequence -f '48;2;{0};{1};{2}'
x=$sequence -f '48;5;{0}'
Process {
Switch -regex ($_) {
'^\d' { $index=$_ }
'^_' {
$_=$_ -replace '^.',''
if (!$style[$_]) {
Default {
$current[$_]=$sequence -f $index++
End {
#writes hyperlinks; although it only works on Mac/Gnome terminals
Function Hyperlink { Param($Link, $Text)
27,']8;;',$Link,7,$Text,27,']8;;',7 | Unicode
#takes in a stream of strings and integers,
#where integers are unicode codepoints,
#and concatenates these into valid UTF16
Function Unicode {
Begin {
Process {
if ($_ -is [string]) {
elseif ($_ -lt 256) {
else {
)) `
| Out-Null
End { $output.ToString() }
. "$PSScriptRoot/unicode.ps1"
#Writes titles
$_TITLE=(Get-Process -Id $PID).MainWindowTitle
Function Title { Param([parameter(Position=0)][string]$text)
$script:_TITLE=$text -replace '^(.{251}).*$','$1...'
27,']0;',$_TITLE,7 | Unicode | Write-Host -NoNewline
Function BringToFront {
(New-Object -ComObject WScript.Shell).AppActivate($args[0]) | Out-Null
Function ResetScreen {
Param (
Begin {
Function Perform {
if ($Wipe) {
try {
[System.Console]::SetWindowPosition(0, [System.Console]::CursorTop)
catch {}
if (!($Before -or $During -or $After)) {
if ($Before) {
Process {
if ($During) {
End {
if ($After) {
#Is there a way to wordwrap results of a Powershell cmdlet? - Stack Overflow
. "$PSScriptRoot/concat.ps1"
Function _Wrap {
Param ($Length, $Step, $Force)
$wrap=$Force -join '' -replace '\\|]|-','\$0'
if ($wrap) {
for (
($next=$Length - $Step) -gt 0 -and ($prev=$extra + $Step);
) {
Function Wrap {
Param (
$key="$Length $Step $Force"
if (!$wrap) {
$wrap=$_WRAP[$key]=_Wrap `
-Length $Length `
-Step $Step `
-Force ($Force -join '') `
| Concat -Join '|' -Wrap '(',')(?:[^\n\r\S])+'
return $Text -replace $wrap,$_WRAP['']
Copy link

Hashbrown777 commented Jul 21, 2023


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