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Last active June 15, 2021 06:39
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Save Hashbrown777/f41554e32b3e7a6a8023a6767a9a4798 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Gets all your unread emails from all your accounts and subdirectories in outlook and presents them to you in a table
. ./async.ps1
. ./asynclet.ps1
. ./unicode.ps1
. ./windows.ps1
. ./wrap.ps1
$_TABLE_TITLE = 'The powershell window will show progress. You can email or run again by making a selection'
$timer = [system.diagnostics.stopwatch]::StartNew()
$selection = [Asynclet]::new(
@{PassThru=$True; Title=$_TABLE_TITLE}
$now = Get-Date
$outlook = New-Object -ComObject 'Outlook.Application'
$asyncId = Get-Random
Write-Progress -Id $asyncId -Activity 'Getting folders'
$emails = $outlook.GetNamespace('mapi') `
| %{
$total = 0
$complete = 0
For (
$folders = [System.Collections.Stack]@($_.Folders);
) {
$folder = $folders.Pop()
$location = $folder.FolderPath
$path = $location -replace '^\\\\|@[^\\]+(?=\\)','' -replace '\\',"`t"
Switch -Regex ($path) {
'^<<REDACTED>>(\t[^\t]+)*\t(_read|archive)$' {}
'^<<REDACTED>>\tInbox\t(JIRA|Peeps\t<<REDACTED>>)$' {}
'^([^\t]+)\t(Calendar|Files|Outbox|Contacts|Junk Email|Sync Issues|(Sent|Deleted) Items|Archive)$' {}
Default {
$total -= $folders.Count
$folder.Folders `
| %{ $folders.Push($_) }
$total += $folders.Count
,(@($path, $location),$folder.Items)
Write-Progress `
-Id $asyncId `
-Activity 'Getting folders' `
-Status $path `
-PercentComplete (100 * ++$complete / $total)
Write-Progress -Id $asyncId -Activity 'Getting folders' -Completed
} `
| Async `
-Name 'Processing Emails' `
-BatchSize 5 `
-Parameters @{
til = $now.Add([timespan]::new(1, 0, 0, 0))
from = $now.Subtract([timespan]::new(28, 0, 0, 0))
now = $now
} `
-Func {
Param($til, $from, $now)
$path = $NULL
$location = $NULL
$Input `
| %{
if ($path) {
else {
$path = $_[0]
$location = $_[1]
} `
| ?{
$_.Unread -and
$_.SentOn -gt $from -and
$_.SentOn -lt $til
} `
| %{
$item = $path
if ($item -notmatch '^<<REDACTED>>\tInbox\tPeeps') {
$email = $_.SenderEmailAddress()
$item += "`t" + ($email,$_.SenderName())[
$_.SenderEmailType() -eq 'EX' -or
$email -match '$'
Item = $item
Subject = $_.Subject
Ago = $now - $_.SentOn
Sent = $_.SentOn
_ = $_
} `
| ?{ $_ } `
| %{ #around June 2021 pwsh runtimes stopped being able to return PSCustomObject's for some reason, rebuild it from the returnable hashtable above
Item = $_['Item']
Subject = $_['Subject']
Ago = $_['Ago']
Sent = $_['Sent']
_ = $_['_']
} `
| %{
$_.Item = (
$_.Item `
-replace '(?=\+61)',(0x1F4DE | Unicode) `
-creplace '(?<=PCO\t)(?=All)',(0x1F4E2 | Unicode) `
-creplace '\tInbox(?=\t)','' `
-creplace '^<<REDACTED>>\t','' `
-replace '(?<=\t)(?!= )',' '
$_.Subject = Wrap (
0x1F4E9,' ',($_.Subject -replace '^((re|fwd?): *)+','') `
| Unicode
$_.Ago = (.{
Switch ($_.Ago) {
{ $_.TotalMinutes -lt 90 } { [Math]::Ceiling($_.TotalMinutes),'min' ; break }
{ $_.TotalHours -lt 24 } { [Math]::Ceiling($_.TotalHours ),'hrs' ; break }
{ $_.TotalDays -lt 14 } { [Math]::Ceiling($_.TotalDays ),'days'; break }
Default {
[Math]::Ceiling($_.TotalDays / 7),'wks'
}) -join ''
$_.Sent = $_.Sent.ToString((
'MM/dd ',
' HH:mm ',
$_.Sent.Hour -lt 9 -or $_.Sent.Hour -gt 18
) `
| Unicode
#main loop
For ($continue = $True; $continue;) {
if (!$selection) {
$timer = [system.diagnostics.stopwatch]::StartNew()
$selection = [Asynclet]::new(
@{PassThru=$True; Title=$_TABLE_TITLE}
$emails `
| %{
Completed in
$($timer.Elapsed.Seconds -replace '^(.)$','0$1')
" -replace '\r?\n\t*','')
Title 'You may now make a selection and close the table'
BringToFront $_TABLE_TITLE
try {
catch {
$NULL | ResetScreen
BringToFront $_TITLE
$remove = @{}
$selection `
| %{
$remove[($_.Item + $_.Sent) -replace '[^\x00-\xFF]',''] = $True
$emails = $emails `
| ?{ !$remove[($_.Item + $_.Sent) -replace '[^\x00-\xFF]',''] }
Title "$($selection.Count) of $($emails.Count + $selection.Count) unread emails selected"
#finish up with a total time and wait for the user to close
Switch -exact ($Host.UI.PromptForChoice(
'What would you like to do now?',
('E&xit', 'Go &back', '&Open', '&Filter', '&Reverse selection'),
#make sure exit is selected
)) {
0 {
$continue = $False
1 {
$emails += $selection
2 {
$selection `
| %{
4 {
$emails = $selection
$selection = $NULL
'Good work ',0x1F44D | Unicode
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