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Created January 30, 2022 16:10
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Timestamp,Do you prepare meat for yourself or others ?,What is your current age? ,What is your gender ? (Self-describe using 'other.'),Identify your country or territory of origin,Identify your current country or territory of residency,Current U.S. state of residence ,"What is your ""race""? (Categories are those used by the U.S. Census Bureau — check all that apply.)","Are you of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin?",How often do you prepare a meal in your household?,How many people are in your household?,How important is food safety to you when you cook?,"Which of the following do you do regularly when cooking, preparing and consuming food products? (Check all that apply)","Before you begin to prepare food in your kitchen, how often do you wash your hands with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds?",Please indicate how often you do each of the following [Use different plates for handling raw meat and cooked meat],"Please indicate how often you do each of the following [Use a food thermometer to check the doneness for red meat, pork or poultry]",Please indicate how often you do each of the following [Not wash utensils used to handle raw food before they are used for cooked food],Please indicate how often you do each of the following [Use the same cutting board without cleaning it with hot soapy water between using it for raw meat or chicken and using it for ready-to-eat food],Please indicate how often you do each of the following [Leave perishable food out of the refrigerator for more than two hours],"For each of the following raw meats, please check the box if you commonly wash or do not wash it before cooking. If you don’t eat it at all, leave the boxes blank. (Categories are those identified by the U.N. FAO as the most globally popular meats, plus fish and ground meat.) [Pork (pigs)]","For each of the following raw meats, please check the box if you commonly wash or do not wash it before cooking. If you don’t eat it at all, leave the boxes blank. (Categories are those identified by the U.N. FAO as the most globally popular meats, plus fish and ground meat.) [Poultry (chicken, turkey, duck, any other bird)]","For each of the following raw meats, please check the box if you commonly wash or do not wash it before cooking. If you don’t eat it at all, leave the boxes blank. (Categories are those identified by the U.N. FAO as the most globally popular meats, plus fish and ground meat.) [Beef (cattle or buffalo)]","For each of the following raw meats, please check the box if you commonly wash or do not wash it before cooking. If you don’t eat it at all, leave the boxes blank. (Categories are those identified by the U.N. FAO as the most globally popular meats, plus fish and ground meat.) [Sheep (lamb) or goat]","For each of the following raw meats, please check the box if you commonly wash or do not wash it before cooking. If you don’t eat it at all, leave the boxes blank. (Categories are those identified by the U.N. FAO as the most globally popular meats, plus fish and ground meat.) [Fish (marine, fresh water, finned, shellfish, etc.)]","For each of the following raw meats, please check the box if you commonly wash or do not wash it before cooking. If you don’t eat it at all, leave the boxes blank. (Categories are those identified by the U.N. FAO as the most globally popular meats, plus fish and ground meat.) [Ground meat]","For each of the following raw meats, please check the box if you commonly wash or do not wash it before cooking. If you don’t eat it at all, leave the boxes blank. (Categories are those identified by the U.N. FAO as the most globally popular meats, plus fish and ground meat.) [Other]","If you said ""other,"" please explain.","If you don’t commonly wash raw meat before cooking, please rank the following reasons, with #1 being the most relevant to you, #2 next most relevant, and so on. If something isn’t relevant, leave the box blank. (You may only choose one row per ranking column.) [I feel like I should wash the meat, but I don’t.]","If you don’t commonly wash raw meat before cooking, please rank the following reasons, with #1 being the most relevant to you, #2 next most relevant, and so on. If something isn’t relevant, leave the box blank. (You may only choose one row per ranking column.) [I believe the meat is already clean enough.]","If you don’t commonly wash raw meat before cooking, please rank the following reasons, with #1 being the most relevant to you, #2 next most relevant, and so on. If something isn’t relevant, leave the box blank. (You may only choose one row per ranking column.) [I’ve heard some food safety experts recommend against washing meat.]","If you don’t commonly wash raw meat before cooking, please rank the following reasons, with #1 being the most relevant to you, #2 next most relevant, and so on. If something isn’t relevant, leave the box blank. (You may only choose one row per ranking column.) [I want to preserve the taste, smell, texture or appearance of the meat.]","If you don’t commonly wash raw meat before cooking, please rank the following reasons, with #1 being the most relevant to you, #2 next most relevant, and so on. If something isn’t relevant, leave the box blank. (You may only choose one row per ranking column.) [It is not a cultural or religious custom or tradition for me.]","If you don’t commonly wash raw meat before cooking, please rank the following reasons, with #1 being the most relevant to you, #2 next most relevant, and so on. If something isn’t relevant, leave the box blank. (You may only choose one row per ranking column.) [Other]","If you said ""other,"" please explain.","If you do commonly wash any raw meat before cooking, please rank the following reasons, with #1 being the most relevant to you, #2 next most relevant, and so on. If something isn’t relevant, leave the box blank. (You may only choose one row per ranking column.) [I’m concerned about the health and safety of the meat.]","If you do commonly wash any raw meat before cooking, please rank the following reasons, with #1 being the most relevant to you, #2 next most relevant, and so on. If something isn’t relevant, leave the box blank. (You may only choose one row per ranking column.) [I’m acting in accordance with a religious belief or practice.]","If you do commonly wash any raw meat before cooking, please rank the following reasons, with #1 being the most relevant to you, #2 next most relevant, and so on. If something isn’t relevant, leave the box blank. (You may only choose one row per ranking column.) [I’m following a non-religious custom or tradition.]","If you do commonly wash any raw meat before cooking, please rank the following reasons, with #1 being the most relevant to you, #2 next most relevant, and so on. If something isn’t relevant, leave the box blank. (You may only choose one row per ranking column.) [I’m trying to improve the taste or smell of the meat.]","If you do commonly wash any raw meat before cooking, please rank the following reasons, with #1 being the most relevant to you, #2 next most relevant, and so on. If something isn’t relevant, leave the box blank. (You may only choose one row per ranking column.) [I’m trying to improve the texture of the meat.]","If you do commonly wash any raw meat before cooking, please rank the following reasons, with #1 being the most relevant to you, #2 next most relevant, and so on. If something isn’t relevant, leave the box blank. (You may only choose one row per ranking column.) [I’m trying to improve the appearance of the meat.]","If you do commonly wash any raw meat before cooking, please rank the following reasons, with #1 being the most relevant to you, #2 next most relevant, and so on. If something isn’t relevant, leave the box blank. (You may only choose one row per ranking column.) [Other]","If you said ""other,"" please explain.","If you do commonly wash any raw meat before cooking, what are you trying to remove? Rank the following concerns in order of their importance to you, with #1 being the most important, #2 the next most important, and so on. If something isn’t a concern to you, leave the box blank. (You may only choose one row per ranking column.) [Pathogens (bacteria, viruses, fungi, etc.)]","If you do commonly wash any raw meat before cooking, what are you trying to remove? Rank the following concerns in order of their importance to you, with #1 being the most important, #2 the next most important, and so on. If something isn’t a concern to you, leave the box blank. (You may only choose one row per ranking column.) [Artificial chemicals (preservatives, pesticides, cleaning solutions, etc.)]","If you do commonly wash any raw meat before cooking, what are you trying to remove? Rank the following concerns in order of their importance to you, with #1 being the most important, #2 the next most important, and so on. If something isn’t a concern to you, leave the box blank. (You may only choose one row per ranking column.) [Inedible debris (dirt, dust, bone fragments, feathers, etc.)]","If you do commonly wash any raw meat before cooking, what are you trying to remove? Rank the following concerns in order of their importance to you, with #1 being the most important, #2 the next most important, and so on. If something isn’t a concern to you, leave the box blank. (You may only choose one row per ranking column.) [Undesirable flavors or odors]","If you do commonly wash any raw meat before cooking, what are you trying to remove? Rank the following concerns in order of their importance to you, with #1 being the most important, #2 the next most important, and so on. If something isn’t a concern to you, leave the box blank. (You may only choose one row per ranking column.) [Blood]","If you do commonly wash any raw meat before cooking, what are you trying to remove? Rank the following concerns in order of their importance to you, with #1 being the most important, #2 the next most important, and so on. If something isn’t a concern to you, leave the box blank. (You may only choose one row per ranking column.) [Slime]","If you do commonly wash any raw meat before cooking, what are you trying to remove? Rank the following concerns in order of their importance to you, with #1 being the most important, #2 the next most important, and so on. If something isn’t a concern to you, leave the box blank. (You may only choose one row per ranking column.) [Fat]","If you do commonly wash any raw meat before cooking, what are you trying to remove? Rank the following concerns in order of their importance to you, with #1 being the most important, #2 the next most important, and so on. If something isn’t a concern to you, leave the box blank. (You may only choose one row per ranking column.) [Meat juice (the pink, non-blood liquid that comes out of muscle tissue)]","If you do commonly wash any raw meat before cooking, what are you trying to remove? Rank the following concerns in order of their importance to you, with #1 being the most important, #2 the next most important, and so on. If something isn’t a concern to you, leave the box blank. (You may only choose one row per ranking column.) [Other]","If you said ""other,"" please explain.","If you do commonly wash any raw meat before cooking, please rank the methods you use, with #1 being the method you use most often, #2 next most often, and so on. If you don’t use the method at all, leave the box blank. (You may only choose one row per ranking column.) [Rinsing under running water]","If you do commonly wash any raw meat before cooking, please rank the methods you use, with #1 being the method you use most often, #2 next most often, and so on. If you don’t use the method at all, leave the box blank. (You may only choose one row per ranking column.) [Rinsing in a bowl or basin of plain water]","If you do commonly wash any raw meat before cooking, please rank the methods you use, with #1 being the method you use most often, #2 next most often, and so on. If you don’t use the method at all, leave the box blank. (You may only choose one row per ranking column.) [Rinsing in anything other than plain water (salt brine, vinegar, citrus, etc.)]","If you do commonly wash any raw meat before cooking, please rank the methods you use, with #1 being the method you use most often, #2 next most often, and so on. If you don’t use the method at all, leave the box blank. (You may only choose one row per ranking column.) [Soaking awhile in plain water]","If you do commonly wash any raw meat before cooking, please rank the methods you use, with #1 being the method you use most often, #2 next most often, and so on. If you don’t use the method at all, leave the box blank. (You may only choose one row per ranking column.) [Soaking awhile in anything other than plain water (salt brine, vinegar, citrus, etc.)]","If you do commonly wash any raw meat before cooking, please rank the methods you use, with #1 being the method you use most often, #2 next most often, and so on. If you don’t use the method at all, leave the box blank. (You may only choose one row per ranking column.) [Other]","If you said ""other,"" please explain.","If you commonly rinse or soak meat before cooking, you most-often use:","If you commonly soak raw meat before cooking, please indicate how long.","If you do commonly rinse or soak raw meat in anything other than plain water, which of these things do you use? Check as many as apply.","If you do commonly wash any raw meat before cooking, how do you clean up afterward? Check any that apply to you.","When you eat at someone's house, how important is it to you that they be attentive to food safety in their food preparation?","When you eat at a commercial eatery, how important is it to you that they be attentive to food safety in their food preparation?",Is there anything else you wish to share about your food preparation practices?,Are there comments about consumer food safety education or food guidelines that you wish to share? ,
Timestamp,Prep Meat?,Age,Gender,Country Origin,Country Residence,State,Race,Hispanic?,Prep Often,Houshold size,Food Safety Important,Do regularly?,20 second wash,Different plates?,Thermometer?,NOT wash between utensils?,NOT was between cutting boards?,Leave food out 2hrs or more,Wash Pork?,Wash Fowl?,Wash Beef?,Wash Sheep Goat?,Wash Fish?,Wash Ground Meat?,Wash Other?,Wash Other Explain,Rank Feel I Should but Don't,Rank Meat is Clean Enough,Rank Exprts Advise Against,Rank Preserve Texture etc,Rank Not Cultural or Religious Custom,Rank Other,Rank Other Explain,"If you do commonly wash any raw meat before cooking, please rank the following reasons, with #1 being the most relevant to you, #2 next most relevant, and so on. If something isn’t relevant, leave the box blank. (You may only choose one row per ranking column.) [I’m concerned about the health and safety of the meat.]","If you do commonly wash any raw meat before cooking, please rank the following reasons, with #1 being the most relevant to you, #2 next most relevant, and so on. If something isn’t relevant, leave the box blank. (You may only choose one row per ranking column.) [I’m acting in accordance with a religious belief or practice.]","If you do commonly wash any raw meat before cooking, please rank the following reasons, with #1 being the most relevant to you, #2 next most relevant, and so on. If something isn’t relevant, leave the box blank. (You may only choose one row per ranking column.) [I’m following a non-religious custom or tradition.]","If you do commonly wash any raw meat before cooking, please rank the following reasons, with #1 being the most relevant to you, #2 next most relevant, and so on. If something isn’t relevant, leave the box blank. (You may only choose one row per ranking column.) [I’m trying to improve the taste or smell of the meat.]","If you do commonly wash any raw meat before cooking, please rank the following reasons, with #1 being the most relevant to you, #2 next most relevant, and so on. If something isn’t relevant, leave the box blank. (You may only choose one row per ranking column.) [I’m trying to improve the texture of the meat.]","If you do commonly wash any raw meat before cooking, please rank the following reasons, with #1 being the most relevant to you, #2 next most relevant, and so on. If something isn’t relevant, leave the box blank. (You may only choose one row per ranking column.) [I’m trying to improve the appearance of the meat.]","If you do commonly wash any raw meat before cooking, please rank the following reasons, with #1 being the most relevant to you, #2 next most relevant, and so on. If something isn’t relevant, leave the box blank. (You may only choose one row per ranking column.) [Other]","If you said ""other,"" please explain.","If you do commonly wash any raw meat before cooking, what are you trying to remove? Rank the following concerns in order of their importance to you, with #1 being the most important, #2 the next most important, and so on. If something isn’t a concern to you, leave the box blank. (You may only choose one row per ranking column.) [Pathogens (bacteria, viruses, fungi, etc.)]","If you do commonly wash any raw meat before cooking, what are you trying to remove? Rank the following concerns in order of their importance to you, with #1 being the most important, #2 the next most important, and so on. If something isn’t a concern to you, leave the box blank. (You may only choose one row per ranking column.) [Artificial chemicals (preservatives, pesticides, cleaning solutions, etc.)]","If you do commonly wash any raw meat before cooking, what are you trying to remove? Rank the following concerns in order of their importance to you, with #1 being the most important, #2 the next most important, and so on. If something isn’t a concern to you, leave the box blank. (You may only choose one row per ranking column.) [Inedible debris (dirt, dust, bone fragments, feathers, etc.)]","If you do commonly wash any raw meat before cooking, what are you trying to remove? Rank the following concerns in order of their importance to you, with #1 being the most important, #2 the next most important, and so on. If something isn’t a concern to you, leave the box blank. (You may only choose one row per ranking column.) [Undesirable flavors or odors]","If you do commonly wash any raw meat before cooking, what are you trying to remove? Rank the following concerns in order of their importance to you, with #1 being the most important, #2 the next most important, and so on. If something isn’t a concern to you, leave the box blank. (You may only choose one row per ranking column.) [Blood]","If you do commonly wash any raw meat before cooking, what are you trying to remove? Rank the following concerns in order of their importance to you, with #1 being the most important, #2 the next most important, and so on. If something isn’t a concern to you, leave the box blank. (You may only choose one row per ranking column.) [Slime]","If you do commonly wash any raw meat before cooking, what are you trying to remove? Rank the following concerns in order of their importance to you, with #1 being the most important, #2 the next most important, and so on. If something isn’t a concern to you, leave the box blank. (You may only choose one row per ranking column.) [Fat]","If you do commonly wash any raw meat before cooking, what are you trying to remove? Rank the following concerns in order of their importance to you, with #1 being the most important, #2 the next most important, and so on. If something isn’t a concern to you, leave the box blank. (You may only choose one row per ranking column.) [Meat juice (the pink, non-blood liquid that comes out of muscle tissue)]","If you do commonly wash any raw meat before cooking, what are you trying to remove? Rank the following concerns in order of their importance to you, with #1 being the most important, #2 the next most important, and so on. If something isn’t a concern to you, leave the box blank. (You may only choose one row per ranking column.) [Other]","If you said ""other,"" please explain.","If you do commonly wash any raw meat before cooking, please rank the methods you use, with #1 being the method you use most often, #2 next most often, and so on. If you don’t use the method at all, leave the box blank. (You may only choose one row per ranking column.) [Rinsing under running water]","If you do commonly wash any raw meat before cooking, please rank the methods you use, with #1 being the method you use most often, #2 next most often, and so on. If you don’t use the method at all, leave the box blank. (You may only choose one row per ranking column.) [Rinsing in a bowl or basin of plain water]","If you do commonly wash any raw meat before cooking, please rank the methods you use, with #1 being the method you use most often, #2 next most often, and so on. If you don’t use the method at all, leave the box blank. (You may only choose one row per ranking column.) [Rinsing in anything other than plain water (salt brine, vinegar, citrus, etc.)]","If you do commonly wash any raw meat before cooking, please rank the methods you use, with #1 being the method you use most often, #2 next most often, and so on. If you don’t use the method at all, leave the box blank. (You may only choose one row per ranking column.) [Soaking awhile in plain water]","If you do commonly wash any raw meat before cooking, please rank the methods you use, with #1 being the method you use most often, #2 next most often, and so on. If you don’t use the method at all, leave the box blank. (You may only choose one row per ranking column.) [Soaking awhile in anything other than plain water (salt brine, vinegar, citrus, etc.)]","If you do commonly wash any raw meat before cooking, please rank the methods you use, with #1 being the method you use most often, #2 next most often, and so on. If you don’t use the method at all, leave the box blank. (You may only choose one row per ranking column.) [Other]","If you said ""other,"" please explain.","If you commonly rinse or soak meat before cooking, you most-often use:","If you commonly soak raw meat before cooking, please indicate how long.","If you do commonly rinse or soak raw meat in anything other than plain water, which of these things do you use? Check as many as apply.","If you do commonly wash any raw meat before cooking, how do you clean up afterward? Check any that apply to you.","When you eat at someone's house, how important is it to you that they be attentive to food safety in their food preparation?","When you eat at a commercial eatery, how important is it to you that they be attentive to food safety in their food preparation?",Is there anything else you wish to share about your food preparation practices?,Are there comments about consumer food safety education or food guidelines that you wish to share?,
9/27/20 21:15,Often,22,Male,Anguilla,United States of America,Alaska,White,No,Often,12,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Usually,Always,Always,Always,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,,1,2,3,4,5,6,,1,2,3,,,,,,Very Important,Important,Very Important,Very Important,,,Very Important,Very Important,,,1,2,3,4,6,5,,Hot liquid,1-6 hours,"Water (in addition to other things), Salt, Citrus (lemon, lime, etc), Vinegar","By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink",1,2,test,test,
9/27/20 21:18,Sometimes,49,Non-binary,United States of America,United States of America,Florida,Asian,Yes,Often,7,2,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Never,Always,Seldom,Seldom,Seldom,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,1,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Tepid or warm liquid,30-59 minutes,Vinegar,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With bleach, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:11,Sometimes,32,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Virginia,White,No,Sometimes,1,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Some of the time,Usually,Usually,Usually,Seldom,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,1,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:12,Often,30,Male,Korea (Republic of),United States of America,Indiana,Asian,No,Often,1,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,About Half the time,Never,About Half the time,Usually,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,3,1,2,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,"I grew up with a (Korean) mother who always washed and soaked meat before cooking, but I do not follow this practice.",,
9/28/20 14:13,Sometimes,20,Male,Australia,Australia,,,,Sometimes,4,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Never,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,Dont Wash,,,,,1,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,4,,,
9/28/20 14:14,Often,26,Female,United States of America,United States of America,Wisconsin,Black or African American,No,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Seldom,Never,Never,Sometimes,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,3,1,2,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:14,Often,24,Male,United States of America,United States of America,California,White,No,Often,2,2,"Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Never,Always,Never,Seldom,Sometimes,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,2,3,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,3,,,
9/28/20 14:14,Often,20,Male,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Often,4,3,"Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products",Some of the time,Usually,Sometimes,Seldom,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,2,1,3,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,This could be somewhat of a myth but I believe most British chicken is vaccinated against salmonella so I find myself rarely cooking it to a certain temperature as long as it looks good enough.,,
9/28/20 14:15,Seldom,16,Male,United States of America,United States of America,California,Asian,No,Often,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products",Most of the time,Usually,Never,Seldom,Never,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,3,2,1,5,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,4,No.,No.,
9/28/20 14:15,Often,24,Female,India,United States of America,Minnesota,Asian,No,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Some of the time,Always,About Half the time,Never,Seldom,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,,2,6,1,4,5,3,,,Unimportant,Moderately Important,Very Important,Of Little Importance,Moderately Important,Important,Unimportant,Unimportant,,,1,2,5,3,4,,,Cold liquid,1-6 hours,"Water (in addition to other things), Salt, Citrus (lemon, lime, etc)","By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:15,Never,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
9/28/20 14:15,Often,18,Male,Germany,Germany,,,,Often,3,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Sometimes,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,6,3,1,4,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,dont wash your meat gonna cook it anyway,
9/28/20 14:15,Often,20,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Ohio,White,No,Sometimes,6,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Usually,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:16,Never,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
9/28/20 14:16,Sometimes,16,Male,Sweden,Sweden,,,,Sometimes,3,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,Always,Sometimes,Usually,Never,Usually,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,4,2,1,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,5,,,
9/28/20 14:16,Often,25,Male,Colombia,Argentina,,,,Often,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Seldom,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,Dont Wash,,,,5,4,,,6,The heat will probably kill any harmfull bacteria. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:16,Seldom,35,Male,Brazil,Brazil,,,,Often,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Seldom,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,4,5,3,6,2,,The exterior surface of the meat will reach temperatures high enough to be safe.,,,,,,,,,,,,Important,,Moderately Important,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:16,Often,23,Male,Denmark,Denmark,,,,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Seldom,Seldom,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,1,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:16,Often,19,Male,United States of America,United States of America,California,"White, Asian",No,Often,3,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,About Half the time,Sometimes,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,4,1,2,3,5,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,3,,,
9/28/20 14:17,Often,31,Male,United States of America,United States of America,New Jersey,White,No,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Usually,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,3,2,5,4,1,Searing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:17,Often,29,Male,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Often,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products",Some of the time,Usually,Never,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,1,2,3,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:17,Sometimes,20,Male,Poland,Poland,,,,Often,3,1,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,Never,Never,Never,Always,Usually,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,2,5,4,1,3,I believe that enough heat in oven/pan is gonna kill all bacteries ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Cold liquid,0-29 minutes,"Water (in addition to other things), Salt, Citrus (lemon, lime, etc)",,1,1,"I haven't had any health problem all my life due to not keeping enough attention to food safety, so maybe its just not a problem here in central europe, poland ",,
9/28/20 14:17,Often,25,Male,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Often,2,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Always,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,2,1,"I don’t feel the meat requires washing when it’s about to be cooked (wouldn’t wash veg for cooking either), plus don’t want to make my sink and around it dirty with meat water",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:18,Seldom,28,Female,Canada,Canada,,,,Seldom,1,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Usually,Seldom,Never,Usually,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,1,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:18,Often,19,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Virginia,White,No,Often,5,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Always,Always,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,3,1,2,4,,,,,,,,,,,Unimportant,Unimportant,Unimportant,Unimportant,Unimportant,Unimportant,Unimportant,Unimportant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,I work in a few kitchens so I follow food safety much more than other people who I know that cook. ,,
9/28/20 14:18,Often,22,Male,Slovenia,Slovenia,,,,Often,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Seldom,Seldom,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,1,4,5,2,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:18,Sometimes,25,Male,United States of America,United States of America,California,"White, American Indian or Alaska Native",No,Often,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Usually,Seldom,Seldom,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,4,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:18,Often,20,Male,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Never,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,Dont Wash,,,,2,,,3,1,Don't want to spread 'raw meat juice' around the kitchen,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:18,Sometimes,18,Male,Brazil,United States of America,Indiana,Choose Not to Disclose,Yes,Often,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Usually,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,4,3,1,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:19,Sometimes,21,Male,United States of America,United States of America,North Carolina,White,No,Sometimes,3,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Usually,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,1,5,2,3,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:19,Often,28,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Colorado,White,No,Often,1,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Usually,Always,About Half the time,Seldom,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,Dont Wash,,,,3,2,1,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,People wash their meat?,,
9/28/20 14:19,Often,22,Prefer not to disclose,United States of America,United States of America,Virginia,White,No,Often,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Sometimes,Sometimes,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,5,4,1,2,3,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,4,,,
9/28/20 14:19,Seldom,20,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Texas,White,No,Often,4,2,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Sometimes,Seldom,Seldom,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,3,2,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,3,,,
9/28/20 14:19,Often,29,Male,United States of America,United States of America,California,"White, Asian",No,Often,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Sometimes,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,2,1,4,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,"I don't ever wash meat for food safety reasons, only culinary reasons (e.g. soaking bones to get a clear stock, removing veins from shrimp, etc).",,
9/28/20 14:19,Sometimes,18,Male,Belgium,Belgium,,,,Sometimes,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Seldom,Never,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,1,5,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Citrus (lemon, lime, etc), Alcoholic beverage",,4,5,"I work in a restaurant. Nine times out of ten, we just put our frozen foods strait in the oven (mostly vegetables, but also chicken)",,
9/28/20 14:19,Often,29,Female,Brazil,Brazil,,,,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Usually,About Half the time,Usually,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,3,4,,1,2,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Very Important,,,,,2,,1,,,Cold liquid,0-29 minutes,Salt,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:19,Often,19,Male,Germany,Germany,,,,Often,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Seldom,Never,Never,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,1,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Cold liquid,1-6 hours,"Salt, Citrus (lemon, lime, etc), Vinegar, Alcoholic beverage, Soap, bleach or any other non-food substance (please note this may be particularly hazardous)",,2,5,,,
9/28/20 14:19,Seldom,23,Female,Canada,Canada,,,,Often,1,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Always,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:19,Often,31,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Illinois,White,No,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Usually,Usually,Usually,Usually,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,5,1,2,3,4,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:19,Often,21,Female,Estonia,Estonia,,,,Often,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,Dont Wash,,,4,6,3,2,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:20,Often,27,Male,Canada,Canada,,,,Often,1,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,1,2,6,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:20,Sometimes,22,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Maine,White,No,Often,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Always,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,Dont Wash,,,6,3,5,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:20,Often,41,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Illinois,White,No,Often,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Always,Seldom,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Venison,6,2,1,4,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:20,Often,36,Male,Spain,Spain,,,,Often,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Seldom,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,2,1,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:20,Often,21,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Pennsylvania,White,No,Often,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Always,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,2,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:20,Often,21,Male,Brazil,Brazil,,,,Often,3,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Usually,Never,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,5,3,1,2,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:20,Often,22,Female,United States of America,United States of America,New York,White,No,Often,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Seldom,Usually,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:20,Often,26,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Florida,White,No,Often,1,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Usually,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,4,5,3,6,2,1,I have never heard that raw meat should be washed before cooking,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:20,Seldom,22,Male,Germany,Germany,,,,Seldom,1,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce)",Most of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,Dont Wash,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:20,Sometimes,21,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Ohio,White,No,Sometimes,5,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,About Half the time,Never,Never,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,1,2,3,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:21,Often,20,Male,United States of America,Israel,,,,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Seldom,Usually,Seldom,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,5,,,
9/28/20 14:21,Often,22,Male,France,France,,,,Often,1,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Never,About Half the time,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,2,3,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:21,Often,26,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Iowa,White,No,Often,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Always,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,6,2,4,3,5,1,The heat from cooking will kill the bad stuff in the meat. No need to wash ahead of time,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:21,Often,30,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Indiana,White,No,Often,2,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Seldom,Usually,Seldom,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,4,1,5,2,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,4,,,
9/28/20 14:21,Never,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
9/28/20 14:21,Often,50,Male,United States of America,United States of America,New Jersey,White,No,Often,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,About Half the time,Never,Never,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,1,5,4,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Cold liquid,30-59 minutes,"Water (in addition to other things), Salt","By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain hot water, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",4,4,,,
9/28/20 14:21,Often,26,Male,Poland,Poland,,,,Often,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,Always,Sometimes,Sometimes,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,2,1,3,5,4,Washing a meat can make your sink contaminated and you need to waste paper towels to make it dry ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:21,Often,27,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Massachusetts,White,Yes,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Always,Never,Never,Usually,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,5,3,1,2,4,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:21,Sometimes,23,Male,Sweden,Sweden,,,,Sometimes,3,4,"Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Some of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,5,I wash fruit with cold/tepid water if I suspect there are pesticides on them.,,
9/28/20 14:21,Sometimes,32,Male,United States of America,United States of America,California,"White, American Indian or Alaska Native",No,Sometimes,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products",Some of the time,Usually,Sometimes,Sometimes,Usually,Usually,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,6,3,1,2,4,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:21,Often,22,Female,United States of America,United States of America,Alabama,White,No,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Usually,Always,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,2,3,1,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:21,Often,37,Male,United States of America,United States of America,New York,White,No,Often,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,About Half the time,Never,Never,Usually,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,2,1,3,6,,,,,,3,2,1,,,Unimportant,Unimportant,Very Important,Important,Of Little Importance,Of Little Importance,Unimportant,Unimportant,,,,,,,,,,Cold liquid,0-29 minutes,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:21,Never,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
9/28/20 14:21,Often,29,Female,United States of America,United States of America,Virginia,White,No,Often,1,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Usually,Usually,About Half the time,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,6,2,3,5,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:21,Often,30,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Texas,White,No,Often,1,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,About Half the time,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,1,4,3,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:21,Often,32,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Massachusetts,White,No,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Usually,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Tepid or warm liquid,30-59 minutes,"Salt, Citrus (lemon, lime, etc), Alcoholic beverage, A1 or soy sauce",,4,4,,,
9/28/20 14:21,Sometimes,21,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Utah,"White, Asian",No,Sometimes,3,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,About Half the time,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,1,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,"People wash meat?
About the only times I wash or soak raw meat is when prepping certain Chinese stir-fries where you're attempting to modify the flavor or texture of the meat.",,
9/28/20 14:21,Seldom,27,Male,France,France,,,,Seldom,1,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,Always,About Half the time,Sometimes,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,1,2,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:21,Sometimes,16,Female,Sudan,Oman,,,,Sometimes,5,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Never,Seldom,Never,About Half the time,,Wash,,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,2,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Very Important,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,3,,,
9/28/20 14:21,Seldom,21,Male,Germany,Germany,,,,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:21,Sometimes,39,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Virginia,White,No,Often,1,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Sometimes,Seldom,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,2,3,5,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:21,Sometimes,22,Male,China,Canada,,,,Sometimes,5,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products",Some of the time,Always,Never,Seldom,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,2,1,4,3,,,,,,,,,,,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,1,I will pat the meat down with a paper towel sometimes,,
9/28/20 14:21,Often,24,Male,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,2,1,3,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:22,Often,14,Prefer not to disclose,United States of America,United States of America,California,Asian,Yes,Often,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Usually,Usually,Sometimes,Always,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,1,2,4,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:22,Often,20,Female,United States of America,United States of America,South Carolina,White,No,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Usually,Seldom,Seldom,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,1,2,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,4,"If I really need to thaw chicken breasts quickly, I will give them a quick hot rinse",,
9/28/20 14:22,Often,27,Male,Canada,United States of America,Maine,Choose Not to Disclose,No,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products",Most of the time,Always,Seldom,Seldom,Never,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,2,,1,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,4,I regularly use paper towels to help clean my workstation.,"Bagged milk which is used in areas of India, Canada, and some parts of Israel is at a higher risk for cross-contamination.",
9/28/20 14:22,Often,26,Male,Philippines,Panama,,,,Often,5,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Usually,Seldom,Seldom,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,Dont Wash,,,5,4,1,2,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:22,Sometimes,42,Female,India,India,,,,Often,4,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Usually,Never,Never,Never,Seldom,,Wash,,Wash,,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,,,1,,4,2,,3,,,Important,Moderately Important,Important,Very Important,Very Important,Important,Important,Of Little Importance,,,,,1,,,,,,,"Vinegar, Turmeric",With bleach,3,3,,,
9/28/20 14:22,Often,26,Male,Canada,Canada,,,,Often,4,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Always,Always,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,4,1,2,3,6,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,"Wash my Veggies, not my Meats",What temperature should I wash veggies? When/where does the transfer of raw meats occur most commonly?,
9/28/20 14:22,Sometimes,14,Male,Finland,Finland,,,,Sometimes,4,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,About Half the time,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,1,4,5,3,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:22,Often,69,Female,United States of America,United States of America,Florida,White,No,Often,1,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Usually,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,No,No,
9/28/20 14:22,Often,30,Male,United States of America,United States of America,New York,Black or African American,No,Often,1,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Never,Sometimes,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,6,4,1,3,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,30-59 minutes,,,3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:22,Often,26,Male,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Often,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,About Half the time,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,2,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,"I used to wash whole raw poultry and nothing else, until I saw the expert advice not to due to bacteria spraying everywhere during washing. I also avoid washing up contaminated chopping boards by hand and make sure they go in the dishwasher instead for the same reasons",,
9/28/20 14:22,Often,23,Non-binary,United States of America,United States of America,Virginia,White,No,Often,3,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,About Half the time,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,4,,,
9/28/20 14:22,Often,15,Male,Germany,Germany,,,,Sometimes,12,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Usually,Sometimes,Seldom,Seldom,Usually,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,2,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:22,Sometimes,21,Male,"Taiwan, Province of China[a]",United States of America,California,Asian,No,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,Always,Always,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,5,2,1,4,3,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:22,Often,19,Male,Norway,Switzerland,,,,Sometimes,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Sometimes,Seldom,Seldom,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,1,4,3,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:22,Often,30,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Illinois,White,No,Sometimes,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",All of the time (that is without fail),Usually,Seldom,Seldom,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,3,1,2,4,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:22,Often,20,Male,China,Canada,,,,Often,1,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,About Half the time,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Shrimp,,2,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:22,Often,37,Male,Argentina,United States of America,Pennsylvania,White,Yes,Often,3,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,About Half the time,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,4,3,2,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,4,,,
9/28/20 14:22,Often,31,Male,Slovakia,Slovakia,,,,Often,1,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,About Half the time,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:22,Often,31,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Michigan,White,No,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Always,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,"Rinsing blood, dirt, and fur from wild game after field dressing. Also I wash primal cuts after breaking down the animal, before further butchering into final cuts and vacuum sealing.",5,1,3,4,2,,,,,,,,,,,NA,NA,Very Important,Very Important,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,,1,2,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,,3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:22,Often,21,Male,Argentina,Argentina,,,,Often,5,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Usually,Never,Never,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,2,1,3,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:22,Often,28,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Kansas,White,No,Often,1,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,Always,Never,Usually,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,,,1,7,6,2,5,4,,,Moderately Important,Very Important,Important,Of Little Importance,Unimportant,Moderately Important,NA,NA,,,1,2,6,4,5,,,Cold liquid,,,"By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain hot water",5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:23,Sometimes,16,Female,Canada,Canada,,,,Sometimes,5,3,"Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Some of the time,Always,Always,Seldom,About Half the time,About Half the time,Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,,,5,4,6,7,,,,,Unimportant,Unimportant,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,,Unimportant,,,,,,,,,,,,,"With plain cold water, With plain hot water",4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:23,Often,22,Male,Ukraine,United States of America,New York,White,No,Often,3,3,"Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products",Some of the time,Always,Never,Seldom,Seldom,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,3,1,5,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,2,,,
9/28/20 14:23,Seldom,18,Female,Canada,Canada,,,,Sometimes,4,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Never,Always,Never,Sometimes,Never,Usually,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,1,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Cold liquid,30-59 minutes,Vinegar,,3,5,They're highly influenced by Adam Ragusea's videos. You might not have heard of him.,,
9/28/20 14:23,Often,18,Male,Netherlands,Netherlands,,,,Often,3,2,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Never,Always,Sometimes,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,1,4,2,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,1,,,
9/28/20 14:23,Often,19,Male,Canada,Canada,,,,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Usually,Usually,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,4,3,1,2,5,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:23,Often,52,Male,Australia,Belgium,,,,Often,1,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Usually,Seldom,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,3,2,1,5,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:23,Often,52,Male,United States of America,Canada,,,,Often,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Always,Seldom,Never,Seldom,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,5,1,4,,,,1,7,6,3,2,4,,,Very Important,,Important,Moderately Important,Of Little Importance,Unimportant,,NA,,,1,2,3,4,6,,,Cold liquid,0-29 minutes,"Water (in addition to other things), Salt","By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain hot water, With bleach, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:23,Often,16,Male,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Often,5,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,2,3,4,,1,I believe the meat will be sterilised in the cooking process and water splashing may contaminate surfaces. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,"I took GCSE (exams taken when a child in England is 15/16 where you choose 3 subjects to do as well as the basics like maths and English ) food preparation and nutrition, a large part of it is food safety. ",
9/28/20 14:23,Often,18,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Oregon,"White, Asian",No,Sometimes,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,About Half the time,Seldom,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,3,2,1,4,,,1,6,5,2,4,3,,,Important,Moderately Important,Very Important,Moderately Important,Of Little Importance,Very Important,Unimportant,Unimportant,,,2,3,5,1,4,,,Cold liquid,30-59 minutes,"Water (in addition to other things), Citrus (lemon, lime, etc), Vinegar","By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",5,5,No.,No.,
9/28/20 14:23,Often,42,Male,Canada,Canada,,,,Often,4,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Usually,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,1,2,4,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:23,Seldom,21,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Pennsylvania,White,No,Sometimes,5,2,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Sometimes,,Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:23,Sometimes,26,Male,United States of America,United States of America,California,Asian,No,Sometimes,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products",Most of the time,Usually,Seldom,Never,Never,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,2,1,,,3,Cooking the meat is going to kill the bacteria anyways.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:23,Often,21,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Florida,White,No,Sometimes,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,About Half the time,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,4,3,1,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:23,Sometimes,46,Male,South Africa,South Africa,,,,Sometimes,1,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,About Half the time,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,4,2,3,6,1,prevention of splashing of any potential bacteria,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:23,Often,39,Male,France,Switzerland,,,,Often,2,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,About Half the time,Seldom,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,4,,3,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:24,Sometimes,19,Male,United States of America,United States of America,New York,Asian,No,Sometimes,5,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,Very Important,Moderately Important,Of Little Importance,Moderately Important,Important,Important,Important,Moderately Important,,,1,,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain hot water",5,4,,,
9/28/20 14:24,Often,19,Male,Netherlands,Netherlands,,,,Often,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,1,4,2,5,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:24,Often,31,Male,Finland,Finland,,,,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Sometimes,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,1,4,2,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:24,Sometimes,32,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Florida,White,No,Sometimes,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Usually,Never,Always,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,6,1,5,4,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:24,Often,36,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Oregon,White,No,Often,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Some of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,4,2,1,3,5,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,Very Important,,,,,2,1,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,With plain cold water,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:24,Sometimes,23,Male,Romania,Romania,,,,Sometimes,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,Always,Always,Seldom,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,Dont Wash,,,6,5,1,4,,2,"You cook the meat to kill the bacteria, if you wash it you will spread it in your kitchen",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,4,,,
9/28/20 14:24,Often,18,Male,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Often,3,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,1,4,2,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:24,Sometimes,21,Male,Canada,Canada,,,,Often,6,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Seldom,Seldom,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Wash,Wash,,Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,2,3,1,6,,,1,7,6,5,4,2,,,Important,Moderately Important,Very Important,,Important,Important,Unimportant,Unimportant,,,2,1,,3,,,,Tepid or warm liquid,30-59 minutes,Water (in addition to other things),"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain hot water, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:24,Seldom,67,Female,United States of America,United States of America,Georgia,Black or African American,No,Often,1,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Never,Never,Never,Never,Wash,Wash,,,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,,,6,,7,,,,,,Very Important,,,,,,,Important,,,,1,2,,,,,Cold liquid,0-29 minutes,"Water (in addition to other things), Salt","By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, With plain hot water, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:24,Often,22,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Washington,White,No,Often,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Always,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,2,1,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,no,no,
9/28/20 14:24,Often,28,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Massachusetts,White,No,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Always,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,5,4,1,2,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:24,Sometimes,17,Male,United States of America,United States of America,New Jersey,Asian,No,Sometimes,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,Usually,About Half the time,Seldom,Seldom,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,5,2,1,4,3,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:24,Often,21,Male,Norway,Norway,,,,Often,1,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Seldom,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,1,6,3,5,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:24,Never,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
9/28/20 14:24,Sometimes,29,Male,Germany,Germany,,,,Sometimes,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach",Most of the time,About Half the time,Seldom,Sometimes,Seldom,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,3,2,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Hot liquid,0-29 minutes,"Water (in addition to other things), Salt","By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools",3,3,,,
9/28/20 14:24,Often,27,Male,Canada,Canada,,,,Often,1,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Sometimes,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,3,2,1,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,does marinade count as soaking meat?,,
9/28/20 14:24,Often,32,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Wisconsin,White,No,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Always,Seldom,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,1,2,3,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,4,"I sometimes use warm water to thaw frozen meat. I understand that puts it in the danger zone but if anything is cultivated, won't it be neutralized by cooking it to the proper temperature?",,
9/28/20 14:24,Often,27,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Pennsylvania,White,No,Often,1,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Usually,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,2,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:24,Often,21,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Texas,"White, Black or African American, American Indian or Alaska Native",Yes,Often,3,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Always,Always,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,6,5,1,3,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:24,Sometimes,32,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Texas,White,No,Often,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Always,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,1,3,5,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:24,Seldom,18,Male,India,United Arab Emirates,,,,Sometimes,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Never,Always,Seldom,Never,,Wash,,,Wash,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,"I wash my meat because I usually wash all my ingredients, so they just end up getting washed because I'm washing the rest.",Of Little Importance,,Very Important,,,Important,,,,,2,1,,3,,,,Cold liquid,0-29 minutes,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools",4,5,,I don't think that washing does much for pathogens etc. as they will just be killed off when cooking with heat.,
9/28/20 14:24,Seldom,23,Female,United States of America,United States of America,Ohio,White,No,Often,3,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Always,Never,Never,Sometimes,,Wash,Dont Wash,,,Dont Wash,,,4,2,1,3,6,,,1,7,6,5,2,3,,,Very Important,Moderately Important,Important,Moderately Important,Important,Very Important,Unimportant,Very Important,,,2,1,3,4,5,,,Cold liquid,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With bleach",4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:24,Never,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
9/28/20 14:24,Often,26,Male,Norway,Norway,,,,Often,3,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Some of the time,Always,Sometimes,About Half the time,Never,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,3,,6,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,4,"Never heard of the practice ""washing raw meat"" before cooking in our culture. Even in the home ed classes in school it was not mentioned, although food safety was a topic discussed. There was some buzz in the media a couple of years ago about washing raw chicken, but it faded and I for one have never done it, poultry or otherwise. Generally though I am very aware of where the raw meat has been, especially raw chicken and pork, and I always change cutting board and knife and wash hands with soap when handling raw meat and other produce, especially if its not gonna get cooked (salads and such). Also, I never reuse the utensils used with the raw meat without washing. ",,
9/28/20 14:25,Seldom,17,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Arizona,"White, Asian",No,Seldom,5,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Seldom,Seldom,Seldom,Sometimes,Seldom,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Wash,Dont Wash,,,2,1,5,3,4,6,,1,6,5,3,2,4,,,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Moderately Important,Of Little Importance,Moderately Important,Moderately Important,Moderately Important,,,1,2,5,3,4,,,Cold liquid,30-59 minutes,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain cold water",4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:25,Often,18,Male,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Often,1,4,"Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Never,Always,Never,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,Dont Wash,,,5,4,3,2,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Citrus (lemon, lime, etc)",,3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:25,Often,30,Male,Spain,Ireland,,,,Often,3,4,"Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Never,Always,Seldom,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,1,,5,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,5,I tend to wash just veggies.,"Not really, just wanted to thank you for your videos, keep up the great work!",
9/28/20 14:25,Often,22,Male,Brazil,Brazil,,,,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Usually,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,1,6,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,Very Important,,,,,Important,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,3,5,I feel like food safety standards are good enough to not warrant meat washing.,Most people are overly cautious about food safety.,
9/28/20 14:25,Often,29,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Michigan,White,No,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Usually,Usually,About Half the time,Seldom,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash, Pepared raw meats like bacon,5,2,4,3,,1,"I'm cooking the food to safe temperatures, there's nothing to gain by washing ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,4,Im a home cook that entertains and occassionaly cooks at church. I apply less rigor at home when it's just us than I'm cooking in another environment or for other people ,,
9/28/20 14:25,Often,24,Male,United States of America,India,,,,Often,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Sometimes,Never,Never,Never,Wash,Dont Wash,,Wash,Wash,,,,,2,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:25,Often,39,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Maryland,Black or African American,No,Often,5,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Always,Seldom,Never,Seldom,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Vegetables (Yes i know you were asking about meat primarily),,,,,,,,1,,,2,4,3,,,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,,Very Important,,,1,2,,3,4,,,Cold liquid,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, With plain cold water",5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:25,Often,37,Male,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Often,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,About Half the time,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,1,3,2,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:25,Sometimes,24,Male,United States of America,United States of America,New Jersey,Asian,No,Sometimes,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products",Some of the time,Always,Sometimes,Never,Never,About Half the time,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,3,1,2,6,,,6,7,2,3,4,1,,,Of Little Importance,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Important,Moderately Important,,,2,1,3,4,5,,,Cold liquid,0-29 minutes,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink",4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:25,Sometimes,20,Male,Bangladesh,Canada,,,,Sometimes,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Never,Always,Seldom,Never,Never,About Half the time,,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,,,1,,3,2,,4,,,Very Important,Moderately Important,Very Important,Important,Very Important,Of Little Importance,Unimportant,Important,,,1,2,,3,,,,Tepid or warm liquid,30-59 minutes,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, With plain cold water, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",5,4,,,
9/28/20 14:25,Often,20,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Oregon,White,No,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products",Most of the time,Always,Seldom,Never,Never,Usually,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,,,6,2,3,,1,,,,,,,,,1,I don't was meat ,,,,,,,,,Very Important,I don't wash meat,,,,,,1,I don't wash meat ,,,,,3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:25,Often,30,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Arizona,White,No,Often,4,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Always,Usually,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,3,2,1,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:25,Often,25,Female,United States of America,United States of America,Virginia,Choose Not to Disclose,No,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Usually,About Half the time,Sometimes,Seldom,Usually,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,6,1,2,3,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,3,"While not standard, I will wash meat on the occasion that I am unsure if it has gone off.
Also, occasionally, packages smell off (often with seafood) because of the things that surrounded them, not because of the actual product being off. I'll often wash packaging and the product inside because of possible contamination from the packaging.
When I wash meat, it is under cool to cold water for a brief period. Typically under 30 seconds for something the size of my hand.",,
9/28/20 14:25,Seldom,25,Male,Philippines,Philippines,,,,Sometimes,5,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Usually,Never,Sometimes,Usually,About Half the time,Wash,Wash,Wash,,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,2,3,,,,,Moderately Important,,Very Important,Important,,,,,1,,,,2,,,Cold liquid,1-6 hours,"Salt, Citrus (lemon, lime, etc), Vinegar","By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain cold water, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",3,4,N/A,N/A,
9/28/20 14:25,Sometimes,33,Male,Hong Kong,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Sometimes,2,4,"Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,3,4,1,5,6,,,5,7,6,1,3,2,,,Unimportant,Unimportant,Very Important,Moderately Important,Of Little Importance,Moderately Important,Unimportant,Unimportant,,,1,2,6,4,5,,,Cold liquid,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:25,Seldom,18,Male,Ukraine,Ukraine,,,,Often,1,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Seldom,Always,Never,Wash,Wash,,,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Very Important,Important,Important,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Moderately Important,Unimportant,,,1,,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain hot water",4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:25,Often,15,Male,Canada,Canada,,,,Often,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Sometimes,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,4,,,,,,,,,,,4,Washing meat can spread bacteria.,Important,Important,Important,Important,Important,Important,Moderately Important,NA,,,1,,,,,,,Cold liquid,0-29 minutes,Salt,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:25,Sometimes,20,Male,Spain,Spain,,,,Sometimes,6,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Never,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,2,,,,1,If i cook the food shouldnt it be safe to eat anyways?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,By cleaning the kitchen sink,3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:25,Often,21,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Pennsylvania,White,No,Often,4,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Always,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,6,2,1,3,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:25,Sometimes,19,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Nevada,Black or African American,No,Often,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,About Half the time,Seldom,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,4,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:25,Often,34,Female,Canada,Canada,,,,Often,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Usually,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,4,1,3,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:25,Often,20,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Iowa,Asian,No,Often,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Usually,Usually,Sometimes,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,3,4,1,5,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,"I don't necessarily wash my meat before I use it because I've heard many food experts say that it is unsafe, hopefully your video can answer this question. Food safety and washing hands is extremely important to cooking in the home for many reasons. I will say that one reason I wash my hands so much when I cook and when cooking with my mom is because I have a very severe nut allergy. So, when my mom taught me to cook, she has instilled a lot of practices to not cause any contamination from any other foods OR any potential food safety risks from an allergen and pathogen perspective. ",,
9/28/20 14:26,Often,34,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Connecticut,White,No,Often,5,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Never,Always,Usually,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,6,1,2,5,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:26,Often,25,Male,Denmark,Denmark,,,,Often,1,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Seldom,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,1,3,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:26,Sometimes,25,Male,United States of America,United States of America,California,Asian,No,Often,1,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Sometimes,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,4,1,3,6,2,"Unless I am marinating, I want to keep my meat dry for easy searing. I trust the safety of my meat because I usually break it down from larger cuts, then portion and vacuum seal it for freezing.",,,,,,,,,,,,Very Important,,Very Important,,,,,2,,,,1,,,Cold liquid,1-6 hours,"Water (in addition to other things), Salt, Citrus (lemon, lime, etc)","By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain hot water, With bleach",3,5,,"I don't eat meat often (only about once a week), but I think that getting it from a source you trust and learning how to store/cook it are the most important things!",
9/28/20 14:26,Often,20,Male,Poland,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Often,3,2,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products",Some of the time,Always,Never,Seldom,Seldom,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,3,1,4,5,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:26,Sometimes,21,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Texas,White,No,Sometimes,5,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Usually,Sometimes,Seldom,Seldom,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,4,2,3,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Tepid or warm liquid,30-59 minutes,,,3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:26,Sometimes,20,Male,Portugal,Portugal,,,,Often,3,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,Always,Always,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,6,Never heard of someone washing their meat,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:26,Sometimes,21,Male,Indonesia,Indonesia,,,,Seldom,4,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Seldom,Never,Seldom,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,4,,1,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Cold liquid,0-29 minutes,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:26,Often,22,Male,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Often,1,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products",Some of the time,Always,Never,Usually,Usually,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,4,3,2,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,3,,,
9/28/20 14:26,Sometimes,18,Male,Sweden,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Often,5,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Sometimes,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,,,5,1,2,3,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,"When I eat at someone's house, I assume the person to know how to cook food safely, but do no pay particular attention to it",,
9/28/20 14:26,Sometimes,20,Male,Argentina,Argentina,,,,Often,4,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Some of the time,Always,,,,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,2,1,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:26,Sometimes,30,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Massachusetts,"White, Ashkenazi Jewish",No,Often,1,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,2,1,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,4,I often wipe non-frozen raw meat with a paper towel to remove any slime on the surface and get a dryer surface for better browning ,,
9/28/20 14:26,Often,38,Male,Ukraine,United States of America,New York,White,No,Often,1,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Usually,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,2,1,3,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,4,,,
9/28/20 14:26,Often,18,Female,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Often,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Usually,Never,Sometimes,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,4,1,3,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,i believe that washing the meat just splashes thr bacteria around the house which is going to be killed by the high heat anyway,,
9/28/20 14:26,Often,25,Male,Pakistan,Germany,,,,Often,1,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products",Most of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Never,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,6,3,1,2,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:26,Often,23,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Massachusetts,White,No,Often,1,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Never,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,6,2,5,4,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,I don't think I ever heard about the need/want to wash raw meat,,
9/28/20 14:26,Often,18,Male,France,France,,,,Often,3,3,"Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Never,Never,Never,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,3,4,5,2,1,"I am aware that the outside of the meat, which i'm completely gonna sanitize by searing it, has most of the dangerous stuff.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,1,"Allons enfants de la patrie, le jour de Gloire est arrivé, contre nous de la tyrannie, l'étendard sanglant est levé",you probably shouldn't eat at muslim-owned businesses.,
9/28/20 14:26,Often,18,Male,Netherlands,Netherlands,,,,Often,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Seldom,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,2,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,3,,,
9/28/20 14:26,Often,18,Male,Greece,Greece,,,,Often,3,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Never,Sometimes,Seldom,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,2,,3,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5, I sometimes soak meat in a mix of water & salt for 2-12 hours to soften it,,
9/28/20 14:26,Often,23,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Virginia,Asian,No,Often,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Never,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,Dont Wash,Wash,I think it might fall under fish but things like squid and octopus I wash after removing innards and not edible parts.,3,2,1,4,5,,,2,6,5,1,3,4,,,Very Important,Important,Very Important,Very Important,Of Little Importance,Important,Moderately Important,Unimportant,,,1,4,2,5,3,,,Cold liquid,,Salt,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With vinegar or other edible substance other than water",4,5,"I usually meal prep for myself, which is where the bulk of my answers are based on.","Sometimes I find chicken breasts from the market have really tough chewy parts. What is it that does this? Chicken doesn't have silver skin and I usually trim the fat on the edges pretty well. (To be specific, it's usually a white line that you can see when flipping over a breast and you look at the thin edge side. I've learned to cut it off but still don't know what it is)",
9/28/20 14:26,Often,15,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Florida,Asian,No,Often,5,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,About Half the time,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,4,3,1,2,5,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:26,Often,25,Male,Poland,Poland,,,,Often,1,1,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach",Most of the time,Always,Never,Always,Usually,Always,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,3,,,
9/28/20 14:26,Often,25,Male,United States of America,United States of America,North Carolina,White,No,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Usually,Never,Never,Never,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,2,3,,1,I don't see any benefit to it,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,4,,"I like when experts share the intent and mechanics of the goals. So I can infer what the best path is when the one size fits all doesn't apply.
E.g. 165 is fine for chicken, but pasteurization will occur at lower temperatures (say 155) if you maintain them for longer (e.g. 30 minutes).
9/28/20 14:26,Sometimes,21,Female,United States of America,United States of America,Texas,White,No,Often,5,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Never,Always,About Half the time,Seldom,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,Dont Wash,,,,2,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,4,I am more attentive to changing or cleaning utensils that have touched meat products than with other raw foods like eggs. My responses are a rough average of my overall practices. ,Most people I know that cook (other college students) do not know or practice safe methods to defrost meats. ,
9/28/20 14:26,Seldom,19,Male,Turkey,Turkey,,,,Never,3,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Never,Never,Seldom,Seldom,Usually,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,5,,,
9/28/20 14:26,Sometimes,19,Male,Sweden,Sweden,,,,Often,1,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Seldom,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,3,5,2,,1,"I've been told it doesn't do anything, but can't source this",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:26,Sometimes,21,Male,Viet Nam,United States of America,Texas,Asian,No,Sometimes,5,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Usually,Seldom,About Half the time,About Half the time,Sometimes,Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,1,4,3,2,,,1,7,6,4,5,3,,,Moderately Important,Moderately Important,Very Important,Moderately Important,Very Important,Important,Moderately Important,Moderately Important,,,1,,,2,,3, Boil the meat before cook with it,Tepid or warm liquid,0-29 minutes,"Salt, Vinegar","By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, With plain cold water",3,1,,,
9/28/20 14:26,Sometimes,24,Male,Netherlands,Netherlands,,,,Sometimes,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Seldom,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,6,5,4,3,1,2,"I expect the meat to be properly clean when I buy it. (cut into smaller pieces of course, whole animals with organs unremoved is different) If there are bits with excess blood, I often cut it off although this almost never happens. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:26,Sometimes,19,Male,United States of America,United States of America,California,Asian,No,Sometimes,6,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Usually,Never,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,2,5,3,4,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,"I once went to a ramen place in LA. Although the food was great, I was most impressed when I saw the chef drop a whole slab of pork, and without hesitation tossed it into the trash.",
9/28/20 14:26,Often,29,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Pennsylvania,White,No,Often,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Usually,Never,Never,Usually,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:26,Often,32,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Wisconsin,White,No,Often,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Always,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,2,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:26,Sometimes,30,Male,Netherlands,Netherlands,,,,Often,1,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Never,Usually,Never,Sometimes,Seldom,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,5,1,2,3,4,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Cold liquid,1-6 hours,Salt,"By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain cold water, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:26,Seldom,31,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Oklahoma,White,No,Seldom,3,3,"Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Never,Seldom,Always,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,2,1,3,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:26,Sometimes,37,Male,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Often,1,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Usually,Never,Seldom,Usually,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,1,3,4,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:26,Never,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
9/28/20 14:26,Sometimes,17,Male,United States of America,United States of America,California,Asian,No,Often,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Always,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,"If I cook something like a steak, I usually keep it in a deep tray and try to use plastic wrap to cover it up. ",,
9/28/20 14:26,Often,27,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Louisiana,White,Yes,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Always,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,2,1,4,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,"While I don't wash meats, I will commonly dry meats with a paper towel after removing them from packaging to remove any slime or extra liquid on the outside. However, I would not do this to any kind of ground meats. ",,
9/28/20 14:26,Often,27,Male,Sweden,Sweden,,,,Often,3,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Usually,Seldom,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,3,2,,,1,I'm not aware of any health risks that are not already eliminated by properly cooking the meat.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:27,Often,24,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Ohio,White,No,Often,1,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Sometimes,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,3,1,4,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:27,Sometimes,43,Male,Canada,Canada,,,,Sometimes,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Never,Always,Never,Seldom,Never,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,2,5,3,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:27,Often,23,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Massachusetts,White,No,Often,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Always,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,4,1,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:27,Often,21,Male,United States of America,United States of America,North Carolina,White,Yes,Often,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Usually,Seldom,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,1,2,,3,Washing the outside doesn't seem necessary when the temperature of the pan and surface of the meat will be enough to cook any pathogens. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:27,Often,26,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Texas,White,No,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,About Half the time,Seldom,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,1,4,2,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:27,Sometimes,16,Male,Poland,Poland,,,,Often,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,Always,Sometimes,Never,Seldom,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,4,2,1,3,5,,,,,,,,,,,Of Little Importance,Important,Very Important,Very Important,Unimportant,Very Important,,Unimportant,,,1,,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain hot water, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",2,5,,,
9/28/20 14:27,Sometimes,25,Male,Denmark,Denmark,,,,Sometimes,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Always,Seldom,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,3,4,5,2,1,I believe that any bacteria/germs that are on the meat will die off from the heat when it is cooked.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:27,Often,29,Male,Belgium,Belgium,,,,Often,1,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Sometimes,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,2,6,3,5,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,4,,,
9/28/20 14:27,Often,22,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Florida,White,Yes,Often,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Always,Seldom,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,4,"When preparing both fruits/vegetables, I will often cut the produce first and then cut the raw meat without cleaning the cutting board but not the reverse. My food safety practices have been heavily influence by taking a Food Safety course (HSC 4573 at the University of South Florida-Tampa).",,
9/28/20 14:27,Sometimes,23,Male,Norway,Norway,,,,Often,4,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Seldom,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,6,4,5,3,2,1,"Not sure if it's explained well enough by checking the last collum, but I just really have never had any experience with a demand of ""washing"" meats. I've also grown up eating a lot of wild meat (from a family that hunts a bit in the eastern inlands of Norway) like moose, deer, boar, etc. Not sure if that has anything to do with it.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,4,,,
9/28/20 14:27,Often,25,Male,Canada,Canada,,,,Sometimes,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Seldom,Seldom,Never,Sometimes,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,Dont Wash,,,5,3,2,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,Important,,,,,,,,,3,,,,,,,Cold liquid,0-29 minutes,Water (in addition to other things),,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:27,Sometimes,27,Male,Hungary,Hungary,,,,Seldom,1,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Sometimes,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,,,1,7,6,5,4,3,,,Of Little Importance,Of Little Importance,Of Little Importance,Of Little Importance,Important,Moderately Important,Unimportant,Moderately Important,,,1,,,,6,,,Cold liquid,,,"By cleaning bowls or other tools, With plain hot water, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",3,3,,,
9/28/20 14:27,Often,16,Male,Mexico,United States of America,Texas,White,Yes,Often,5,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Sometimes,Never,Usually,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,4,2,3,1,,,5,7,2,4,6,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,1,6,3,4,,,Cold liquid,1-6 hours,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, With plain hot water, With bleach",1,3,,,
9/28/20 14:27,Sometimes,24,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Wisconsin,Asian,No,Often,1,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Seldom,Never,Never,Seldom,,Dont Wash,,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,1,,3,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:27,Often,25,Male,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Often,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Always,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,1,5,4,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:27,Often,25,Male,Switzerland,Switzerland,,,,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,About Half the time,Seldom,Never,Always,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,3,1,4,5,2,It's an unecessary/messy step,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:27,Sometimes,18,Male,Germany,Germany,,,,Sometimes,5,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,2,,,1,"I do not feel like I have to wash the meat if the outside of the meat gets hot anyways, any bacteria is going to be killed in the process of cooking.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:27,Sometimes,31,Female,United States of America,United States of America,Hawaii,White,No,Sometimes,5,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Never,Seldom,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,1,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:27,Often,19,Male,Ireland,Ireland,,,,Often,3,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Usually,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,2,1,,3,,,,,,,,,,,Important,NA,Very Important,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,,,1,,,,,,Cold liquid,0-29 minutes,Water (in addition to other things),By cleaning the kitchen sink,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:27,Often,18,Male,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Often,4,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Never,Seldom,About Half the time,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,2,6,3,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:27,Often,21,Male,Syrian Arab Republic,Syrian Arab Republic,,,,Often,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Usually,Always,Seldom,Seldom,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,2,1,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:27,Often,28,Male,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Often,2,3,Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach,Never,Always,Usually,Seldom,Seldom,Always,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,2,5,4,3,1,"A watch a lot of so called chefs, when do they wash meat? ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,Surely having some pathogens get inside you makes your immune system stronger and leaves you less susceptible in older age,,
9/28/20 14:27,Often,24,Male,Germany,Germany,,,,Often,2,3,"Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,About Half the time,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,1,,2,,,,7,,,3,2,1,,,Of Little Importance,Very Important,Very Important,Important,Unimportant,Unimportant,Unimportant,Unimportant,,,1,,,,,,,Tepid or warm liquid,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain hot water",3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:27,Often,24,Male,Canada,Canada,,,,Often,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products",Some of the time,Always,Sometimes,Sometimes,Never,Usually,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,2,,,1,Cooking should kill anything on the outside of the meat,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:27,Often,25,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Maryland,White,No,Often,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,About Half the time,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,I never wash my meat. ,6,5,4,3,2,1,I simply did not realize that people washed meat. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:27,Never,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
9/28/20 14:27,Seldom,16,Male,Romania,Romania,,,,Seldom,3,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Sometimes,Seldom,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,5,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,4,,,
9/28/20 14:28,Often,22,Male,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Often,5,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Never,Always,Never,Never,Never,Sometimes,,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,2,"Gets rid of the grime and stickyness on the meat, particularly when there is a flat surface (I.e. steak). Can’t really do this with minced meat",Important,Very Important,Moderately Important,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Of Little Importance,Moderately Important,,,,1,,2,,,,Tepid or warm liquid,0-29 minutes,,By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink,4,5,,I find that fish meat is the most susceptible to being unsafe and the only time I have ever gotten food positing from meat is when I have fish. I eat meat nearly everyday too. ,
9/28/20 14:28,Often,21,Female,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Often,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Sometimes,Always,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,1,"As long as there's no large foreign objects on the surface of the meat and it's not expired, any pathogens will likely be dead when cooking is done",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:28,Sometimes,19,Male,Portugal,Portugal,,,,Sometimes,3,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Sometimes,Never,Seldom,Seldom,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,2,1,4,3,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:28,Sometimes,28,Male,Germany,Germany,,,,Often,1,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Some of the time,Always,Sometimes,Seldom,Seldom,Usually,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,,,,,,3,2,1,I think it's save if I cook it well enough,,,,,,,,,Of Little Importance,Unimportant,Moderately Important,Moderately Important,Moderately Important,Important,Unimportant,Unimportant,NA,,1,,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, With plain hot water, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:28,Often,25,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Michigan,White,No,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,About Half the time,Sometimes,Always,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,4,3,5,2,1,"I'm going to cook it, and with most (if not all) the methods of cooking I use, the outside of the meat gets the most direct heat for the longest time.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0-29 minutes,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain cold water, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:28,Often,16,Male,Germany,Germany,,,,Often,4,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Seldom,Seldom,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,1,3,2,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:28,Often,21,Male,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Often,1,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Usually,Always,Usually,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,,,5,1,3,2,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:28,Sometimes,31,Male,United States of America,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Sometimes,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Sometimes,Never,Always,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,1,The heat from cooking kills any pathogens of concern?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:28,Often,20,Male,South Africa,South Africa,,,,Often,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Sometimes,Seldom,Never,Usually,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,1,6,5,2,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,4,"Myself, my mother and all of my friends and family that I have seen cook are fine with leaving meat/poultry/pork to thaw on the kitchen sink unsubmerged.",,
9/28/20 14:28,Sometimes,25,Male,Germany,Germany,,,,Sometimes,4,4,"Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Usually,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,4,1,5,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:28,Sometimes,19,Male,Germany,Germany,,,,Sometimes,3,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products",Some of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,Dont Wash,,,,2,3,,4,1,"I feel like everything which would be washed off is gonna be killed anyway, which is why i don't wash meats in general.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,2,,"Sine the EU and Germany usually have pretty strict law on topics of food (and consumer-)safety, it isn't and never was a concern for me",
9/28/20 14:28,Often,23,Male,Argentina,United States of America,Florida,White,Yes,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,About Half the time,Never,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,5,3,1,4,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:28,Often,22,Male,Moldova (Republic of),Moldova (Republic of),,,,Sometimes,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Usually,Never,Never,Sometimes,About Half the time,Wash,Wash,,,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,,,1,7,,6,,,,,Moderately Important,Of Little Importance,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,NA,Very Important,,,2,1,6,5,,,,Cold liquid,30-59 minutes,,"By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink",3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:28,Seldom,22,Female,United States of America,United States of America,Pennsylvania,White,Yes,Sometimes,2,2,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Never,Always,Usually,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,1,4,2,6,3,I'm lazy and I never even thought about washing meat first if I'm going to cook it,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0-29 minutes,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink",2,5,,,
9/28/20 14:28,Seldom,17,Male,Belgium,Belgium,,,,Seldom,5,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach",Some of the time,Sometimes,Never,Seldom,Seldom,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:28,Often,26,Male,United States of America,United States of America,New Jersey,White,No,Often,5,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Usually,Usually,About Half the time,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,2,1,3,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,3,,,
9/28/20 14:28,Sometimes,18,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Arkansas,"White, Asian",No,Sometimes,2,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,Always,Usually,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,4,3,2,1,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,4,"If it still tastes great and it won't give me diarrhea or worse, I'm fine with it.",,
9/28/20 14:28,Often,56,Male,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,Norway,,,,Often,2,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,About Half the time,Never,Never,Sometimes,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,2,3,6,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:28,Often,27,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Nebraska,Asian,No,Often,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Usually,Never,Never,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,4,,,,1,"I think cooking methods are sufficient to kill anything harmful that may be present in food, so I don't wash meat.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:28,Often,25,Male,Indonesia,Singapore,,,,Often,3,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,About Half the time,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,4,2,5,3,1,6,"I don't usually wash cut fish, beef and poultry products. They seem clean enough to me",1,3,2,4,5,6,7,"I wash pork, sheep meat and shellfish generally out of concern when buying fresh from the wet market or even frozen. I saw my parents doing that and I followed them without question for a while now",Very Important,Moderately Important,Very Important,Moderately Important,Important,Important,Of Little Importance,Very Important,,,1,2,3,5,4,,,Cold liquid,0-29 minutes,Water (in addition to other things),"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:28,Often,32,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Ohio,White,No,Often,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Usually,Usually,Seldom,Seldom,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,"I use a separate cutting board for raw meat. That’s about it. I have washed a whole chicken in the past, just under water, because the recipe said to do so. I always wash vegetables w a vegetable wash. ",,
9/28/20 14:28,Often,22,Male,Chile,Chile,,,,Sometimes,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Usually,Sometimes,Never,Never,Sometimes,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,3,,,1,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Cold liquid,0-29 minutes,,,1,5,,,
9/28/20 14:28,Seldom,20,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Maryland,Asian,No,Seldom,5,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Sometimes,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,6,2,1,5,4,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,30-59 minutes,,,4,4,,,
9/28/20 14:28,Often,13,Male,Brazil,Brazil,,,,Sometimes,3,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,Always,About Half the time,Seldom,Never,Usually,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,3,2,1,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:28,Often,24,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Illinois,White,No,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Sometimes,Usually,About Half the time,Sometimes,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,2,1,4,6,,,6,7,5,4,1,2,,,Very Important,Important,Important,Moderately Important,Important,Very Important,Of Little Importance,NA,,,1,2,3,4,5,,,Cold liquid,1-6 hours,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain hot water",3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:28,Sometimes,18,Female,Bangladesh,Bangladesh,,,,Sometimes,5,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products",Some of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Sometimes,,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,,,1,7,3,2,6,,,,Important,Of Little Importance,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,,,1,2,6,,,,,Tepid or warm liquid,,Water (in addition to other things),"By cleaning bowls or other tools, With plain hot water",4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:28,Sometimes,24,Male,Germany,Germany,,,,Often,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Usually,Seldom,Sometimes,Never,Usually,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,2,5,4,3,1,if im cooking it bacteria and parasites will die anyways,,,,,,,,,,,Very Important,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,With plain hot water,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:28,Sometimes,23,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Illinois,White,No,Sometimes,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Usually,Seldom,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,4,2,5,3,1,i dont want meat juices all over my sink,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:28,Sometimes,25,Male,India,India,,,,Often,4,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Never,Always,Never,About Half the time,,Wash,,Wash,Wash,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,,Very Important,,,4,1,,5,,,,Tepid or warm liquid,0-29 minutes,Water (in addition to other things),"By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain cold water",5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:28,Often,37,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Connecticut,White,No,Often,3,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Some of the time,Always,Sometimes,Usually,Seldom,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,1,2,3,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:28,Often,18,Female,Serbia,Serbia,,,,Often,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Never,Sometimes,Never,Always,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:29,Seldom,33,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Virginia,White,No,Often,1,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Always,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,Dont Wash,,,,6,5,1,4,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0-29 minutes,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:29,Often,20,Male,United States of America,United States of America,New Jersey,White,No,Often,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Seldom,About Half the time,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,3,,2,1,I've never even been told I should.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:29,Often,34,Male,Canada,Canada,,,,Often,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Never,Always,Sometimes,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,1,,,,2,Food safety is maintained by washing or using separate cutting boards / utensils for raw meat. Any harmful pathogen on the meat will be destroyed during cooking. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:29,Often,19,Male,Canada,Canada,,,,Often,7,3,"Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce)",Some of the time,Usually,Never,Never,Seldom,Always,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,1,6,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,3,,,
9/28/20 14:29,Often,64,Female,United States of America,United States of America,Virginia,White,No,Often,5,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Always,Never,About Half the time,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,1,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Very Important,Important,Unimportant,Of Little Importance,Moderately Important,,,,"My house has children, so we wash seafood because it is often raw and they touch it with unwashed hands ",1,,,,,,,Cold liquid,,Water (in addition to other things),"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With vinegar or other edible substance other than water",5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:29,Often,31,Male,Italy,Czech Republic,,,,Often,1,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Always,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,5,2,1,3,4,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:29,Sometimes,29,Male,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Sometimes,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Never,Seldom,Never,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,1,,2,3,There was a UK food safety campaign advising not to wash Christmas Turkeys as this can splash bacteria around the kitchen causing more hazard.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:29,Sometimes,37,Male,Poland,Poland,,,,Seldom,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Sometimes,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,2,,,,,3,,7,2,,4,,,Unimportant,NA,Moderately Important,,Very Important,Moderately Important,,Very Important,,,1,,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With bleach, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",4,4,,,
9/28/20 14:29,Often,23,Male,United States of America,United States of America,California,Asian,No,Sometimes,2,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Seldom,Never,Never,Seldom,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,4,3,2,1,5,6,Cooking will kill the bacteria for me.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,4,,,
9/28/20 14:29,Sometimes,35,Male,Hong Kong,Hong Kong,,,,Sometimes,2,4,"Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce)",Never,Always,Seldom,Never,Never,Sometimes,Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,2,3,,,1,mostly I just wash meat for thawing it; I know it isn't necessary from food safety standpoint.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:29,Often,25,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Utah,White,No,Often,2,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Usually,About Half the time,Sometimes,Seldom,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Shellfish,,1,2,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,"I tend to slack on my food safety when it's just me and my wife. We're both young and healthy. If I were cooking for a crowd or for kids, I'd probably be more careful",,
9/28/20 14:29,Often,31,Male,India,United States of America,Texas,Asian,No,Often,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,About Half the time,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,2,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,My entire family insists on washing meat before cooking but I had to stop because I can't promote science and just ignore science at the same time.,,
9/28/20 14:29,Often,24,Male,United States of America,United States of America,California,"White, Asian",No,Often,1,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Always,Seldom,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,5,4,2,1,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,I have experience working in commercial kitchens and try to adopt most food safety practices in my own home from that experience,,
9/28/20 14:29,Often,29,Male,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Seldom,Seldom,Seldom,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,2,1,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,4,,,
9/28/20 14:29,Often,33,Non-binary,United States of America,United States of America,Ohio,White,No,Often,1,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Usually,About Half the time,Never,Seldom,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,4,1,2,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,4,,"I'm ServSafe certified, former 'Certified Culinarian' with the American Culinary Federation (over a decade ago, but.) Bachelor of Science in Culinary Management, and working cook for over a decade.",
9/28/20 14:29,Sometimes,18,Male,Germany,Germany,,,,Often,3,3,"Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Seldom,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,3,1,5,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,,,,,,,Tepid or warm liquid,30-59 minutes,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, With plain hot water, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:29,Sometimes,21,Male,United States of America,United States of America,New York,White,Yes,Sometimes,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Never,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,4,5,3,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Tepid or warm liquid,1-6 hours,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:29,Often,27,Male,Denmark,Denmark,,,,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,About Half the time,Never,Seldom,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,4,2,3,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,"Most times, washing meats supposedly cause cross contamination which is why I, personally, do not wash my meat products. Although I *always* wash my hands before and after touching raw meat.","Washing hands before you start and when going from meats to produce is rule number 1!
Often I will hesitate to eat anything prepared by children as they are children and cannot be forced to follow food hygiene rules as strictly as adults ought to. I hesitate because I got food poisoning at a Christmas dinner eating something my nephews made and was one of three people at the dinner who got sick. The others had not eaten my nephews' ""cooking"".",
9/28/20 14:29,Often,35,Male,Serbia,Serbia,,,,Often,4,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,4,,,
9/28/20 14:29,Often,24,Male,Finland,Finland,,,,Often,1,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Seldom,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,1,"The bacteria outside the meat will die during cooking. Washing poultry just spreads raw poultry liquids around the kitchen. I don`t find washing meat necessary in any circumstance in my ordinary cooking, as it is always store bought and doesnt have any dirt on it.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:29,Often,28,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Massachusetts,White,No,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,Always,About Half the time,Seldom,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,4,2,1,3,5,6,,,,,,,,,,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,Very Important,NA,Very Important,,,1,,,,,,,Tepid or warm liquid,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, With plain hot water, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",4,5,I used to wash the slime off chicken however I read that it's bad because it splashes bacteria around. ,,
9/28/20 14:29,Sometimes,18,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Pennsylvania,White,No,Sometimes,5,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Some of the time,Usually,Usually,About Half the time,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,1,2,,4,3,"I nor my parents have ever washed meet, so I never thought washing raw meat was a priority.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,4,,,
9/28/20 14:29,Often,56,Male,United States of America,United States of America,New Jersey,White,No,Often,2,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,About Half the time,Never,Never,Usually,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,3,1,4,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,3,,,
9/28/20 14:29,Sometimes,27,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Texas,White,Yes,Often,1,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,About Half the time,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,2,1,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,Very Important,Important,Of Little Importance,Moderately Important,,,,,1,,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With bleach",4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:29,Often,23,Male,United States of America,United States of America,New Jersey,"Asian, South Asian - Indian",No,Often,4,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Sometimes,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,4,2,1,,3,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,Very Important,Very Important,,,,,1,,,,,,,Cold liquid,,Water (in addition to other things),"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain hot water, With vinegar or other edible substance other than water",5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:29,Sometimes,19,Male,Canada,Canada,,,,Sometimes,3,3,"Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Usually,Usually,Seldom,Seldom,Usually,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,,,5,1,4,6,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,3,,,
9/28/20 14:29,Sometimes,24,Male,Germany,Germany,,,,Sometimes,2,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,Always,Never,Seldom,Usually,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,2,1,6,5,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,4,,,
9/28/20 14:29,Often,21,Male,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Often,6,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Some of the time,Usually,Never,Usually,Seldom,Usually,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,1,5,2,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:29,Often,31,Male,United States of America,United States of America,California,"White, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander",No,Sometimes,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Always,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,2,1,5,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:29,Sometimes,21,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Oregon,White,No,Sometimes,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Usually,Sometimes,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,2,1,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:29,Often,32,Male,Poland,France,,,,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Usually,Seldom,About Half the time,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,1,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:29,Often,21,Male,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Seldom,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,6,1,2,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:29,Often,23,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Florida,Mixed Race (Mexican and WASP),No,Often,2,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,About Half the time,Sometimes,About Half the time,Usually,,Wash,Dont Wash,,,Dont Wash,,,5,1,2,4,3,,,,,,,,,,,Unimportant,Of Little Importance,Moderately Important,Unimportant,Unimportant,Very Important,Unimportant,Very Important,,,1,2,3,5,4,,,Tepid or warm liquid,,Water (in addition to other things),"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain hot water",1,5,,,
9/28/20 14:29,Sometimes,26,Male,Brazil,Brazil,,,,Sometimes,3,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,Always,Never,Never,Always,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,1,3,2,,,,2,,,1,,,,,,,,Very Important,Important,Very Important,,,,,1,2,3,,,,,Cold liquid,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain cold water, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",4,4,,,
9/28/20 14:30,Often,35,Male,Croatia,Austria,,,,Often,4,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Never,Usually,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,1,2,,,5,,1,,,,,,,"When it comes to fish, which I buy from the market near the sea in Croatia, I buy it fresh and unprocessed which means I have ti clean the organs out myself which means I have to wash it.",Very Important,Unimportant,Unimportant,Unimportant,Unimportant,Important,Unimportant,Unimportant,Unimportant,,2,1,,3,,,,Cold liquid,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With vinegar or other edible substance other than water",4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:30,Often,21,Female,United States of America,United States of America,New York,"Black or African American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander",No,Often,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Usually,Seldom,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,2,5,1,3,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,"I used to be a firm believer in washing my meat, mainly poultry, but cooking YouTubers such as J Kenji Lopez-Alt, Internet Shaquille, and Adam Ragusea. I never had thought that washing the meat would pose more of a health risk as the water sprays not only in the sink but the areas around it. ",,
9/28/20 14:30,Often,13,Male,Georgia,Georgia,,,,Often,6,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Always,Never,Never,Usually,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,2,4,1,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Cold liquid,0-29 minutes,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:30,Often,46,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Oklahoma,White,No,Often,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products",Never,Always,Usually,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,2,1,4,,3,I want to improve browning most of the time,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,,5,5,My practice has changed in the last year from (1) usually rinsing raw meat under the sink and then patting dry with paper towels to (2) just drying off with paper towels. This has been on the advice of multiple Youtube chefs. ,,
9/28/20 14:30,Sometimes,20,Male,Germany,Germany,,,,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products",Most of the time,Always,Seldom,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,6,1,4,5,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:30,Often,30,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Delaware,White,No,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products",Most of the time,Always,Usually,Sometimes,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,4,5,1,6,2,3,I want the meat dry for better browning.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:30,Often,21,Male,Canada,Canada,,,,Often,1,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Usually,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,,,6,5,4,2,3,1,"I feel that cooking the food does just as good a job, or even better, than washing the meat beforehand",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,4,,,
9/28/20 14:30,Sometimes,18,Male,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Often,6,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Usually,Never,Always,Never,Usually,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,2,1,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:30,Often,21,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Michigan,White,No,Sometimes,3,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Always,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,1,3,2,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:30,Often,22,Male,United States of America,United States of America,California,Asian,No,Often,1,4,"Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Always,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,5,2,1,3,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:30,Often,22,Male,United States of America,United States of America,California,Asian,No,Often,4,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,About Half the time,Sometimes,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,5,1,3,2,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:30,Sometimes,28,Male,India,India,,,,Seldom,3,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Never,Never,Never,Seldom,,Wash,,Wash,Wash,Wash,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,Important,Moderately Important,Very Important,Very Important,Important,Moderately Important,,,Very Important,Fish guts,1,2,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain cold water",2,4,,,
9/28/20 14:30,Often,26,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Washington,White,No,Often,4,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Some of the time,Always,Sometimes,Seldom,Usually,Usually,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,1,5,4,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:30,Seldom,21,Male,Turkey,United States of America,Illinois,White,No,Often,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Never,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,2,,,
9/28/20 14:30,Often,28,Male,United States of America,United States of America,California,Asian,No,Often,1,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Sometimes,Sometimes,Never,Usually,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,3,2,4,5,1,"by washing meat, you spread particles to your kitchen surfaces",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:30,Sometimes,23,Male,South Africa,South Africa,,,,Sometimes,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products",Most of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Sometimes,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,1,2,6,5,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:30,Sometimes,24,Male,Ireland,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Often,1,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products",Some of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,6,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Very Important,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:30,Often,25,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Maryland,White,No,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Sometimes,Seldom,Never,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,1,2,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Cold liquid,0-29 minutes,"Water (in addition to other things), Salt",,5,5,I only soak meat for the purposes of thawing. Most of the time I soak in plastic vacuum sealed bags,"If I am cooking for myself I am more carefree about food safety. When someone else is cooking for me and I cant see the full process, I am concerned more frequently. ",
9/28/20 14:30,Often,30,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Illinois,White,No,Often,2,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Sometimes,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,1,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:30,Often,26,Male,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Often,3,2,"Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Never,Always,Never,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,2,,,
9/28/20 14:30,Often,23,Female,United States of America,United States of America,Michigan,Asian,No,Often,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Never,Always,About Half the time,Never,Never,Sometimes,Wash,Wash,Wash,,Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Does soaking out the myoglobin count as washing? Or adding in cold water to defrost? ,,,,,,,,7,,6,2,1,5,,,Of Little Importance,Moderately Important,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Unimportant,Moderately Important,,,1,4,5,3,2,,,Cold liquid,13-18 hours,"Water (in addition to other things), Salt","By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:30,Sometimes,20,Male,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Often,8,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Sometimes,Sometimes,Never,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,1,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:30,Often,24,Male,United States of America,United States of America,California,White,No,Often,4,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Usually,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,1,3,6,5,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:30,Often,18,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Nebraska,White,No,Sometimes,6,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Usually,Sometimes,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,,1,6,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:30,Often,23,Male,Iceland,Iceland,,,,Often,1,2,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,1,5,2,3,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,1,"My parents grew up with the custom of boiling the hell out of all meats.
Food safety wasn't a thing here until recently, but nowadays people trust the food regulations",,
9/28/20 14:30,Sometimes,24,Male,Hungary,Hungary,,,,Sometimes,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Usually,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,2,1,4,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:30,Often,18,Female,Argentina,Argentina,,,,Often,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,About Half the time,Usually,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,5,1,6,2,3,,,,,,,,,,,Very Important,Very Important,Important,Important,Important,Important,Important,Important,,,2,1,,3,,,,Tepid or warm liquid,,Water (in addition to other things),,3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:30,Often,24,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Virginia,White,No,Often,1,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Always,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,2,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Very Important,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:30,Sometimes,22,Male,France,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Never,Never,Seldom,Seldom,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,4,3,2,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:30,Sometimes,19,Non-binary,United States of America,United States of America,Texas,White,No,Often,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,1,5,2,3,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:30,Seldom,25,Female,United States of America,United States of America,Washington,White,No,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products",Some of the time,Always,Never,Sometimes,Never,Sometimes,,Dont Wash,,,Dont Wash,,,,,,1,3,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:30,Often,19,Male,India,India,,,,Sometimes,4,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Some of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Usually,,Wash,,Wash,Wash,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Important,Very Important,Very Important,Of Little Importance,Of Little Importance,,,1,3,4,5,6,,,Cold liquid,,Water (in addition to other things),"By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain cold water, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",4,4,"I would like to say that, at least in India we (about 98% of the population) generally get our meat(both red and white), and fish and seafood fresh out of a butcher shop and it's open roadside (you can look up on the internet). I (personally) consume chicken, mutton (lamb) and a whole lot of fish and seafood. The butcher would cut pieces of the meat or fish (bone in) and pack it up and give it to us. It's completely different from the buying meat experience in US and other mostly developed countries.",,
9/28/20 14:30,Often,24,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Pennsylvania,White,No,Often,3,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Usually,Seldom,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,5,2,1,3,4,6,,,7,,,,,,,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,,,,,,,,,,,Salt,,4,5,I almost never wash any sort of meat and am always cognizant of raw meat on utensils and cutting boards. ,I am certified in food safety practices by Sodexo for an event I did in college and have worked as a banquet server for a catering company. ,
9/28/20 14:30,Seldom,26,Male,Sweden,Germany,,,,Sometimes,1,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Usually,Seldom,Seldom,Never,,Wash,Wash,,Wash,Wash,,,,,,,,,,1,,4,,,,,,Very Important,Moderately Important,Moderately Important,Moderately Important,Moderately Important,Moderately Important,Moderately Important,Moderately Important,,,4,1,3,5,6,,,Cold liquid,30-59 minutes,"Water (in addition to other things), Salt, Citrus (lemon, lime, etc), Vinegar, Alcoholic beverage","By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:30,Often,28,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Ohio,White,No,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,About Half the time,Seldom,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,4,2,1,3,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:31,Often,19,Non-binary,United States of America,United States of America,California,White,No,Often,3,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Seldom,Never,Never,Sometimes,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,Dont Wash,Wash,"I typically wash processed sausages, hot dogs, and similar. Typically when I take them out of the package after thawing they're kinda gooey outside, and though I sometimes cook it like that and haven't noticed much issue I usually rinse each individual sausage",,,1,,,2,"Older people I know who commonly exhibit very un-foodsafe practices in the kitchen tend to wash meat, so whenever they do something in the name of food safety I'm extremely skeptical it actually does what they're intending it to do.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,Very Important,,,,,1,,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",4,4,,,
9/28/20 14:31,Sometimes,24,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Massachusetts,White,Yes,Often,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Usually,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,"wild game, I wash out blood, entrails if I nicked intestines. I also go over very carefully for shotgun shot. ",,,1,2,,,,3,,,1,,2,,,Unimportant,,Very Important,Moderately Important,Important,,,,,,1,,,,2,3,particularly gamey meats I soak in milk or buttermilk to lessen game flavor,Cold liquid,7-12 hours,"Salt, Citrus (lemon, lime, etc), Vinegar, buttermilk/vegan buttermilk substitutions (almond milk and apple cider vinegar/citrus)","By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink",4,3,,,
9/28/20 14:31,Sometimes,14,Male,United States of America,United States of America,New York,White,No,Sometimes,4,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Never,About Half the time,Never,Never,Sometimes,,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,,,2,1,7,6,5,4,,,Very Important,Of Little Importance,Important,Moderately Important,NA,Unimportant,,,,,1,4,5,3,2,,,Cold liquid,0-29 minutes,"Salt, Citrus (lemon, lime, etc), Vinegar, Alcoholic beverage","By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With bleach, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",2,3,"The poultry I use comes from a kosher butcher, so it has been salted to remove all of the blood, while they rinse it of there, I still can taste the salt unless i was it in my own home.",,
9/28/20 14:31,Never,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
9/28/20 14:31,Often,20,Male,United States of America,United States of America,North Carolina,White,No,Often,1,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products",Most of the time,Always,Seldom,About Half the time,Never,Seldom,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,Dont Wash,,,,3,2,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:31,Often,26,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Ohio,White,No,Often,1,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,3,4,1,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,Restaurant manager in the industry. ServSafe certification,,
9/28/20 14:31,Sometimes,16,Male,Hungary,Hungary,,,,Often,5,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,About Half the time,Never,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Cold liquid,0-29 minutes,"Water (in addition to other things), Salt, Citrus (lemon, lime, etc)",,3,2,,,
9/28/20 14:31,Often,30,Male,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Often,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products",Most of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,1,,6,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:31,Often,22,Male,Canada,Canada,,,,Often,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Usually,About Half the time,Usually,Seldom,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,4,1,2,3,,,,,,,,,,,,Moderately Important,Very Important,Important,Of Little Importance,,,,,,1,,,2,,,,Cold liquid,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:31,Often,12,Male,Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of),United States of America,Florida,Hispanic,Yes,Often,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Usually,Always,Never,Never,Seldom,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,NA,NA,NA,,1,2,3,4,5,6,,Tepid or warm liquid,7-12 hours,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain cold water, With plain hot water",5,4,no,Check before you eat,
9/28/20 14:31,Often,23,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Massachusetts,White,No,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,About Half the time,Usually,Sometimes,About Half the time,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,2,3,1,4,5,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:31,Often,30,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Wisconsin,White,Yes,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Sometimes,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,6,2,,1,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Cold liquid,1-6 hours,"Salt, Citrus (lemon, lime, etc), Vinegar",,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:31,Often,14,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Maryland,Black or African American,No,Often,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,About Half the time,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,4,3,1,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:31,Often,28,Male,United States of America,United States of America,California,"Choose Not to Disclose, Puerto Rican",Yes,Often,3,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Always,Never,Never,Usually,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,2,6,4,1,3,Cooking meat at high external temperature cooks off any potentially harmful bacteria or other organisms. ,,,,,,,,,,,Very Important,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:31,Seldom,21,Non-binary,Turkey,Turkey,,,,Sometimes,4,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Never,Never,Never,Never,,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,2,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,,Very Important,Very Important,,,,,1,,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:31,Often,27,Male,United States of America,United States of America,North Carolina,White,No,Often,2,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,Usually,Sometimes,Seldom,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,1,2,4,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:31,Often,22,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Ohio,White,No,Often,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Usually,Seldom,Usually,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,3,4,5,1,2,,,1,6,5,2,3,4,,,Very Important,Important,Moderately Important,Moderately Important,Of Little Importance,Moderately Important,Unimportant,Unimportant,,,,,,,1,,,Cold liquid,7-12 hours,"Water (in addition to other things), Salt","By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",3,5,,I'd love to be informed about proper food techniques and safety according to science. All the work you do is truly wonderful. Thanks Adam.,
9/28/20 14:31,Seldom,23,Male,Sweden,Sweden,,,,Often,1,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Seldom,Seldom,Never,Seldom,Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,,,2,,3,,1,,,,,,Very Important,Moderately Important,,Important,,,,,1,,,2,,,,Cold liquid,,,"With plain hot water, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:31,Often,21,Male,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Often,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Always,Always,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,5,2,1,3,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,"Sometimes I cook frozen/partly frozen meat, not sure if that is a problem or not",,
9/28/20 14:31,Sometimes,16,Male,Romania,Romania,,,,Sometimes,4,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Seldom,Never,Never,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,,,1,7,6,2,5,4,,,,Of Little Importance,,,Very Important,Important,,Moderately Important,,,1,4,6,3,5,,,Tepid or warm liquid,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, With plain cold water, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",3,3,"For us, in Romania, washing meat is kind of weird, and we don't do it often. If we see some blood, maybe we'll rinse that off, but it isn't something we have to do. And most of the time, we don't use thermometres, especially older folk. They just cook it undil it's done. I have had steak here cooked well done because raw meat freaks us out. I am ofcourse speaking from my experience, though i am gonna ask if anyone has had this ""meat washing"" query.
PS: I love the science videos, they are great",,
9/28/20 14:31,Often,27,Male,Poland,Poland,,,,Often,1,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Seldom,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,1,3,,,2,The cooking process will get rid of any potential remaining contamination.,,,,,,,,,Very Important,Moderately Important,Important,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:31,Sometimes,20,Male,Bangladesh,Bangladesh,,,,Sometimes,4,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Never,Never,Never,About Half the time,,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,,,,,,,,,,,1,2,,,,,,,Very Important,Important,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,NA,NA,,,1,2,,,,,,Cold liquid,,Water (in addition to other things),"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:31,Often,21,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Utah,White,No,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,Always,Usually,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,1,2,,3,4,Doesn't seem necessary,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Tepid or warm liquid,0-29 minutes,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools",4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:31,Sometimes,37,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Massachusetts,White,No,Often,1,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Usually,Seldom,Seldom,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,5,3,1,4,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1-6 hours,"Water (in addition to other things), Salt, Citrus (lemon, lime, etc), Vinegar",,3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:31,Seldom,25,Male,Denmark,Denmark,,,,Often,1,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Seldom,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,1,4,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,4,,,
9/28/20 14:31,Sometimes,22,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Nevada,White,No,Sometimes,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Usually,Seldom,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,5,4,3,2,1,I believe that any benefit that could come from washing raw meat happens when the meat is cooked (i.e. bacteria on the surface being killed/removed).,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,I worked in restaurants for three years and only was made to wash meat at one place. When I asked the chef about why that is he couldn't give me an answer for why I should but rather just told me to do it.,No.,
9/28/20 14:31,Often,35,Male,Portugal,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Often,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,6,5,1,4,3,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:31,Sometimes,19,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Oregon,White,No,Sometimes,5,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Sometimes,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,1,2,4,6,3,5,"When I cook the meat, I'll be killing off any harmful microbes",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Salt, Citrus (lemon, lime, etc), Vinegar",,2,4,,,
9/28/20 14:31,Often,26,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Missouri,White,No,Often,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Usually,Sometimes,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,6,3,1,2,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,4,"I typically use meat products that are not frozen at the time of purchase. The most notable exception is seafood, since I live in part of the US where most of it is probably frozen at some point in the process of getting to the store anyway. While this survey is about meat, I would like to add that I usually wash all fruits and vegetables that I use in food prep.",,
9/28/20 14:31,Sometimes,20,Female,Germany,Germany,,,,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",All of the time (that is without fail),Seldom,Never,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,1,"Germs get killed through cooking, I do not think washing does not do much",,,,,,,,,,,Very Important,,Important,Important,,,,,1,,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:31,Seldom,17,Male,Lebanon,Australia,,,,Often,6,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Never,Sometimes,Never,,Dont Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Very Important,Of Little Importance,Important,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Moderately Important,Unimportant,,,,,,,,,,Cold liquid,1-6 hours,"Citrus (lemon, lime, etc), Vinegar","By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain hot water, With vinegar or other edible substance other than water",4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:31,Seldom,16,Male,Belgium,Belgium,,,,Sometimes,4,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,,,,3,,2,1,,,2,,,,,,,,Very Important,Unimportant,Important,Of Little Importance,NA,NA,NA,NA,,,1,,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,By cleaning the kitchen sink,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:31,Often,27,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Delaware,White,No,Often,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Usually,Seldom,Usually,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,2,3,4,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:31,Often,20,Male,Nepal,Nepal,,,,Often,4,2,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Usually,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,,,,,,,,,1,,,,2,3,,,Important,Of Little Importance,Important,Important,Important,Important,Of Little Importance,Important,,,1,,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,By cleaning the kitchen sink,4,4,,,
9/28/20 14:31,Sometimes,18,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Washington,White,No,Often,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,Always,Always,Seldom,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,1,3,2,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:31,Often,28,Male,Netherlands,Korea (Republic of),,,,Often,1,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,1,6,2,3,5,4,It is going into a hot pan 🔥 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:31,Often,25,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Arizona,White,No,Often,4,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Always,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,1,2,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,"When grilling, I often hold my utensil close to the flames to kill any bacteria that was collected while handling the raw product",,
9/28/20 14:31,Sometimes,22,Male,Netherlands,Netherlands,,,,Sometimes,8,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach",Most of the time,Always,Never,Always,Always,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,4,1,,3,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:31,Often,22,Male,United States of America,United States of America,California,Choose Not to Disclose,Yes,Often,1,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,About Half the time,Never,Never,Sometimes,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,4,1,3,5,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Cold liquid,0-29 minutes,Water (in addition to other things),"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:32,Sometimes,26,Female,Poland,United States of America,Illinois,White,No,Sometimes,1,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,About Half the time,Seldom,Never,About Half the time,Wash,Wash,Wash,,,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,,,2,7,1,6,5,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,2,4,6,5,,,Cold liquid,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",4,4,,,
9/28/20 14:32,Often,63,Female,United States of America,United States of America,California,White,Yes,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Usually,Never,Never,Seldom,Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Important,Important,Very Important,Moderately Important,Unimportant,,,1,,,,,,,Cold liquid,0-29 minutes,Vinegar,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:32,Often,22,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Florida,White,No,Often,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Never,Always,Seldom,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,6,2,3,4,5,1,"Cooking it will kill any bacteria, and washing it would cause the bacteria to splash all over my small kitchen",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,5,,,
9/28/20 14:32,Often,18,Non-binary,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Often,4,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,Always,Never,Seldom,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,2,3,4,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:32,Often,20,Female,United States of America,United States of America,Pennsylvania,White,No,Often,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,4,1,3,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Salt, Citrus (lemon, lime, etc), Vinegar, Alcoholic beverage",,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:32,Never,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
9/28/20 14:32,Sometimes,21,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Louisiana,White,Yes,Sometimes,3,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Never,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,Dont Wash,,,5,4,1,2,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Tepid or warm liquid,30-59 minutes,"Water (in addition to other things), Salt",,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:32,Often,51,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Washington,White,No,Often,1,5,"Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Usually,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:32,Often,23,Female,Netherlands,Netherlands,,,,Often,5,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products",Most of the time,Always,Seldom,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,2,,,3,1,I did not know washing meat was a thing before this survey..,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:32,Often,23,Male,Australia,United States of America,California,White,No,Often,1,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Usually,Seldom,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Wash,Dont Wash,,,2,1,3,4,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,3,,,
9/28/20 14:32,Often,21,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Oregon,Mexican ,Yes,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,4,1,6,2,3,5,,7,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,I put frozen food in water to defrost sometimes,,
9/28/20 14:32,Sometimes,28,Male,Iceland,United States of America,New Jersey,White,No,Sometimes,4,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,1,4,5,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,4,,,
9/28/20 14:32,Often,27,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Texas,White,No,Often,1,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce)",Never,Always,Always,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,Dont Wash,,,5,1,3,2,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:32,Often,22,Male,Canada,Canada,,,,Sometimes,5,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,Always,Sometimes,Never,Never,Usually,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,6,I am going to cook it anyways,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1-6 hours,Water (in addition to other things),"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain hot water",4,4,,,
9/28/20 14:32,Seldom,23,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Florida,White,No,Often,3,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Always,Never,Never,Never,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,"Washing veggies is best practice, washing meats are not.",,
9/28/20 14:32,Sometimes,24,Male,Germany,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Sometimes,3,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Usually,Never,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,5,4,2,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0-29 minutes,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:32,Seldom,26,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Pennsylvania,Choose Not to Disclose,No,Seldom,3,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:32,Sometimes,24,Male,Malta,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Often,2,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,Always,Sometimes,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,3,1,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:32,Sometimes,23,Female,Finland,Finland,,,,Often,1,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,About Half the time,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,1,3,4,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:32,Often,28,Female,China,United States of America,New York,Asian,No,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Usually,Usually,Seldom,Seldom,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,3,1,2,4,,,,1,,,2,,3,,,Important,Moderately Important,Very Important,Of Little Importance,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,By cleaning bowls or other tools,4,4,,,
9/28/20 14:32,Often,36,Prefer not to disclose,Slovakia,Slovakia,,,,Often,4,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Never,Never,Never,Seldom,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,,,1,,2,,,,,,Very Important,Unimportant,Very Important,Unimportant,Moderately Important,Unimportant,Unimportant,Unimportant,,,1,,,2,,,,Cold liquid,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain hot water, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:32,Often,23,Non-binary,United States of America,United States of America,New York,White,No,Often,2,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Never,Seldom,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,3,2,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,4,,,
9/28/20 14:32,Sometimes,23,Male,Portugal,Portugal,,,,Sometimes,4,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Usually,Seldom,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,4,3,5,1,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,4,,,
9/28/20 14:32,Sometimes,39,Male,Germany,Germany,,,,Seldom,1,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Usually,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,1,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:32,Often,21,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Georgia,White,No,Often,1,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Seldom,Always,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,4,1,5,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:32,Often,18,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Florida,Asian,No,Often,1,4,"Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Never,Sometimes,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,2,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:32,Sometimes,24,Male,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Sometimes,6,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Usually,Sometimes,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,4,3,2,6,1,"Viruses and bacteria are killed during cooking. Other dangers within food, such as heavy metals and plastic would not be removed with washing.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,4,,,
9/28/20 14:32,Often,28,Male,United States of America,Mexico,,,,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,About Half the time,Sometimes,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:32,Often,32,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Louisiana,White,No,Often,1,1,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Never,Sometimes,Never,About Half the time,Seldom,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,6,2,1,3,4,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,5,i'm just lazy,,
9/28/20 14:32,Sometimes,16,Male,Chile,Chile,,,,Often,4,2,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Usually,Never,Always,About Half the time,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,6,,2,1,,,6,,,,,,,,Very Important,Of Little Importance,Unimportant,Moderately Important,NA,Of Little Importance,NA,NA,,,6,2,,,4,,,Cold liquid,30-59 minutes,Vinegar,With plain cold water,1,3,,,
9/28/20 14:32,Sometimes,19,Female,United States of America,United States of America,Delaware,Asian,No,Often,5,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Usually,Never,Never,Never,Seldom,Wash,Wash,,,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,2,,,,,Very Important,,Moderately Important,,,Important,,,1,,,2,,,,Cold liquid,0-29 minutes,,"By cleaning bowls or other tools, With plain cold water, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:32,Seldom,19,Male,Poland,Poland,,,,Seldom,4,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Usually,Never,Never,Seldom,Wash,Wash,Wash,,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,,,1,7,6,3,4,5,,,Important,Of Little Importance,Of Little Importance,Moderately Important,Important,Very Important,Unimportant,Of Little Importance,,,1,2,6,3,4,,,Cold liquid,30-59 minutes,"Water (in addition to other things), Salt, Citrus (lemon, lime, etc)","By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain hot water, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",3,4,"I don't eat meat myself so when I prepare it, I feel responsible for my friends and family a health and safety. I don't care about my own that much.",,
9/28/20 14:33,Often,11,Prefer not to disclose,United States of America,United States of America,Maryland,Choose Not to Disclose,No,Sometimes,5,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,About Half the time,Never,Seldom,Seldom,Usually,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,My ethnic dishes often include different types of meat like dried fish. We always thoroughly wash these.,1,,,,,2,I know I am supposed to wash meat but sometimes I skip out on it because I am lazy or in a rush.,6,1,,7,,,,,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Moderately Important,,,4,5,,6,,3,I sometimes peel and prep the meat while it is sitting in the water. I also scrub the dried fish.,Tepid or warm liquid,1-6 hours,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain cold water",5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:33,Sometimes,28,Male,Germany,Switzerland,,,,Often,1,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Seldom,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,3,1,2,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,4,,,
9/28/20 14:33,Often,22,Male,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Sometimes,Always,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,3,6,2,,1,I believe that the cooking process will kill most germs on the meat or fish. ,,,,,,,,,,,Very Important,,,Important,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:33,Often,25,Male,Brazil,Argentina,,,,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,3,2,1,5,,,1,,,2,3,4,,,Unimportant,NA,Of Little Importance,Moderately Important,NA,Very Important,NA,Important,,,1,,2,,3,,,Tepid or warm liquid,,"Water (in addition to other things), Salt, Citrus (lemon, lime, etc), Vinegar, Alcoholic beverage","By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain hot water, With vinegar or other edible substance other than water",4,4,,,
9/28/20 14:33,Often,32,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Washington,White,No,Often,3,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,3,2,1,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:33,Often,31,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Texas,White,No,Often,5,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Never,Always,Sometimes,Never,Never,Usually,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,1,2,3,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,4,,"I hope you get accurate results on this survey. I almost clicked ""always"" instead of ""never"" on a question or two because I got the direction backwards. If the questions were shorter and/or used less ""big"" words that would probably help.",
9/28/20 14:33,Often,33,Male,Poland,Poland,,,,Sometimes,1,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Usually,About Half the time,Sometimes,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,5,2,3,4,,,3,7,1,,,,,,Very Important,Unimportant,Moderately Important,Important,NA,NA,NA,Of Little Importance,,,1,6,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:33,Often,26,Male,Germany,Germany,,,,Often,1,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Never,Never,Never,About Half the time,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,,,1,7,5,2,4,3,,,Very Important,Important,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Unimportant,,,1,,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain cold water, With plain hot water, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:33,Often,32,Male,Honduras,Honduras,,,,Often,5,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Never,Never,Never,Never,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,,,,7,,1,,,,,,,,Very Important,,,Very Important,,,,,,1,,,,,Cold liquid,0-29 minutes,"Water (in addition to other things), Citrus (lemon, lime, etc)","By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:33,Often,45,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Massachusetts,Choose Not to Disclose,No,Often,3,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Usually,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,3,1,,,,,,,,,,,1,The juices the fish often arrives in are unpleasant to me. ,,,,,Important,Very Important,,Important,,,1,,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,By cleaning the kitchen sink,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:33,Sometimes,14,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Texas,White,No,Often,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Usually,Never,Sometimes,About Half the time,Usually,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,4,,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:33,Often,28,Male,Ireland,Ireland,,,,Often,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,Always,Sometimes,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,,,6,,2,4,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,"Here in Ireland the custom of washing meat would be considered ""old-fashioned"" now- My grandparents would have rinsed whole chickens or cuts of beef/pork in the sink. This doesn't mean it isn't done anymore but if it is it's usually taught or a passed down tradition.",
9/28/20 14:33,Sometimes,31,Male,Denmark,Denmark,,,,Sometimes,1,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Seldom,About Half the time,Never,Usually,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,5,3,6,1,2,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:33,Often,19,Male,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Often,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Usually,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,3,2,4,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,I wish education regarding food safety was of a higher standard as many of the guidelines I was taught in school have turned out to be scientifically false.,
9/28/20 14:33,Often,19,Male,Georgia,Belgium,,,,Often,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Sometimes,Never,Seldom,Sometimes,Seldom,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,,,,,,,,,,2,,,3,1,,,,Important,,,,,Very Important,,,,,1,,,2,,,,Cold liquid,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools",4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:33,Often,21,Male,India,United States of America,California,Asian,No,Often,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Usually,Always,Seldom,Sometimes,About Half the time,,Wash,,,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,Very Important,,,,,Important,,Moderately Important,,,1,,,2,,,,Cold liquid,0-29 minutes,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, With plain cold water, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",1,4,,,
9/28/20 14:33,Often,33,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Pennsylvania,White,No,Often,5,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Sometimes,About Half the time,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,4,1,2,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:33,Sometimes,21,Male,Sweden,Sweden,,,,Sometimes,1,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products",Most of the time,Always,Seldom,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,2,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:33,Sometimes,18,Male,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Sometimes,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Some of the time,Always,Never,About Half the time,Never,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,,,5,1,2,3,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,4,,,
9/28/20 14:33,Sometimes,25,Male,Poland,Poland,,,,Sometimes,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Seldom,Never,Never,Never,Wash,Wash,Wash,,Dont Wash,Wash,,,,,,,,,,2,,,,,3,,,,Moderately Important,Very Important,Moderately Important,Moderately Important,Important,,Important,,,1,3,,,,,,Cold liquid,0-29 minutes,,"By cleaning bowls or other tools, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:33,Seldom,22,Male,Kenya,Kenya,,,,Seldom,5,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce)",Most of the time,Seldom,Never,Seldom,Usually,Always,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,,,,,,,,,,1,7,3,2,6,4,,,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,,Very Important,,,4,1,,2,,,,Cold liquid,0-29 minutes,Water (in addition to other things),"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, With plain cold water",5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:33,Often,28,Male,Sweden,Sweden,,,,Often,1,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Always,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,Dont Wash,,,6,1,5,2,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:33,Often,30,Male,United States of America,United States of America,North Carolina,White,No,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Usually,Usually,Never,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,2,1,3,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,Very Important,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,Cold liquid,0-29 minutes,"Water (in addition to other things), Salt, Citrus (lemon, lime, etc), Vinegar","By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain hot water, With vinegar or other edible substance other than water, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:33,Often,25,Male,Brazil,Brazil,,,,Often,4,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Usually,Always,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,Dont Wash,,,,3,,2,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Cold liquid,30-59 minutes,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink",4,4,,,
9/28/20 14:33,Often,31,Male,Canada,Canada,,,,Often,1,4,"Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Never,Always,Never,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,1,I have never heard of washing meat,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:33,Often,40,Male,Sweden,Sweden,,,,Often,1,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Sometimes,Never,Never,Never,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Wash,Dont Wash,,,4,3,6,5,,,,,,,,,,,,Very Important,,,,Moderately Important,Important,Unimportant,,,,2,3,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:33,Often,17,Male,Bulgaria,United States of America,New York,White,No,Often,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Usually,Usually,Sometimes,About Half the time,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,,,1,6,5,3,2,4,,,Of Little Importance,Of Little Importance,Moderately Important,Very Important,Important,Very Important,Unimportant,Of Little Importance,,,1,2,,,,,,Cold liquid,0-29 minutes,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain cold water, With plain hot water",4,4,,,
9/28/20 14:33,Often,22,Male,Slovakia,Slovakia,,,,Often,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Usually,Never,Never,Sometimes,Wash,Wash,Wash,,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,,,1,6,3,2,4,5,,,Unimportant,Important,Very Important,Moderately Important,Very Important,Very Important,Of Little Importance,Very Important,,,1,4,5,2,3,,,Cold liquid,1-6 hours,"Water (in addition to other things), Salt, Citrus (lemon, lime, etc), Vinegar","By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With bleach, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:33,Never,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
9/28/20 14:33,Often,29,Male,Germany,Germany,,,,Often,2,2,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Some of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Usually,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,,,,,1,The cooking heat kills the bacteria and washing just spreads them in the kitchen,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Very Important,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,2,,Don't panic. ,
9/28/20 14:33,Seldom,21,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Virginia,White,No,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Never,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,1,5,3,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:33,Seldom,19,Female,United States of America,United States of America,Iowa,hispanic,Yes,Often,7,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products",Most of the time,Always,Never,Seldom,About Half the time,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,3,1,2,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:33,Sometimes,21,Male,Macedonia (the former Yugoslav Republic of),Macedonia (the former Yugoslav Republic of),,,,Sometimes,6,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Never,Always,Seldom,Wash,Wash,,,Wash,,,,,,,,,,,3,7,6,5,,4,,,Important,Very Important,Very Important,Moderately Important,Of Little Importance,Important,Unimportant,Unimportant,,,1,3,,5,,,,Cold liquid,1-6 hours,,"By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain cold water",3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:33,Often,26,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Alabama,White,No,Often,2,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,About Half the time,Usually,Sometimes,About Half the time,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,4,3,1,5,2,6,,1,7,6,5,4,3,2,,Moderately Important,Important,Very Important,Of Little Importance,Unimportant,NA,NA,NA,,,1,2,3,4,5,,,Cold liquid,0-29 minutes,Salt,With inedible cleaning products other than bleach,2,5,,,
9/28/20 14:33,Sometimes,16,Male,Canada,Canada,,,,Sometimes,4,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Usually,Sometimes,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Cured meat (such as ham) that will be smoked is best when some of the salt has been wash off after the curing process.,5,3,1,4,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:33,Sometimes,19,Male,Lebanon,Lebanon,,,,Often,4,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Never,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,1,2,,,1,,,,,,,,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,,,1,2,,3,,,,Cold liquid,30-59 minutes,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With vinegar or other edible substance other than water, With bleach",5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:33,Often,35,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Texas,White,No,Often,1,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,About Half the time,Seldom,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,4,1,5,3,2,,,,,,,,,,,Of Little Importance,Important,Very Important,Moderately Important,Important,Very Important,Unimportant,Of Little Importance,,,2,,,,1,,,Cold liquid,1-6 hours,"Water (in addition to other things), Salt, Citrus (lemon, lime, etc), Vinegar","By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:33,Seldom,22,Male,Romania,Romania,,,,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Sometimes,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Cold liquid,30-59 minutes,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:33,Seldom,23,Female,United States of America,United States of America,Georgia,Asian,No,Sometimes,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Sometimes,Seldom,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,1,,,2,"My microbiology professors have told me that washing meat increases contamination across my kitchen, especially my sink and dishtowels",1,,,,,,,,,,Important,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:34,Seldom,20,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Missouri,White,No,Sometimes,1,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Usually,Seldom,Seldom,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,,,,1,3,2,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Cold liquid,0-29 minutes,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:34,Seldom,27,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Arizona,White,No,Often,1,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Usually,Seldom,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,3,2,1,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:34,Sometimes,20,Male,Russian Federation,Russian Federation,,,,Often,3,3,"Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Never,Always,Never,Never,Never,Never,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,Dont Wash,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:34,Sometimes,22,Male,Poland,Poland,,,,Sometimes,,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Never,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,Dont Wash,,,6,1,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:34,Often,36,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Massachusetts,White,No,Often,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Sometimes,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,1,,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:34,Sometimes,33,Male,United States of America,United States of America,California,White,No,Often,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Usually,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,1,2,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:34,Often,23,Male,Canada,Canada,,,,Often,1,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Usually,Seldom,Never,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,4,5,1,6,2,,,1,7,6,2,3,4,,,Very Important,Important,Moderately Important,Of Little Importance,Unimportant,NA,NA,NA,NA,,1,,,,,,,Tepid or warm liquid,,,With plain hot water,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:34,Sometimes,19,Male,Germany,Germany,,,,Sometimes,4,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Never,Seldom,Seldom,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,3,2,4,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:34,Often,19,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Virginia,White,No,Often,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,About Half the time,Seldom,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,4,1,2,5,3,I don’t consider it a need.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,4,,,
9/28/20 14:34,Often,25,Male,Germany,Germany,,,,Often,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,1,3,4,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:34,Often,23,Male,Sweden,Sweden,,,,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,1,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:34,Often,27,Male,Bulgaria,Germany,,,,Often,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Seldom,Usually,Never,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,1,,2,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,"It is important that people be aware that raw food itself is not hazardous, it is raw food that is contaminated in some way.",
9/28/20 14:34,Often,38,Male,Chile,Spain,,,,Often,2,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Sometimes,Seldom,Sometimes,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,2,,3,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:34,Often,21,Female,United States of America,United States of America,Arizona,White,Yes,Often,3,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Usually,About Half the time,Never,Never,Sometimes,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,1,2,5,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:34,Often,24,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Arizona,White,No,Often,1,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Always,About Half the time,Never,Seldom,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,,,,,2,1,,,,,,,,,,,1,Washing raw meat is dumb,,,,,,,,,Very Important,Washing is dumb,,,,,,1,Washing is dumb,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:34,Sometimes,55,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Texas,White,No,Often,1,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Sometimes,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,5,1,2,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:34,Sometimes,27,Male,Sweden,Sweden,,,,Sometimes,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach",Most of the time,Always,Never,Usually,Sometimes,Always,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Moose and Rain deer,6,1,5,2,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:34,Often,19,Female,United States of America,United States of America,Oregon,Latin American ,Yes,Often,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Sometimes,About Half the time,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,2,,,Moderately Important,Of Little Importance,Very Important,Important,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Moderately Important,,,1,2,6,3,5,,,Tepid or warm liquid,30-59 minutes,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:34,Often,20,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Ohio,White,No,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Sometimes,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,1,,,,,,,,1,,,,,Unimportant,Moderately Important,Very Important,Important,Moderately Important,Very Important,Unimportant,Very Important,NA,,,1,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:34,Often,21,Male,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Often,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Seldom,Seldom,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,5,1,2,3,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:34,Often,22,Male,Germany,Germany,,,,Often,1,3,"Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Never,Always,Usually,Sometimes,Seldom,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,2,1,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,5,"I dont worry about the surface of the food im about to cook, since im getting rid of any pathogens that are on the surface by cooking it. Im young and healthy, and I've never gotten food poisoning from my own cooking. As long as that track record holds up, I dont see any reason in modifying my practices.",,
9/28/20 14:34,Often,53,Male,United States of America,United States of America,California,White,No,Often,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Usually,Seldom,Seldom,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,Dont Wash,,,,2,1,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:34,Often,21,Female,United States of America,United States of America,New Mexico,White,No,Often,1,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Seldom,Never,Never,About Half the time,Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,Of Little Importance,,Important,,,Very Important,,,,,1,,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,By cleaning the kitchen sink,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:34,Sometimes,20,Male,Belgium,Belgium,,,,Sometimes,6,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Seldom,Seldom,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,5,2,6,4,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,"I'm just a student. Most of the time I just prepare pitta or minced meat. So I don't think my input is that important. Also, I've never seen my mother clean meat before preparing it. So I was kind off shocked when it was mentioned in Adam Ragusea's video. ",,
9/28/20 14:34,Often,45,Male,Netherlands,Netherlands,,,,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Seldom,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,6,1,5,3,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,4,I always cook in the nude.,,
9/28/20 14:34,Often,37,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Illinois,White,No,Often,4,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Always,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,2,5,4,3,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:34,Sometimes,25,Male,Mexico,United States of America,New York,White,Yes,Sometimes,1,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Some of the time,Always,Always,Seldom,Seldom,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,2,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,I use white vinegar to sanitize surfaces between meats and non-meats.,,
9/28/20 14:34,Seldom,20,Male,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Often,6,4,"Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Never,Always,Never,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,Dont Wash,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,4,,,
9/28/20 14:34,Often,28,Female,United States of America,United States of America,New Jersey,Asian,No,Often,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Never,Always,Sometimes,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,5,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Moderately Important,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:34,Sometimes,21,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Texas,White,No,Sometimes,5,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Sometimes,Never,Seldom,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,4,1,3,2,5,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,4,,,
9/28/20 14:34,Often,18,Female,Canada,Canada,,,,Often,3,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,6,1,5,4,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:34,Often,19,Male,India,United States of America,Minnesota,Asian,No,Sometimes,4,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Seldom,Sometimes,Sometimes,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,My parents who actually grew up in india always wash their meat before cooking. I grew up in the states and through my own research decided not to wash my meat.,6,4,2,5,3,,,,,,,,,,,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,,,,,,,,,,Tepid or warm liquid,0-29 minutes,,,2,5,,,
9/28/20 14:34,Often,23,Male,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Often,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Usually,Never,About Half the time,Never,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,1,2,4,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:34,Often,25,Male,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Often,1,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,About Half the time,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,1,3,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:34,Often,33,Male,United States of America,United States of America,South Carolina,White,No,Often,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,About Half the time,Seldom,Never,Usually,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,1,2,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:34,Often,21,Prefer not to disclose,Canada,Canada,,,,Often,1,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Usually,Usually,Never,Seldom,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,2,3,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:34,Sometimes,25,Male,Australia,Australia,,,,Sometimes,3,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,Usually,Usually,Sometimes,Seldom,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,,,4,1,3,2,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Important,,,Very Important,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,4,,,
9/28/20 14:35,Often,24,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Ohio,White,No,Often,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Usually,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,4,3,,2,1,"I always cook the outside of meat well above temperatures needed for any pathogens to
be killed instantly.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Cold liquid,7-12 hours,"Water (in addition to other things), Salt, Citrus (lemon, lime, etc), Vinegar",,4,4,"I have experienced a fair amount of playful teasing about my sensitivity to food safety, particularly with regards to how long food is left out or kept in the fridge.",I wish there was a quicker/more standard way to know how long things last. I often throw food away simply because I don't know if it is good or bad and I tend to be more cautious. ,
9/28/20 14:35,Often,32,Female,United States of America,United States of America,Virginia,White,No,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,About Half the time,Seldom,Never,Never,Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,Of Little Importance,Very Important,,Moderately Important,Moderately Important,Important,Unimportant,,,1,,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,"By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink",5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:35,Sometimes,42,Male,Serbia,Serbia,,,,Sometimes,3,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Seldom,Never,Never,Wash,Wash,Wash,,Wash,Wash,,,,,,,,,,1,3,5,2,7,6,,,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,,,1,2,,3,,,,Tepid or warm liquid,30-59 minutes,"Water (in addition to other things), Salt","By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain hot water",5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:35,Sometimes,22,Male,Germany,Germany,,,,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,Always,Usually,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,,,1,,,2,3,4,,,,Moderately Important,Very Important,Of Little Importance,Important,Unimportant,,NA,,,1,,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, With plain hot water",5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:35,Often,22,Male,Turkey,Turkey,,,,Often,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,About Half the time,Never,About Half the time,Seldom,About Half the time,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,5,3,2,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,5,"Where I live (Turkey) practically no one washes their meat, for the very few who do the general opinion is that they are doing something weird and unnecessary, a family friend of ours used to wash the chicken before we grill when I was growing up and he would be the butt of most jokes.",,
9/28/20 14:35,Often,22,Male,Turkey,Turkey,,,,Often,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,About Half the time,Never,About Half the time,Seldom,About Half the time,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,5,3,2,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,5,"Where I live (Turkey) practically no one washes their meat, for the very few who do the general opinion is that they are doing something weird and unnecessary, a family friend of ours used to wash the chicken before we grill when I was growing up and he would be the butt of most jokes.",,
9/28/20 14:35,Sometimes,21,Male,India,United Arab Emirates,,,,Sometimes,4,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Never,Never,Never,Seldom,,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,,,1,7,6,5,3,4,,,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Of Little Importance,Of Little Importance,Moderately Important,Unimportant,Unimportant,,,1,2,5,3,4,,,Cold liquid,0-29 minutes,Salt,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain hot water, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",3,3,,,
9/28/20 14:35,Sometimes,20,Male,Bangladesh,United States of America,New York,Asian,No,Sometimes,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),About Half the time,Never,Never,Seldom,Sometimes,,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,,,,,,,,,,7,,,1,,2,,,Very Important,Very Important,Important,Important,Very Important,Very Important,Unimportant,Unimportant,,,,,,6,,,,Tepid or warm liquid,30-59 minutes,"Water (in addition to other things), Salt, Citrus (lemon, lime, etc)","By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink",3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:35,Seldom,25,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Minnesota,White,No,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Usually,Seldom,Never,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,1,2,3,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:35,Often,20,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Washington,"White, Asian",No,Often,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Never,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Cold liquid,0-29 minutes,Water (in addition to other things),,4,4,,,
9/28/20 14:35,Sometimes,22,Male,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Sometimes,4,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Never,Never,Never,Sometimes,,Dont Wash,,,Dont Wash,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,Used to wash chicken ages ago but learnt from the web that it isn't recommended as salmonella is more likely to splash onto nearby surfaces and cooking kills any pathogens anyway,,
9/28/20 14:35,Often,32,Male,France,France,,,,Often,2,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Usually,Never,About Half the time,Seldom,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,3,1,2,5,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:35,Often,29,Male,Netherlands,Netherlands,,,,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products",Most of the time,,Sometimes,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,1,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:35,Sometimes,24,Male,Norway,Norway,,,,Sometimes,6,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,Always,About Half the time,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,1,What is the point of washing the meat if you are going to cook it to a safe temperature?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Tepid or warm liquid,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:35,Sometimes,18,Male,Turkey,Turkey,,,,Seldom,4,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Never,Never,Never,Seldom,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,2,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:35,Often,22,Non-binary,Israel,Israel,,,,Often,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Sometimes,Never,Never,Seldom,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,2,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:35,Often,20,Apache Attack Helicoptor,United States of America,United States of America,West Virginia,White,No,Often,5,2,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Never,Never,Never,Always,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,Dont Wash,,,6,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:35,Often,22,Male,France,France,,,,Often,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Seldom,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,"Most of the times the refrigerator doors in my stores are broken, or half open. I already found my salmon to stink 1 or 2 days earlier than it should... ",
9/28/20 14:35,Often,21,Male,Denmark,Denmark,,,,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,About Half the time,Seldom,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,4,2,6,3,5,1,I have never really considered washing meat before cooking it. It has always seemed unnecessary.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,I mostly consider vegetables and fruits clean after a simple wash. I think I've always thought that any bad stuff on/in the meat would be gone if it was cooked to the right temperature.,,
9/28/20 14:35,Often,24,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Michigan,White,No,Often,1,2,"Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Never,Always,Usually,Sometimes,Seldom,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,2,,3,1,Meat doesn't need washing. Large cuts of red meat only have surface bacteria killed by cooking. I cook poultry and ground meat to pasteurization temp/times. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,4,,I wish there was a consensus about this and more topics like it. So I'm happy to contribute.,
9/28/20 14:35,Sometimes,18,Non-binary,United States of America,United States of America,Oregon,slavic,No,Often,4,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Sometimes,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:35,Often,16,Male,Spain,Spain,,,,Often,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,Usually,Never,Never,Never,Sometimes,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,,,,,,,,,,1,7,3,4,5,6,,,Of Little Importance,Moderately Important,Important,Unimportant,Of Little Importance,Unimportant,Unimportant,NA,,,2,6,4,3,5,,,Cold liquid,0-29 minutes,"Citrus (lemon, lime, etc)","By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With bleach",4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:35,Sometimes,25,Male,Germany,Germany,,,,Sometimes,1,4,"Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Never,Sometimes,Never,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,1,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,4,,,
9/28/20 14:35,Sometimes,15,Male,United States of America,United States of America,California,White,No,Often,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,Always,About Half the time,Never,Never,Sometimes,,Wash,Dont Wash,,,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,4,I dont really wash meat at all usually,,
9/28/20 14:35,Sometimes,23,Non-binary,Canada,Canada,,,,Sometimes,2,2,"Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Never,Always,Never,Seldom,Never,Usually,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,2,3,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,4,,,
9/28/20 14:35,Seldom,20,Female,Portugal,Portugal,,,,Seldom,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,About Half the time,,Dont Wash,,,Dont Wash,,,,2,,,1,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:35,Often,22,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Tennessee,White,No,Often,3,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Usually,Never,Seldom,Never,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,I sometimes have venison from hunting and find that the flavor is sometimes better if I rinse the cuts (sometimes there might be blood or something) before cooking. I don't do it for cleanliness reasons.,,3,,2,1,,,,,,1,,2,,,,,Moderately Important,Moderately Important,Moderately Important,,,,,,1,,,,2,,,Cold liquid,1-6 hours,"Water (in addition to other things), Salt, Citrus (lemon, lime, etc), Vinegar, Alcoholic beverage",With plain cold water,3,5,"If I am cooking for myself, I will be more lenient than if I am cooking for guests/roommates",,
9/28/20 14:35,Often,24,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Oregon,White,No,Often,1,3,"Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Never,Always,Sometimes,Seldom,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,4,1,5,3,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,2,,I have literally never heard of washing raw meat before,
9/28/20 14:35,Often,32,Male,Germany,Germany,,,,Often,1,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Sometimes,Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,6,2,4,,,,1,,,7,6,,,,Important,Important,Moderately Important,Moderately Important,Important,Important,NA,NA,,,1,5,2,6,,,,Cold liquid,,"Water (in addition to other things), Salt, Citrus (lemon, lime, etc)","By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain hot water, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",4,5,"More like about this Survey: In some of the questions: one can't choose one answer more than one time (red writing: ""you can't choose one column more than one at a time"" or something... sorry. non native speaker (writer.).) Still love your channel!",Worked in a restaurant as a bartender. Have the feeling there are MUCH too many food guidelines ignored in the field. Good topic!,
9/28/20 14:35,Sometimes,28,Male,United States of America,United States of America,New Jersey,Asian,No,Sometimes,1,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Never,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,1,2,5,4,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:35,Often,24,Male,Brazil,Brazil,,,,Often,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products",Most of the time,Always,Never,Usually,Never,Always,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Wash,Dont Wash,,,2,6,5,3,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,4,,,
9/28/20 14:35,Often,20,Female,Serbia,Serbia,,,,Sometimes,3,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Never,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,5,1,6,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,"I'm very careful about food safety because i've had chronic gastrointestinal health problems for years, which is precisely why i now always follow the scientific consensus when cooking at home and steer clear of restaurants and home cooks that engage in unsafe practices. Before i got sick I wasn't as careful. Don't wash your meat, people! ",,
9/28/20 14:35,Sometimes,36,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Washington,White,No,Often,1,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Some of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Never,,,,,,Dont Wash,,,,2,,,,1,Washing ground meat doesn't seem like it would work,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,"In general, I avoid cooking with raw meat, because I don't trust my cooking abilities.",,
9/28/20 14:35,Sometimes,16,Female,United States of America,United States of America,Florida,"White, Black or African American, Asian",No,Often,5,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Usually,Seldom,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,4,3,1,6,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:35,Often,39,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Maryland,White,No,Often,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,About Half the time,Seldom,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,3,2,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Salt, Citrus (lemon, lime, etc), Vinegar, Alcoholic beverage",,4,5,"For ""Not wash utensils used to handle raw food before they are used for cooked food"", I always wash after raw meat, but only sometimes with raw veggies.",,
9/28/20 14:36,Sometimes,22,Male,United States of America,United States of America,New York,White,No,Sometimes,5,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,About Half the time,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,Dont Wash,,,5,2,1,4,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:36,Often,35,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Idaho,White,No,Often,4,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Always,Seldom,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:36,Often,24,Male,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Often,1,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,About Half the time,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,4,2,5,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:36,Often,24,Male,Canada,Canada,,,,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Usually,About Half the time,Sometimes,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,3,,,,,,,,2,,,,,Moderately Important,Moderately Important,Moderately Important,Moderately Important,Very Important,Very Important,Moderately Important,Very Important,,,1,,,,,,,Cold liquid,30-59 minutes,"Water (in addition to other things), Salt, Citrus (lemon, lime, etc)","By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With vinegar or other edible substance other than water",3,2,,,
9/28/20 14:36,Sometimes,29,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Virginia,White,No,Often,1,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,About Half the time,Usually,Always,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,3,2,4,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Cold liquid,1-6 hours,"Salt, Citrus (lemon, lime, etc), Vinegar",,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:36,Often,30,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Florida,White,No,Often,2,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Usually,Sometimes,,Seldom,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,6,2,3,1,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:36,Often,22,Male,Netherlands,Netherlands,,,,Sometimes,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Usually,Never,Never,Never,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,1,5,2,6,4,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:36,Sometimes,19,Male,Bolivia (Plurinational State of),Canada,,,,Sometimes,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Sometimes,Seldom,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,6,1,3,4,5,2,Anything hazard in the surface of the meat will be killed with direct heat.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:36,Often,50,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Kansas,White,No,Often,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products",Most of the time,Always,Always,About Half the time,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,1,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,4,I pat meat dry with paper towels,,
9/28/20 14:36,Often,32,Male,Germany,Germany,,,,Often,1,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Sometimes,Never,Never,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,3,5,2,4,1,Cooking procedure will kill bacteria anyway,4,,,3,2,1,,,Of Little Importance,Of Little Importance,Important,Moderately Important,Moderately Important,Very Important,Of Little Importance,Of Little Importance,NA,,1,,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",2,4,,,
9/28/20 14:36,Often,19,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Maryland,Asian,No,Sometimes,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Usually,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,Wash,Dont Wash,,,4,3,1,2,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:36,Sometimes,20,Male,Peru,Peru,,,,Seldom,4,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Never,Always,Never,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Guinea Pigs,3,4,1,2,6,5,It is vacuum sealed,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:36,Often,29,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Colorado,White,No,Often,2,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Always,Seldom,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,6,2,1,5,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain hot water",4,4,,,
9/28/20 14:36,Sometimes,36,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Indiana,White,No,Sometimes,1,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Usually,Sometimes,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,1,2,3,4,,,,,,,,,,,NA,Moderately Important,Important,Moderately Important,Moderately Important,Moderately Important,Unimportant,Unimportant,,,1,2,,,,,,Cold liquid,0-29 minutes,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink",4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:36,Sometimes,33,Female,Poland,Poland,,,,Sometimes,3,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Never,Seldom,Never,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,3,2,4,1,,,6,7,5,2,4,3,,,Unimportant,Unimportant,Important,Very Important,,Very Important,Unimportant,Moderately Important,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:36,Often,26,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Missouri,White,No,Often,1,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Usually,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,2,,1,"Since I am always cooking the meat, any pathogens should be minimal/destroyed on the surface once I am finished. The cooking is the washing process. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:36,Often,21,Male,United States of America,United States of America,California,White,No,Sometimes,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Sometimes,Seldom,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,"If deveining shrimp counts as washing it, I do devein my shrimp. But I don't ""wash"" any other fish or seafood.",4,1,3,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,"Not sure if this is relevant, but I do prepare all raw meat on plastic cutting boards, while prepping vegetables/other things I'm cutting on wooden cutting boards. Something about having raw meat on wooden cutting boards strikes me as not entirely food safe.",,
9/28/20 14:36,Sometimes,28,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Texas,White,No,Sometimes,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,About Half the time,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,Dont Wash,,,4,3,1,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,4,,,
9/28/20 14:36,Often,18,Male,Bosnia and Herzegovina,Bosnia and Herzegovina,,,,Often,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Never,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,6,4,1,5,,,,7,,,,,,,,Very Important,Important,Important,Moderately Important,Moderately Important,Moderately Important,Of Little Importance,NA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:36,Sometimes,15,Male,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Sometimes,5,3,"Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Some of the time,Always,Never,About Half the time,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,organs,1,4,2,3,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,If im cooking for myself im a bit loosey goosey but i usually take care when cooking for others,,
9/28/20 14:36,Often,29,Male,Canada,Canada,,,,Often,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Seldom,Sometimes,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,2,3,1,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:36,Often,20,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Florida,"Black or African American, American Indian or Alaska Native",No,Often,5,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Some of the time,Always,Never,Seldom,Never,Sometimes,,Wash,Wash,,Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,2,,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:36,Often,40,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Hawaii,White,No,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,About Half the time,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Don't wash any meat products,5,4,2,1,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,4,,,
9/28/20 14:36,Often,19,Male,Brazil,Brazil,,,,Often,4,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,Always,Never,Seldom,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,2,1,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:36,Seldom,25,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Wisconsin,White,No,Sometimes,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,Always,Usually,Never,Never,Seldom,,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:36,Often,62,Male,Norway,Norway,,,,Often,1,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Usually,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,2,5,4,3,1,6,i always dry the meat with a paper towel. Only wash if needed. then always dry.,,,,,,,,,,,Very Important,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:36,Often,55,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Florida,White,No,Often,3,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Always,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,3,6,1,4,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,"Cross-contamination is a big concern of mine and I cringe when I watch some TV chefs grab food like BBQ chicken with the same tongs they used to put it on the grill. They seem to subscribe to the ""I haven't killed anyone yet"" theory.","The pubic is woefully under educated about cross contamination and how to cook without doing it. We see the occasional show (Good Eats did one) but it is not a sexy topic and certainly not done enough. That is a topic deserving of continual visits when it comes to cooking advice. Don't get started on restaurant staff thinking gloves are a magic tool that keep microbes away. Touching money, food, their face, etc. Makes one want to cook at home all the time.",
9/28/20 14:36,Often,29,Male,Finland,Finland,,,,Often,1,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Sometimes,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:37,Often,18,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Illinois,White,No,Often,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Seldom,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,1,2,,3,,,,,,1,2,3,,,,,Very Important,Important,,Moderately Important,,,,,2,,,3,1,,,Cold liquid,7-12 hours,"Water (in addition to other things), Salt, Citrus (lemon, lime, etc), Vinegar, Alcoholic beverage, Milk when dealing with naturally stinky fish (like shark or catfish) ","By cleaning the kitchen sink, With plain hot water",3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:37,Often,24,Male,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Often,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Seldom,About Half the time,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,5,4,1,2,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:37,Seldom,18,Male,Germany,Switzerland,,,,Often,1,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products",Most of the time,Usually,Never,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,1,3,2,4,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:37,Often,23,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Wisconsin,White,No,Often,1,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Always,Sometimes,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,1,2,4,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,3,"I don't always wash my hands before starting to prepare food(forget to do so), but I am pretty diligent about washing my hands after handling meat, especially poultry.",,
9/28/20 14:37,Seldom,24,Male,United States of America,United States of America,California,"White, Asian",No,Sometimes,4,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,Always,Seldom,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,2,,,,,Very Important,Very Important,Important,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain cold water, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:37,Never,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
9/28/20 14:37,Often,25,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Michigan,White,No,Often,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Never,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,4,3,1,2,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:37,Often,29,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Texas,White,No,Often,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Always,About Half the time,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,2,1,3,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Cold liquid,30-59 minutes,"Water (in addition to other things), Salt",,5,5,,"I worry that the people that commonly wash their meat are just going to write it off as cultural differences and be unwilling to change no matter what facts are shown. But the fact you are tackling this anyways it what keeps me coming back. This reminds me of the cast iron people that refuse to wash them and lose their minds if you do. I would love to see this topic addressed in a future video. I'm of the mind that there is no way dawn dish soap can break down the chemical bonds of oil to metal, but I would love to know the truth.",
9/28/20 14:37,Seldom,30,Female,United States of America,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Often,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Seldom,Never,Never,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,4,5,6,2,3,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:37,Often,29,Female,United States of America,United States of America,Alabama,Black or African American,No,Sometimes,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Usually,Sometimes,Seldom,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,2,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,My family used to wash chicken and make sure it was fully de-feathered. When I moved out I didn't bother to keep doing it.,,
9/28/20 14:37,Often,47,,United States of America,United States of America,Iowa,White,No,Often,7,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,Always,Always,Seldom,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,"Re: Pork -- If I'm doing a rack of ribs, I will rinse them because of all the fluid in the bag. But like pork chops -- no.",6,2,3,4,5,1,"All of the meat is going to reach a food-safe temperature -- and especially the surface, which will reach much higher temperatures when frying or grilling (what we do the most), so what's the point?",2,,,,,,,,Very Important,Of Little Importance,Of Little Importance,Moderately Important,Moderately Important,Moderately Important,Of Little Importance,Of Little Importance,,,1,,,,,,,Cold liquid,,"I'm guessing you don't mean brining. That's another thing, right?",By cleaning the kitchen sink,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:37,Often,27,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Nebraska,White,No,Often,1,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,About Half the time,About Half the time,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,3,1,5,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:37,Sometimes,22,Male,Sweden,Sweden,,,,Sometimes,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Seldom,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,2,,3,1,,,,,,1,,2,,,,,Important,Very Important,,Very Important,,,,,1,,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain cold water, With plain hot water",4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:37,Sometimes,23,Male,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Often,2,4,"Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Never,Always,Never,Seldom,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,4,1,5,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:37,Often,15,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Oregon,White,No,Often,3,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Usually,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,2,1,3,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:37,Sometimes,23,Male,Brazil,Brazil,,,,Sometimes,2,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Never,About Half the time,Never,Usually,About Half the time,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,Dont Wash,,,3,2,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Cold liquid,,"Water (in addition to other things), Salt, Citrus (lemon, lime, etc)","By cleaning bowls or other tools, With plain cold water",3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:37,Often,18,Male,Italy,Italy,,,,Often,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Usually,Always,About Half the time,Seldom,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,2,1,4,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,5,,,
9/28/20 14:37,Often,17,Male,Brazil,Brazil,,,,Often,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Usually,Sometimes,Usually,Seldom,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,4,1,2,6,,,2,,,1,3,4,,,Moderately Important,Unimportant,Of Little Importance,Important,,Very Important,,,,,3,,2,,1,,,Tepid or warm liquid,30-59 minutes,"Water (in addition to other things), Salt, Citrus (lemon, lime, etc), Vinegar","By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain cold water, With vinegar or other edible substance other than water, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",2,3,"I only ever wash fish, for the smell, and beef, for the slime. Anything else that seems suspecious we marinade. ",I have no idea how the common brazilian acts about food safety,
9/28/20 14:37,Often,23,Male,United States of America,United States of America,California,"White, Hispanic",Yes,Often,4,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Always,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,1,Washing meat could spread bacteria. its never listed in any food safety course,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,I've been in the food industry for 6 years,Never go to chipotle. most of the time the cooks forget to turn the hot-box on. thats why there is so many food born illnesses there,
9/28/20 14:37,Sometimes,28,Male,Canada,United States of America,California,White,No,Often,1,3,"Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Sometimes,Never,Sometimes,About Half the time,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,4,1,3,2,5,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Cold liquid,0-29 minutes,,,3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:37,Often,36,Male,Australia,Australia,,,,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Usually,Never,Never,Usually,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,4,2,5,3,6,,,1,,,2,4,3,,,Important,Moderately Important,Very Important,Of Little Importance,Important,Important,Moderately Important,Important,,,1,,,,2,,,Cold liquid,,Salt,With plain cold water,4,4,,,
9/28/20 14:37,Often,18,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Michigan,Black or African American,No,Often,6,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Sometimes,Never,Never,Never,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,1,,,,,,,,,1,,2,,,,Important,Important,Important,Moderately Important,Very Important,,Important,,,1,,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,By cleaning the kitchen sink,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:37,Often,68,Male,United States of America,United States of America,California,White,No,Often,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Usually,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,4,My mother was a dietician,,
9/28/20 14:37,Sometimes,20,Male,United States of America,United States of America,California,Latino,Yes,Sometimes,5,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Seldom,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,2,3,5,4,1,Cooking cleans the meat,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:37,Often,25,Female,United States of America,United States of America,Texas,White,No,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Usually,Seldom,Never,About Half the time,Wash,Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,4,3,,1,2,,,4,,,3,2,1,,,Moderately Important,Important,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Unimportant,Important,,,1,2,3,5,4,,,Cold liquid,0-29 minutes,"Water (in addition to other things), Salt, Citrus (lemon, lime, etc), Vinegar","By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain hot water, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:37,Sometimes,29,Non-binary,United States of America,United States of America,Texas,White,No,Often,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Usually,Usually,Seldom,Never,Never,Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,Very Important,Moderately Important,Of Little Importance,,,Important,,,,,1,2,,,,,,Cold liquid,30-59 minutes,,By cleaning the kitchen sink,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:37,Often,37,Male,France,France,,,,Often,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products",Some of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,3,4,2,5,1,i think it is useless to wash it because i'll cook it after and that will kill microbes,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:37,Often,38,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Texas,White,No,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Always,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,2,,3,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:37,Often,18,Female,China,Denmark,,,,Often,3,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,1,,,2,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,"I only wash fish and poultry, since it's the only kind we get as a ""whole animal"". With pigs, sheep, and beef it comes in parts. So after removing the internals of the animal I usually give that a wash.
I wash the outer of the animal with fish, because scales :P and poultry is also getting a wash if I am slaughtering it myself. feathers aren't nice in the food.",1,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:37,Often,35,Female,United States of America,United States of America,Louisiana,White,No,Often,5,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Usually,Always,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,2,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:37,Often,20,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Massachusetts,White,No,Sometimes,4,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Seldom,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,2,3,4,6,1,I believe the cooking process kills most pathogens anyway,,,,,,,,,,,Very Important,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,"The size of the meat in question proportional to the size of the animal it comes from is a consideration when deciding whether to wash the meat. A chicken, for example, is much smaller, meaning the breast is in much closer proximity to internal organs and, therefore, potential pathogens than, say, a cut of ham on a pig.",,
9/28/20 14:37,Seldom,20,Prefer not to disclose,United States of America,United States of America,Ohio,White,No,Seldom,4,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Never,Never,Seldom,Seldom,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,6,1,2,3,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Cold liquid,30-59 minutes,"Salt, Citrus (lemon, lime, etc)",,2,4,personally i think people who wash meat are weirdos,,
9/28/20 14:37,Often,21,Male,United States of America,United States of America,North Carolina,White,No,Often,1,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Never,Never,Never,Never,,,,,,Dont Wash,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,4,I've never heard of people washing meat before today!,,
9/28/20 14:37,Often,21,Male,Jamaica,United States of America,Massachusetts,Black or African American,No,Often,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Usually,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,2,4,1,,6,3,"My mother always washes her beef and chicken with acid and water, I sometimes do it but it's hard to remember to do it every time.",2,,1,,,,3,Just trying to do things the way my mother taught me.,Very Important,Very Important,Moderately Important,Moderately Important,Important,Important,Important,Moderately Important,,,2,,1,,,,,Tepid or warm liquid,,"Water (in addition to other things), Salt, Citrus (lemon, lime, etc), Vinegar","By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain hot water, With bleach, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:37,Seldom,31,Male,Australia,Australia,,,,Sometimes,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce)",Some of the time,Always,Sometimes,Sometimes,Never,Usually,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,2,1,5,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,Moderately Important,Very Important,,Important,,,,,1,,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,With plain hot water,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:37,Often,20,Male,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Often,5,4,"Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Seldom,Never,Never,Usually,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,1,4,3,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:37,Often,24,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Florida,Black or African American,No,Often,1,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Always,About Half the time,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,I brine as opposed to washing because I understand that with poultry you can't wash anything beyond the surface and it's dangerous to spread or keep contaminated brining or soaking liquids. Science!,"It perfectly understandable from a cultural perspective why it's done. However I want people to carry on their tradition in a safe way, such as brining. It's important to understand the risks involved with cooking raw meats. Food borne illness is still a killer, especially with age.",
9/28/20 14:37,Seldom,16,Male,Germany,Germany,,,,Often,3,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Some of the time,Usually,Never,Always,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,3,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,hi adam :),,,,,4,5,,"isnt washing meat unnecessary? if it isnt prosciutto or something similar itll get cooked anyways, killing all possible germs",
9/28/20 14:37,Often,22,Female,United States of America,United States of America,Ohio,White,No,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Usually,Sometimes,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,,,6,3,2,1,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:38,Often,35,Male,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Often,1,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Usually,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,2,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:38,Often,34,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Washington,White,No,Often,3,4,"Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Usually,Usually,Never,Seldom,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,4,1,5,2,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:38,Often,33,Male,United States of America,United States of America,California,White,No,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Usually,Usually,Never,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,2,1,3,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:38,Never,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
9/28/20 14:38,Often,19,Male,Netherlands,Netherlands,,,,Often,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Usually,Never,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,Dont Wash,,,,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:38,Often,34,Male,United States of America,United States of America,New York,White,No,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Usually,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,4,1,3,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:38,Often,17,Male,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Often,4,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Usually,Never,Never,Sometimes,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,4,1,2,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:38,Seldom,20,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Colorado,White,No,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products",Some of the time,Usually,Never,Seldom,Sometimes,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,veg,1,4,6,2,,,,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,2,,,
9/28/20 14:38,Sometimes,28,Male,Canada,Canada,,,,Sometimes,1,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Seldom,Never,Never,Never,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,,,,,,,2,1,didn't know I was supposed to wash meat. Doesn't cooking kill all the bacteria?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,seperate cutting board for meat and non meat,,
9/28/20 14:38,Sometimes,28,Female,United States of America,United States of America,Michigan,White,No,Sometimes,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Never,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,,1,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,I don't wash meat ever because cooking it kills any bacteria I told worry about and washing splatters bacteria water everywhere. ,,
9/28/20 14:38,Often,26,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Arizona,White,No,Often,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,About Half the time,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,5,2,1,6,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:38,Often,28,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Utah,White,No,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Usually,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,1,2,3,4,,,2,,,3,5,4,1,I wash seafood primarily to get residual scales or shells off.,Of Little Importance,Of Little Importance,Very Important,Important,Moderately Important,Important,Unimportant,Moderately Important,,,1,2,,3,4,,,Tepid or warm liquid,1-6 hours,"Water (in addition to other things), Salt, Citrus (lemon, lime, etc), Vinegar","By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:38,Often,27,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Virginia,Asian,No,Often,1,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Sometimes,Always,Sometimes,Always,Seldom,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,2,1,4,5,,,3,6,5,1,2,4,,,Very Important,Important,Moderately Important,Moderately Important,Unimportant,Important,Of Little Importance,Moderately Important,,,,,,,,,,,30-59 minutes,"Water (in addition to other things), Salt","By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With vinegar or other edible substance other than water, With bleach",4,5,,Better release of info to the public. Assume the public is stupid.,
9/28/20 14:38,Sometimes,13,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Massachusetts,Asian,No,Sometimes,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Seldom,Never,Seldom,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,,2,,,,,,,,Moderately Important,,Very Important,,Important,Important,,,,,1,,,,,,,Tepid or warm liquid,,Water (in addition to other things),"By cleaning bowls or other tools, With plain hot water",4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:38,Often,14,Male,Denmark,Denmark,,,,Often,5,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Usually,Seldom,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,3,2,4,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:38,Often,24,Male,Ireland,Ireland,,,,Often,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Sometimes,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,1,2,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:38,Seldom,18,Female,United States of America,United States of America,Louisiana,Black or African American,No,Seldom,6,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Never,Usually,Seldom,About Half the time,Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,,,,,4,3,5,,,,,,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,,Very Important,,,1,2,,,,,,Cold liquid,1-6 hours,Water (in addition to other things),"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",5,5,"I understand that rinsing meat is dangerous, but feathers and blood on my meat grosses me out.",,
9/28/20 14:38,Often,14,Male,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Often,4,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,5,1,4,3,2,Washing meat spreads any bacteria and doesn't clean the meat,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:38,Sometimes,28,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Ohio,Choose Not to Disclose,No,Often,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Usually,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,,,,5,4,2,1,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:38,Often,25,Male,Poland,Poland,,,,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,Always,Sometimes,Seldom,Never,Seldom,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,Very Important,NA,Important,NA,Moderately Important,Important,NA,NA,,,1,,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,By cleaning the kitchen sink,3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:38,Often,31,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Iowa,White,No,Often,3,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Usually,Seldom,Never,Seldom,Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,"Typically I'll rinse raw meat which is packaged at my supermarket. So like a whole chicken or a pork tenderloin has a sort of ""slime"" around it that rinsing the meat will clear away faster than paper towels would. Typically I won't rinse off say a steak or a pork chop.",4,1,3,2,5,,,3,6,5,1,2,4,,,Moderately Important,Of Little Importance,Important,Moderately Important,Important,Very Important,Of Little Importance,Important,,,1,2,5,3,4,,,Cold liquid,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",3,4,"I have colored plastic cutting boards specifically for different kinds of meat (red for beef, yellow for chicken, blue for fish, green for pork). These are ONLY for raw meat and never see use in vegetable preparation. Cooked meats then end up on a wooden cutting board which is used for vegetables primarily but it's cooked so I don't worry too much about it.","I think most food safety info I know comes from a healthy diet of food shows, not from anywhere else. I honestly don't know where else people would encounter those food safety tips.",
9/28/20 14:38,Often,25,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Kansas,White,No,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Usually,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,2,4,3,1,,,,,,,,,,,Unimportant,Unimportant,Very Important,Important,Very Important,Very Important,Important,Moderately Important,,,1,,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,By cleaning the kitchen sink,1,4,"I only rinse meat if there is gristle, slime, blood, etc that I do not want in the pan. Otherwise never rinse, don't consider any safety benefits to it.",,
9/28/20 14:39,Often,44,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Florida,White,No,Often,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,Always,Seldom,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,2,1,3,4,6,,,,,,,,3,,,Of Little Importance,Important,Very Important,,Very Important,Very Important,,Very Important,,,1,2,4,3,6,,,Cold liquid,0-29 minutes,Water (in addition to other things),"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain hot water, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",4,5,"Generally only wash meat when there's visible debris such as bone, blood jelly, ect. ",,
9/28/20 14:39,Sometimes,17,Female,United States of America,United States of America,Florida,White,No,Sometimes,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,About Half the time,Sometimes,Usually,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,Wash,Dont Wash,,,2,3,5,6,,4,Don't always have time to wash raw meat.,1,,,,,,,,Very Important,Important,Very Important,Moderately Important,NA,Important,Important,Important,,,1,2,,3,,,,Tepid or warm liquid,0-29 minutes,Water (in addition to other things),"By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain hot water",2,1,,"Knowing the best ways to prepare certain foods to avoid illness, especially since it isn't something that is taught in schools or anything of the like. ",
9/28/20 14:39,Sometimes,18,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Ohio,White,No,Sometimes,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Usually,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,2,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:39,Often,28,Female,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Seldom,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,6,3,1,2,5,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:39,Often,53,Female,Poland,Poland,,,,Often,3,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Always,Always,Usually,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,,,1,6,5,2,3,4,,,Very Important,Important,Very Important,Very Important,Important,Important,Important,NA,,,2,1,4,3,5,,,Cold liquid,,,,3,4,rubbing vinegar mixed with water a then rinsing with cold water if meat was long in the refrigerator.,,
9/28/20 14:39,Often,25,Male,Canada,Canada,,,,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Sometimes,Sometimes,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,1,6,3,2,4,I've never considered washing meat. Food safety in Canada is generally very good so this has never crossed my mind. The outside of any meat I prepare is exposed to enough heat it should kill any germs present on it though.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Cold liquid,1-6 hours,"Salt, Citrus (lemon, lime, etc), Vinegar",,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:39,Sometimes,24,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Ohio,White,No,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Usually,Usually,Never,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,1,3,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:39,Often,23,Male,Belarus,Belarus,,,,Often,2,3,"Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Usually,Never,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,2,3,6,5,,,,3,,4,5,6,7,,,Important,Moderately Important,Unimportant,Of Little Importance,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,"By cleaning bowls or other tools, With plain cold water",2,3,,,
9/28/20 14:39,Often,40,Male,Canada,Canada,,,,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Usually,Seldom,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,4,2,6,3,5,1,I was not under the impression it was necessary. Isn't the point of cooking to 150-165 C to kill the bacteria?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,"Oh gawd, am I supposed to wash meat? I thought heating to 150 C or more was enough.",,
9/28/20 14:39,Sometimes,24,Male,Lithuania,United States of America,Nevada,White,No,Sometimes,3,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Never,Seldom,Seldom,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,Dont Wash,,,6,3,5,2,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,4,,,
9/28/20 14:39,Sometimes,28,Male,Ireland,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Often,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,,,,2,1,3,4,5,I don't even really know why you'd bother? like it's going to be in an environment over 100 degrees C when I cook it nothing will survive on the surface.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,4,I'm very careful about washing my hands between touching raw meat and touching anything else. And I wash fruit and veg before cooking every time.,,
9/28/20 14:39,Sometimes,18,Male,Ireland,Ireland,,,,Sometimes,6,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products",Most of the time,Always,Seldom,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,2,5,4,3,1,"I am going to cook the meat, which should make it safe to eat provided I cook it properly",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:39,Often,26,Prefer not to disclose,United States of America,United States of America,Virginia,Choose Not to Disclose,No,Often,2,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Seldom,Usually,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,"Washing tends to depend on the use. I wash blanched pork or beef bones when I'm making pho or ramen that isn't tonkotsu. I wash fish or shellfish if it is whole and needs to be cleaned, but i do not wash pre processed seafood.
I also wash meat sometimes after curing it to remove surface salts.",,,,,1,2,"I wash in order to remove visible undesired particles: blood, bone dust, other inedibles. If those arent present from butcher preprocessing, i believe that cooking will kill surface bacteria.",,,,,,,,,,,Very Important,,Important,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,"I brine a lot, which isn't washing, per se. I also value well dried meat surfaces, for good browning, and often pat raw meat dry but do not wash.",,
9/28/20 14:39,Often,28,Male,Lithuania,Lithuania,,,,Often,3,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Never,Never,Never,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,4,1,5,3,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,,,,,1,,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,"By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain cold water, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:39,Often,25,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Pennsylvania,White,Yes,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,About Half the time,Sometimes,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,4,1,5,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,Of Little Importance,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:39,Seldom,23,Female,Netherlands,Netherlands,,,,Seldom,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Never,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,4,1,5,2,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Cold liquid,0-29 minutes,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:39,Sometimes,24,Male,Canada,Canada,,,,Sometimes,4,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Always,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,1,2,6,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:39,Often,24,Male,Poland,Poland,,,,Sometimes,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,4,3,1,6,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:39,Sometimes,19,Male,Saudi Arabia,Saudi Arabia,,,,Seldom,5,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Sometimes,About Half the time,Never,Always,,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,,,2,4,1,5,,,6,1,7,2,4,3,,,Important,Important,Very Important,Important,Important,Important,Of Little Importance,Of Little Importance,,,5,4,3,2,1,,,Tepid or warm liquid,30-59 minutes,Water (in addition to other things),"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, With plain hot water",4,4,,,
9/28/20 14:39,Sometimes,15,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Virginia,White,Yes,Sometimes,2,4,"Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,3,4,1,2,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:39,Often,21,Male,Slovenia,Slovenia,,,,Often,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Seldom,Sometimes,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Wash,Wash,,,,,,,1,,,2,,,,,,1,,2,,,,,,Very Important,Moderately Important,Important,,,,,1,,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools",3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:39,Often,22,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Kansas,White,No,Often,4,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Always,Seldom,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,Dont Wash,,,,2,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:39,Seldom,25,Male,Germany,Germany,,,,Sometimes,1,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,Usually,Never,About Half the time,Sometimes,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,1,,2,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:39,Often,26,Male,United States of America,United States of America,New York,White,Yes,Often,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Usually,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,Dont Wash,,,5,2,3,4,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Moderately Important,Very Important,,Important,,,1,,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,,5,5,I cook things very thoroughly possibly just over or right before over cooked.,,
9/28/20 14:39,Often,18,Female,Canada,Canada,,,,Sometimes,5,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Usually,Sometimes,Never,Seldom,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,3,1,2,5,4,,,,,,2,1,,,,,,,,Very Important,Very Important,,Very Important,,,1,,,,,,,Tepid or warm liquid,0-29 minutes,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With bleach, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:39,Often,23,Male,Morocco,France,,,,Often,1,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,1,2,3,4,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:39,Seldom,20,Agender,United States of America,United States of America,Ohio,"Asian, South Asian! Indian subcontinent.",No,Often,3,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Usually,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,5,1,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,"I think food safety education, much like sex safety education should be in schools. Young adults deserve to know how to keep themselves safe when they're feeding themselves and living for themselves.",
9/28/20 14:40,Often,25,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Kentucky,White,No,Sometimes,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Always,Sometimes,Never,Usually,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,2,3,4,,1,I don’t want he bacteria on the surface of the meat rinsing into my sink. The heat from cooking will kill anything growing on or in the meat.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,When I marinade chicken I often place frozen chicken in a homemade teriyaki or a a fajita marinade and let it sit covered on the counter for 3-4 hours. If I approach the 5-6 hour mark I sometimes Move it to the fridge. The marinades are acidic in nature though so I don’t worry too much about it. Especially because I always cook to temp. ,,
9/28/20 14:40,Often,20,Male,Russian Federation,Russian Federation,,,,Often,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products",Most of the time,Always,Never,About Half the time,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,Wash,,,,5,2,1,3,4,,,,,,,,,,,,Very Important,,,Moderately Important,Important,Of Little Importance,Unimportant,,,1,,,2,3,,,Cold liquid,0-29 minutes,"Water (in addition to other things), Salt, Vinegar","By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, With plain cold water, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",1,4,,,
9/28/20 14:40,Often,20,Female,Russian Federation,Russian Federation,,,,Often,1,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Never,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,2,1,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:40,Often,21,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Illinois,Asian,No,Often,1,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Usually,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,1,2,3,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,I'm typically much less careful with things that are going to be cooked. Things that are already cooked or are to be eaten raw get most of my attention from a foodborne illness pov. ,,
9/28/20 14:40,Sometimes,21,Male,Spain,Spain,,,,Sometimes,4,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,2,3,5,4,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:40,Often,25,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Minnesota,White,No,Often,3,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Sometimes,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,Wash,Dont Wash,,,4,2,1,5,6,3,"I tend to wash chicken more that other meats because when i buy chicken breasts (most common chicken product i buy) it seems to have a slippery (oily?) liquid on it and even though its probably nothing, its just makes me feel safer to wash that off",1,7,6,4,5,2,,,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Important,Very Important,Very Important,Important,Important,,,1,4,5,3,2,,,Tepid or warm liquid,0-29 minutes,"Salt, Citrus (lemon, lime, etc)","By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain hot water, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:40,Often,27,Female,Lebanon,Lebanon,,,,Often,2,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,About Half the time,Sometimes,Never,Seldom,,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,5,1,4,2,,,2,7,1,3,4,5,6,Sometimes things feel slimy or not ready for a pan notably chicken thighs .. so i can never get myself not to wash them.. however i have purchased some freshly butchered chicken breasts for example that i felt were ready for breading.. so sometimes you follow your instinct..,Of Little Importance,Important,Very Important,Moderately Important,Very Important,Very Important,Important,Moderately Important,,,1,2,3,5,6,,,Cold liquid,0-29 minutes,"Water (in addition to other things), Salt, Vinegar","By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain cold water, With bleach, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",4,5,Im certain they're not ideal and asked helen rennie for a video about best practices..maybe adam and helen can colab,I wish more instructions came on the packaging..,
9/28/20 14:40,Often,20,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Connecticut,White,No,Often,5,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,Always,Usually,Always,Never,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,6,"I believe that the cooking process kills any bad bacteria on the meat surface, regardless of being washed or not. i am very conscience of the raw meat juice though I don't want that to touch the cooked food",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Tepid or warm liquid,,,,3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:40,Often,24,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Mississippi,White,No,Often,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Never,Never,Never,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,2,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:40,Seldom,31,Male,France,France,,,,Often,2,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Never,Seldom,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,3,4,5,1,2,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:40,Sometimes,18,Prefer not to disclose,Canada,Canada,,,,Often,5,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Seldom,Usually,Never,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,5,2,4,3,1,"I'm cooking the meat, so any bacteria on the surface is very unlikely to survive all the way to the plate.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:40,Sometimes,28,Male,United States of America,United States of America,California,Asian,No,Sometimes,2,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Usually,Never,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,2,6,5,4,3,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:40,Often,23,Male,Germany,Germany,,,,Often,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Some of the time,Always,Never,Sometimes,Seldom,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,2,,,
9/28/20 14:40,Often,31,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Ohio,White,No,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,About Half the time,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,5,3,4,2,6,,,4,7,6,3,2,1,,,Of Little Importance,Moderately Important,Very Important,Important,Important,Moderately Important,Important,Important,,,1,4,2,3,5,,,Cold liquid,,Water (in addition to other things),By cleaning the kitchen sink,3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:40,Sometimes,17,Male,Austria,Austria,,,,Sometimes,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,2,3,4,5,6,1,I don't know if it's necessary,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:40,Often,30,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Connecticut,White,No,Often,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Usually,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,2,1,"If handling properly and cooking to the proper temperatures, the bad guys should all be gone from the meat.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:40,Often,25,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Hawaii,White,No,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products",Some of the time,Always,Never,Never,Seldom,Always,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,2,,1,"If you are going to be cooking it anyway, what is the point of washing it??",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,4,I genuinely do not see the point of washing meat in anything other than a brine for flavour,,
9/28/20 14:40,Seldom,31,Male,Switzerland,Switzerland,,,,Often,1,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,About Half the time,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,Dont Wash,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,4,,,
9/28/20 14:40,Often,18,Male,Brazil,Brazil,,,,Often,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Never,Never,Usually,Usually,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,1,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:40,Often,34,Male,United States of America,United States of America,California,White,No,Often,3,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Usually,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,3,1,2,,,,,2,,,,3,1,,,,,,,Important,Very Important,,,,,1,,,,2,,,Cold liquid,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink",3,3,,,
9/28/20 14:40,Never,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
9/28/20 14:40,Often,25,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Pennsylvania,White,No,Often,2,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Always,Sometimes,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,2,1,4,3,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:40,Often,22,Female,Pakistan,Qatar,,,,Often,10,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Usually,Never,Never,Never,Sometimes,,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,,,,,3,,,,everything is the taste and textyre stay the same if i wash it ,,,,,,,,,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Of Little Importance,Very Important,Very Important,we dont usually take out the fat because we use pressure cook the meat which renders out the fat and we dont need to use extra oil for browning later (this is for curries and rice),,,,,,,we use caraway seeds (bishops weed) aka (ajwain in urdu) to fet rid of the pungent fishy smell from fish but not for anyother meat,Tepid or warm liquid,1-6 hours,"Water (in addition to other things), Salt, we also just leave it in the sink to thaw it out the","By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain cold water, With bleach, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",4,4,usually food thawed anyway dosenot cause any abdominal issues unless the food has gone off after a few days of cooking .... in my opinion in my culture we cook the meat for very long at a high heat and we prefer very well done meats in curries that is why it dosent actually matter how we thaw out our raw meat beacuse at the end everything is getting killed ... whereas in weastern countries it is important because of the steak culture and eating it medium ,,
9/28/20 14:40,Often,24,Non-binary,Australia,Australia,,,,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Usually,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,3,,,
9/28/20 14:40,Often,21,Male,Sweden,Sweden,,,,Often,1,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Seldom,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,2,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,4,,,
9/28/20 14:40,Often,36,Male,Argentina,Argentina,,,,Often,3,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,1,"I use heat to kill any bacteria the meat could have. Here, in argentina, we use to eat the meat almost done, specially pork and chicken",,,,,,,1,"If you wash the meat, under tap water, it can splash droplets carrying bacteria. It's a safety procedure",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:40,Sometimes,23,Male,United States of America,United States of America,California,White,Yes,Sometimes,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Sometimes,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,Wash,Dont Wash,,,3,1,2,4,6,,,3,7,6,4,5,1,,,Moderately Important,Very Important,Moderately Important,Moderately Important,Of Little Importance,Important,Moderately Important,Moderately Important,,,1,,,,,,,Tepid or warm liquid,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain hot water",3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:40,Never,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
9/28/20 14:40,Often,32,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Michigan,White,No,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Usually,Always,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,2,1,3,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:40,Often,33,Male,United States of America,United States of America,New York,White,Yes,Often,3,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,About Half the time,Seldom,Never,Usually,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,3,5,4,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:40,Often,39,Male,Denmark,Denmark,,,,Often,1,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Seldom,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,6,2,5,1,3,4,"If I ever felt that it needed to be washed due to smell, feel or look I would rather throw it out.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:40,Often,32,Male,United States of America,United States of America,California,Asian,No,Often,1,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,About Half the time,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,5,1,4,3,2,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:40,Often,20,Male,Spain,Spain,,,,Sometimes,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,Usually,Never,About Half the time,Seldom,Usually,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,1,2,3,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,Very Important,,Important,,,,,,1,,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,By cleaning the kitchen sink,3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:40,Sometimes,21,Male,United States of America,United States of America,New Jersey,White,No,Often,5,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Seldom,Never,Never,Usually,,Dont Wash,Wash,,Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,3,1,6,2,,,2,7,6,5,4,3,,,Of Little Importance,NA,Important,Unimportant,Unimportant,Important,Unimportant,Unimportant,,,1,2,6,3,5,,,Cold liquid,30-59 minutes,,"By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain cold water",5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:40,Often,36,Male,United States of America,United States of America,South Carolina,White,No,Often,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,Usually,Always,Seldom,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,4,3,2,6,1,Cooking the meat kills anything on the surface that washing it would kill.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:40,Sometimes,15,Male,Philippines,United Arab Emirates,,,,Often,5,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Usually,Never,Seldom,Always,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,3,4,5,2,6,,,6,1,2,4,3,5,,,Moderately Important,Moderately Important,Moderately Important,Important,Moderately Important,Important,Moderately Important,Of Little Importance,,,1,2,5,4,6,,,Tepid or warm liquid,30-59 minutes,Water (in addition to other things),"By cleaning bowls or other tools, With plain hot water",4,5,Not of the much really,Nope ,
9/28/20 14:40,Often,26,Prefer not to disclose,United States of America,United States of America,Washington,Choose Not to Disclose,No,Often,3,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,About Half the time,Never,Never,Usually,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,6,5,1,2,4,,,,,,2,,3,,,Of Little Importance,Moderately Important,Very Important,Important,Unimportant,,,,,,1,,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With bleach",2,3,,,
9/28/20 14:40,Often,27,Male,Sweden,Sweden,,,,Often,1,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Seldom,Never,About Half the time,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,2,1,5,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,3,,,
9/28/20 14:40,Sometimes,25,Female,United States of America,United States of America,Virginia,White,No,Sometimes,3,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Seldom,Never,Never,Seldom,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,1,2,5,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Tepid or warm liquid,0-29 minutes,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:40,Seldom,19,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Tennessee,White,No,Sometimes,2,4,"Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Usually,Never,About Half the time,Seldom,Sometimes,,Dont Wash,,,,Dont Wash,,,6,2,1,5,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:40,Often,49,Male,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Often,1,3,"Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Never,Seldom,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Game,,5,4,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,4,,,
9/28/20 14:40,Often,30,Male,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Often,1,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,Always,Never,Seldom,Never,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,2,1,3,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:40,Often,35,Male,Germany,Germany,,,,Often,1,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Usually,Never,Never,About Half the time,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,1,2,3,4,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,4,,,
9/28/20 14:40,Often,23,Male,Slovenia,Slovenia,,,,Often,3,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products",Some of the time,Always,Seldom,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,3,5,1,2,4,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:40,Often,25,Male,United States of America,United States of America,California,Hispanic,Yes,Often,3,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Never,Never,Never,Seldom,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,Becausee I work as a butcher and I know how often things can get mishandled and how often surfaces can get not washed properly.,Very Important,NA,Very Important,Moderately Important,Important,Very Important,Of Little Importance,Moderately Important,,,1,,,6,,,,Cold liquid,,"Salt, Citrus (lemon, lime, etc)","By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain hot water, With bleach, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",5,5,,Wash because people made the cuts of meat and people are not infallible. ,
9/28/20 14:40,Often,23,Male,Denmark,Denmark,,,,Sometimes,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Seldom,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,1,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:40,Sometimes,18,Male,Switzerland,Switzerland,,,,Sometimes,2,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Seldom,Seldom,Seldom,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,4,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,Important,,,,,,,Moderately Important,,,1,2,,,,,,Tepid or warm liquid,0-29 minutes,,"By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain cold water, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:40,Sometimes,17,Prefer not to disclose,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Seldom,5,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products",Most of the time,Usually,Seldom,Seldom,Seldom,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,2,5,4,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,5,i think that the cooking process kills enough germs so that washing is unnecessary ,,
9/28/20 14:41,Often,22,Male,Hungary,Hungary,,,,Often,2,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Some of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Never,,Dont Wash,,,Dont Wash,,,,4,2,5,3,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:41,Often,23,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Illinois,White,No,Often,2,4,"Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Usually,Seldom,Sometimes,Sometimes,Usually,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,5,2,4,1,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Cold liquid,0-29 minutes,"Water (in addition to other things), Salt, Citrus (lemon, lime, etc), Vinegar, Alcoholic beverage",,3,4,"I was raised to wash vegetables and fruit, but had never even heard or thought about washing meat for cleanliness before this survey. Of course I used soak-thawing methods and submerged marinades, but I have never considered that one might wash meat for food safety purposes.",,
9/28/20 14:41,Sometimes,16,Male,United States of America,United States of America,California,Asian,No,Sometimes,4,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,3,1,2,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:41,Sometimes,24,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Virginia,Asian,No,Sometimes,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Always,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,2,1,5,4,3,I haven't done much research on the topic,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:41,Often,35,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Georgia,White,No,Often,2,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,Always,About Half the time,Sometimes,Usually,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,2,4,3,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,3,,,
9/28/20 14:41,Often,26,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Wisconsin,White,No,Often,1,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Usually,Usually,Never,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,1,5,3,4,2,"Washing with water does won't kill surface bacteria on the food and will instead rinse off any beneficial ""juices"". Additionally, dependent on the preparation of the meat for cooking (dry brining, marinating, etc.) this would add a huge amount of unnecessary moisture that would inhibit maillard browning and diminish the quality fo the cooked meal.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:41,Often,25,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Ohio,White,Yes,Often,1,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Never,Always,Usually,Seldom,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,I'll wash/soak ham slices to reduce sodium ,6,4,1,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Cold liquid,0-29 minutes,,,4,5,"I'll chop ground beef in a pan with a utensil and when it's ready to serve i'll SOMETIMES wash the utensil before serving. More often than not I don't because by the end of cooking said meat, all the ground beef has been cooked and the utensil has touched the hot pan so many times I've figured it's fine. I only clean it off whilst cooking if it's some like chicken. I'm much more cautious with chicken or fish than beef.",,
9/28/20 14:41,Sometimes,42,Male,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Sometimes,3,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Usually,Never,Never,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,3,1,4,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:41,Seldom,22,Male,United States of America,United States of America,New York,White,No,Sometimes,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,Always,Never,Always,Seldom,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,6,2,5,1,3,4,I dont know what to put here,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,4,,,
9/28/20 14:41,Often,24,Male,Spain,Germany,,,,Often,2,2,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach",Most of the time,Seldom,Never,Never,Sometimes,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,2,1,5,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,4,,,
9/28/20 14:41,Often,26,Male,Germany,Germany,,,,Often,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,Usually,Usually,Seldom,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,2,1,4,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:41,Sometimes,21,Male,Romania,Romania,,,,Sometimes,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Never,Never,Never,Usually,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,1,3,5,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,30-59 minutes,"Salt, Citrus (lemon, lime, etc)",,1,5,,,
9/28/20 14:41,Often,22,Male,Australia,Australia,,,,Often,3,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products",Some of the time,Always,Never,Seldom,Seldom,About Half the time,Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,3,1,4,2,,,,3,,,2,1,,4,,Moderately Important,,,Of Little Importance,Important,Very Important,,Unimportant,,,1,2,,3,,4,I do brine meats occasionally but I don't consider that washing,Tepid or warm liquid,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:41,Seldom,23,Male,Germany,Germany,,,,Seldom,5,2,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,Usually,Seldom,Never,Never,Seldom,Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,3,2,5,4,1,,,,,,,,,,,Important,Of Little Importance,Very Important,Moderately Important,Very Important,Important,Of Little Importance,Of Little Importance,,,1,,,,,,,,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, With plain cold water",3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:41,Sometimes,23,Male,Hungary,Hungary,,,,Sometimes,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Seldom,Never,Never,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,2,5,6,3,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,4,,,
9/28/20 14:41,Sometimes,21,Male,Canada,United States of America,Michigan,White,No,Sometimes,1,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,Always,Never,Seldom,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,2,5,4,3,1,I have never heard of washing meat before cooking and eating it.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,I literally had no idea you were meant to wash meat. Possibly should advertise best practices more? ,
9/28/20 14:41,Often,19,Female,United States of America,United States of America,Missouri,White,Yes,Often,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,About Half the time,Never,About Half the time,Seldom,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,2,3,1,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Salt, Citrus (lemon, lime, etc), Vinegar",,3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:41,Seldom,22,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Rhode Island,White,No,Often,1,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Usually,Seldom,Never,Never,Sometimes,,Dont Wash,,,Dont Wash,,Wash,fresh vegetables and fruit,4,1,5,3,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,,3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:41,Often,26,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Florida,White,No,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Usually,Seldom,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,1,Water doesn’t kill bacteria. High heat from cooking kills bacteria. “Washing” meat before cooking does nothing except spread bacteria around your sink. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,4,"I happily clean vegetables, fruits, etc. that have visible debris on them. I understand soaking bones for stews is important for removing scum (as in making ramen).","If people wish to “wash” their meat before cooking, you should inform them that water does nothing to kill any bacteria. If they wish to “wash” then use an acid or brine solution. ",
9/28/20 14:41,Sometimes,22,Male,Denmark,Denmark,,,,Often,3,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Sometimes,Seldom,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,1,5,2,3,,,4,,,,,3,,,Of Little Importance,Of Little Importance,Important,,Important,Important,Unimportant,Of Little Importance,,,1,5,3,4,2,,,Cold liquid,,"Water (in addition to other things), Salt, Citrus (lemon, lime, etc), Vinegar, Alcoholic beverage",,5,5,"Where i live (Denmark), food safety has become very important, so most things are pretty safe to eat, as long as you do the regular things you should i.e, wash hands, dont cross contaminate raw meat with cooked meats and produce",,
9/28/20 14:41,Sometimes,22,Male,Finland,Finland,,,,Often,1,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Sometimes,Seldom,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,"Like reindeer or moose meat, but that stuff comes frozen most of the time. And it's usually pre-cut in thin slices so I don't even bother thawing them.",3,2,4,5,6,1,I'm just too lazy to care.,,,,,,,,,Important,,,Important,,Important,,,,,1,,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain cold water",3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:41,Never,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
9/28/20 14:41,Often,23,Male,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Often,3,3,"Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Never,Usually,About Half the time,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,I never wash any raw meat before cooking it,5,2,3,4,,1,I’ve never heard of others doing it and never considered doing it,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,3,,,
9/28/20 14:41,Often,43,Male,Canada,Canada,,,,Often,1,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,Always,Seldom,Never,Usually,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,2,1,4,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:41,Sometimes,18,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Utah,White,No,Often,9,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Usually,Sometimes,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,1,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:41,Sometimes,21,Male,Finland,Finland,,,,Sometimes,1,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Seldom,Always,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,2,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,4,,,
9/28/20 14:41,Often,18,Male,Poland,Poland,,,,Often,4,3,Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry),Some of the time,Usually,Never,Sometimes,Usually,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,5,2,3,1,,,5,7,4,2,3,1,,,NA,Unimportant,Important,Very Important,Of Little Importance,Moderately Important,,,,,1,,,,,,,Tepid or warm liquid,,,"By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",2,4,,,
9/28/20 14:41,Often,20,Non-binary,United States of America,United States of America,Missouri,White,No,Often,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Usually,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,3,1,4,2,,,,,2,3,1,,,,,,,,Very Important,Important,,Moderately Important,,,1,2,,3,,,,Cold liquid,0-29 minutes,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With bleach",4,5,"just want to emphasize that the only meat I wash is fish, often because I am the one that caught it and fileted it.",,
9/28/20 14:41,Often,25,Male,Poland,Poland,,,,Often,1,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products",Most of the time,Usually,Never,Sometimes,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,2,1,3,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,4,I sometimes left (not intentionally) ground pork or beef outside of the fridge for too long (4-5 hours) and still cook it and i never got sick because of it. Please note that the meat I used is packed in hard plastic in a special atmosphere (not in vacuum but they probably remove any oxygen from the package). Additionally these type of packaged meat is sometimes left even in the shops for over hour without being in the store's fridge (it should be stored in fridge as it is not frozen meet). ,,
9/28/20 14:41,Often,21,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Florida,White,No,Often,1,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Seldom,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,1,4,2,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,4,,,
9/28/20 14:41,Often,25,Male,French Guiana,France,,,,Often,2,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Usually,Sometimes,Seldom,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,1,4,3,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,"I really love tartare (raw beef cutted with a knife and spiced), but I got a food infection once when I bought one at a restaurant so now I only eat tarte that I prepare myself ",,
9/28/20 14:41,Often,20,Female,Netherlands,Netherlands,,,,Often,4,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Usually,Never,Usually,Usually,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:41,Sometimes,19,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Georgia,White,No,Often,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Usually,Always,Seldom,Seldom,Never,,,,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Tofu & meat alternatives,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,No,I'm not super aware of people washing meat but I hope the soap/bleach questions weren't that serious.,
9/28/20 14:41,Sometimes,37,Male,Sweden,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Sometimes,3,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Never,Always,Never,Never,Never,Usually,,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,,,1,2,3,4,5,7,,,Important,Moderately Important,Very Important,Of Little Importance,Very Important,Very Important,,Very Important,,,,1,,,2,,,Cold liquid,,,,5,5,Questionnaire design is not easy especially with the questions asking to rate numbers via columns (but not giving answers from same column? ) I don’t fully understand what that means and think there is a much easier way to design the questionnaire for a large audience.,,
9/28/20 14:41,Often,27,Male,Poland,Poland,,,,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Sometimes,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,1,,,,"I always wash poltry, because it seems ""infected"" to me all the time, also poultry-related gastrointestinal infections are most popular.",,,,,,,,,Very Important,,,,,Very Important,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",2,4,"I watched video in which it is explained, that washing meat just spread bacteria around the kitchen and they would die anyay during cooking, but in case of raw chicken etc. I just can't resist, I must wash it. Dont know why exactly.",,
9/28/20 14:41,Sometimes,33,Male,United States of America,United States of America,North Carolina,White,No,Sometimes,2.5,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Never,Always,Sometimes,Seldom,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,3,1,2,,,,,,,,,,1,I wash fish because there are often little bits of scales on the flesh,,,Very Important,,,Important,,,,,1,,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,By cleaning bowls or other tools,3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:41,Often,20,Male,United States of America,United States of America,New York,White,No,Often,2,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Seldom,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,4,2,5,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:41,Often,14,Male,Italy,Italy,,,,Often,2,2,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Usually,Never,Always,Always,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,1,3,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,2,,,
9/28/20 14:41,Often,34,Female,Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of),United States of America,California,White,Yes,Often,1,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Never,Never,Never,Sometimes,Wash,Wash,Wash,,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,,,4,,,,,,,,Moderately Important,Moderately Important,Important,NA,NA,Important,NA,Moderately Important,,,1,,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink",5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:42,Often,17,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Georgia,White,No,Sometimes,5,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Sometimes,Seldom,Seldom,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,4,2,5,3,6,1,I think the cooking of the meat is more affective at sterilizing it.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:42,Seldom,21,Female,Australia,Australia,,,,Seldom,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,About Half the time,Usually,Seldom,About Half the time,Always,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,,,1,6,7,3,4,2,,,NA,Of Little Importance,Very Important,NA,Unimportant,Important,NA,Moderately Important,,,1,,,3,2,,,Cold liquid,19-24 hours,"Water (in addition to other things), Salt, Vinegar","By cleaning the kitchen sink, With plain cold water",4,5,I classify a 5 as busting out the gloves and bleach,,
9/28/20 14:42,Often,17,Male,Israel,Israel,,,,Often,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Seldom,Never,Sometimes,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,1,2,5,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:42,Often,29,Male,India,United States of America,California,Asian,No,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Seldom,Never,Seldom,Usually,Usually,,Wash,,Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,,,1,6,5,4,2,3,,,Very Important,Moderately Important,Important,Moderately Important,Important,Very Important,Important,Moderately Important,,,1,2,5,3,4,,,Tepid or warm liquid,0-29 minutes,Water (in addition to other things),"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain hot water",4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:42,Often,32,Male,Brazil,Brazil,,,,Often,3,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,2,6,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,"I had never heard of ""washing meat"" before Adam's video, but I'm an overally very concerned cook/consumer when it comes to food safety.",,
9/28/20 14:42,Often,32,Male,Netherlands,Netherlands,,,,Often,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Usually,Never,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,2,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:42,Often,23,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Massachusetts,White,No,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Usually,Always,Usually,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,1,6,5,3,2,It's getting cooked anyway.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,4,I keep raw foods separated. Meat may be pat dry to remove excess moisture but i do not wash,,
9/28/20 14:42,Seldom,25,Male,Finland,Finland,,,,Seldom,1,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,5,1,4,3,2,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:42,Seldom,18,Male,Portugal,Portugal,,,,Seldom,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Usually,About Half the time,About Half the time,About Half the time,About Half the time,Wash,Wash,,,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,Very Important,Very Important,Important,Of Little Importance,Moderately Important,Important,Of Little Importance,Important,,,1,2,,3,,,,Tepid or warm liquid,30-59 minutes,Water (in addition to other things),"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",4,4,,,
9/28/20 14:42,Sometimes,34,Male,Switzerland,Switzerland,,,,Often,1,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products",Some of the time,Usually,Never,Usually,Seldom,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,1,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,4,,,
9/28/20 14:42,Often,41,Male,Portugal,Portugal,,,,Often,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Usually,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,,1,7,6,2,3,4,,,Important,Moderately Important,Very Important,Important,Very Important,Very Important,Moderately Important,Important,,,1,5,4,3,2,,,Cold liquid,1-6 hours,"Salt, Citrus (lemon, lime, etc), Vinegar",By cleaning bowls or other tools,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:42,Often,17,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Georgia,White,Yes,Sometimes,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Usually,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,6,5,1,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Cold liquid,30-59 minutes,"Water (in addition to other things), Salt, Alcoholic beverage",,4,5,"My food safety practices are not always consistent, sometimes i forget to take temps and refrigerate and such, but i always try and practice optimal food safety procedures
9/28/20 14:42,Sometimes,20,Male,Germany,Germany,,,,Sometimes,3,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,About Half the time,Never,Never,Seldom,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,,,1,,2,3,7,5,,,Very Important,Moderately Important,Moderately Important,Moderately Important,Of Little Importance,Important,Unimportant,Unimportant,,,1,,3,,2,,,Cold liquid,0-29 minutes,"Salt, Citrus (lemon, lime, etc), Vinegar, Alcoholic beverage","By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain hot water, With vinegar or other edible substance other than water, With bleach",2,2,,,
9/28/20 14:42,Often,18,Male,Poland,Poland,,,,Often,3,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Usually,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,2,3,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:42,Often,23,Male,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Seldom,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,1,2,3,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:42,Often,18,Male,Israel,Israel,,,,Often,4,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Never,Seldom,Seldom,Usually,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,,,4,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,5,Im always the most carefull with poultry and eggs,I think that anything regarding the outside of the meat (washing it or not leaving it out) makes no difference if you sear it as i often do,
9/28/20 14:42,Sometimes,29,Male,Germany,Germany,,,,Sometimes,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Seldom,Never,Usually,About Half the time,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,5,3,4,1,2,"I've always assumed any harmful bacteria will be killed during cooking anyway. My mom never washes raw meat either, so that's why I never worried about it.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,4,,,
9/28/20 14:42,Often,25,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Virginia,White,Yes,Often,1,2,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products",Most of the time,Always,Never,Always,Never,Always,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,1,,2,4,3,,,3,,,1,,,,,Very Important,Of Little Importance,Very Important,Very Important,Unimportant,Very Important,Moderately Important,Very Important,,,1,,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",5,3,,,
9/28/20 14:42,Often,18,Male,Honduras,Honduras,,,,Often,7,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,5,3,1,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,"I'm a gastronomy student, so I pretty much know the hygiene procedures you need to follow for certain products (like meat in this case) and I honestly have only met one single person in my whole life that wahes meat, but it's only because that person thinks that the meat's ""blood"" is discusting, which is why this person likes well done steaks.","Any pathogens, batceria, or viruses you think are in your food can be eliminated easily if reached the right temp on whatever kind of meat you're cooking. People should be more corncerned about storage and the thawing process of meat, because that can really develop some harmful organisms.",
9/28/20 14:42,Sometimes,22,Male,Poland,Poland,,,,Often,3,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Seldom,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,4,1,6,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:42,Often,23,Male,Turkey,Turkey,,,,Often,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,Always,Never,Seldom,Never,Usually,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,4,1,,3,2,"Washing the meat might spread harmful bacteria on the meat in my sink, which is used extensively in the preparation process hence would create risk for no apparent benefit",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,"Generally our dishes are cooked for a long time anyways, so food safety at home really isn't an issue unless something would be genuinely off",,
9/28/20 14:42,Often,43,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Texas,Asian,No,Often,5,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,About Half the time,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,2,4,1,6,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:42,Often,21,Male,Canada,Canada,,,,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Never,About Half the time,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,1,2,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,Moderately Important,Important,,Very Important,,,1,,,,,,,Cold liquid,,"Salt, Citrus (lemon, lime, etc), Vinegar, Alcoholic beverage",By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:42,Never,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
9/28/20 14:42,Sometimes,23,Non-binary,United States of America,United States of America,West Virginia,White,No,Sometimes,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Seldom,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,6,1,2,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,3,,,
9/28/20 14:42,Often,20,Non-binary,United States of America,United States of America,Georgia,White,No,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,About Half the time,Seldom,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,4,3,2,6,1,"I feel that while the meat is not clean, the pan or oven will do more to clean it than I could do with a sink",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:42,Seldom,14,Female,Sweden,Sweden,,,,Seldom,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Always,Never,Never,Seldom,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,2,,,,,,Tepid or warm liquid,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, With plain hot water",4,4,,,
9/28/20 14:42,Often,27,Male,Singapore,Canada,,,,Often,3,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,2,,,1,Cooking meat through will kill the bacteria. Some meats are boiled till the surface is cooked before further preperation.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:42,Sometimes,14,Male,Germany,Germany,,,,Sometimes,4,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,Usually,Sometimes,About Half the time,Seldom,Usually,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Wash,Dont Wash,,,3,2,1,,,,,,,,3,1,2,,,Unimportant,Unimportant,Moderately Important,Moderately Important,Of Little Importance,Very Important,Unimportant,Unimportant,,,1,,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, With plain cold water",5,3,,,
9/28/20 14:42,Often,38,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Maine,White,No,Often,6,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Always,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,"I'm a trained chef working for shy of 20 years professionally. I believe that I've the time,research,and due diligence on how to safely prepare foods of most types.",,
9/28/20 14:42,Seldom,19,Male,Russian Federation,Russian Federation,,,,Seldom,1,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Seldom,Seldom,Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,1,,,,2,,,1,,3,,,2,,,Very Important,Moderately Important,Moderately Important,Moderately Important,Moderately Important,Important,Important,Of Little Importance,,,1,,2,,,,,Tepid or warm liquid,30-59 minutes,"Water (in addition to other things), Salt, Citrus (lemon, lime, etc), Vinegar","By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:42,Often,35,Male,United States of America,United States of America,California,White,No,Often,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Sometimes,Seldom,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,2,,1,"The outside of the meat will receive the most temperature exposure (heat/freeze), likely killing most pathogens. It seems at best redundant, and at worst damaging to the flavor/texture. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:42,Often,23,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Maryland,White,No,Sometimes,3,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Seldom,Always,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,4,3,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,"I've worked in corporate restaurants since a very young age and those food safety practices have carried over into my home cooking whenever possible (i.e. temperatures, washing hands, different utensils etc.) ","While I like what many restaurants do food safety wise, I think it matters less in the home. Restaurant food safety regulations are mostly an exercise in risk & liability reduction. What I do is probably overkill considering how food is preserved at the grocery level. ",
9/28/20 14:43,Sometimes,22,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Pennsylvania,White,No,Often,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,About Half the time,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,2,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:43,Sometimes,23,Male,Netherlands,Netherlands,,,,Sometimes,5,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,Always,Never,Seldom,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,1,4,3,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:43,Often,20,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Minnesota,Asian,No,Sometimes,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,About Half the time,Never,Always,Sometimes,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,2,1,4,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:43,Sometimes,22,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Florida,White,No,Often,1,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Seldom,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,2,1,3,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,A large percentage of the meat/fish I eat I buy frozen so between that and cooking it at or above recommended temperatures (I usually end up going above because I do a lot of low and slow cooking and not a lot of stuff like steak that can be done rare so I don't usually worry about measuring the temperature) I feel pretty safe that any bacteria/parasites/whatever else would be dead by the time I eat it.,,
9/28/20 14:43,Sometimes,25,Male,Netherlands,Netherlands,,,,Often,3,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products",Some of the time,Usually,Sometimes,Never,Never,Usually,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,Dont Wash,,,,2,,,3,1,"Im gonna cook it, which i feel would kill anything on the surface.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,4,,"Taiwan is not a province of china, its an independent country",
9/28/20 14:43,Often,18,Female,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Often,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Never,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,1,6,5,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:43,Often,24,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Texas,White,No,Often,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Always,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,3,1,2,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:43,Often,20,Male,Argentina,Argentina,,,,Often,4,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Never,Always,Never,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,2,1,3,,6,,,,,,,,1,"I do never wash raw meat, from my perspective I dont think its necessary at all, maybe for exceptions",,,,,,,,,Very Important,I don't wash raw meat,,,,,,1,I don't wash raw meat,Cold liquid,0-29 minutes,Nothing,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain hot water, With bleach",3,5,"Not really, I am a home cook",I think following good manufacturing practices will lead to no problems,
9/28/20 14:43,Often,26,Male,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,Spain,,,,Often,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Sometimes,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,5,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,"Seriously, people wash meat?! Is that actually a common thing?",
9/28/20 14:43,Sometimes,29,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Virginia,White,No,Sometimes,2,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Seldom,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,1,4,2,6,3,I can't get a good sear if the meat is wet and I don't like to spend the time to dry meat after washing it.,1,,,,,2,,,Important,,,Moderately Important,Important,Of Little Importance,,Important,,,1,,,,,,,,,,With plain hot water,2,4,,,
9/28/20 14:43,Often,29,Male,Canada,Canada,,,,Often,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Always,Seldom,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,1,2,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:43,Sometimes,20,Male,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Often,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Seldom,Sometimes,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,3,6,4,2,1,I was never taught to by my parents,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:43,Often,26,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Washington,White,No,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Usually,Usually,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,2,1,,,,,2,,,1,,,,,,,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,,,,,,1,,,,2,,,Cold liquid,,Salt,"By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:43,Often,43,Male,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Often,2,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Usually,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,,,,1,,2,3,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Important,,,,,,1,,2,,,,"I'm not really 'meat washer' - usually only beef when its' come in plastic bag/vacupack and it's been sat in a puddle of blood (which gets that strange funky-iron smell). I'll rinse it, pat it dry and leave it out to come to room-temp and dry out a bit so it gets a decent crust when cooked.
""salt brine, vinegar, citrus"" is a bit of a vague category - you mean to wash, or marinate (or ceviche?) - which I wouldn't consider 'washing' ",,,"Salt, Citrus (lemon, lime, etc)","By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",3,4,"I don't really clean my kitchen before/after food prep to avoid contamination - I just to try to use fresh/clean implements.
e.g. Have a stack of plastic cutting boards in the cupboard - maybe use one for raw meat, one for veg when prepping a meal (and separate knives, pans, utensils etc) - 'raw meat set' go into dishwasher when I've finished with them and use 'veg set' get used for everything including cooked meat through to the end.
9/28/20 14:43,Seldom,28,Male,Morocco,France,,,,Sometimes,1,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Never,Never,Never,Never,,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Citrus (lemon, lime, etc), Vinegar",,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:43,Often,23,Male,Philippines,Philippines,,,,Often,5,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Usually,About Half the time,Never,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,2,4,3,,,,1,,,2,,3,,,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Of Little Importance,Moderately Important,Unimportant,Unimportant,,,1,2,,3,,,,Tepid or warm liquid,0-29 minutes,"Water (in addition to other things), Salt, Vinegar","By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain cold water, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:43,Often,14,Male,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Often,4,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,About Half the time,Seldom,Seldom,Seldom,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,4,1,6,2,,,1,7,6,5,4,3,,,Very Important,Of Little Importance,Important,Important,Moderately Important,Important,NA,Of Little Importance,,,1,2,3,4,5,,,Hot liquid,30-59 minutes,Water (in addition to other things),"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain hot water",4,5,I am more likely to wash poultry than pork or fish and i have never washed any beef products,Washing poultry can be more unhygienic than hygienic also i just finished suffering from food poisoning ,
9/28/20 14:43,Sometimes,15,Male,United States of America,United States of America,New York,White,No,Often,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,Always,Usually,Never,Never,Usually,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,1,3,5,2,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:43,Seldom,22,Female,India,United Arab Emirates,,,,Seldom,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Seldom,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,2,1,3,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,4,,,
9/28/20 14:43,Often,28,Male,South Africa,South Africa,,,,Often,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Never,Usually,Never,Sometimes,About Half the time,Usually,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,1,4,6,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:43,Often,19,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Georgia,White,No,Often,1,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Seldom,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,3,1,4,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:43,Often,22,Male,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Often,2,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products",Some of the time,Always,Never,Sometimes,Sometimes,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,4,1,5,3,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:43,Often,17,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Oregon,White,No,Often,4,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,About Half the time,Never,Never,Sometimes,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,1,,,,,,,,,1,2,,,,Of Little Importance,Unimportant,NA,NA,NA,,NA,Moderately Important,,,3,2,,,1,,,Cold liquid,30-59 minutes,"Water (in addition to other things), Salt, Citrus (lemon, lime, etc)","By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools",5,5,,I was always told washing meat in your sink would spread more pathogens and bacteria than what could be just killed in cooking,
9/28/20 14:43,Often,25,Male,Czech Republic,Czech Republic,,,,Sometimes,3,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,1,,3,2,I do not want to have raw meat juice splashing all over the kitchen.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:43,Sometimes,30,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Illinois,White,Yes,Sometimes,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,Always,About Half the time,Seldom,Seldom,Usually,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,4,1,2,3,,,,1,,,3,2,,,,Important,Important,Important,Of Little Importance,Of Little Importance,Moderately Important,Unimportant,Unimportant,,,1,2,,3,4,,,Tepid or warm liquid,0-29 minutes,Water (in addition to other things),"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain cold water",4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:43,Often,18,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Missouri,White,No,Sometimes,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Usually,Always,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,Wash,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,2,3,washing off marinades before cooking,NA,Moderately Important,Important,Very Important,Of Little Importance,,Unimportant,,,,1,,2,,,,,Cold liquid,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:43,Sometimes,17,Male,Germany,Germany,,,,Sometimes,3,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,6,3,2,4,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,1 MILLION ADAM LET'S GO!!,,
9/28/20 14:43,Often,42,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Utah,White,No,Often,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Always,Usually,Never,Usually,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,2,3,1,5,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:43,Often,28,Male,Brazil,Brazil,,,,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Never,Always,Seldom,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,1,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,"I have never personally encountered with the idea of washing meat before preparation, as doing so can cause bacterial spread throughout your kitchen. The only possible exception would be during the thawing of seafood, which is not something I have done in recent memory. Temperature of cooking meats, for me is not an issue, as in my household, and in many other Brazilian households, meat is generally overcooked well past recommended temperatures. My attempt to counteract this is to thoroughly season the meat 8-24 hours in advance, sort of like a “dry brine” to improve tenderness and juice retention.",,
9/28/20 14:43,Often,30,Male,United States of America,United States of America,New Jersey,White,No,Often,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,About Half the time,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,,2,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Moderately Important,,,Of Little Importance,,,1,,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:43,Often,19,Male,Belgium,Belgium,,,,Sometimes,4,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce)",Some of the time,Usually,Never,Sometimes,Seldom,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,6,3,1,5,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:43,Often,27,Male,United States of America,United States of America,North Carolina,White,No,Often,1,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Seldom,Seldom,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,6,4,3,5,2,1,"I just dont see a need for it,",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:43,Sometimes,24,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Massachusetts,"White, Asian",No,Often,7,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Sometimes,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,4,5,1,3,2,6,,,,,,,,,,Moderately Important,Very Important,Of Little Importance,Unimportant,Moderately Important,Unimportant,Unimportant,Unimportant,,,1,,,,,,,Cold liquid,0-29 minutes,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain hot water",3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:43,Often,37,Male,Ireland,Ireland,,,,Often,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,Always,Sometimes,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:44,Sometimes,21,Male,Mexico,Mexico,,,,Sometimes,5,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Seldom,Seldom,Usually,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,1,,2,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:44,Often,32,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Maryland,White,No,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Usually,Usually,Seldom,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,1,4,2,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:44,Often,33,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Ohio,White,No,Often,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Always,About Half the time,Usually,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:44,Sometimes,20,Male,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Seldom,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products",Most of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,3,1,2,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:44,Sometimes,15,Male,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Sometimes,4,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products",Most of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,4,2,3,5,1,,,6,7,3,4,5,1,,,Moderately Important,Important,Very Important,Of Little Importance,Unimportant,Important,Unimportant,Unimportant,,,1,,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,By cleaning the kitchen sink,3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:44,Often,23,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Florida,White,No,Sometimes,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,Always,Seldom,Never,Never,Usually,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,1,4,5,6,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:44,Often,28,Male,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,Italy,,,,Often,1,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Usually,Seldom,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,3,2,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:44,Often,22,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Colorado,White,No,Often,5,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Sometimes,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:44,Sometimes,34,Male,Australia,Australia,,,,Sometimes,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,"Meat with bone fragments get them washed off, e.g. Lamb chops.",,2,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Very Important,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,Cold liquid,,"Water (in addition to other things), Salt","By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:44,Often,21,Male,Canada,Canada,,,,Often,5,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,About Half the time,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,3,1,2,4,,,,,,,,,,,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:44,Often,34,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Texas,White,Yes,Often,3,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Usually,Never,Never,About Half the time,Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,,,Dont Wash,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,Important,Very Important,,,,,1,,,,,,,Cold liquid,0-29 minutes,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink",5,5,"The only type of meat that I wash are any meats that I plan on adding some kind of a rub on such as pork/beef ribs, brisket, etc. This is not really for hygienic reasons but I believe that when a piece of meat is rinsed and dried off the spices adhere better. ",,
9/28/20 14:44,Sometimes,40,Male,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Often,1,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,Always,Never,Sometimes,Never,Never,Wash,Wash,Wash,,,Wash,,,,,,,,,Always wash,1,,,2,,,,,Very Important,,,Important,Moderately Important,Of Little Importance,,Unimportant,,,1,2,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:44,Often,19,Male,Finland,Finland,,,,Often,1,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,About Half the time,Seldom,Seldom,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,2,3,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:44,Often,25,Male,Poland,Poland,,,,Often,3,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Seldom,Wash,Wash,Wash,,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,,,1,,,2,,3,,,Very Important,Important,Moderately Important,Of Little Importance,,NA,,Unimportant,,,1,,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:44,Often,26,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Arizona,Hispanic,Yes,Often,3,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Usually,Always,Seldom,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,3,2,1,5,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Cold liquid,30-59 minutes,"Water (in addition to other things), Salt",,3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:44,Sometimes,21,Male,Poland,Poland,,,,Often,1,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Usually,Never,Sometimes,Seldom,Never,,Wash,Dont Wash,,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,,,2,7,6,3,4,1,,,Unimportant,,Important,Of Little Importance,,Very Important,,Moderately Important,,,1,,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, With plain cold water, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:44,Often,66,Male,Canada,Canada,,,,Often,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Always,Never,Never,Never,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,Moderately Important,Very Important,Of Little Importance,,,,,Important,,,1,,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With bleach",1,1,,,
9/28/20 14:44,Often,34,Male,United States of America,United States of America,California,White,No,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,6,2,3,1,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:44,Often,18,Male,Bulgaria,Bulgaria,,,,Often,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Usually,Seldom,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,4,2,3,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:44,Often,38,Male,United States of America,United States of America,New Jersey,White,No,Often,6,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Always,Never,Never,Never,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:44,Sometimes,18,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Georgia,White,No,Sometimes,3,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Always,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,3,1,4,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Water (in addition to other things), Salt, Citrus (lemon, lime, etc)",,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:44,Often,50,Male,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Often,5,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products",Most of the time,Always,Never,Always,Seldom,Seldom,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,6,1,3,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:44,Sometimes,21,Male,Russian Federation,Belgium,,,,Sometimes,6,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Usually,Never,About Half the time,Sometimes,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,2,4,6,3,,,6,7,5,1,2,3,,,Moderately Important,Of Little Importance,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,,,1,2,5,3,6,,,Cold liquid,0-29 minutes,Water (in addition to other things),"By cleaning bowls or other tools, With plain cold water",3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:44,Often,40,Male,Canada,Canada,,,,Often,2,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,About Half the time,Seldom,About Half the time,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,Dont Wash,,,6,4,,3,2,1,Cooking destroys any bacteria on the surface of meats. Ground meats should be thoroughly cooked.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,3,,,
9/28/20 14:44,Often,22,Male,United States of America,United States of America,New Jersey,Asian,No,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,About Half the time,Seldom,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,2,1,5,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:44,Often,20,Female,United States of America,United States of America,New Hampshire,White,No,Often,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,Usually,Sometimes,Sometimes,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,4,,,
9/28/20 14:44,Often,25,Male,Israel,Israel,,,,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Sometimes,Seldom,Seldom,Usually,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,4,5,1,3,2,,,,,,,,,3,I have worked in a restaurant and we washed the scales from fish by putting the fillets in a bowl of cold water.,Unimportant,Unimportant,Important,Unimportant,Important,Important,,Unimportant,,,1,2,,,,,,Cold liquid,0-29 minutes,,"By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink",3,4,I dont usually wash my meat. When i do it is it because of small pockets of blood or bone that dont require a knife to remove it.,,
9/28/20 14:44,Sometimes,20,Female,Lithuania,Lithuania,,,,Often,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Seldom,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,Dont Wash,,,3,1,6,5,2,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,Very Important,,Very Important,,Very Important,,,1,,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,"By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink",4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:44,Often,40,Male,Germany,Austria,,,,Often,3,1,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Never,About Half the time,,Usually,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,fake crab,,,,,,1,"washing ground meat is impracticable because that soaks up water and won't embrown in the pan anymore, instead I get oily soup",,,2,3,,1,,,,,Very Important,Important,Important,Important,,,,,1,,,,,,,Tepid or warm liquid,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, With plain cold water",1,1,"I don't know anyone using a thermometer for food, we all just thoroughly cook the meal",,
9/28/20 14:44,Seldom,19,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Pennsylvania,White,No,Sometimes,5,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products",Most of the time,Always,Seldom,Seldom,Seldom,Sometimes,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Wash,,,4,2,5,3,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Very Important,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:44,Often,33,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Hawaii,Asian,No,Often,1,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Usually,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,Unimportant,Of Little Importance,Very Important,Moderately Important,Moderately Important,Moderately Important,Unimportant,Unimportant,,,1,2,,,3,,,Cold liquid,7-12 hours,"Water (in addition to other things), Salt","By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:44,Often,23,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Georgia,White,No,Sometimes,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Some of the time,Always,Usually,Usually,Sometimes,Seldom,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,2,3,6,4,,,,,,1,,,,,Moderately Important,Moderately Important,,Important,,Important,,Important,,,1,,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink",3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:44,Sometimes,15,Male,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Sometimes,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,Always,Seldom,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,2,1,5,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:44,Seldom,26,Male,Germany,Germany,,,,Often,1,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Some of the time,Always,Seldom,Sometimes,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Wash,Dont Wash,,,2,3,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,Important,Of Little Importance,Moderately Important,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,Tepid or warm liquid,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With vinegar or other edible substance other than water, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",2,3,,,
9/28/20 14:44,Sometimes,22,Male,Russian Federation,Russian Federation,,,,Sometimes,1,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Never,Always,Never,Never,Never,Seldom,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,Very Important,,,,Moderately Important,Moderately Important,,Of Little Importance,,,1,,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,"By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain cold water",4,5,I always saw my mother (the only cook in the household) wash any meat before cooking and using separate cutting boards for raw meat and everything else. That's why I just assumed that that's what you should do and I've started doing so myself when I've started cooking.,,
9/28/20 14:44,Often,26,Male,Argentina,Argentina,,,,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,About Half the time,Seldom,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,2,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,4,,,
9/28/20 14:44,Often,22,Male,Germany,Germany,,,,Often,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,Always,Never,Usually,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,3,1,,4,2,I use kitchen towels to pat off the meat.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:44,Often,40,Female,Puerto Rico,United States of America,Massachusetts,White,Yes,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Usually,About Half the time,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,I often get game meat that friends hunt and that I do tend to wash... I dunno maybe because I don't think it's has been in processing.,5,1,6,4,2,3,It's just another step I don't need.,1,,,2,,3,,,Very Important,NA,Very Important,Of Little Importance,Moderately Important,Of Little Importance,NA,NA,,,1,,,,,,,Cold liquid,0-29 minutes,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",4,4,,,
9/28/20 14:44,Often,31,Male,Pakistan,Canada,,,,Often,1,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Usually,Never,Always,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Cold liquid,0-29 minutes,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:44,Often,25,Male,United States of America,United States of America,California,White,No,Often,1,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Usually,Always,Seldom,Seldom,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Only to get bone dust and other debris off of bones but that's it,6,3,2,4,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:44,Seldom,34,Male,Sri Lanka,Germany,,,,Often,1,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Seldom,Never,Never,Never,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,Very Important,Moderately Important,Moderately Important,Moderately Important,Of Little Importance,Of Little Importance,NA,NA,,,1,6,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:44,Sometimes,24,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Arizona,White,No,Sometimes,4,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Always,About Half the time,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,Dont Wash,,,2,4,5,3,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,By cleaning the kitchen sink,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:44,Never,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
9/28/20 14:44,Sometimes,34,Male,Russian Federation,Israel,,,,Often,1,2,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Never,Never,Never,Usually,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,4,2,1,5,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,3,,,
9/28/20 14:45,Often,29,Male,Portugal,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Often,1,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,About Half the time,Never,Never,Usually,Usually,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,1,2,"I don't even consider washing meat to be ""a thing"", it's just not in my head unless I soiled it by dropping it or something.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:45,Sometimes,29,Male,India,India,,,,Often,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Never,Always,Never,Usually,Wash,Wash,,Wash,Wash,Wash,,,,,,,,,,1,,,3,7,,,,Of Little Importance,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Important,Of Little Importance,,,1,,2,,,,,Cold liquid,,"Water (in addition to other things), Salt","By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain cold water, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:45,Often,24,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Louisiana,White,No,Often,1,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Usually,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,1,2,3,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:45,Seldom,27,Male,United States of America,Japan,,,,Often,1,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,6,1,3,5,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:45,Often,20,Male,United States of America,United States of America,New York,Asian,No,Seldom,3,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Never,About Half the time,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,2,3,5,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:45,Often,22,Male,Denmark,Denmark,,,,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,Always,Sometimes,Sometimes,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,5,3,1,,2,,I just want to say I never wash my meats because Adam said in a video once that all that really does is transfer pathogens to my sink.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Cold liquid,7-12 hours,"Salt, Dairy based marinades",,4,5,"Food hygiene is always a balancing act for me. You want to take precautions but sometimes I think people can take it a little too seriously. Sure, wash your hands and cook to temperature, but unless there's an immuno comprimised individual in your household, you should be fine if you see a smidgeon of pink in the center of your chicken breast when you cut into it.","I think there's a big issue with food media where people like Gordon Ramsay will say something along the lines of ""You gotta be extra careful about kitchen hygiene when you're dealing with chicken!"" and then three seconds after groping a chicken with both hands they go directly to their salt and pepper shakers without addressing that they're now contaminated. Food media should really up their game when it comes to things like cross contamination. Always rehearse your movements before dealing with raw meat so you don't accidentally touch something before you've washed your hands. Get another person in the room to apply the seasoning while you rub it in with your dirty hands. Thank you.",
9/28/20 14:45,Often,22,Female,Bangladesh,Bangladesh,,,,Often,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products",Most of the time,Usually,Never,Never,Never,Seldom,,Dont Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,2,3,1,,,NA,,,Unimportant,Very Important,Important,Moderately Important,Of Little Importance,,,1,,2,,,,,Cold liquid,,"Water (in addition to other things), Salt, Vinegar","By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, With plain cold water",4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:45,Often,22,Male,Germany,Germany,,,,Often,1,3,"Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Never,Always,Never,Seldom,Seldom,Usually,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,2,1,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:45,Often,69,69,Albania,Albania,,,,Often,69,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,69,6,5,4,2,3,1,69,4,3,2,1,7,6,5,69,Very Important,Important,Moderately Important,Of Little Importance,Unimportant,NA,Unimportant,Of Little Importance,Moderately Important,79,1,2,3,4,5,6,69,Hot liquid,More than 24 hours,69,With inedible cleaning products other than bleach,1,1,69,69,
9/28/20 14:45,Often,16,Male,Portugal,Portugal,,,,Often,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products",Most of the time,Usually,Never,Always,Seldom,Seldom,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,2,6,4,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,4,,,
9/28/20 14:45,Often,34,Male,Korea (Republic of),Korea (Republic of),,,,Often,2,4,"Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Never,Seldom,Sometimes,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,4,1,2,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:45,Sometimes,21,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Oregon,White,No,Sometimes,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Usually,Usually,Never,Always,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,3,,6,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:45,Often,22,Male,Canada,Canada,,,,Sometimes,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Seldom,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,1,6,5,3,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:45,Sometimes,17,Male,Trinidad and Tobago,Trinidad and Tobago,,,,Often,4,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Never,Sometimes,Never,Usually,Wash,Wash,Wash,,Wash,Wash,,,,,,,,,,2,,,1,,3,,,Very Important,Moderately Important,Very Important,Important,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,,,1,2,,3,,,,Tepid or warm liquid,0-29 minutes,"Water (in addition to other things), Salt, Citrus (lemon, lime, etc), Vinegar","By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, With plain cold water",4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:45,Often,23,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Illinois,White,Yes,Often,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Usually,Usually,Seldom,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,5,2,1,3,4,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,no,no,
9/28/20 14:45,Often,32,Male,United States of America,United States of America,West Virginia,Black or African American,No,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,Usually,Seldom,Sometimes,Seldom,Usually,Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,4,3,5,2,1,,,3,7,1,4,5,2,,,Of Little Importance,Important,Very Important,Moderately Important,Unimportant,NA,Unimportant,Of Little Importance,,,1,2,,3,,,,Cold liquid,0-29 minutes,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink",3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:45,Seldom,27,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Illinois,White,No,Sometimes,1,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,Usually,Usually,Seldom,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,Dont Wash,,,6,3,1,2,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,4,,,
9/28/20 14:45,Often,40,Female,Jordan,Qatar,,,,Seldom,9,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Never,Always,Never,About Half the time,,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,We do all meats except pork for religious reasons,6,3,5,2,4,,The blood,2,1,4,3,5,6,,,Very Important,Of Little Importance,Very Important,Important,Very Important,Very Important,Moderately Important,Very Important,,,6,5,3,1,,,,Tepid or warm liquid,1-6 hours,Water (in addition to other things),"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain cold water, With bleach, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",4,3,My family hates not well done meat (I dont) so I not that mush and we live in a muslim country and most Muslims need to clean it and kill it in certain way so we aren't that worried ,You should share to all peaple that steak is the only safe thing medium rare from your vid,
9/28/20 14:45,Often,21,Female,United States of America,United States of America,New Jersey,White,No,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Usually,Usually,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,6,1,5,3,4,2,I never knew this was something people did,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:45,Often,33,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Virginia,White,No,Often,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Seldom,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Game meats (i.e. venison),6,5,1,3,2,,Meat is dangerous throughout the entire cut. Washing does absolutely nothing IMO from a scientific perspective. Properly cooking meats will thoroughly kill potential pathogens. I have a master's of science in biology.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,"I always defrost in the fridge overnight, or in running cold water if in a hurry.","I think the average America are truly unaware of the dangers of cross contamination, and it's an absolute shame.",
9/28/20 14:45,Often,22,Male,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Often,1,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Never,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,6,1,2,5,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:45,Sometimes,28,Female,United States of America,United States of America,Maryland,Choose Not to Disclose,Yes,Sometimes,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Usually,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:45,Often,34,Male,United States of America,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Often,1,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Never,Seldom,Usually,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,4,5,2,1,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,3,It's changed over time in response to what people around me seem to do.,,
9/28/20 14:45,Seldom,21,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Massachusetts,"White, Asian",No,Sometimes,3,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Always,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,6,1,2,4,3,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:45,Often,32,Male,Germany,Germany,,,,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Sometimes,Never,Seldom,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,"Horse, game",5,1,3,4,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,4,,,
9/28/20 14:45,Often,46,Male,United States of America,United States of America,New York,White,No,Sometimes,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Always,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,4,2,3,5,1,"You're only washing the surfaces of the meat. Assuming you don't have debris on the meat, anything that's on the surface will get killed once it is cooked. Additionally, cooking to temperature (internal temp) will kill most other harmful ""critters"" internally that washing won't touch.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:45,Sometimes,18,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Massachusetts,White,No,Sometimes,6,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Some of the time,Always,Usually,Seldom,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,2,3,1,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:45,Seldom,34,Male,Canada,Canada,,,,Often,4,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,Always,About Half the time,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,1,2,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:45,Sometimes,31,Male,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Often,2,3,"Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Usually,Sometimes,Sometimes,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,2,3,,,1,Cooking will kill whatever bad stuffs on it,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:45,Often,24,Female,Hungary,Hungary,,,,Sometimes,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Never,About Half the time,Sometimes,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,1,2,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:45,Often,34,Male,United States of America,United States of America,New York,Asian,No,Often,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Seldom,Never,Never,Never,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,Very Important,Important,Important,Unimportant,Unimportant,Very Important,Unimportant,Very Important,,,1,,,,,,,Cold liquid,,Water (in addition to other things),"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink",5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:45,Sometimes,38,Male,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Often,1,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Always,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,5,1,4,3,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:45,Seldom,25,Male,Austria,Austria,,,,Often,2,5,"Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,3,5,2,4,1,"I dont believe washing meat has any influence, other than making the texture wet. Cooking is enough to kill the bacteria.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:45,Often,21,Male,Netherlands,Belgium,,,,Often,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Seldom,Never,Never,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,"Horse, deer, rabbit, duck, ",6,1,2,4,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:45,Often,23,Male,Germany,Germany,,,,Often,5,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,Always,Sometimes,Seldom,Sometimes,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,Dont Wash,,,,2,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,5,"Some of the questions weren't too clear to me so I'll try to clarify my answers:
Cutting boards are usuallly washed with soap after preparing any food (one meal that is) not in between. Raw meat is almost always handled after veggies & co though, should it matter.
Utensils used without cleaning in between are the once used in the cooking process, but also for handling the raw product (e.g. spatula or tongs). These are always cleaned after the dish is cooked though.
Hope it helps. Big fan of the channel, keep up the good work!",,
9/28/20 14:45,Often,26,Male,Germany,Germany,,,,Often,1,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Never,,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,1,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Very Important,,,,,Important,,,1,,,,,,,Tepid or warm liquid,,,,3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:45,Sometimes,20,Male,Italy,Italy,,,,Often,4,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,Always,Usually,Never,Never,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,2,1,,,,,,,,1,,2,,,,,,Very Important,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:46,Often,22,Male,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Often,1,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,About Half the time,Seldom,Never,Seldom,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,1,2,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:46,Often,37,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Idaho,White,Yes,Often,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Never,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,I never wash meat of any kind. Seems weird to me,,
9/28/20 14:46,Sometimes,20,Male,India,India,,,,Seldom,6,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Usually,Never,Never,Sometimes,Wash,Wash,,,Wash,,Wash,"vegetables, dry spices ie red chilies, raw turmeric ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,Rinsing in a bowl then Soaking a while in curd with turmeric red chilies powder salt n other spices depending on meat.,Tepid or warm liquid,30-59 minutes,"Water (in addition to other things), Salt","By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain cold water, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",4,4,,,
9/28/20 14:46,Often,16,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Iowa,White,No,Often,6,3,Wash my hands with soap and water,Some of the time,Always,Never,Sometimes,About Half the time,Usually,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,"Stuff I shoot, like rabbits, squirrels, deer, doves, etc.",6,1,3,2,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Cold liquid,30-59 minutes,"Water (in addition to other things), Salt",,4,5,I just wash stuff when I butcher it.,,
9/28/20 14:46,Often,18,Male,Ireland,Ireland,,,,Often,4,4,"Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Some of the time,Always,Sometimes,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,6,2,1,4,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Tepid or warm liquid,30-59 minutes,,,3,3,,,
9/28/20 14:46,Often,26,Male,Finland,Finland,,,,Often,1,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Always,Never,Never,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,3,2,4,1,,,,,,3,1,2,,,,,,,,Very Important,,Important,,,1,,,,,,,Tepid or warm liquid,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:46,Often,16,Male,Germany,Germany,,,,Often,5,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Always,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,1,3,,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,I only let beef come up to room temperature before cooking,,
9/28/20 14:46,Often,20,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Michigan,White,No,Often,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,Always,Usually,Seldom,About Half the time,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,2,1,3,4,,,2,,,,1,3,,,NA,NA,Very Important,NA,NA,Important,NA,NA,,,1,,,,,,,Tepid or warm liquid,,,,3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:46,Often,16,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Georgia,"Black or African American, Asian",No,Sometimes,3,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Never,Usually,About Half the time,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,mollusks,2,3,1,4,6,5,N/A,1,7,2,6,5,4,3,,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Unimportant,Of Little Importance,NA,,2,4,1,3,5,6,,Cold liquid,1-6 hours,"Water (in addition to other things), Salt","By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink",5,5,N/A,N/A,
9/28/20 14:46,Often,20,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Massachusetts,Asian,No,Often,4,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Usually,Never,Always,Never,Sometimes,,Wash,,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,3,1,2,4,6,5,,,,,,,,,,Of Little Importance,Moderately Important,Important,Moderately Important,Important,Very Important,Moderately Important,Very Important,,,1,,,,,,,Tepid or warm liquid,,,,3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:46,Seldom,33,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Ohio,White,No,Seldom,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Sometimes,Sometimes,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,1,3,5,4,2,The cooking process will take care of any surface bacteria/pathogens,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:46,Sometimes,24,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Virginia,White,No,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Sometimes,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,4,5,1,3,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:46,Often,24,Male,Canada,Canada,,,,Often,2,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,About Half the time,About Half the time,Never,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,3,1,,4,2,I don't think washing meat provides any benefit whatsoever,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,4,,,
9/28/20 14:46,Often,23,Male,Germany,Germany,,,,Often,2,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Some of the time,Always,Always,Seldom,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,1,Chickenbreasts are kinda slimey/slippery and I'm annoyed by that.,,,,,,Very Important,,,,,1,2,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink",4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:46,Often,32,Male,Canada,Canada,,,,Often,1,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Sometimes,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,Dont Wash,,,,2,,4,3,1,Ive never been told i should,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:46,Often,30,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Michigan,White,No,Often,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Usually,Sometimes,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,2,4,3,6,1,"Meat gets ""cleaned"" during the cooking process",,,,,,,,,Important,,Very Important,Moderately Important,,,,,,,1,,2,,,,,Cold liquid,0-29 minutes,"Water (in addition to other things), Salt","By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With bleach",4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:46,Often,25,Male,United States of America,United States of America,New York,White,No,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Seldom,Seldom,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,6,3,2,5,4,1,I don’t wash raw meat because I always am about to cook it which I believe will kill all harmful pathogens ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,I believe an unclean sink is a very big health concern as it can be a breeding ground for pathogens or they can live there from raw meats that have been prepared on dishes and thrown in. I always try to keep my sink at sterilized as possible. ,"Think critically when you read an expiration date. So much food waste comes from perfectly good food being thrown out by fda deemed “expired” foods, yet they are perfectly safe to eat. ",
9/28/20 14:46,Often,27,Male,Ireland,Ireland,,,,Often,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,4,3,5,2,6,,I feel the cooking process would kill any dangerous bacteria or parasites.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:46,Sometimes,18,Male,Sweden,Sweden,,,,Often,4,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Some of the time,Always,Usually,Seldom,Never,Never,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,2,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:46,Seldom,16,Male,Canada,Canada,,,,Sometimes,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Seldom,Seldom,Never,Sometimes,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,,,1,7,6,5,4,3,,,Very Important,Important,Moderately Important,Moderately Important,Important,Very Important,Of Little Importance,Moderately Important,,,1,2,6,3,4,,,Tepid or warm liquid,30-59 minutes,Water (in addition to other things),"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain hot water",4,4,,,
9/28/20 14:46,Sometimes,20,Male,United States of America,United States of America,New York,White,No,Sometimes,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Usually,Never,Seldom,Never,About Half the time,,Wash,,,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,,,4,,1,2,,3,,,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Moderately Important,Important,Unimportant,,,1,3,2,,,,,Tepid or warm liquid,,"Water (in addition to other things), Salt, Citrus (lemon, lime, etc)","By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, With plain hot water, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",5,5,"I know washing meat can spread bacteria, but it’s the best way I know of to clean the meat of fat, bone fragments, etc.",,
9/28/20 14:46,Sometimes,20,Male,Viet Nam,Malaysia,,,,Sometimes,1,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Never,Never,Never,Sometimes,Wash,Wash,Wash,,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,,,1,,5,2,3,4,,,Very Important,Moderately Important,Very Important,Very Important,Moderately Important,Of Little Importance,Unimportant,Unimportant,,,2,,,,1,,,Cold liquid,30-59 minutes,"Water (in addition to other things), Salt, Rice wine","By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",4,4,,,
9/28/20 14:47,Often,56,Male,Canada,Canada,,,,Often,1,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,Always,Usually,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,3,2,5,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Cold liquid,30-59 minutes,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With vinegar or other edible substance other than water",4,4,,,
9/28/20 14:47,Sometimes,22,Male,Poland,Poland,,,,Often,5,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,2,1,3,5,,,,,,1,,2,,,,,Very Important,Important,,Moderately Important,,,,,1,,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, With plain hot water, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:47,Often,24,Non-binary,United States of America,United States of America,Georgia,White,No,Often,1,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Always,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,2,1,3,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Very Important,,,,,,1,2,,,,,Cold liquid,30-59 minutes,"Water (in addition to other things), Salt, Sometimes ponzu/soy sauce","By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:47,Often,33,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Ohio,White,No,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Always,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,3,2,1,5,6,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:47,Sometimes,29,Male,Poland,Poland,,,,Sometimes,3,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Never,Always,Usually,Never,Never,Seldom,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,Very Important,,Very Important,,,Very Important,,,,,1,,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain hot water",4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:47,Often,34,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Maryland,White,No,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Usually,Seldom,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,4,1,5,3,2,"Question/ranking procedure not clear- The reason I don't wash is because I read that I should not. I would list all answers except ""food experts recommend against"" as 6, or ""least relevant.""",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,NA,Question does not appear to match answer options.,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:47,Sometimes,19,Female,Ukraine,Ukraine,,,,Often,4,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce)",Most of the time,Always,Never,Sometimes,Usually,Sometimes,,Wash,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,2,,3,,,Very Important,Moderately Important,Important,Moderately Important,Moderately Important,Moderately Important,Moderately Important,Moderately Important,,,1,2,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,"By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain hot water",3,3,,,
9/28/20 14:47,Sometimes,22,Male,Poland,Poland,,,,Sometimes,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,About Half the time,Never,Seldom,Sometimes,Sometimes,Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,1,2,,,,,,,,,,1,,,Moderately Important,Very Important,Important,,Important,,,,,,1,,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:47,Often,22,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Kansas,White,No,Often,2,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Usually,Usually,Usually,Seldom,Usually,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,1,3,2,4,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Cold liquid,30-59 minutes,,By cleaning the kitchen sink,3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:47,Often,48,Female,United States of America,United States of America,Florida,White,No,Often,3,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,About Half the time,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,2,1,3,4,,,,,,1,,,,,,,Important,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With vinegar or other edible substance other than water, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",5,5,I only typically wash shrimp. I rinse them as I devein them and to get all the shell off.,,
9/28/20 14:47,Sometimes,38,Male,Canada,Canada,,,,Sometimes,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,About Half the time,Seldom,Never,Seldom,Wash,Wash,Wash,,,Dont Wash,,,2,3,4,1,6,,,1,7,6,2,3,4,,,Important,Important,Important,Very Important,Important,Very Important,Unimportant,Moderately Important,,,1,,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:47,Often,26,Male,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Never,Always,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,3,,2,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,2,,,
9/28/20 14:47,Often,31,Male,Poland,Poland,,,,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Sometimes,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,,,6,7,1,3,2,4,,,Very Important,Important,Very Important,Moderately Important,Moderately Important,Moderately Important,Unimportant,Important,,,1,2,,6,,,,Hot liquid,,,"By cleaning bowls or other tools, With plain cold water, With plain hot water",2,5,I tend to wash meat thoroughly under hot running water first and then briefly under cold running water.,,
9/28/20 14:47,Seldom,19,Male,Denmark,Denmark,,,,Seldom,5,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Seldom,Seldom,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,1,6,2,5,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:47,Seldom,19,Male,Poland,Poland,,,,Often,3,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach",Some of the time,Always,Never,Always,Usually,About Half the time,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,2,,1,4,6,,,,7,,,,,,,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,,,1,,2,3,5,,,Cold liquid,30-59 minutes,Water (in addition to other things),By cleaning the kitchen sink,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:47,Often,20,Male,Brazil,Brazil,,,,Sometimes,4,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Usually,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,2,3,5,4,1,,,,,,,,,,,NA,Unimportant,Moderately Important,NA,Important,NA,NA,Of Little Importance,,,6,4,3,2,1,,,Cold liquid,,Water (in addition to other things),By cleaning the kitchen sink,3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:47,Sometimes,18,Male,Russian Federation,Russian Federation,,,,Often,3,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Never,Never,Never,Seldom,Wash,Wash,Wash,,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,,,3,,,,,2,1,"some meats, at least where i live, have tons of connective tissue and skin, and i find it generally easier to get rid of (it's not always properly connected) if i use some water ",Important,Important,Important,Moderately Important,Important,Very Important,Of Little Importance,,,,1,2,,3,,,,Cold liquid,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain hot water, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:47,Sometimes,34,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Virginia,White,No,Often,3,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Seldom,Never,Never,Never,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,,,5,2,1,3,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,"I generally feel that I will follow most direction from Food related science and regulation. I'm not a food scientist, but neither is most of the general public. We need a set of basic, broadly applicable rules that are easy to follow so people remember to do them all the time. For instance, I always use separate cutting boards and plates for meat and vegetable products - no exceptions.",
9/28/20 14:47,Seldom,18,Male,Sweden,Sweden,,,,Seldom,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Always,Seldom,Seldom,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,1,2,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:47,Often,39,Male,South Africa,South Africa,,,,Often,4,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Usually,Never,About Half the time,About Half the time,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,2,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Of Little Importance,Very Important,Of Little Importance,Of Little Importance,,,1,2,4,3,6,,,Cold liquid,30-59 minutes,"Water (in addition to other things), Citrus (lemon, lime, etc)","By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain hot water, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:47,Seldom,25,Male,Sweden,Sweden,,,,Seldom,1,2,"Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Never,Usually,Never,About Half the time,Seldom,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,5,,,
9/28/20 14:47,Often,30,Male,Brazil,Brazil,,,,Sometimes,1,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Sometimes,Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,,,,,,,,,7,1,2,6,4,5,,,Very Important,Important,Unimportant,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Unimportant,Very Important,,,1,6,2,5,3,,,Tepid or warm liquid,,"Salt, Vinegar","By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools",3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:47,Often,37,Male,United States of America,United States of America,New York,White,No,Often,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Usually,Never,Never,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,2,4,1,5,3,In almost all cases I want the meat to be dry because it's going to be cooked with some kind of fat. Having to wash and then dry the meat seems counterproductive and a great way to spread raw meat juice around the kitchen when the meat is just going to be cooked anyway. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,4,"I find it far more likely that washing meat will get me or my family sick by splashing raw meat juice around than getting sick from some kind of whatever on the meat, especially when the outside is going to be subjected to very high temperatures.
I try to get the meat from the package to the cooking vessel/appliance/pan as soon as possible with the least amount of steps involved. I then carefully wash my hands and anything near where the package was opened. It's the raw liquid from the meat that concerns me, not surface debris. ",,
9/28/20 14:47,Often,26,Male,Brazil,Brazil,,,,Often,1,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,Always,Never,Seldom,About Half the time,Never,Dont Wash,Wash,Wash,,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,,,1,,,3,,2,,,Moderately Important,Important,Very Important,Very Important,Unimportant,Very Important,Of Little Importance,Unimportant,,,1,,,2,,,,Tepid or warm liquid,0-29 minutes,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, With plain cold water",4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:47,Often,20,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Arizona,White,No,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Always,About Half the time,Sometimes,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,2,1,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:47,Often,19,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Connecticut,White,No,Often,3,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,,,,,1,"Washing the meat cleans the outside of the meat. Usually I sear meat first which means that the outside is cooked and anything that was on it is dead in seconds. As for anything inside the meat, that's only a factor if the meat is not cooked enough. Also I happen to be fortunate enough to live in a first world country with high standards for meat quality.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,Not really. :D,"I think that the US is probably too safe on food safety mostly because of the stigma on eating raw egg and the stigma on eating meat a little bit under what is considered ""safe"". ",
9/28/20 14:47,Sometimes,22,Male,Bosnia and Herzegovina,Germany,,,,Often,3,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Never,Never,Never,Sometimes,,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Not 'other' but the box for 'Don't wash' Poultry isn't working for me so I'm just documenting that I clicked that :),3,4,2,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:47,Often,19,Male,India,India,,,,Often,4,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,4,6,1,5,3,,,1,7,4,6,5,3,,,Very Important,Very Important,Important,Moderately Important,Important,Very Important,Unimportant,Of Little Importance,,,5,1,2,3,4,,,Cold liquid,0-29 minutes,"Water (in addition to other things), Salt, Vinegar","By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain cold water, With vinegar or other edible substance other than water, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:47,Sometimes,19,Male,Germany,Germany,,,,Often,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,1,,,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,3,,,
9/28/20 14:47,Often,20,Male,Brazil,Brazil,,,,Often,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Never,Always,Never,Seldom,Usually,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,4,3,2,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,5,I always wash my raw vegetables with water and sodium hypochlorite,There is a doctor here in Brazil named Lair Ribeiro who says washing food with tap water is dangerous because of the chlorine and fluorine present in it. I don't know if that's true but since then I only cook with mineral water and wash my vegetables with sodium hypochlorite.,
9/28/20 14:47,Often,28,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Kentucky,White,No,Often,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,About Half the time,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,5,2,1,4,3,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,,3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:47,Often,21,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Massachusetts,White,No,Often,1,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Always,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:47,Sometimes,20,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Massachusetts,White,No,Often,3,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Seldom,Sometimes,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,3,1,2,4,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:47,Sometimes,20,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Ohio,Asian,No,Sometimes,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,6,2,1,3,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Cold liquid,30-59 minutes,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain cold water, With plain hot water",4,5,Rinsing or soaking meats for about an hour in some Chinese cuisines is used to remove gamey or bloody flavors. Myoglobin and perhaps other compounds are extracted which contain undesirable tastes,,
9/28/20 14:47,Sometimes,53,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Montana,Choose Not to Disclose,No,Sometimes,2,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Usually,Sometimes,Seldom,Seldom,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,1,2,3,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:47,Seldom,17,Male,Sweden,Sweden,,,,Sometimes,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Sometimes,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,May clean meat if it's taken something to it that undesirable bur then usually pat it as dry as possible before whatever im doing unless it's a soup or stew of some sort.,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Cold liquid,0-29 minutes,,"By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain hot water, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",4,5,no,"Seperate raw products meat products from prepared when it comes to utensils, plates, cutting boars, and so on unless that part has reached extreme tempratures and is clean. It's important to do things in stages when cooking as preperation is often key in cooking at least to me.",
9/28/20 14:48,Often,31,Male,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Often,2,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Sometimes,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,6,2,5,1,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:48,Often,64,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Florida,White,No,Often,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Usually,Always,Never,Never,Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,3,4,5,2,6,,,1,7,6,5,4,3,,,Very Important,Important,Moderately Important,Of Little Importance,Unimportant,NA,,,,,1,4,5,3,6,,,Cold liquid,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:48,Sometimes,25,Male,"Palestine, State of",United States of America,Washington,"Asian, Palestinian",No,Often,4,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Seldom,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,2,4,3,6,1,Any concerning bacteria should be killed off when cooked,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:48,Often,29,Male,Argentina,Argentina,,,,Often,2,2,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Some of the time,Usually,Usually,Never,Never,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,3,1,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,4,,,
9/28/20 14:48,Seldom,26,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Illinois,White,No,Seldom,3,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Never,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,3,2,4,5,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,4,,,
9/28/20 14:48,Often,27,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Virginia,White,No,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Usually,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,Dont Wash,,,,,1,,,2,"I have read that washing meat can cause any bacteria on the surface of the meat to become airborne. Washing meat, that I'm going to be cooking to food safety standards anyway, seems to be more dangerous than safe.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,My family's food safety practices come from us and our parents working in the food service industry.,,
9/28/20 14:48,Often,38,Male,Poland,Poland,,,,Often,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Never,Always,Never,Never,Never,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,"I generally don't wash meat before preparing it. It will be cooked, boiled or fried in a moment anyway, and it will be well-done because I hate raw meat and even medium well is too raw for my taste.",,1,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,4,"I get food poisoning extremely rarely, and I can only remember one instance that wasn't abroad, and it was from strawberries, not meat. I also don't t think I know anyone who got poisoning from meat, so even if washing it before prepration is safer, it doesn't seem to me that not washing it is any real hazard.",,
9/28/20 14:48,Often,22,Male,Germany,Germany,,,,Often,3,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce)",Most of the time,Always,Never,Usually,About Half the time,Usually,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,1,4,3,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:48,Sometimes,23,Male,United States of America,United States of America,California,White,No,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,About Half the time,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,1,2,3,5,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:48,Often,24,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Virginia,White,No,Often,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Never,Never,Never,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,4,2,3,5,1,,,4,7,6,5,3,2,,,Important,Important,Very Important,Important,Important,Important,Very Important,Unimportant,,,2,3,4,1,5,,,Cold liquid,0-29 minutes,Water (in addition to other things),"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink",3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:48,Sometimes,22,Male,Pakistan,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Sometimes,4,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products",Most of the time,Always,Seldom,Sometimes,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,4,2,3,1,6,,,,,,,,,,,,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,,Very Important,,Very Important,,,1,2,,4,,,,Tepid or warm liquid,30-59 minutes,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:48,Often,19,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Arkansas,Asian,No,Often,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,About Half the time,Seldom,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,2,,,3,"I think heating meat will make
The meat clean from bacteria. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,3,,,
9/28/20 14:48,Sometimes,22,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Tennessee,White,No,Often,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Sometimes,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,1,3,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:48,Sometimes,17,Male,United States of America,United States of America,New York,"White, Asian",No,Often,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,Always,Sometimes,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,4,2,5,1,3,,,1,6,5,2,4,3,,,Moderately Important,Important,Very Important,Important,Important,Very Important,,,,,1,2,3,4,5,,,Cold liquid,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, With plain hot water, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:48,Often,40,Male,Canada,Canada,,,,Often,1,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Sometimes,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,6,5,2,3,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:48,Sometimes,22,Male,France,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products",Some of the time,Always,Never,About Half the time,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,6,2,3,4,1,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,4,"In France we eat most meats rarer than in the US (such as beef, pork, lamb, etc.) so I don't really think about those meats as being dirty. As long as the tools used are cleaned between raw meat and other food, there shouldn't be any concerns.",,
9/28/20 14:48,Often,21,Male,Italy,Italy,,,,Often,4,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,6,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:48,Sometimes,28,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Minnesota,White,No,Sometimes,3,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,Always,Always,Seldom,Seldom,Sometimes,Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,,1,7,6,5,4,3,,,Moderately Important,Moderately Important,Moderately Important,Of Little Importance,Important,Important,Important,Very Important,,,1,2,6,3,5,,,Cold liquid,,,By cleaning the kitchen sink,4,5,"I live with someone who has a compromised immune system, so preparing things to certain temperatures and using clean utensils/tools is a very large focus for me.",,
9/28/20 14:48,Sometimes,18,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Georgia,Latino,Yes,Sometimes,2,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Sometimes,Never,Always,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,5,6,2,3,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:48,Sometimes,23,Male,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Often,3,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Seldom,Usually,Seldom,Sometimes,Usually,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,4,1,3,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,5,,,
9/28/20 14:48,Sometimes,22,Male,Viet Nam,United States of America,California,Asian,No,Sometimes,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Usually,Always,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,2,1,3,,4,It doesn't matter if I clean the meat if I'm gonna cook it to safe eating temperature anyway,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:48,Often,18,Male,Estonia,Estonia,,,,Often,3,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Some of the time,Always,About Half the time,Never,Never,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,5,2,3,4,1,I have not been taught to wash meat before cooking it,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:48,Sometimes,18,Male,Germany,Germany,,,,Sometimes,2,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Usually,Never,Seldom,Sometimes,Seldom,Dont Wash,Wash,Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,1,3,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,Important,Of Little Importance,Important,Moderately Important,Important,Very Important,Unimportant,Very Important,,,1,,,,,,,Tepid or warm liquid,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, With plain cold water",3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:48,Sometimes,23,Female,Philippines,Switzerland,,,,Sometimes,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Seldom,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,6,1,3,2,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:48,Sometimes,20,Male,Peru,Peru,,,,Seldom,4,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products",Some of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Guinea Pigs,3,4,1,2,5,6,We are not used to doing that,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,In Peru or Latinamerica it is not common to see people washing meat,,
9/28/20 14:48,Often,20,Male,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Often,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,1,2,,,3,It's going to be cooked using a high enough temperature anyways,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,4,,,
9/28/20 14:48,Sometimes,21,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Wyoming,White,No,Often,6,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Sometimes,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Wash,Dont Wash,,,2,3,5,4,1,,,1,6,5,4,3,2,,,Very Important,Of Little Importance,Very Important,,Of Little Importance,Very Important,Important,Unimportant,,,1,2,5,4,6,,,,,,"By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:48,Often,33,Male,South Africa,South Africa,,,,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Usually,Usually,Seldom,Seldom,Usually,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Moderately Important,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,Cold liquid,0-29 minutes,Salt,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain hot water, With bleach",4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:48,Often,21,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Massachusetts,White,No,Often,1,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,About Half the time,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,1,2,3,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,4,,,
9/28/20 14:48,Often,27,Non-binary,United States of America,United States of America,Oklahoma,White,No,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Usually,Never,Always,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,3,2,1,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:48,Often,22,Male,Lebanon,United States of America,Virginia,White,No,Often,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Never,Always,Never,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,1,My meat will be cooked thoroughly anyway,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:48,Sometimes,31,Male,Israel,Israel,,,,Sometimes,2,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,About Half the time,Never,Sometimes,About Half the time,About Half the time,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,2,4,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,Moderately Important,Moderately Important,Important,Moderately Important,,Moderately Important,,,2,,,,,,,Cold liquid,0-29 minutes,,,2,4,,,
9/28/20 14:48,Often,23,Male,Viet Nam,Finland,,,,Often,1,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,6,1,3,2,4,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,4,"I never wash raw meat, but that's about it.",,
9/28/20 14:48,Sometimes,23,Female,United States of America,United States of America,California,Asian,No,Sometimes,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Always,Always,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,6,2,1,5,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:48,Sometimes,26,Male,Czech Republic,Czech Republic,,,,Sometimes,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Never,Always,Never,Seldom,Wash,Wash,Wash,,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,,,2,3,1,4,5,6,,,Important,Very Important,Important,Moderately Important,Important,Important,Unimportant,NA,,,1,,,2,,,,Cold liquid,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",2,5,,,
9/28/20 14:48,Often,31,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Missouri,White,No,Often,1,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Always,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,4,3,,,,2,"Washing would clean the outside which will be exposed to the most heat(red meat, white meat, most fish) or the whole thing will be boiled long enough to kill germs(shell fish). ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Cold liquid,1-6 hours,"Water (in addition to other things), Salt, Citrus (lemon, lime, etc), Vinegar",,4,4,,,
9/28/20 14:48,Sometimes,34,Male,Denmark,Denmark,,,,Often,1,4,Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry),Some of the time,Seldom,Never,Usually,Seldom,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,3,1,5,2,4,,,,,,,,,,,Moderately Important,Very Important,Important,Important,Important,Important,Moderately Important,Important,,,1,3,,4,,,,Cold liquid,0-29 minutes,,With plain hot water,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:49,Often,16,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Pennsylvania,Asian,No,Often,3,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Always,Never,Never,Usually,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,1,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:49,Often,15,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Pennsylvania,White,No,Sometimes,5,2,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Sometimes,About Half the time,Always,Always,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,2,4,3,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,2,,,
9/28/20 14:49,Often,23,Male,Canada,Canada,,,,Sometimes,4,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,Always,Always,Never,Never,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,Dont Wash,,,6,5,2,3,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:49,Often,32,Male,Virgin Islands (U.S.),United States of America,Massachusetts,Black or African American,No,Often,2,4,"Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Sometimes,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,3,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,"Family would commonly soak and wash poultry prior to cooking. As an adult I've found this to be mostly unnecessary, and will typically dry most meats with a paper towel for a better sear, or a crispier skin on poultry.",,
9/28/20 14:49,Often,28,Male,Bulgaria,Bulgaria,,,,Often,3,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Sometimes,About Half the time,About Half the time,Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,,,3,7,1,2,5,4,,,Of Little Importance,Of Little Importance,Very Important,Important,Important,Important,Unimportant,NA,,,1,3,4,5,2,,,Tepid or warm liquid,0-29 minutes,"Water (in addition to other things), Vinegar","By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain hot water, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:49,Often,21,Male,Poland,Poland,,,,Often,4,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Usually,Sometimes,Never,Seldom,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,1,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:49,Often,34,Male,Germany,Germany,,,,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:49,Often,23,Male,Canada,Canada,,,,Often,1,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Usually,Never,Seldom,Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,Moderately Important,Important,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,NA,NA,,,1,,,,,,,Cold liquid,0-29 minutes,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain hot water, With bleach",2,5,,,
9/28/20 14:49,Often,36,Male,Canada,Canada,,,,Often,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Usually,Never,Sometimes,Seldom,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,1,2,4,6,3,"I always pat the meat dry. I'm trying to reduce moisture, not add it.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,4,I cook the meat. I expect any issues there might be on the surface will be safe after being hit with extreme heat.,I've heard washing poultry in particular can very easily spread bacteria around the kitchen. ,
9/28/20 14:49,Often,23,Male,Afghanistan,United States of America,California,"White, Asian",No,Often,2,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Seldom,Seldom,About Half the time,Sometimes,,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,3,5,6,1,2,,,7,2,4,6,1,3,,,NA,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,NA,Very Important,NA,NA,,,5,6,,1,,,,Cold liquid,,"Citrus (lemon, lime, etc), Vinegar","By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",3,5,I wash chicken if there is a funky odor. I don't wash red meat. I feel like that ruins the taste. I prefer cooking with frozen seafood because it thaws quickly and there isn't any risk with under-cooking it unlike chicken and it isn't as heavy like red meat. ,I am not as educated and would love to learn more about it. ,
9/28/20 14:49,Often,24,Male,Slovakia,Czech Republic,,,,Often,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Sometimes,Never,Never,Seldom,Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,1,,2,3,,,1,6,4,2,5,3,,,Moderately Important,Important,Important,Important,Important,Important,Unimportant,Moderately Important,,,1,2,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink",5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:49,Sometimes,20,Male,United States of America,China,,,,Often,4,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,Always,Never,Seldom,Seldom,Sometimes,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,1,"If i wash ground meat, it'll go all soupy",1,7,2,3,5,4,,,Of Little Importance,Moderately Important,Very Important,Moderately Important,Important,Important,Of Little Importance,Of Little Importance,,,1,2,,,,,,Cold liquid,,"Salt, Soap, bleach or any other non-food substance (please note this may be particularly hazardous)","By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain cold water",4,4,,,
9/28/20 14:49,Often,43,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Tennessee,White,No,Often,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Sometimes,Never,Never,Seldom,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,1,I never gave it any thought. ,,,,,,,1,I wash and dry meat usually only when using a dry rub.,,,,Of Little Importance,Moderately Important,Very Important,,Important,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:49,Seldom,17,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Utah,White,No,Sometimes,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Usually,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,2,5,4,3,1,I honestly did not know that it was a thing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Tepid or warm liquid,0-29 minutes,Salt,,5,5,"Again until you said it in the video, I had absolutely no clue that this happened, or at least do not remember it.",,
9/28/20 14:49,Often,27,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Illinois,White,Yes,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,About Half the time,Seldom,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,1,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,4,,,
9/28/20 14:49,Sometimes,18,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Washington,White,No,Sometimes,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Usually,Sometimes,Seldom,Seldom,Seldom,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,4,2,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,Very Important,,Important,,,,,,,,,1,2,3,,,,Cold liquid,0-29 minutes,"Water (in addition to other things), Salt","By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, With bleach",4,4,,,
9/28/20 14:49,Often,36,Male,United States of America,United States of America,California,Asian,No,Often,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,About Half the time,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,4,3,1,5,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,By cleaning the kitchen sink,4,4,,,
9/28/20 14:49,Often,25,Male,Russian Federation,Denmark,,,,Often,1,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products",Most of the time,Always,Never,Sometimes,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,1,2,4,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,People who wash meat in developed countries is borderline retarded,,
9/28/20 14:49,Often,22,Male,United States of America,United States of America,California,Asian,No,Often,8,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Usually,About Half the time,Seldom,Sometimes,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,2,4,1,3,6,,6,1,3,2,5,4,7,,Very Important,Moderately Important,Important,Important,Important,Important,,Important,NA,,1,2,3,4,5,6,,Cold liquid,0-29 minutes,"Water (in addition to other things), Salt","By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain hot water",3,3,,,
9/28/20 14:49,Often,22,Male,Romania,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Often,1,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Never,Sometimes,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,,,6,3,2,4,1,,"You cook it,so the bacteria and germs will die anyway.",5,7,6,4,1,2,,,,,Very Important,Very Important,Important,Very Important,Very Important,,,,1,2,,,,,,,,,,3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:49,Often,24,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Arizona,White,Yes,Sometimes,1,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,About Half the time,Usually,Always,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,2,3,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Tepid or warm liquid,,,,4,5,"I get really annoyed having to wash my hands 5 times when handling raw meat. I also get concerned about my spice bottles getting contaminated. For example: I first wash my hands to pull out the meat, then I wash them again to put spice on the meat, apply spice to meat and wash hands again, then make sure everything is good to go or work on other food, put meat in pan or grill and then finally wash my hands again. Then I think about the utensil I just used to flip the meat while part of it is still raw and whether or not I should use it later.","Food safety has never consistently been taught to me. It varies between ""make sure you sanitize and clean everything before and after cooking"" and ""don't wash your raw meat because then the bacteria can splatter across your kitchen or stay in your sink and then spread."" It all feels like a myth busters experiment needs to be done.",
9/28/20 14:49,Often,21,Prefer not to disclose,United States of America,United States of America,Illinois,White,Yes,Often,3,2,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Sometimes,Never,Always,Always,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,1,,,,2,Cooking kills the surface pathogens,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,5,I exclusively use cold water when cleaning.,,
9/28/20 14:49,Often,27,Male,United States of America,United States of America,North Carolina,White,No,Often,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Usually,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,"I do wash chicken feet before prepping them for stock if they seem dirty, and pigs trotters I scald and wash. Not sure if this counts, fat back comes packed in salt that needs to be rinsed off before cooking unless you're crazy.",,1,4,3,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,Very Important,,,,,,Very Important,Meat packed in salt. ,1,,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With bleach, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",4,5,"I refuse to eat stuffing that was inside the turkey, no one ever checks the temperature.","I take care at home, but I'm not terribly worried about it. I think the US has good food safety regulations and I trust small/unregulated producers to be honest. My parents are a tomato producer in eastern North Carolina, and they were washing tomatoes in a chlorine solution and requiring packers to keep their hands clean long before any food safety protocols were asked of us. As well, those safety precautions were required by private produce distributors, not the USDA.",
9/28/20 14:49,Sometimes,16,Male,United States of America,United States of America,New Jersey,Asian,No,Sometimes,8,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Usually,Never,Never,Sometimes,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,4,5,1,3,2,,,,,,,,,,,Very Important,Moderately Important,Of Little Importance,Unimportant,NA,NA,NA,,NA,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:49,Often,60,Male,United States of America,Spain,,,,Often,2,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Never,Always,Always,About Half the time,Sometimes,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,4,1,2,6,3,"I usually brine meat for at least a couple hours prior to cooking. I assume that in inhospitable for germs. I cook to specific temperatures, that assume surface temperatures are sufficient to kill off the beasties ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,Very Important,,,Very Important,"I only wash fist prior to cooking. Especially i fit has been in plastic, the slimy surface is not nice",,,,,,,,Cold liquid,7-12 hours,Salt,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink",3,4,I assume surface contamination is the concern. Hamburger seems more dangerous than a chunk of meat.,"time/temperature conditions for food safety are readily available from the internet, Dave Arnold, Kenji, or anything regarding sous vide",
9/28/20 14:49,Often,29,Male,Bangladesh,Bangladesh,,,,Often,3,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach",Most of the time,Usually,Never,Never,Never,Sometimes,,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,,,,,,,,,,3,2,1,,,,,,,,Very Important,,Very Important,,,,,,2,1,,3,,,,Cold liquid,0-29 minutes,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, With plain cold water",3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:49,Sometimes,21,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Massachusetts,White,No,Seldom,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Seldom,Never,Never,Sometimes,Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,1,6,4,3,,,,,,,,,,,Very Important,Important,Moderately Important,Important,Of Little Importance,Of Little Importance,Unimportant,NA,,,1,,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,"By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:49,Often,46,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Missouri,White,No,Often,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Usually,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,2,3,5,4,1,I don't wash most meats because of the risk of spreading pathogens to my sink as well as the risk of making them air borne in water droplets.,2,7,4,3,5,6,1,The only meat I commonly wash is fish because most fish I eat I catch myself so I wash to remove blood and what not.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With bleach",5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:49,Sometimes,25,Male,Poland,Poland,,,,Sometimes,2,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Never,Never,Usually,About Half the time,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,1,5,3,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1-6 hours,,,3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:49,Sometimes,28,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Michigan,White,No,Often,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Seldom,Seldom,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,shrimp thawed and rinsed in water,5,1,2,6,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:49,Often,24,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Ohio,White,No,Often,1,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Seldom,Seldom,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,1,2,3,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,I didn't know people wash meat before cooking,
9/28/20 14:49,Often,20,Female,Philippines,Philippines,,,,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Usually,Never,Sometimes,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,3,2,1,5,,,,,,,,,,,Important,,Very Important,,Moderately Important,,,,,,1,,,,,,,Tepid or warm liquid,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, With plain cold water",5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:49,Often,31,Male,India,United States of America,Georgia,Asian,No,Often,5,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Seldom,Seldom,Seldom,Usually,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,,,2,,3,1,,,,,Unimportant,Important,Very Important,Very Important,Of Little Importance,Very Important,Unimportant,Unimportant,,,4,5,2,3,1,,,Cold liquid,0-29 minutes,"Salt, Citrus (lemon, lime, etc)","By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With vinegar or other edible substance other than water, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",4,5,"As someone who works in the prevention field, it is very difficult to get people to change their behavior in their home regarding washing meat (or following science based food safety refrigeration practices for that matter), especially when they cannot link their behavior with harm they have experienced or caused. The best I have found possible is to have them humor you by reducing risk, such as by brining meat vs rinsing under the tap, which should hopefully reduce splashing. ","In public health, we are providing advice based on scientific evidence. This is often the maximalist approach, and risk reduction is rarely an approach used. However, in real life, that is the best that is possible, especially when dealing with family members who grew up doing the practices not supported by evidence, and have not experienced harm related to it. ",
9/28/20 14:49,Often,28,Male,India,Germany,,,,Often,5,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Sometimes,Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,2,3,1,,,,1,,2,,,,,"For chicken and ground beef, i would prefer not to wash but I have to if someone from my household is looking ;)
I have to sneak. Its a tradition to wash all kinds of meat in India, which I understand. But now we live in germany so Id rather not wash if the meat is good quality",,Very Important,,Moderately Important,Important,Of Little Importance,,,,,,,,,,1,Soak for sometime and then scrub with your hands under running water.,Cold liquid,30-59 minutes,Salt,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain cold water",3,4,Groundbeef tastes like rubbery junk if you wash it. But I have to do it when someone is watching.,"I read an opinion once that washing Chicken merely spreads the pathogens around the kitchen. So its better to just cook it coz the high temps will kill the pathogens anyway.
This does make sense to me and I have been following it but i would really like to know the credibility of it",
9/28/20 14:49,Often,26,Male,Brazil,Brazil,,,,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,Usually,Never,Seldom,Always,Usually,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,5,"I just realized how inconsistent I am with my food hygiene practices haha. I do some things well then completely slack off or ignore important parts of cooking. Like I wash my hands and plates and try not to mix cooked vs raw food utensils, but then I'll often forget to refrigerate cooked foods or let frozen foods out to thaw wayyyy to long before cooking. ",,
9/28/20 14:50,Sometimes,25,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Massachusetts,White,No,Sometimes,5,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Sometimes,Never,Seldom,Usually,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,Dont Wash,,,6,1,5,4,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:50,Often,13,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Florida,Black or African American,No,Often,6,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,Usually,Never,Never,Never,Seldom,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,,,2,,1,,7,,,,Very Important,Unimportant,Very Important,Unimportant,Very Important,Unimportant,Unimportant,Unimportant,,,1,,2,6,3,,,Cold liquid,30-59 minutes,Vinegar,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",5,5,,Always be careful food poisoning sucks,
9/28/20 14:50,Sometimes,17,Male,Canada,Canada,,,,Sometimes,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,Always,Sometimes,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,1,2,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:50,Often,24,Male,Poland,Poland,,,,Often,5,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,Always,Seldom,Seldom,Never,Sometimes,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,,,3,,,1,2,,,,,,,Important,Important,Important,,Important,,,1,,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,By cleaning the kitchen sink,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:50,Sometimes,30,Male,Brazil,United States of America,North Carolina,White,Yes,Sometimes,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Seldom,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,,,,3,1,2,4,5,,,,,,,,,,,Moderately Important,Of Little Importance,Of Little Importance,Moderately Important,Moderately Important,Important,Of Little Importance,Of Little Importance,,,1,,,,,,,Tepid or warm liquid,,Water (in addition to other things),"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink",5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:50,Often,27,Male,Poland,Poland,,,,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,2,3,1,5,,,1,7,6,2,,,,,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Important,Moderately Important,Important,Of Little Importance,NA,,,1,2,,,,,,Cold liquid,30-59 minutes,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, With plain cold water",4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:50,Sometimes,25,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Indiana,White,No,Often,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Seldom,Sometimes,Never,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,1,I think proper cooking neutralizes all dangerous pathogens,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,4,,,
9/28/20 14:50,Often,18,Male,United States of America,United States of America,California,White,No,Often,4,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Seldom,Usually,Seldom,Sometimes,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,30-59 minutes,Water (in addition to other things),With plain cold water,3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:50,Often,28,Male,France,Japan,,,,Often,1,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Usually,Never,Usually,Always,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:50,Sometimes,23,Male,Viet Nam,Germany,,,,Often,2,3,"Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Never,Usually,Never,Sometimes,Never,Usually,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Shrimp,6,2,3,1,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,5,,,
9/28/20 14:50,Sometimes,20,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Illinois,White,No,Seldom,4,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products",Most of the time,Always,Seldom,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,1,2,3,4,5,6,I don't know if washing meat is important to food safety as I don't cook that often.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:50,Sometimes,24,Male,Hungary,Hungary,,,,Sometimes,6,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Usually,Seldom,Usually,About Half the time,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,1,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:50,Often,20,Prefer not to disclose,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Often,1,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products",Some of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,3,1,,,2,I've yet to learn of any meaninfully dangerous substances on the surface of these meats that could be removed by washing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:50,Often,23,Male,China,United States of America,New York,Asian,No,Often,1,4,Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water,Some of the time,Never,Sometimes,Seldom,Always,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,5,2,4,3,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:50,Often,30,Male,Brazil,Brazil,,,,Often,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,3,6,1,5,2,,,1,7,2,4,5,6,,,Moderately Important,Moderately Important,Very Important,Very Important,,Very Important,NA,Moderately Important,,,4,1,3,2,6,,,Tepid or warm liquid,7-12 hours,"Water (in addition to other things), Vinegar","By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain hot water, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:50,Often,26,Male,Canada,Canada,,,,Often,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Always,Seldom,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:50,Often,28,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Massachusetts,White,No,Often,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,About Half the time,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,6,3,1,2,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:50,Sometimes,29,Male,Ireland,Ireland,,,,Sometimes,4,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Sometimes,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,6,1,4,3,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:50,Often,22,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Virginia,White,No,Often,3,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Usually,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:50,Sometimes,18,Female,India,India,,,,Sometimes,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Never,Never,Seldom,Seldom,,Wash,,Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,,,1,7,2,5,6,,,,Important,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,,,1,2,4,6,3,,,Cold liquid,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain hot water",4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:50,Often,26,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Colorado,White,No,Often,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Always,Sometimes,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,"Say you're cooking a piece of raw chicken in a pan on an electric stove (no open flame) and it's thin enough to cook entirely in the pan. Prior to serving, should you wash the utensil used to flip the chicken since part of it touched raw meat, or would the heat radiating from the pan be enough to sanitize the utensil, thus enabling you to use the same utensil to both cook and serve the chicken?
I always wash the utensil just to be safe but I'm curious if it matters. I feel like I always overthink things like this, lol. Love your videos, man!",
9/28/20 14:50,Often,21,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Virginia,White,No,Often,2,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Usually,About Half the time,Sometimes,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,4,1,2,5,6,3,"If I am cooking the meat it disinfects the finished product
9/28/20 14:50,Often,20,Male,United States of America,United States of America,New York,"White, Asian",No,Often,6,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,Always,Usually,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,2,1,3,4,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,"My grandmother tells me to wash chicken, but my mother and I do not practice this.",,
9/28/20 14:50,Often,15,Female,Netherlands,Sweden,,,,Often,3,3,"Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Some of the time,Always,Seldom,About Half the time,Never,Never,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,2,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:50,Often,20,Male,Canada,Canada,,,,Often,5,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Never,Never,Never,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,1,I believe meat is safe to eat after cooking it so there isn’t a point to washing it and ruining the meat,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:50,Never,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
9/28/20 14:50,Sometimes,18,Male,Germany,Germany,,,,Often,4,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,Seldom,Seldom,Never,Seldom,Seldom,Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,,,2,,1,,,,,,,,Very Important,,,Important,,,,,1,,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, With plain hot water",3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:50,Sometimes,23,Male,United States of America,United States of America,New York,White,No,Sometimes,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,About Half the time,Usually,Seldom,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,5,2,3,4,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:50,Often,34,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Ohio,Choose Not to Disclose,No,Often,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Always,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,6,1,2,3,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:50,Often,22,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Texas,Choose Not to Disclose,No,Often,3,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Sometimes,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,1,I cook the meat properly to temperatures that are safe for eating depending on the type of meat. Any bits/ trimmings I don't wants on the meat I just cut off.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:50,Often,37,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Indiana,White,No,Often,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Usually,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,5,4,2,3,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:50,Often,31,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Ohio,White,No,Often,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Always,Usually,Never,Sometimes,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,1,4,2,6,,,4,7,6,3,1,,,,Unimportant,Of Little Importance,Very Important,,Moderately Important,Important,,,,,1,2,5,6,3,,,Cold liquid,0-29 minutes,"Water (in addition to other things), Salt, Citrus (lemon, lime, etc), Vinegar, Alcoholic beverage","By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain hot water",4,5,"I typically only wash meat if I see what appears to be bone dust from the butchering process, and when I silk chicken or pork for stir fry dishes.",,
9/28/20 14:50,Often,18,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Michigan,White,No,Often,4,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,Always,About Half the time,Seldom,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,2,1,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:50,Often,20,Male,Israel,United States of America,Georgia,White,No,Often,2,2,"Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Never,Usually,Never,Seldom,Seldom,Sometimes,,Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,1,2,4,3,,,,,,,,,1,It thaws faster,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Tepid or warm liquid,0-29 minutes,,"By cleaning bowls or other tools, With plain hot water",2,4,,Discuss if washing food has anything to do with safety,
9/28/20 14:51,Often,25,Male,Mexico,Mexico,,,,Often,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,4,1,3,6,2,you kill the microbs when you cook,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:51,Often,18,Non-binary,Iceland,Iceland,,,,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Seldom,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,1,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:51,Often,14,Male,Sweden,Sweden,,,,Often,4,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Wash,Dont Wash,,,4,2,1,3,6,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Tepid or warm liquid,30-59 minutes,"Water (in addition to other things), Salt, Citrus (lemon, lime, etc), Alcoholic beverage",,1,3,,,
9/28/20 14:51,Often,21,Female,Trinidad and Tobago,Guyana,,,,Often,5,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Always,Never,Never,Seldom,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Unimportant,Very Important,,,,,,,1,,,Cold liquid,30-59 minutes,"Water (in addition to other things), Salt, Citrus (lemon, lime, etc), Vinegar",With vinegar or other edible substance other than water,5,5,"I believe that if you sanitize your workspace after washing meat properly, cross contamination should not be an issue.",165 degrees Fahrenheit is too high for chicken and often leaves it too dry. 160 is much better and still kills all necessary pathogens. Just let it rest after. ,
9/28/20 14:51,Often,37,Female,United States of America,United States of America,California,White,No,Often,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Usually,Sometimes,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,3,1,4,2,5,I figure the cooking process will kill any bacteria/etc.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:51,Sometimes,28,Male,Denmark,Denmark,,,,Often,1,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products",Most of the time,Always,Sometimes,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,3,2,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:51,Often,28,Male,India,United States of America,Virginia,Asian,No,Often,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Usually,Seldom,Never,Never,Never,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,,,,,,,,,,1,7,3,4,5,6,,,Very Important,Moderately Important,Important,Important,Important,Important,Moderately Important,Of Little Importance,,,1,6,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,"By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink",5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:51,Seldom,19,Prefer not to disclose,Netherlands,Netherlands,,,,Seldom,4,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Sometimes,Never,Seldom,Never,About Half the time,,,,,Dont Wash,,,,6,2,5,4,1,3,"It is in a non-washable form eg canned tuna, anchovies, thin salmon filet",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,4,,I have never heard of anyone washing their meat or fish. Really shocking.,
9/28/20 14:51,Often,18,Male,Brazil,Brazil,,,,Often,3,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Never,Seldom,Never,Usually,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,2,3,1,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:51,Often,20,Male,Poland,Poland,,,,Often,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Usually,Never,Never,Seldom,Wash,Wash,Wash,,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,,,1,,,2,,3,,,Very Important,Moderately Important,Important,Very Important,Important,Very Important,,,,,,1,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain hot water",3,3,,,
9/28/20 14:51,Often,25,Prefer not to disclose,United States of America,United States of America,California,White,No,Often,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Usually,Seldom,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,3,2,1,4,,,3,,,2,,1,,,Very Important,Moderately Important,Important,Important,Unimportant,Moderately Important,Unimportant,Unimportant,,,,,,,,,,Cold liquid,0-29 minutes,,"By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink",5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:51,Often,27,Male,Norway,Norway,,,,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Usually,Never,Seldom,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:51,Often,22,Male,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,Netherlands,,,,Often,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products",Never,Always,Never,Sometimes,Seldom,Usually,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,1,3,,2,,,1,,,2,,,,,,,Very Important,Important,,Moderately Important,,,,,1,2,,,,,,Cold liquid,0-29 minutes,Salt,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain hot water, With vinegar or other edible substance other than water",3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:51,Sometimes,17,,Germany,Germany,,,,Sometimes,3,2,"Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Never,Never,Never,Sometimes,Always,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,I have never washed meat in my entire life except for when trying to cut frozen meat ( Quick thaw to get a piece and put the rest back in the freezer).,5,1,4,3,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,3,"I don't know about other people here in Germany. But I generally think that the whole food safety thing just is not as big of a deal here as it is on the other side of the pond. In Germany really the only thing people actually care about is that poultry is cooked through. Most of the time the actual quality of the product, such as how the animal was raised and what is in the product ,is more of a concern.
Furthermore I have never taken any care to properly clean our wooden cutting board that we have been using since before I was born while cooking a meal. Sure you may rinse it with water in order to not get any (raw/uncooked) meat juices on your salad for example, but I believe that this is done more because you are concerned about the taste of the final product instead of your health. The board usually only gets cleaned with dish soap when doing the washing up, thus after all the food has been cooked/prepared and enjoyed.
As for the ""washing my hands"" part: I do wash my hands quite often through out the day, yet I never consciously wash my hands right before preparing a meal. And when I do it is usually while preparing the meal, for example to get rid of oil/fat or butter on my fingers such as when baking or when handling raw meat.",,
9/28/20 14:51,Often,29,Non-binary,Philippines,Philippines,,,,Often,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Never,Never,Never,Always,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,I will wash anything or any meat I will come into contact with unless if I buy it ground from the supermarket.,,,,,,,,2,7,6,3,5,4,1,"Meat is primarily accessible in 3 locations in the Philippines.
1 - A specialty meat shop (I do not buy here but if I do, I will not wash this meat).
2 - A supermarket (This is the only place I would like to buy ground meat - since I don't wash it anymore).
3 - A wet market or local market (I frequently buy here). The butchers are not trained. They will not properly chop chicken (or any other meat) ""properly"" so assuming you a bone was chopped, you might have shattered bones and etc on your meat -- I remove these too when washing the meat
The cutting board is also made of wood and due to the large cleavers along with the force of hitting the meat to cut the bone, the boards will be rough and would sometimes leave splinters on the meat -- and again, I remove these too when washing the meat.",Of Little Importance,Of Little Importance,Very Important,Very Important,Important,Moderately Important,Of Little Importance,Of Little Importance,,,1,2,5,3,4,,,Cold liquid,0-29 minutes,"Water (in addition to other things), Salt","By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, With plain cold water, With vinegar or other edible substance other than water, With bleach, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",2,3,"When out in our wet markets, the butchers aren't trained to cut meat on the joints. shards of bones are a common thing and if the cutting board is made of wood -- it's best to check for shards of wood.
Supermarkets barely have this issue - I still wash their meat out of habit.",Don't cross contaminate and clean up afterwards.,
9/28/20 14:51,Sometimes,21,Male,Switzerland,Switzerland,,,,Sometimes,3,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products",Some of the time,Always,Never,Sometimes,Seldom,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,2,3,1,5,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:51,Often,19,Male,United States of America,United States of America,California,White,No,Often,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Usually,Usually,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,1,3,6,,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:51,Often,28,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Colorado,White,No,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,About Half the time,Seldom,Always,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,3,2,5,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:51,Often,36,Male,United States of America,United States of America,South Carolina,White,No,Sometimes,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Always,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,2,1,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,A surprising lot of people are unaware of the difference between chicken and steak in terms of prior possible bacterial content and relevant handling.,
9/28/20 14:51,Sometimes,23,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Pennsylvania,White,No,Sometimes,1,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Always,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,1,5,4,2,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,4,I eat raw cookie dough. Sue me.,,
9/28/20 14:51,Often,40,Male,United States of America,United States of America,California,White,No,Often,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Usually,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,6,2,1,3,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:51,Sometimes,29,Male,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Sometimes,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products",Most of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,1,,3,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:51,Often,22,Male,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Often,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Never,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,1,6,5,2,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,I was under the impression that washing meat was a largely American thing?,"I'm definitely a bit over the top on food safety, having worked in several kitchens, but washing meat is something I've never encountered in person.",
9/28/20 14:51,Often,34,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Washington,White,No,Often,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Always,Usually,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,1,2,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:51,Sometimes,30,Male,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Often,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Usually,Seldom,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,5,2,1,3,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:51,Often,35,Male,United States of America,United States of America,New York,White,No,Often,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Usually,Seldom,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,,,6,3,1,4,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Cold liquid,0-29 minutes,"Water (in addition to other things), Salt, Vinegar",,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:51,Often,32,Female,Finland,Finland,,,,Often,1,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Usually,Seldom,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,1,3,4,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:51,Often,31,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Texas,White,No,Often,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Always,Seldom,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,1,I think it’s unnecessary and a waste of time,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,4,,,
9/28/20 14:51,Often,16,Male,Sweden,Sweden,,,,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,1,3,4,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,I might sometimes wash chicken if it's a little bit slimy from being unfrozen by otherwise I feel no need to wash my meat. From what I know its perfectly safe to eat meat as long as it is cooked right. I work slot with chicken and I know when it's done enough to not be dangerous. I have never been sick from my own cooking.,No,
9/28/20 14:51,Often,27,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Washington,"White, Chilean",Yes,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Usually,Usually,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,1,I never thought about washing meat before... I didnt think it needs it because the surface of the meat will usually be the hottest when cooking therefore the safest? not sure what washing would do to meat...,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:51,Sometimes,27,Female,Denmark,Denmark,,,,Often,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,Always,Seldom,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,Dont Wash,,,6,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,NA,NA,Important,NA,Moderately Important,Very Important,,NA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:51,Sometimes,22,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Arizona,White,No,Sometimes,2,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,About Half the time,Seldom,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,3,2,,,1,I don't want to contaminate the sink with raw meat bacteria.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:51,Never,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
9/28/20 14:51,Often,27,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Florida,White,No,Often,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,About Half the time,About Half the time,Seldom,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,2,1,3,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:51,Sometimes,34,Male,Belgium,Belgium,,,,Often,1,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Usually,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,"I have never washed my meat and it had never any issues. Good stomach, luck, or something else? ",,
9/28/20 14:51,Sometimes,25,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Alabama,White,No,Often,2,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Usually,Never,Never,Seldom,About Half the time,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,Dont Wash,,,3,1,5,2,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,"Thanks to access to running water and soap, as well as safe kitchen tools and environments, preparing food is achievable for me. I can save money, and have fun making dinner with my spouse or by myself. While my practices may not be state of the art, I have learned a lot and hope to continue to do so.","A large portion of my food safety knowledge comes from working in a restaurant. Without the experience, I'm not sure how else I would learn the science and necessities behind many food safety procedures. ",
9/28/20 14:51,Often,23,bender,Poland,Poland,,,,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Seldom,Never,Never,Seldom,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,,,2,,,1,3,,,,Unimportant,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Moderately Important,Very Important,,,1,5,4,,2,,,Tepid or warm liquid,1-6 hours,"Water (in addition to other things), Salt, Citrus (lemon, lime, etc), Vinegar, Alcoholic beverage","By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain hot water, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",5,5,,don't eat the yellow snow... ,
9/28/20 14:51,Seldom,18,Male,United States of America,United States of America,New York,Asian,No,Seldom,5,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Wash,Wash,,Wash,Dont Wash,,,1,3,4,5,6,2,,6,1,2,5,7,4,3,,Unimportant,Important,Very Important,Moderately Important,Moderately Important,Very Important,Unimportant,Unimportant,,,6,5,4,3,1,,,Tepid or warm liquid,0-29 minutes,Salt,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain hot water",4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:52,Sometimes,31,Male,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,Germany,,,,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Usually,Never,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,,,,2,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:52,Sometimes,25,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Ohio,White,No,Often,1,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Always,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,4,3,1,2,5,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:52,Often,36,Male,Belgium,Belgium,,,,Often,2,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Never,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,6,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:52,Often,30,Male,Sweden,Sweden,,,,Often,1,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Sometimes,Seldom,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,4,2,1,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:52,Sometimes,19,Male,Argentina,Argentina,,,,Often,5,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Usually,Always,Usually,About Half the time,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,4,2,5,6,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,3,,,
9/28/20 14:52,Often,19,Male,Ireland,Ireland,,,,Often,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Seldom,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,Dont Wash,,,6,1,4,5,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:52,Often,24,Male,Israel,Israel,,,,Often,6,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Never,Never,Never,Usually,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,4,6,1,2,3,"I think that cooking it with high heat and until it's fully cooked will kill infections, so I don't really see a reason to wash it (unless is has some dirt on it for some reason)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:52,Often,26,Male,Canada,Canada,,,,Often,5,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,About Half the time,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,1,5,2,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,My whole family is Italian Canadian. They're very fastidious. ,,
9/28/20 14:52,Sometimes,21,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Maryland,White,No,Sometimes,9,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Always,Never,Never,About Half the time,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,,,1,7,6,5,4,3,,,Of Little Importance,Moderately Important,Important,Unimportant,Very Important,Of Little Importance,NA,NA,,,1,,,,,,,Tepid or warm liquid,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, With plain hot water",2,4,,,
9/28/20 14:52,Often,36,Male,Norway,Norway,,,,Often,2,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Never,Always,Usually,Seldom,Sometimes,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,5,1,2,4,3,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,4,,What's your opinion on chicken sashimi?,
9/28/20 14:52,Sometimes,28,Male,Italy,Italy,,,,Often,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Usually,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,3,1,2,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:52,Seldom,26,Male,Sweden,Sweden,,,,Sometimes,4,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Seldom,Never,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,1,3,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Marinade or seasoning?,,5,5,Don't eat soap.,,
9/28/20 14:52,Sometimes,31,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Michigan,White,No,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Usually,Seldom,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,5,2,1,3,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Cold liquid,30-59 minutes,"Water (in addition to other things), Salt, Citrus (lemon, lime, etc), Vinegar, Alcoholic beverage",,3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:52,Often,35,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Massachusetts,White,No,Often,3,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Usually,Seldom,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,2,1,3,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,I only wash vegetables to remove dirt. I do not wash any meat. ,,
9/28/20 14:52,Often,25,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Pennsylvania,Asian,No,Sometimes,3,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Usually,Never,Never,Never,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,,1,,2,,,,,,Of Little Importance,,Moderately Important,Unimportant,Very Important,,,Important,,,1,,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain hot water",4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:52,Often,24,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Texas,White,No,Often,3,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Usually,Seldom,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,Dont Wash,,,6,3,2,4,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:52,Often,37,Female,"Taiwan, Province of China[a]",United States of America,Texas,Asian,No,Often,4,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Never,Sometimes,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,6,4,5,1,2,,,2,7,3,6,5,4,1,I just want to wash it.,Important,Moderately Important,Important,Very Important,Important,Moderately Important,Unimportant,Moderately Important,,,1,,,,,,,Cold liquid,0-29 minutes,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain cold water, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:52,Often,25,Male,Norway,Norway,,,,Often,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,Always,Seldom,Seldom,Never,Usually,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,6,2,1,3,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",2,3,,,
9/28/20 14:52,Sometimes,22,Male,Germany,Germany,,,,Often,1,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Usually,Never,Sometimes,Seldom,About Half the time,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,4,1,5,2,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:52,Often,29,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Illinois,Black or African American,No,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Usually,Sometimes,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,I've cooked and eaten several non-standard meats. I never wash any raw meat because I don't eat it raw and cooking sterilizes any pathogens.,,2,1,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:52,Often,43,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Louisiana,White,No,Often,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Always,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,3,1,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:52,Often,25,Male,Finland,Finland,,,,Often,4,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Seldom,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,1,2,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:52,Sometimes,25,Male,Poland,Poland,,,,Seldom,6,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Usually,Never,Seldom,Never,About Half the time,Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,1,,,,,,1,,3,2,,,,,Important,NA,NA,NA,Important,Important,Unimportant,Important,,,1,,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,With plain cold water,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:52,Sometimes,16,Male,Lithuania,Lithuania,,,,Sometimes,4,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Never,Always,Sometimes,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,2,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,3,,,
9/28/20 14:52,Often,26,Male,Sweden,Sweden,,,,Often,3,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,About Half the time,Seldom,Usually,Usually,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,1,,2,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:52,Often,19,Female,Canada,Canada,,,,Often,2,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,About Half the time,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,6,,,,Usually I only wash chicken because I find after thawing it has a slimy coating on the outside.,,,,,7,,,,Unimportant,Moderately Important,Moderately Important,Unimportant,Of Little Importance,Very Important,Unimportant,Unimportant,,,6,,,,3,,,Cold liquid,,"Water (in addition to other things), Citrus (lemon, lime, etc)","By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain hot water, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",4,4,,,
9/28/20 14:52,Often,31,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Pennsylvania,White,No,Often,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,1,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,"I've made sushi at home. I've made carpaccio and tartare. I don't believe the these items need to be ""washed"" beforehand. With Tartare or Carpaccio I would salt the outside and chill prior to preparing the dish. ",,
9/28/20 14:52,Often,28,Male,Hungary,Hungary,,,,Often,3,5,"Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Never,Wash,Wash,,Wash,Wash,Wash,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Important,Very Important,Important,,,,,,,,,,Tepid or warm liquid,,Water (in addition to other things),"With plain hot water, With bleach",5,5,"leftover pieces goes boilt up to the dogs, their favorites! haha",,
9/28/20 14:52,Often,30,Male,Canada,Canada,,,,Often,1,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Seldom,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,1,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:52,Sometimes,18,Male,Viet Nam,Viet Nam,,,,Sometimes,5,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,About Half the time,Seldom,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,3,2,1,5,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, With plain cold water, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",2,3,,,
9/28/20 14:52,Often,27,Male,Netherlands,Netherlands,,,,Often,3,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Seldom,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Wash,Dont Wash,,,4,1,5,3,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,"When it comes to any type of meat or seafood, I feel like buying from a reputable source, at a sustainable price point, is the best guarantee for having a safe product to use at home. If I felt the need to rinse meats I'd already feel like I should err on the side of caution, and not use it at all.","I do think that thawing by leaving something out is an often overlooked risk, at least in my country. I'll commonly find family leaving even chicken out on the counter to thaw for up to 4-5 hours. However even then I wouldn't feel inclined to rinse the meat, as it seems weird to me for only the surface of the product to be contaminated (if it's contaminated at all)",
9/28/20 14:52,Often,19,Male,Ireland,Ireland,,,,Often,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,1,3,2,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:52,Often,37,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Tennessee,White,No,Often,4,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Usually,Seldom,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:52,Sometimes,17,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Texas,White,No,Sometimes,4,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Usually,Never,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,1,I believe that cooking the meat properly is enough to kill any potentially harmful bacteria.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:52,Often,33,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Colorado,White,No,Often,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Usually,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,2,6,5,3,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:52,Never,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
9/28/20 14:52,Often,28,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Arizona,White,No,Often,1,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Some of the time,Usually,Usually,Sometimes,Never,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,1,2,4,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:52,Sometimes,31,Male,Chile,Chile,,,,Sometimes,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products",Some of the time,Always,Seldom,Never,Seldom,Usually,Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,,,2,,1,,,,,3,,,2,,1,,,Important,Moderately Important,Very Important,,Very Important,Very Important,Important,Very Important,,,1,2,,,,,,,,Water (in addition to other things),"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:52,Often,20,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Kentucky,White,No,Often,5,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Always,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,6,2,4,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:52,Sometimes,34,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Washington,White,No,Sometimes,5,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,About Half the time,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,2,1,3,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:52,Sometimes,23,Female,United States of America,United States of America,North Dakota,White,No,Often,1,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Usually,Never,Seldom,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,2,1,4,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:52,Often,22,Male,China,Austria,,,,Often,1,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Never,Always,Usually,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,2,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Important,Important,,,,,,1,,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:52,Often,22,Female,Philippines,Philippines,,,,Often,5,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Usually,Seldom,About Half the time,Sometimes,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,Very Important,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,30-59 minutes,"Water (in addition to other things), Salt, Citrus (lemon, lime, etc), Vinegar, Alcoholic beverage","By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain cold water, With plain hot water, With vinegar or other edible substance other than water",5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:52,Often,21,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Maryland,White,No,Often,2,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Seldom,Always,Always,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,,,6,5,2,4,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:52,Sometimes,23,Male,India,India,,,,Sometimes,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Never,Always,Seldom,Seldom,Seldom,Usually,,Wash,,Wash,Wash,Wash,,,,,,,,,,1,,,2,,,,,Important,Moderately Important,,Of Little Importance,Very Important,,,,,,2,,,,1,,,Cold liquid,0-29 minutes,Vinegar,By cleaning bowls or other tools,3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:52,Often,34,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Utah,White,No,Often,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Always,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,1,3,4,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:53,Sometimes,21,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Minnesota,White,No,Sometimes,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Usually,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,2,1,4,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:53,Often,30,Male,Portugal,Portugal,,,,Often,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Sometimes,,Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,,,2,,,,,6,,,Of Little Importance,,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,,,2,1,,3,,,,Tepid or warm liquid,1-6 hours,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools",2,5,,,
9/28/20 14:53,Often,44,Male,South Africa,South Africa,,,,Sometimes,5,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products",Most of the time,Usually,Never,About Half the time,About Half the time,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,2,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Cold liquid,1-6 hours,Water (in addition to other things),"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink",4,5,I find it it easier to cleanup my utensils/tools as I go. Not after I'm done. I think it makes it more hygienic for me.,,
9/28/20 14:53,Sometimes,23,Female,United States of America,United States of America,Illinois,White,No,Often,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Seldom,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,1,2,6,4,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:53,Sometimes,20,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Texas,White,Yes,Often,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Never,Usually,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,1,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:53,Often,24,Male,United States of America,United States of America,North Carolina,White,No,Often,1,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Always,Always,Always,Usually,,Wash,Dont Wash,,Wash,Dont Wash,,,4,2,3,1,5,,,1,,,,,2,,,Very Important,Important,Very Important,Moderately Important,Of Little Importance,Very Important,Very Important,Important,,,1,,,,,,,Cold liquid,,Water (in addition to other things),"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:53,Often,28,Male,United States of America,United States of America,New Jersey,Asian,No,Often,3,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Seldom,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,3,4,2,5,1,"I figure that cooking meat at a high temperature kills the bacteria, and I make an effort to buy organic meats because the FDA is a trash organization (insert rant here about lobbying and systemic problems and government representatives not having the interest of their constituents at heart). Anyway, I'm hoping that between buying organic-ish stuff (I do vaguely understand the problems and implications of buying ""organic"" and how that might not mean anything) and cooking to a high temperature, I expect the meat to be safe to eat.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:53,Often,27,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Michigan,"White, American Indian or Alaska Native",No,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Always,Seldom,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,2,3,1,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:53,Often,37,Male,Canada,Canada,,,,Often,3,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Always,Seldom,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,4,5,3,1,2,"If properly handled before cooking begins, I feel like the cooking process itself will assist with any sanitation that might be required.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:53,Often,21,Male,Poland,Poland,,,,Often,2,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Some of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,1,2,3,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Cold liquid,More than 24 hours,"Salt, Citrus (lemon, lime, etc), Vinegar",,3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:53,Often,21,Male,United States of America,United States of America,New York,White,No,Often,6,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Seldom,Seldom,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,1,2,4,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:53,Seldom,20,Female,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Sometimes,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Usually,Seldom,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,1,2,4,3,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:53,Often,26,Male,Belgium,Belgium,,,,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,1,2,5,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:53,Often,30,Male,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Often,1,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Seldom,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,1,3,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:53,Sometimes,18,Non-binary,Czech Republic,Czech Republic,,,,Often,2,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,Usually,Never,Seldom,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,3,,6,,,,2,,,,,,,,Important,Important,Important,Important,Important,Important,,Important,,,1,2,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:53,Seldom,25,Female,Indonesia,Indonesia,,,,Seldom,5,2,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Usually,,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,,,1,,,2,,3,,,,,Very Important,Moderately Important,Of Little Importance,Important,,Unimportant,,,,1,,2,,,,Cold liquid,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain cold water, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",3,3,,,
9/28/20 14:53,Often,25,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Nebraska,White,No,Often,1,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Seldom,Never,Never,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,5,2,6,1,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,4,,,
9/28/20 14:53,Often,18,Male,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Often,5,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,My Grandmother loves tripe. I personally think that the smell is repulsive. But I do wash tripe.,2,4,1,3,6,,In the UK on poultry and turkey packaging it says to not wash meat at all. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain hot water, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",3,5,,"In the UK on Poultry and Turkey Packaging, it says not to was at all",
9/28/20 14:53,Seldom,21,Male,Germany,Germany,,,,Often,1,2,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Never,Always,Never,Usually,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,3,2,1,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Very Important,,Moderately Important,Of Little Importance,,Important,,,1,2,,3,,,,Cold liquid,0-29 minutes,,"By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",1,4,,,
9/28/20 14:53,Never,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
9/28/20 14:53,Sometimes,18,Male,Brazil,Brazil,,,,Often,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,About Half the time,Seldom,Sometimes,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,4,1,,2,3,,,1,,,,,,,,Very Important,,,,Important,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,With plain cold water,3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:53,Often,23,Male,Singapore,United States of America,Texas,White,No,Often,5,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,About Half the time,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,1,2,,,,,1,,,,,,,,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,,Very Important,,,,,,1,,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,,3,5,I really only wash red meat. Also as someone who worked in a restaurant my standards at home are much more relaxed ,You should do a part about the efficacy of gloves when it comes to food safety,
9/28/20 14:53,Often,39,Female,United States of America,United States of America,Illinois,White,Yes,Often,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Always,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,,Wash,"I wash the exterior of a whole fish.
",,,1,,,,Chefs on social media said washing chicken is less safe,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,I believe washing meat will increase my chances of contaminating other things,,
9/28/20 14:53,Sometimes,28,Male,Germany,Germany,,,,Sometimes,2,1,Wash my hands with soap and water,Some of the time,Usually,Never,Sometimes,About Half the time,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,4,3,5,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, With plain cold water",2,5,i eat at work most of the time,,
9/28/20 14:53,Often,27,Male,United States of America,United States of America,California,White,No,Often,1,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,About Half the time,Never,Never,Never,Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,Dont Wash,,,,1,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,Moderately Important,Important,Very Important,Important,Of Little Importance,Very Important,Of Little Importance,Unimportant,,,,,1,,2,,,Cold liquid,0-29 minutes,"Water (in addition to other things), Salt, Vinegar","By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain cold water, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:53,Often,24,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Illinois,White,No,Often,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Always,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,4,2,3,,1,I plan to cook the meat anyways so washing seems redundant,,,,,,,,,,,Very Important,Important,Important,Very Important,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,By cleaning the kitchen sink,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:53,Sometimes,16,Non-binary,Mexico,Mexico,,,,Often,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Usually,Never,Never,Sometimes,About Half the time,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,,,,,,,,,,2,,,,,,,,Very Important,Important,Important,Important,Important,Important,Important,Important,,,1,3,4,2,6,,,Tepid or warm liquid,1-6 hours,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain cold water, With plain hot water",4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:53,Often,27,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Texas,Asian,No,Often,3,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Sometimes,Seldom,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,3,1,2,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,I wash my fruit and vegetables,Why are there so many food recalls in the USA now?,
9/28/20 14:53,Often,33,Male,Canada,Canada,,,,Often,2,4,"Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,About Half the time,Seldom,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,3,2,1,,,,,,,,3,,1,2,"I usually give frozen beef a rinse after the defrost, to remove the defrosted juices",,,Important,,,,,Very Important,,,1,,,2,3,,,Cold liquid,30-59 minutes,"Water (in addition to other things), Salt","By cleaning the kitchen sink, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",4,5,"Culturally, I was told by my Asian relatives to wash poultry due to bone/debris on the meat. Unless I actually see any I don't typically wash the meat. If there is any surface moisture on raw foods from the supermarket, I will blot with paper towels instead. I mostly use soap and water to wash surfaces.",,
9/28/20 14:53,Often,27,Prefer not to disclose,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Often,1,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Usually,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,1,3,4,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:53,Often,68,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Michigan,Choose Not to Disclose,No,Often,4,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Usually,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,2,,,1,"I feel that I'd be spreading any harmful agents (microscopic) to all parts of the meat with the water. Better to sear the outside to kill any contaminants. (Note: Most meat I buy is visibly clean. If it was covered with visible contamination I wouldn't use it)
9/28/20 14:53,Often,22,Male,Sweden,Sweden,,,,Often,1,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce)",Most of the time,Always,Seldom,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,I dont wash any raw meat ever.,4,2,6,3,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,No,No,
9/28/20 14:53,Often,25,Male,United States of America,Puerto Rico,,,,Often,5,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Sometimes,Usually,Usually,Usually,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,I wash none of the meat i have ever prepared.,,,,,6,1,"I trust in my local food chain to provide me with ""clean"" meats. Beyond taste and consumption, cooking completes what the chain cannot ensure. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,"This survey made me consider cleaning my meats. However, i would just marinade my meats in an acid. Soap and water seem too extraterrestrial. ",Luckily I do not have enough knowledge to give an educated opinion. Hopefully they are effective enough.,
9/28/20 14:53,Often,17,Male,Austria,Austria,,,,Sometimes,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Usually,About Half the time,Never,Usually,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,Dont Wash,,,,1,2,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:53,Often,26,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Missouri,White,No,Often,1,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Always,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,2,3,5,4,1,I'm about to cook it at high temperatures to a desired temperature...,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,,4,4,,,
9/28/20 14:53,Sometimes,19,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Massachusetts,White,No,Sometimes,4,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Sometimes,Never,Usually,Sometimes,Usually,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,1,3,5,4,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:53,Often,26,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Texas,White,No,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,About Half the time,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,3,1,4,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,"I once washed a chicken breast because it looked sketchy, and the rebound of water off the breast splashed into my slightly open mouth. I will never wash meat again.",,
9/28/20 14:53,Often,25,Male,Lebanon,United States of America,Michigan,White,No,Often,1,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Some of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Always,,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,,,,,2,1,,,,,,Moderately Important,,Very Important,,Important,,,,,3,,1,,2,,,Cold liquid,0-29 minutes,"Salt, Vinegar","By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With vinegar or other edible substance other than water, With bleach",3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:54,Sometimes,19,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Utah,White,No,Often,4,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Seldom,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,"I don't wash meat I just cook it and the germs all die, UNLESS of course it falls and it needs surface cleaning, but never with soap obviously.",,,2,6,,1,"I have never had a problem when I haven't washed the meat, so I see no reason to do it.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Cold liquid,0-29 minutes,"Salt, Citrus (lemon, lime, etc), Marinade",,2,5,"I have yet to die, but I am not very scientific with my food prep. ","I wish people would buy more sustainable meat and just stop eating mass produced red meat, its terrible for the environment. ",
9/28/20 14:54,Often,21,Male,Brazil,Brazil,,,,Often,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Never,Never,Never,Never,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,2,3,5,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain cold water, With vinegar or other edible substance other than water, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:54,Sometimes,30,Agender,Germany,Germany,,,,Often,1,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Never,Always,About Half the time,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,4,1,2,3,5,,,1,,,,,2,,,Very Important,Unimportant,Unimportant,Unimportant,Important,Important,Unimportant,Unimportant,,,1,,,,,,,Tepid or warm liquid,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, With plain hot water",4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:54,Sometimes,13,Male,Norway,Norway,,,,Seldom,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products",Most of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,1,3,2,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:54,Often,32,Male,United States of America,United States of America,New York,White,No,Often,8,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Usually,Never,Never,Never,Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,Wash,Dont Wash,,,3,4,2,5,6,,,1,7,6,2,4,3,,,Very Important,NA,Moderately Important,Very Important,Of Little Importance,Very Important,Unimportant,Unimportant,,,1,2,3,5,4,,,Cold liquid,,"Water (in addition to other things), Salt","By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain hot water, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:54,Often,33,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Virginia,White,No,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Always,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,2,1,3,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:54,Sometimes,26,Female,United States of America,United States of America,Florida,White,No,Often,4,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,About Half the time,Never,Usually,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,6,1,3,4,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:54,Often,17,Male,Germany,Germany,,,,Often,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce)",Most of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,,,2,,1,,,,,,Moderately Important,,,,Very Important,,,Moderately Important,,,1,,,,,,,Cold liquid,,Water (in addition to other things),"By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain cold water, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",3,2,,,
9/28/20 14:54,Often,21,Male,Germany,Germany,,,,Often,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,Always,Sometimes,Seldom,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,2,1,3,4,,,2,,,1,3,4,,,,,Very Important,Important,Moderately Important,Of Little Importance,,Unimportant,,,1,,,,2,,,Cold liquid,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:54,Often,20,Male,Russian Federation,Russian Federation,,,,Often,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Never,Never,Seldom,Seldom,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,,,,,,,,,,1,7,6,5,4,2,,,Very Important,Of Little Importance,Very Important,Very Important,Of Little Importance,Of Little Importance,Of Little Importance,Very Important,,,1,4,3,2,5,,,Tepid or warm liquid,30-59 minutes,"Citrus (lemon, lime, etc), Vinegar","By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With vinegar or other edible substance other than water",4,5,Couple of food poisonings made me very attentive towards food safety,,
9/28/20 14:54,Sometimes,20,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Tennessee,White,No,Sometimes,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Never,Sometimes,About Half the time,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,"some of these meats we can't eat for allergy reasons, also applies to non-meat products.",1,3,4,5,6,2,Cooking meats usually kills harmful bacteria because of the heat.,1,7,6,5,4,3,,,Very Important,Of Little Importance,Very Important,Very Important,Moderately Important,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,incluing sinew and undesirable bits of meat,4,2,1,6,3,,,Tepid or warm liquid,30-59 minutes,"Water (in addition to other things), Salt, Citrus (lemon, lime, etc), other seasonings for flavoring ","By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools",4,4,,,
9/28/20 14:54,Often,19,Male,Norway,Norway,,,,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,Seldom,Never,Seldom,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,I wash my salads to remove dirt.,,1,,,,,,1,7,,,,,,,Very Important,Unimportant,Moderately Important,Unimportant,Unimportant,Moderately Important,Unimportant,Unimportant,NA,,1,3,,2,,,,Hot liquid,0-29 minutes,Water (in addition to other things),"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain hot water, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:54,Often,49,Male,United States of America,United States of America,South Carolina,White,No,Often,1,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Sometimes,Never,Never,Seldom,Wash,Wash,Wash,,Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,"Venison, bear",4,1,5,2,6,3,Ground meat is the only meat that I don't wash. It is difficult to wash ground meat.,1,,,2,4,3,,,Very Important,Important,Important,Moderately Important,Of Little Importance,Important,Important,Of Little Importance,,,1,3,5,2,6,,,Tepid or warm liquid,30-59 minutes,"Salt, Citrus (lemon, lime, etc), Alcoholic beverage","By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With bleach",5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:54,Often,17,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Arkansas,White,No,Often,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Seldom,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,4,1,2,3,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,30-59 minutes,Water (in addition to other things),,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:54,Sometimes,33,Non-binary,Canada,Canada,,,,Often,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Usually,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,3,1,2,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:54,Often,25,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Wisconsin,White,No,Often,1,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Always,Seldom,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,5,3,2,4,1,"While the raw meat isn't ""clean"" I'm going to cook it, so why wash the surface of the meat when that might hurt quality/spray bacteria around sink, etc.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:54,Often,25,Male,Switzerland,Switzerland,,,,Often,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Always,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,2,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,"It might be worth talking about the opposite as well, i.e., drying the meat with paper towels (or something else?). How safe is it? Is there a ""better"" way to do it from a food safety perspective?",
9/28/20 14:54,Often,21,Male,Argentina,Argentina,,,,Often,4,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,2,,3,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,5,"I've never heard of washing meat before this, I wouldn't buy meat from a butcher that looks unclean but now that I think about it I've never seen a butcher clean his knife correctly before cutting a cut of meat",,
9/28/20 14:54,Often,37,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Maryland,White,No,Often,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Seldom,Seldom,Seldom,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,5,3,2,1,4,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,"I have a degree in Professional Cooking and Baking so I take food safety very seriously but in small production environments that I am in control of I know when certain guidelines that I would follow professionally are fine to disregard at home. As an example. If I am trimming a piece of beef that takes me about 1 minute to accomplish and then want to trim the ends of some asparagus I might not switch boards or knives at home where I absolutely would in a professional setting. The reason that I know that I am being safe is because I am aware that I am immediately going to begin cooking those asparagus and that they will get more than hot enough on their surface for any cross-contamination to be rendered a non-issue, and I am the one who had inspected the meat for freshness so I am confident that the mean is not displaying any signs of having turned which could lead to toxins being left on the board.","Rinsing meat is generally not needed in the US, if it smells bad, it should not be rinsed, it should be thrown away. There is a slim chance that left over liquid in the packaging might have gone bad while the meat tissue has not but that chance is very low. There is something to be said for the slimy texture of meat when it comes out of packaging but in my experience that texture goes away during cooking just as readily as it does from rinsing. Even if my intent is to do a raw dish I would still sear the outside of the meat and trim away the cooked part before preparing a tartar or a carpaccio so it just does not stand to reason why I would run water on it. for things like fresh crab meat in a tin, rinsing it will reduce the quality of the flavor.",
9/28/20 14:54,Often,32,Male,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Often,1,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products",Some of the time,Always,Never,Usually,Seldom,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,3,1,5,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:54,Sometimes,36,Female,India,Canada,,,,Often,3,5,"Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Sometimes,,Wash,,,Dont Wash,,,,,1,2,,,,,,,1,,,,,,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,,Very Important,Very Important,,Very Important,,,,,,,1,,,Cold liquid,0-29 minutes,Vinegar,"By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain hot water, With vinegar or other edible substance other than water",5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:54,Often,23,Male,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Often,3,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Sometimes,Usually,Seldom,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,2,5,6,4,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Cold liquid,1-6 hours,"Water (in addition to other things), Salt, Vinegar",,3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:54,Often,24,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Wisconsin,White,No,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Some of the time,Always,About Half the time,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,Thank you for your research,
9/28/20 14:54,Often,59,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Nebraska,White,No,Often,1,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Sometimes,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,2,4,1,3,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,Very Important,,,,Moderately Important,Important,,,1,,2,,3,,,Cold liquid,,"Salt, Milk","By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:54,Sometimes,16,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Illinois,White,Yes,Often,7,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products",Some of the time,Usually,Sometimes,Seldom,Never,Usually,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,2,,,1,"Cleaning raw meat with infect the sink and area, and cooking the meat will kill bacteria either way so its pointless to wash it",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,3,Vinegar leg on the right,I REPEAT VINEGAR LEG ON THE RIGHT!!!,
9/28/20 14:54,Often,20,Male,Italy,United States of America,New Jersey,White,No,Often,1,2,"Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Seldom,Sometimes,Seldom,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,2,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,3,"I've been cooking my entire life and have always watched my mother and grandmother cook as a child, I've never seen them nor have I ever washed meats.",,
9/28/20 14:54,Often,25,Male,Sweden,Sweden,,,,Often,1,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Usually,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Venison,,1,2,,,,,,,,,,,1,"I wash fish to make it easier to handle (less slimy and slippery) and to remove loose scales or bits of styrofoam from the packaging, which I don't want in my food.",,,Very Important,,Moderately Important,Important,,,,,1,,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,,3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:54,Often,19,Female,Russian Federation,Russian Federation,,,,Often,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products",Most of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Sometimes,Wash,Wash,Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,,,1,,7,,,,,,Very Important,,Important,,Unimportant,Moderately Important,NA,Of Little Importance,,,1,,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain cold water, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:54,Often,24,Male,United States of America,United States of America,North Carolina,Black or African American,No,Often,1,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Usually,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,2,5,4,3,1,"I'm usually cooking meat to a temperature where everything in it is dead anyways, or I'm using a flash frozen product. I also don't think ""washing"" meat would do anything. These are the internal organs of an animal, why would washing a fraction of the meat actually assure any sort of actual cleanliness? Anything that could get that deep could also go slightly deeper and be missed by the wash. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Salt,With inedible cleaning products other than bleach,4,5,"The only way washing meat could be in any way beneficial is if, after butchery, something got onto the meat. ","Most domestic food production (in the United States) is very well regulated (thank you Upton Sinclair) and many meats have exceedingly few pathogens in them, like pork or fish. You have to try *EXTREMELY* hard to become ill from cooking meat. ",
9/28/20 14:54,Sometimes,21,Male,Poland,Poland,,,,Sometimes,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Seldom,,Dont Wash,,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:55,Often,28,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Oklahoma,"White, Black or African American",No,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Never,Seldom,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,1,2,3,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:55,Often,39,Male,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Often,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Usually,About Half the time,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,4,1,2,3,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:55,Often,33,,China,Canada,,,,Often,,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Usually,Seldom,About Half the time,Never,Usually,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,3,1,2,4,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:55,Often,32,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Florida,White,No,Often,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Usually,Always,About Half the time,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,,,6,5,3,2,4,1,There just isn't a reason to wash meat as when you cook it you are going to get the outside (the part washed) higher than the temp to kill the germs for a long time or high enough to kill the germs really quickly.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,4,I will wash between types of meat (if I am making multiple meat dishes) or when I move from Meat to Veg but normally not the other way around.,,
9/28/20 14:55,Sometimes,19,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Kentucky,White,No,Sometimes,3,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,6,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:55,Often,19,Female,Russian Federation,Russian Federation,,,,Often,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products",Most of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Sometimes,Wash,Wash,Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,,,1,,7,,,,,,Very Important,,Important,,Unimportant,Moderately Important,NA,Of Little Importance,,,1,,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain cold water, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:55,Often,24,Male,Canada,Canada,,,,Often,1,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Usually,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,1,4,2,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:55,Seldom,19,Male,United States of America,United States of America,California,White,No,Sometimes,5,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Usually,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,4,5,1,3,6,2,Since I am already going to be cooking the meat to a temperature that would kill germs there is no reason to wash it unless the surface has physical contaminants like dirt. Washing introduces the possibility of splashing germs onto clean surfaces in the kitchen. I have also heard that washing can allow external germs to penetrate into the interior of the meat via osmosis but I'm not sure how accurate or relevant this is.,,,,,,,,,NA,Unimportant,Very Important,Important,Of Little Importance,Moderately Important,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",5,5,"I only was fish because there is often a layer of slime that can produce a bad odor, flavor, and texture. Rarely I'll wash red meat if there is blood but I think I've only had to do this once or twice.",I have taken a food safety and sanitation class at my college so I try to follow the guidelines that I learned in that class.,
9/28/20 14:55,Sometimes,16,Male,Netherlands,Netherlands,,,,Sometimes,5,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Never,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,6,We never wash the meat out here because it just is not somthing that we are used to do.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:55,Often,28,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Texas,White,No,Often,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Usually,Sometimes,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,3,2,4,5,1,"Similar to my second selection, don’t want bacteria splashed and spread from washing/rinsing",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:55,Sometimes,33,Male,Guatemala,Guatemala,,,,Sometimes,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Never,Seldom,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,3,5,6,4,1,,,7,1,2,4,3,6,,,Very Important,Moderately Important,Important,Of Little Importance,Unimportant,Moderately Important,NA,Moderately Important,,,1,2,6,3,5,,,Cold liquid,,,By cleaning the kitchen sink,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:55,Seldom,21,Male,Germany,Germany,,,,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products",Most of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Sometimes,Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,,1,6,7,4,3,2,,,Very Important,Moderately Important,Unimportant,Unimportant,Of Little Importance,Of Little Importance,Unimportant,Of Little Importance,,,1,2,3,4,5,6,,Tepid or warm liquid,,Water (in addition to other things),"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain hot water, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:55,Sometimes,22,Male,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Sometimes,4,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products",Some of the time,Always,About Half the time,Seldom,Seldom,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,1,4,3,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,4,,,
9/28/20 14:55,Often,21,Male,Morocco,Morocco,,,,Often,5,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Never,Never,Never,Never,,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,,,2,1,4,3,,,,,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,,,2,3,,1,,,,Cold liquid,30-59 minutes,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain cold water, With plain hot water",5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:55,Often,19,Male,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Often,5,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Usually,Never,Seldom,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,,,,,1,,,2,"I believe that providing meat is cooked properly, the cooking process kills any pathogens, making washing raw meat unnecessary. I sometimes use a paper tower to remove dirt or whatnot from raw meat instead of washing.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:55,Sometimes,19,Female,United States of America,United States of America,New York,Asian,No,Sometimes,3,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products",Most of the time,Always,Never,About Half the time,Seldom,Seldom,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,1,,6,,,3,,1,,,,,,Of Little Importance,Of Little Importance,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Of Little Importance,,,,1,,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,"By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:55,Sometimes,21,Male,Germany,Germany,,,,Often,1,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,1,,2,,,,1,,,,,2,,,Important,Unimportant,Moderately Important,,Important,Important,Important,Important,,,1,,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain hot water, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:55,Often,26,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Missouri,White,No,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,About Half the time,Never,Never,Never,Wash,Wash,Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,Very Important,Important,Moderately Important,,Unimportant,Of Little Importance,,,,,1,,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,By cleaning the kitchen sink,3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:55,Often,23,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Pennsylvania,White,No,Often,4,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,About Half the time,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,1,3,2,4,,,,,,,,,,,Moderately Important,Important,Very Important,Of Little Importance,,,,Unimportant,,,1,3,,,,,,Cold liquid,,Salt,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink",4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:55,Often,46,Male,Denmark,Denmark,,,,Often,1,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Usually,Seldom,Seldom,Seldom,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,1,5,4,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,4,,,
9/28/20 14:55,Sometimes,25,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Massachusetts,Asian,No,Sometimes,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Seldom,Usually,About Half the time,Usually,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,2,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:55,Often,18,Male,United States of America,United States of America,New Jersey,White,No,Often,4,2,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Always,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,,,,2,1,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:55,Seldom,21,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Iowa,White,No,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Sometimes,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,4,1,5,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:55,Sometimes,27,Male,Denmark,Denmark,,,,Sometimes,1,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Usually,Never,About Half the time,Seldom,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,3,2,6,1,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,4,"while i don't always clean the utensils, it is usually something like a spatula or a spoon.
and with meat (like ground beef) is meant to be cooked directly on the pan, then i don't use a plate but simply use the packaging before putting on the pan. ",even though i've thought about the necessity i've never heard it being a scientific concern before now.,
9/28/20 14:55,Often,31,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Wisconsin,White,No,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Usually,Sometimes,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,1,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,4,,,
9/28/20 14:55,Often,27,Male,United States of America,United States of America,New York,White,No,Often,5,3,"Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products",Never,Always,Usually,Never,Never,Always,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,6,4,3,5,2,1,I don't want to contaminate my sink and I always cook the meat at a temperature which would kill any surface bacteria.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:55,Often,19,Male,Brazil,Brazil,,,,Often,3,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products",Some of the time,Usually,Never,Usually,Seldom,Always,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,2,1,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:55,Often,32,Male,Ireland,United States of America,Illinois,White,No,Often,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,About Half the time,Seldom,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,3,1,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,3,,,
9/28/20 14:55,Sometimes,27,Male,United States of America,United States of America,California,Asian,No,Often,1,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,2,,3,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:55,Often,28,Male,Germany,Germany,,,,Often,1,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce)",Most of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,Dont Wash,,,,3,2,,,1,"The heat from the cooking is going to be the better way to ""clean"" the meat.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,5,"In my childhood may Mother washed poultry meat. Untill she learned, that it isnt necessary. I got a positve feedback from your video about washing meat an other videos with that topic, some of them in german cooking shows.",,
9/28/20 14:55,Often,21,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Ohio,White,Yes,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Usually,About Half the time,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,3,1,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:55,Often,28,Prefer not to disclose,Ireland,Ireland,,,,Often,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Usually,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,2,1,3,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:55,Seldom,35,Male,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Seldom,1,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,,,6,2,5,1,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:55,Often,18,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Washington,"White, Black or African American",No,Often,5,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Usually,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,when cooking wild meats like rabbit elk or bison i tend to give it a rinse in cold or cool water to get rid of any extra juice or blood off of the surface so it will brown easier,6,4,3,2,1,5,"whether or not i wash meat is entirely dependent on whether or not the meat has been pasteurized or processed in any way, or if its a wild meat for me",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:55,Sometimes,20,Male,Germany,Germany,,,,Sometimes,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,4,,,
9/28/20 14:55,Often,25,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Tennessee,White,No,Sometimes,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Always,Seldom,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,3,1,4,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,I also clean the counter after near raw meat after preparing or cutting it. ,,
9/28/20 14:56,Often,25,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Texas,White,No,Often,1,4,"Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Seldom,Seldom,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,1,2,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,"I will VERY RARELY wash some food if there is something noticeable on it that needs washing (out of the ordinary. i.e. if I see dirt, etc.). Some meats I expose directly to water for thawing (ex: shrimp) but I don't consider this washing.","I always wonder about things like spatulas used for cooking food - it comes into contact with both the raw and cooked food - are you supposed to wash it between?
Also I keep hearing different things about washing eggs. ex: salmonella primarily exists on the shell. Curious to know if that's true/does it matter.",
9/28/20 14:56,Sometimes,22,Male,Hong Kong,Hong Kong,,,,Sometimes,5,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Seldom,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,3,1,5,6,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:56,Sometimes,27,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Florida,White,Yes,Often,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Usually,Never,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,4,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Cold liquid,0-29 minutes,,,3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:56,Often,17,Male,Poland,Poland,,,,Often,5,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Seldom,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,i only wash poultry,,5,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Cold liquid,0-29 minutes,Water (in addition to other things),"By cleaning the kitchen sink, With plain hot water",4,3,,,
9/28/20 14:56,Often,22,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Connecticut,Asian,No,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Usually,Seldom,Usually,Never,About Half the time,Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,3,2,1,4,5,,,1,7,6,2,3,4,,,Very Important,Unimportant,Important,Very Important,Important,Very Important,Unimportant,Moderately Important,,,5,1,3,2,4,,,Cold liquid,0-29 minutes,"Water (in addition to other things), Salt","By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With vinegar or other edible substance other than water, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",4,5,"I'm Chinese and one thing that's commonly done is soaking pork in water so that there's a less of the myoglobin, which I believe is what causes some gunk go solidify when it is boiled.",,
9/28/20 14:56,Sometimes,17,Male,United States of America,United States of America,California,White,No,Seldom,7,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Seldom,Seldom,Seldom,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,6,2,4,5,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,,3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:56,Sometimes,16,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Illinois,White,No,Sometimes,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Never,Seldom,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,3,1,2,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Tepid or warm liquid,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:56,Often,35,Male,Canada,Canada,,,,Often,3,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,About Half the time,Never,Never,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,2,4,1,3,5,,,1,7,4,2,5,3,,,Important,Very Important,Very Important,Important,Very Important,Very Important,Moderately Important,Moderately Important,,,2,1,3,4,5,,,Cold liquid,0-29 minutes,"Water (in addition to other things), Salt","By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",5,5,,It needs to be more common ,
9/28/20 14:56,Sometimes,27,Male,Canada,Canada,,,,Sometimes,3,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,Always,Sometimes,Seldom,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,2,5,3,4,,"I think that the heat of cooking kills any pathogens that could be washed off, making the process pointless ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Tepid or warm liquid,,,,3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:56,Often,30,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Mississippi,White,No,Often,5,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,About Half the time,Sometimes,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,2,,1,,,,,,,1,,,2,I only wash catfish before cooking when necessary to remove the muddy taste that you can get. ,,,,Very Important,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, With bleach",3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:56,Sometimes,23,Male,Norway,Norway,,,,Sometimes,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products",Never,Always,Never,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,5,4,3,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,4,,,
9/28/20 14:56,Seldom,29,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Ohio,White,No,Often,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Always,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,2,5,1,3,4,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:56,Sometimes,22,Male,Malaysia,Malaysia,,,,Sometimes,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Usually,Never,Never,Never,Sometimes,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,,1,7,6,3,2,4,,,Important,Moderately Important,Moderately Important,Of Little Importance,Moderately Important,Important,Moderately Important,Of Little Importance,,,1,3,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain cold water",3,5,"after i wash my meat, i would try to pat it dry as much as possible with a paper towel",,
9/28/20 14:56,Often,26,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Pennsylvania,White,No,Often,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Seldom,Never,Never,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,6,3,2,1,5,,,,,,1,,,,,,,Important,Very Important,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With bleach, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",5,5,"I'm a professional chef. Really the only meat I wash is seafood. If some seafood has sat in the walk-in for a day or two, a quick wash under some cold water can quickly get rid of off smells. This has been the common practice in the kitchens I've worked in.",,
9/28/20 14:56,Sometimes,22,Male,Denmark,Denmark,,,,Often,1,2,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,1,2,3,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,1,,,
9/28/20 14:56,Often,22,Female,United States of America,United States of America,Pennsylvania,White,No,Often,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Always,Seldom,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,3,2,,,,,,1,,,2,3,,,,Important,Moderately Important,Important,Important,Very Important,Moderately Important,Important,Unimportant,,,1,,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:56,Sometimes,19,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Texas,White,No,Sometimes,5,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,About Half the time,Seldom,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,3,2,4,5,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:56,Sometimes,40,Female,United States of America,United States of America,Wisconsin,White,No,Sometimes,2,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Sometimes,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,2,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:56,Sometimes,21,Male,Poland,Poland,,,,Often,3,3,"Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products",Some of the time,Always,Seldom,Usually,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,3,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:56,Often,19,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Connecticut,White,No,Often,5,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Sometimes,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,3,2,4,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:56,Often,25,Female,Canada,Canada,,,,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Usually,Sometimes,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,2,1,3,4,6,,,,,,,,,,NA,NA,Very Important,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,,,,,,,,,Cold liquid,0-29 minutes,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:56,Often,53,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Washington,White,No,Often,3,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Always,Never,Never,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,5,4,1,3,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Very Important,,,,,"If I did, but I don't, wash meat it would be to remove slime.",,,,,,,,,,,,3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:56,Often,32,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Arizona,White,No,Often,1,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,About Half the time,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,3,1,4,2,5,,,,,,2,1,,,,,,,,,Very Important,,,,,,,,,1,,,Tepid or warm liquid,1-6 hours,Salt,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain cold water, With plain hot water",5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:56,Often,29,Male,Argentina,Argentina,,,,Often,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Seldom,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,5,4,,6,"I only have one sink, cross contamination is way more dangerous than unwashed meat that I’ll cook anyway",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:56,Sometimes,33,Male,Netherlands,Netherlands,,,,Sometimes,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Seldom,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,3,2,4,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:56,Sometimes,19,Male,India,India,,,,Sometimes,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Sometimes,Never,Sometimes,About Half the time,,Wash,,Wash,Wash,Wash,,,,,,,,,,1,,3,,,,2,Sometimes i Wash to clean out blood on the meat,Important,Of Little Importance,Very Important,Moderately Important,Very Important,Very Important,,,,,1,2,,,,,,Cold liquid,1-6 hours,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, With plain cold water, With vinegar or other edible substance other than water",4,5,"In india , the meat sold at butcher shops is neither aged nor hanged in freezers. Chickens and goats are mostly cut to order so thats why almost all of the people i know wash their meats at home before cooking.
My grandfather used to do so and now so does my father.
Even the people who buy frozen meats prefer to wash before cooking.",,
9/28/20 14:56,Sometimes,45,Male,Indonesia,Indonesia,,,,Sometimes,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Never,Wash,Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,3,2,5,1,4,,,1,6,2,4,3,5,,,Important,Important,Very Important,Very Important,Important,Very Important,Of Little Importance,Moderately Important,,,1,5,4,3,2,,,Tepid or warm liquid,30-59 minutes,"Water (in addition to other things), Salt, Vinegar","By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain cold water, With vinegar or other edible substance other than water, With bleach",3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:56,Often,30,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Illinois,White,No,Often,1,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products",Some of the time,Always,Always,Sometimes,Usually,Usually,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,5,1,3,2,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:56,Often,16,Male,South Africa,Ireland,,,,Often,3,3,"Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Some of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Always,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,5,1,4,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Water (in addition to other things), Salt, Citrus (lemon, lime, etc), Vinegar",,4,5,,"almost every Irish high school teaches ""home ec"" which is basically food science with a few extra things and its incredibly useful/ interesting and one of the first things were taught, was to never wash meat & i just listened to them",
9/28/20 14:56,Seldom,25,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Colorado,American Indian or Alaska Native,No,Often,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Usually,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,Dont Wash,,,6,3,4,5,2,1,"I've been told by my mother that washing down meat can lead to bacteria living in the sink. Whether or not that's true it's instilled in me to not wash meat, or even open meat packaging over the sink.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:57,Sometimes,25,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Georgia,White,No,Sometimes,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Seldom,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,1,5,6,3,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:57,Often,26,Male,Netherlands,Netherlands,,,,Often,1,4,"Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Never,Always,Never,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,1,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,"When I search online (in dutch) whether meat should be washed, I specifically get recommended not to. The reasoning being that any possible pathogens can reliably be killed by heating the meat sufficiently. While washing the meat increases the chance of cross contamination, especially water splatter seems to be a concern.
Google translate does a pretty good job of translating the following pages:
9/28/20 14:57,Sometimes,25,Female,Korea (Republic of),United States of America,Connecticut,Asian,No,Often,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Never,Never,Never,Seldom,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,Very Important,,,Very Important,,Very Important,,,1,,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, With vinegar or other edible substance other than water, With bleach",3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:57,Often,18,Male,Germany,Germany,,,,Often,6,3,"Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Never,Always,Never,About Half the time,Never,Usually,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,3,,2,4,1,I want my meat to be as dry as possible before searing it.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:57,Seldom,25,Male,Latvia,Latvia,,,,Often,1,2,"Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Never,Always,Never,Seldom,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,1,2,3,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:57,Often,29,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Pennsylvania,White,No,Often,1,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,Usually,Sometimes,Usually,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,2,1,I feel like cooking the meat will kill anything on or in it that could be harmful to me. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:57,Often,17,Male,United States of America,United States of America,California,Choose Not to Disclose,Yes,Often,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Never,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,4,3,2,6,1,Cooking meat to a safe temperature kills the bacteria.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:57,Often,26,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Indiana,White,No,Often,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Usually,Sometimes,Seldom,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,1,2,3,4,6,I would not use soap on meat and I don’t believe washing without soap would ‘clean’ the meat at all. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,4,,,
9/28/20 14:57,Sometimes,15,Male,Spain,Spain,,,,Sometimes,5,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Seldom,Always,Seldom,Never,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,,,2,3,1,6,5,,,6,2,7,5,4,3,,,Very Important,Moderately Important,Of Little Importance,Important,Important,Important,Unimportant,Unimportant,,,2,1,5,3,4,,,Cold liquid,30-59 minutes,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, With plain hot water",4,5,No I don't,No I don't,
9/28/20 14:57,Sometimes,25,Male,United States of America,United States of America,New York,White,No,Often,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Sometimes,Seldom,Seldom,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,,,1,,,2,,3,,,Very Important,Moderately Important,Moderately Important,Of Little Importance,Unimportant,Unimportant,Unimportant,Moderately Important,,,1,2,4,3,5,,,Cold liquid,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, With plain hot water, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",4,4,,,
9/28/20 14:57,Sometimes,22,Male,Netherlands,Netherlands,,,,Sometimes,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Some of the time,Usually,Never,Never,Seldom,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,2,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:57,Often,27,Male,Ireland,Sweden,,,,Often,1,3,"Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products",Some of the time,Always,Sometimes,Never,Never,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,5,2,4,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,Why doesn't freezing food kill the bacteria in it?,
9/28/20 14:57,Often,19,Male,Canada,Canada,,,,Often,4,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Seldom,Seldom,Seldom,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,2,1,3,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:57,Often,25,Female,United States of America,United States of America,Idaho,White,No,Often,3,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,About Half the time,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,1,2,3,4,,,,,,,,,,,Very Important,Very Important,Moderately Important,Important,Moderately Important,Moderately Important,Moderately Important,Moderately Important,,,,,,,,,,Tepid or warm liquid,,Water (in addition to other things),"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With vinegar or other edible substance other than water, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:57,Often,22,Male,United States of America,United States of America,New York,White,No,Often,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Seldom,Seldom,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,4,2,6,5,3,,"There's no point to washing it if it's going to be hit with heat anyway, that would kill anything that's worrying",,,,,,,,,NA,NA,Moderately Important,Unimportant,Unimportant,Of Little Importance,Unimportant,NA,NA,,3,,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools",3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:57,Sometimes,46,Female,United States of America,United States of America,Florida,White,No,Sometimes,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Sometimes,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,3,2,4,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Tepid or warm liquid,0-29 minutes,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",4,5,"Don’t touch dry ice, Adam!",,
9/28/20 14:57,Often,35,Male,Dominican Republic,Dominican Republic,,,,Often,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,About Half the time,About Half the time,About Half the time,About Half the time,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,,,,,1,,,,,1,,,,,,,,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,,,1,,,,6,,,Cold liquid,30-59 minutes,Water (in addition to other things),"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With bleach, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:57,Often,23,Male,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Often,4,1,Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce),Never,Always,Sometimes,Seldom,Seldom,Usually,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,1,if there is anything harmful on the surface of meat it will be killed through cooking,,,,,,,,,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,4,,science good,
9/28/20 14:57,Never,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
9/28/20 14:57,Often,23,Male,Russian Federation,Russian Federation,,,,Often,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Never,Always,Never,About Half the time,Seldom,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,1,6,5,3,2,,,,,,,,,,,Moderately Important,Of Little Importance,Very Important,Unimportant,Unimportant,Unimportant,Unimportant,Unimportant,,,,,,,,,,,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain hot water",4,4,,,
9/28/20 14:57,Often,22,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Florida,White,Yes,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Never,Always,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,2,1,4,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:57,Often,27,Male,United States of America,Netherlands,,,,Often,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Sometimes,Seldom,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,2,,3,,1,"Cooking the meat will kill the germs, right?",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,4,,,
9/28/20 14:57,Seldom,26,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Ohio,White,No,Often,1,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Usually,Usually,Never,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,Dont Wash,,,6,2,1,3,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,5,,,
9/28/20 14:57,Often,21,Male,United States of America,United States of America,New Jersey,Middle eastern,No,Often,2,2,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,About Half the time,Seldom,Never,Sometimes,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,,,1,7,2,3,4,6,,,Very Important,Very Important,Important,Important,Of Little Importance,Unimportant,NA,Important,,,1,6,2,,,,,Cold liquid,,"Water (in addition to other things), Citrus (lemon, lime, etc), Vinegar","By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain hot water, With bleach",3,4,No,Ive worked in restaurants for 6 years and every restaurant ive worked in about 5-6 of them. have all washed there chicken and 2 of them all of their meats ,
9/28/20 14:57,Often,35,Male,United States of America,United States of America,California,Choose Not to Disclose,Yes,Often,3,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Usually,Never,Never,Seldom,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,,,4,,,5,,,,Mainly to wash off any bacteria or juices that give the meat that funk when you open it. Chicken is slimy prior to washing and that juice has a distinct smell and makes it hard to handle.,Important,Moderately Important,Important,Important,Moderately Important,Important,NA,Unimportant,,,1,2,,,,,,Cold liquid,0-29 minutes,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",5,5,,Common practice on leaving food out to cool and standard guidelines for common dishes refrigerated would be great.,
9/28/20 14:57,Often,34,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Maryland,Asian,No,Often,2,3,"Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Usually,About Half the time,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,3,1,4,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:57,Often,20,Male,France,France,,,,Often,1,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Never,Seldom,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,3,1,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:57,Sometimes,21,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Illinois,White,No,Sometimes,3,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,About Half the time,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,2,1,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:57,Sometimes,22,Male,China,United States of America,California,Asian,No,Often,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Usually,Always,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,3,1,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:57,Seldom,45,Male,India,India,,,,Often,6,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Never,,Wash,,Wash,Wash,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,Important,Very Important,,,,,1,,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,,4,5,"I know it is not recommended to wash meat but we do it as a tradition. Also cleaning with bleach(sink,etc.) is not common here, just soap and water. Even cutting boards are not common (at least for meat), we just use some plate to prepare and then wash it with soap.",,
9/28/20 14:57,Often,23,Male,Germany,Germany,,,,Often,8,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products",All of the time (that is without fail),Usually,Sometimes,Seldom,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Vegetables and other food that tends to have dirt on it gets washed,6,3,5,4,1,2,I have never heard of anyone washing meat before cooking it in germany. Some meat gets shortly poached but never washed as in with cold water,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Salt, Citrus (lemon, lime, etc), Vinegar, Alcoholic beverage",,2,1,,,
9/28/20 14:58,Sometimes,26,Male,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Often,5,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Never,Usually,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,4,,,
9/28/20 14:58,Sometimes,29,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Maryland,White,No,Often,1,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Usually,Sometimes,Seldom,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,1,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Very Important,,,1,,,,,,,Tepid or warm liquid,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:58,Often,26,Male,United States of America,United States of America,New Jersey,White,No,Often,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Usually,Usually,Seldom,Seldom,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,2,1,4,3,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,"I'm a single guy who mostly cooks for myself, so I'm a lot more lax with food safety stuff than I am the few times per year when I cook for others. I still wouldn't wash meat in those cases but I'm better about handling raw meat and other things separately, for example.",,
9/28/20 14:58,Sometimes,29,Male,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Often,1,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach",Some of the time,Usually,Never,Seldom,About Half the time,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,2,,,,1,I never really considered it something I should do so its an implied meat is clean enough,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:58,Often,28,Male,Canada,Canada,,,,Often,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Sometimes,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,6,4,1,5,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:58,Often,29,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Michigan,White,No,Often,1,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Usually,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,5,3,6,2,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:58,Often,25,Male,Finland,Finland,,,,Often,1,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Usually,Sometimes,Never,Seldom,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,1,,3,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,4,,,
9/28/20 14:58,Sometimes,27,Male,India,India,,,,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Sometimes,Wash,Wash,,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,2,,,Important,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Moderately Important,Important,,,2,1,,3,,,,Cold liquid,0-29 minutes,Water (in addition to other things),"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, With plain cold water, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",4,4,,,
9/28/20 14:58,Often,23,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Pennsylvania,White,No,Often,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,About Half the time,Sometimes,Never,Usually,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,2,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,"I had never washed raw meats before, but after having watched your video on it not being necessary (at least in the US) I haven’t worried about it since. You’re the man, Adam!",,
9/28/20 14:58,Often,37,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Pennsylvania,White,No,Often,4,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Always,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,2,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:58,Often,28,Male,United States of America,United States of America,North Carolina,White,No,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Usually,Usually,Seldom,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,1,2,3,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:58,Often,17,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Arizona,White,No,Often,3,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Sometimes,Never,Seldom,About Half the time,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,1,2,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:58,Often,28,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Illinois,White,No,Often,1,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Usually,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,Dont Wash,,,1,3,,,4,2,It's not often something I think about. If I'm thawing something in water it gets inadvertently washed. However I generally believe as long as you're cooking it to the correct temperature there isn't much to worry about.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Tepid or warm liquid,30-59 minutes,"Water (in addition to other things), Salt",,3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:58,Sometimes,37,Male,United States of America,United States of America,California,White,No,Sometimes,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Usually,Never,Never,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,6,,,3,1,"I figure the food is getting cooked, so why clean off germs that are going to burn anyway. Wouldn't cleaning raw meat just spread germs into your sink?",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink",3,5,"I have never cleaned meat before cooking, only ever using water to defrost. I've never even heard of the practice of cleaning meat.",I don't think that enough people diligently wash their hands when cooking for their family. My own hand washing is an adopted practice that I learned from my wife.,
9/28/20 14:58,Sometimes,35,Male,Germany,Germany,,,,Sometimes,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Some of the time,Always,Never,Always,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,1,There is usually only a small time-delay between storing and cooking meat - so I don't see a reasion to wash it.,,,,,,,,,,,Very Important,,Important,Important,,,,,1,,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain cold water",2,5,,,
9/28/20 14:58,Often,34,Male,Germany,Germany,,,,Often,2,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Sometimes,Seldom,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:58,Often,31,Female,United States of America,United States of America,Washington,White,No,Often,2,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Always,About Half the time,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,6,3,1,4,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Cold liquid,0-29 minutes,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink",4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:58,Often,27,Non-binary,United States of America,United States of America,Florida,White,No,Sometimes,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Usually,Seldom,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,4,2,1,3,,,4,7,6,1,2,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Tepid or warm liquid,1-6 hours,Salt,,5,5,"I don't believe there is any purpose to washing the meat beforehand. I've eaten nothing but unwashed meat (in a personal/familial setting) my whole life and have rarely if ever had serious food poisoning or other hygienic issues with my food. I've always believed and been taught that the cooking, preparation and storage are the only things that ever really matter. Washing meat has simply never been something my family has ever done, or even discussed. ",,
9/28/20 14:58,Often,26,Male,Denmark,Denmark,,,,Often,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Sometimes,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,3,1,5,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,"I tend to be a bit anxious with my food safety, so I'd rather be more cautious and throw stuff out, than use something I am not totally sure with. Especially with leftovers I can be very lucky.",,
9/28/20 14:58,Often,25,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Ohio,White,No,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Always,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:58,Sometimes,29,Male,Canada,Canada,,,,Sometimes,6,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,About Half the time,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,,,6,4,5,3,2,1,"I'm not sure what washing is supposed to do that wouldn't already be done better by cooking the meat. I guess if you used soap and water, you might remove some unseen dirt or residue from the surface, but then you'd risk leaving soap residue on the meat.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:58,Often,37,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Ohio,White,No,Often,1,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Usually,Usually,Usually,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,6,5,2,1,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:58,Often,23,Female,Sweden,Sweden,,,,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Sometimes,Usually,Seldom,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,2,6,1,3,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:58,Often,36,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Nevada,White,No,Often,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Always,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,5,2,1,4,3,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:58,Sometimes,18,Male,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,,,,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Most of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,1,,3,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:58,Sometimes,22,Male,India,India,,,,Seldom,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Usually,Never,Never,Never,Never,,Dont Wash,,,,Dont Wash,,,,,1,,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:58,Often,17,Male,Chile,Chile,,,,Often,2,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,3,1,2,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,4,I don't wash any meats but for anything that isnt steak i prefer to cook it until im sure its coocked.,I'm not an expert,
9/28/20 14:58,Often,26,Male,Argentina,Netherlands,,,,Often,2,3,"Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Never,Always,Never,Seldom,Never,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,5,"Knowing both Argentine and Dutch culture well and having attended an international secondary school with over 160 nationalities, I have never heard of the concept of washing raw meat, outside of industrial washing with for example chlorine",,
9/28/20 14:58,Often,33,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Pennsylvania,White,No,Often,3,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Sometimes,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,2,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,4,,,
9/28/20 14:58,Often,26,Male,Indonesia,Indonesia,,,,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Sometimes,,Wash,Wash,,Wash,,,,,,,,,,,2,7,5,4,6,1,,,Moderately Important,Very Important,Very Important,Important,Very Important,Very Important,Of Little Importance,Of Little Importance,,,1,2,3,4,5,,,Cold liquid,0-29 minutes,"Water (in addition to other things), Salt, Citrus (lemon, lime, etc)","By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain cold water, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:58,Seldom,18,Male,Finland,Finland,,,,Often,5,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Seldom,Never,Never,Seldom,,,,,Dont Wash,,Wash,i wash my tofu before cooking,3,1,4,2,5,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:58,Sometimes,18,Male,United States of America,United States of America,New Jersey,White,No,Sometimes,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products",Some of the time,Usually,Never,Sometimes,Sometimes,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,4,2,1,5,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,4,"I definitely take more care when preparing food for others (ie, if I am making a steak for myself and it is very rare, I would still eat it, but if I was cooking for my family, I would keep cooking it)","People should learn more about food-borne pathogens and other things that could be dangerous, but they should also learn the true risk of these things, rather than just freaking out.",
9/28/20 14:59,Often,24,Male,India,India,,,,Sometimes,4,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Never,About Half the time,Never,,Wash,,Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,2,3,6,,,1,,2,,,,,,Important,Moderately Important,Very Important,Of Little Importance,Very Important,Very Important,Of Little Importance,Important,,,2,1,,3,,,,Cold liquid,0-29 minutes,"Water (in addition to other things), Salt, Citrus (lemon, lime, etc)","By cleaning bowls or other tools, With plain cold water",5,5,I wash meat because I saw my parents do it and I am overly cautious about it,Food cleanliness depends on county/region and I don't think a thumb rule of sorts can apply to all scenarios. I'd rather eat worse tasting meat than fall badly sick.,
9/28/20 14:59,Never,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
9/28/20 14:59,Sometimes,15,Male,United States of America,United States of America,North Carolina,White,No,Sometimes,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Some of the time,Always,Sometimes,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,Dont Wash,,,6,1,5,2,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:59,Often,35,Male,Romania,Romania,,,,Often,4,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Seldom,Sometimes,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,1,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:59,Often,25,Male,Canada,Canada,,,,Often,2,4,"Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Never,Always,Usually,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,1,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:59,Sometimes,20,Male,Indonesia,Indonesia,,,,Sometimes,,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Sometimes,Never,Never,,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,1,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,,,,,1,,,,,,,Cold liquid,30-59 minutes,"Water (in addition to other things), Salt, Citrus (lemon, lime, etc), Vinegar","By cleaning the kitchen sink, With plain hot water, With vinegar or other edible substance other than water, With bleach, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",4,4,,,
9/28/20 14:59,Often,23,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Montana,White,No,Often,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products",Some of the time,Usually,Sometimes,About Half the time,Never,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,4,2,3,5,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,4,,Most restaurants are way more relaxed on food safety than many people would imagine,
9/28/20 14:59,Often,36,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Missouri,White,No,Often,5,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Never,Never,Never,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,,1,2,,,1,,,,,,,,Unimportant,Very Important,Very Important,Of Little Importance,Of Little Importance,Very Important,,Very Important,,,1,,2,,,,,,,Salt,By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink,3,5,"I dont wash most meats because the assumption is that any surface pathogens will be killed in cooking. One of the few foods I do rinse is salmon, but only when I am scaling the it. ",,
9/28/20 14:59,Sometimes,24,Male,United States of America,United States of America,California,White,No,Sometimes,1,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Usually,Always,Usually,Seldom,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,2,6,3,5,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,I feel like the meat from the facility is already clean enough to the point where anything I do to it (besides cooking) will make it less clean,,
9/28/20 14:59,Sometimes,22,Male,Colombia,Colombia,,,,Seldom,5,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Never,Never,Usually,Wash,Wash,Wash,,Wash,Wash,,,5,1,4,2,3,,,1,6,5,4,3,2,,,Very Important,,Very Important,Very Important,Very Important,Important,Very Important,Moderately Important,,,1,2,4,3,5,,,Cold liquid,0-29 minutes,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain cold water, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",4,4,,,
9/28/20 14:59,Often,19,Male,Poland,Poland,,,,Often,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Seldom,Never,About Half the time,,Wash,,,Wash,Wash,,,,1,6,,,,,1,,,,,,,,Very Important,Important,Very Important,Unimportant,Unimportant,Important,Unimportant,Unimportant,,,2,1,,3,4,,,Cold liquid,0-29 minutes,"Citrus (lemon, lime, etc), Vinegar, Alcoholic beverage","By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, With plain hot water, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",4,4,,,
9/28/20 14:59,Often,22,Female,Poland,Poland,,,,Often,3,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Never,About Half the time,Never,Seldom,Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,4,2,1,5,6,,,1,7,6,5,4,2,,,Very Important,Very Important,Unimportant,NA,Very Important,Very Important,NA,Very Important,Moderately Important,,1,2,5,3,6,,,Cold liquid,0-29 minutes,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:59,Often,30,Male,Australia,United States of America,New York,White,No,Often,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,About Half the time,Never,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,2,1,4,3,,,,1,,,,,,,,Very Important,Of Little Importance,Unimportant,NA,Of Little Importance,Important,NA,Moderately Important,,,1,2,3,4,5,,,Cold liquid,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:59,Sometimes,27,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Mississippi,Asian,No,Sometimes,4,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",Some of the time,Always,Never,Always,Never,Usually,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,,1,,2,"i believe that once the meat hits the heat, all germs on the surface should be killed by the end of the cooking process, assuming using enough heat or time. Other then beef, raw meat are cooked till done.",,,,,,,,,,Important,Very Important,,,Moderately Important,,,,,2,1,,,,,,Tepid or warm liquid,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:59,Sometimes,30,Male,United States of America,United States of America,New York,Asian,No,Sometimes,4,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),About Half the time,Seldom,Seldom,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,4,3,1,2,5,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:59,Often,50,Female,United States of America,United States of America,California,Choose Not to Disclose,No,Often,4,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry)",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Usually,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,6,2,1,5,4,,,1,7,6,5,4,3,,,NA,Unimportant,Of Little Importance,Moderately Important,Important,Very Important,,,,,6,5,4,3,2,,,Cold liquid,0-29 minutes,"Citrus (lemon, lime, etc)","By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With bleach",5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:59,Sometimes,51,Non-binary,New Zealand,New Zealand,,,,Often,1,4,"Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Usually,Never,Never,Never,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,,,6,3,5,2,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:59,Often,49,Female,United States of America,United States of America,New York,White,No,Often,3,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Usually,Never,Never,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,2,1,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:59,Often,22,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Florida,White,No,Sometimes,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Seldom,Never,Never,Always,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,5,,6,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:59,Often,30,Male,United States of America,United States of America,California,"White, Black or African American",No,Often,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,Usually,Never,Never,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,1,,5,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,,,
9/28/20 14:59,Often,24,Male,China,United States of America,Washington,Asian,No,Often,3,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Usually,Always,About Half the time,Never,Sometimes,Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,,"I only wash it when it feels kind of slimey, or when it has bone shards (Short rib)",7,6,5,3,4,2,1,"I only wash it when it feels kind of slimey, or when it has bone shards (Short rib)",Unimportant,Unimportant,Very Important,Very Important,Of Little Importance,Very Important,Unimportant,Unimportant,,,1,3,6,4,5,,,Cold liquid,,Water (in addition to other things),"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",3,5,,,
9/28/20 14:59,Often,25,Male,Spain,Spain,,,,Sometimes,3,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Never,Usually,Seldom,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,1,2,6,5,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Tepid or warm liquid,,,,3,2,,,
9/28/20 14:59,Often,14,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Arizona,White,No,Often,5,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Seldom,Usually,About Half the time,Seldom,Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,,,,,,,,2,7,6,1,4,3,,,Moderately Important,Important,Very Important,NA,Of Little Importance,Of Little Importance,NA,NA,,,2,1,5,3,6,,,Cold liquid,1-6 hours,"Salt, Citrus (lemon, lime, etc)","By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With vinegar or other edible substance other than water",4,3,"It is quite often that I use a store-bought vegetable/food cleaner that is said to be non-hazardous to my health and I use that to clean fruits, vegetables, and rarely meat, I feel like as long as I am cooking the meat thoroughly that it doesn't require any special cleaning but that's just my opinion.","Not at the moment, no.",
9/28/20 14:59,Sometimes,20,Male,China,United States of America,Massachusetts,Asian,No,Sometimes,6,3,"Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce)",Some of the time,Sometimes,About Half the time,Never,Never,About Half the time,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,1,2,3,6,5,,,,,,,,,,,,Important,Important,Important,Important,Important,,,,,4,6,5,1,2,3,,,,"Salt, Soap, bleach or any other non-food substance (please note this may be particularly hazardous)",,3,4,,,
9/28/20 14:59,Often,37,Male,United States of America,United States of America,North Carolina,"White, Asian",No,Often,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Some of the time,Always,About Half the time,Seldom,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,6,2,1,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:59,Sometimes,22,Male,Germany,Germany,,,,Often,4,4,"Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products",Some of the time,Usually,Never,Seldom,Sometimes,Never,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,3,1,,2,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:59,Often,39,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Georgia,White,No,Often,3,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Always,Never,Never,Seldom,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Wash,Dont Wash,,,5,3,4,2,1,,,,,,,1,2,3,I normally only practice this with seafood or meats with particulates.,,Important,Very Important,,,,,,,,1,2,,,,,,Cold liquid,,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With vinegar or other edible substance other than water, With inedible cleaning products other than bleach",5,5,"Aside from removing debris off the occasional meat, rinsing seldom practiced growing up in my household. So, I adopted the non-practice and I haven't had any health/digestive issues that I can recall. However, I do strictly do what is reasonable to keep a clean workstation and prevent cross-contamination.",,
9/28/20 14:59,Often,27,Male,United States of America,United States of America,Maryland,White,No,Often,2,4,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Seldom,Seldom,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,1,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:59,Sometimes,18,Male,India,India,,,,Sometimes,4,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Usually,Never,Usually,Never,Always,,Wash,,Wash,Wash,,Wash,We avoid as much blood as possible so everything meat realated is washed before it's stored in freezer. Then we let it sit under running water for 40-50 mins then it's cooking time. ,,,,,,,,2,1,7,6,5,4,,,Very Important,Of Little Importance,Important,Unimportant,Very Important,Of Little Importance,Important,Moderately Important,,,,1,,,,,,Tepid or warm liquid,30-59 minutes,,"By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink, With plain cold water, With bleach",4,3,I literally wash my hands everytime I touch anything different that ingredient I'm currently dealing with. Like if I'm making curry I will wash my hands after touching every single ingredient. Idk why but it feels weird to me as well. ,,
9/28/20 14:59,Often,26,Male,United States of America,United States of America,New Jersey,White,No,Often,3,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",All of the time (that is without fail),Always,Usually,Never,Never,Never,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,Dont Wash,,,5,3,2,4,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:59,Sometimes,61,Male,South Africa,South Africa,,,,Sometimes,2,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required temperature (such as 165ºF for poultry), Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Always,Always,Seldom,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Wash,Dont Wash,,,3,1,6,5,4,,,,,,,,,,,Very Important,NA,Very Important,NA,Moderately Important,Moderately Important,Of Little Importance,Moderately Important,,,1,6,4,,3,,,Cold liquid,0-29 minutes,"Salt, Vinegar","By cleaning the kitchen sink, By cleaning bowls or other tools, By cleaning countertops or any surfaces other than the sink",5,5,Basic food handling education and common sense go a long way when it comes to handling meat. Know the recommended guidelines and adhere to them.,Fresh fish or meat means it has NEVER been frozen before. I wish people would get that right. It is either fresh or previously-frozen.,
9/28/20 14:59,Sometimes,16,Male,Sweden,Sweden,,,,Often,1,3,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Thaw foods in refrigerator or in cool water",Most of the time,Always,Never,Sometimes,Never,Sometimes,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,Dont Wash,Dont Wash,,,,1,,,2,3,"I never knew of ""Washing"" meats before this.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,,,
9/28/20 14:59,Often,18,Male,Canada,Canada,,,,Sometimes,7,5,"Wash my hands with soap and water, Wash cutting board(s) with soap and water or bleach, Use different or just-cleaned cutting boards for each product (such as raw meat/poultry/produce), Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat food products, Cook to required tem
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