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Last active August 29, 2015 14:03
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  • Save Haspaker/535b0b5f508d4d9c4bb8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Haspaker/535b0b5f508d4d9c4bb8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
; To enable / disable mescodifying all outgoing messages:
; /mescode [on|off]
; To enable / disable automatic translation of all mescode messages:
; /mescode translate [on|off]
; To convert (decode) a message from mescode to text:
; /mescode decode [message]
; To convert (encode) a message from text to mescode:
; /mescode encode [message]
Alias mescode {
if ( $1 = on ) {
%mescode = on
echo -a You're now speaking in mescode!
if ( $1 = off ) {
%mescode = off
echo -a You're no longer speaking in mescode... :(
if ( $1 = translate ) {
if ( $2 = on ) {
%translate = on
echo -a You can now understand mescode!
if ( $2 = off ) {
%translate = off
echo -a You can no longer understand mescode... :(
if ( $1 = encode ) {
set %usercommand true
set %method encode
set %msg $2-
sockclose test
sockopen test 80
if ( $1 = decode ) {
set %usercommand true
set %method decode
set %msg $2-
sockclose test
sockopen test 80
on ^*:TEXT:pgauigh*:#: {
if ( %translate == on ) {
sockclose test
sockopen test 80
set %meschan $chan
set %nick $+(<,$nick(#,$nick).pnick,>)
set %method decode
set %msg $replace($1-, $chr(32), $chr(37) $+ 20, $chr(35),$chr(37) $+ 23)
on *:INPUT:#: {
if (($left($1,1) != /) && (%mescode == on)) {
sockclose test
sockopen test 80
set %meschan $chan
set %nick $+(<,$nick(#,$nick).pnick,>)
set %method encode
set %msg $replace($1-, $chr(32), $chr(37) $+ 20, $chr(35),$chr(37) $+ 23)
if (%translate == on) { echo %meschan %nick $1- }
on *:sockopen:test: {
sockwrite -n $sockname GET /? $+ %method $+ = $+ %msg HTTP/1.0
sockwrite -n $sockname Host:
sockwrite -n $sockname
on *:sockread:test: {
var %x
sockread %x
while ($sockbr) {
if (__Result:__ isin %x) {
if ( %usercommand == true) {
set %usercommand false
if (%method == decode) {
echo -a Decoded message: $remove(%x, __Result:__)
if (%method == encode) {
echo -a Encoded message: $remove(%x, __Result:__ pgauigh: )
else {
if ((%method == decode) || (%translate == off)) {
echo %meschan %nick $remove(%x, __Result:__)
if (%method == encode) {
.msg %meschan $remove(%x, __Result:__)
sockread -f %x
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