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Created June 11, 2015 12:54
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Bouncing squares example
import flash.display.BitmapData;
import flash.display.Bitmap;
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.Lib;
class Main extends Sprite {
private var _stageW:Int;
private var _stageH:Int;
private var _squares:Array<BouncingSquare>; //holder of our squares
private var _amount:Int = 100; //amount of squares to generate and display.
public function new() {
haxe.Timer.delay( init, 100 ); //wait for 100 milliseconds before init
private function init():Void {
this.mouseEnabled = false;
this.mouseChildren = false;
//gather stage dimensions to work with
_stageW = Lib.current.stage.stageWidth;
_stageH = Lib.current.stage.stageHeight;
_squares = []; //init squares holder
//prepare bouncing squares
for ( i in 0..._amount ) {
var n:BouncingSquare = new BouncingSquare( randomNumber( 200, _stageW-200 ), randomNumber( 200, _stageH-200 ),randomNumber( 1, 10 )*( randomNumber( 0, 1 ) > 0 ?1:-1), randomNumber( 1, 10 ) * ( randomNumber( 0, 1 ) > 0?1:-1 ), randomNumber( 0, 0xffffff ) );
addChild( n );
_squares.push( n );
//add onEnterFrame listener
Lib.current.stage.addEventListener( Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame );
private function onEnterFrame( e:Event ):Void {
//handle move logic, loop through every square and move them
for ( i in 0..._amount ) {
var n:BouncingSquare = _squares[i];
if ( n.x < 0 || n.x + n.width > _stageW ) *= -1; //constrain horizontal translation
if ( n.y < 0 || n.y + n.height > _stageH ) *= -1; //constrain vertical translation
n.x +=;
n.y +=;
private function randomNumber( low:Int, high:Int ):Int {
//return a random integer
return Math.round( Math.random() * ( high - low ) + low );
class BouncingSquare extends Sprite {
public var sx:Int; //horizontal translation
public var sy:Int; //vertical translation
public var col:Int; //color
public function new ( _x:Int, _y:Int, _sx:Int, _sy:Int, _col:Int ) {
x = _x; //as BouncingSquare extends Sprite, x is already a defined Sprite property...
y = _y; //and y as well.
sx = _sx;
sy = _sy;
col = _col;
private function init():Void {
this.addChild( new Bitmap( new BitmapData(10, 10, false, col) ) );
this.mouseEnabled = false;
this.mouseChildren = false;
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