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Created January 12, 2017 16:33
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Registry files to enable Cmder submenus in Explorer context menu
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"MUIVerb"="Open in Cmder"
"MUIVerb"="Open in Cmder"
"MUIVerb"="Open in Cmder as Admin"
"MUIVerb"="Open in Cmder as Admin"
@="\"C:\\cmder\\CmderTask.bat\" \"cmd\" \"%1\""
@="\"C:\\cmder\\CmderTask.bat\" \"cmd\" \"%V\""
@="\"C:\\cmder\\CmderTask.bat\" \"PowerShell\" \"%1\""
@="\"C:\\cmder\\CmderTask.bat\" \"PowerShell\" \"%V\""
@="\"C:\\cmder\\CmderTask.bat\" \"git-bash\" \"%1\""
@="\"C:\\cmder\\CmderTask.bat\" \"git-bash\" \"%V\""
@="\"C:\\cmder\\CmderTask.bat\" \"mintty\" \"%1\""
@="\"C:\\cmder\\CmderTask.bat\" \"mintty\" \"%V\""
@="cmd as Admin"
@="\"C:\\cmder\\CmderTask.bat\" \"Admin::cmd as Admin\" \"%1\""
@="cmd as Admin"
@="\"C:\\cmder\\CmderTask.bat\" \"Admin::cmd as Admin\" \"%V\""
@="PowerShell as Admin"
@="\"C:\\cmder\\CmderTask.bat\" \"Admin::PowerShell as Admin\" \"%1\""
@="PowerShell as Admin"
@="\"C:\\cmder\\CmderTask.bat\" \"Admin::PowerShell as Admin\" \"%V\""
@="git-bash as Admin"
@="\"C:\\cmder\\CmderTask.bat\" \"Admin::git-bash as Admin\" \"%1\""
@="git-bash as Admin"
@="\"C:\\cmder\\CmderTask.bat\" \"Admin::git-bash as Admin\" \"%V\""
@="mintty as Admin"
@="\"C:\\cmder\\CmderTask.bat\" \"Admin::mintty as Admin\" \"%1\""
@="mintty as Admin"
@="\"C:\\cmder\\CmderTask.bat\" \"Admin::mintty as Admin\" \"%V\""
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Having downloaded Cmder (v1.3.10) for the first time today, I think a few things have changed since since the time you put together your (excellent) tutorial, Cmder tasks in context menus. Here are some differences I've found when working with a fresh install:

  1. The admin commands have been moved from the Admin namespace to the namespace of their respective shell,
    e.g. Admin::PowerShell as Admin to PowerShell::PowerShell as Admin.
  2. The shell icons are no longer provided in the icons directory.
    You can use the C:\\path\\to\\shell.exe,0 convention instead.

Interestingly, I did not have to add /dir %CD% to the task parameters. It was not present by default, but by some magic, everything worked just fine without it‽

Lastly, CmderTask.bat threw an error when trying to open a directory whose path contains spaces. This can be corrected by putting %~2 in quotes. Here's the updated code:

@echo off
set CMDER_ROOT=%~dp0
start %CMDER_ROOT%\vendor\conemu-maximus5\ConEmu.exe /icon "%CMDER_ROOT%\cmder.exe" /title Cmder /loadcfgfile "%CMDER_ROOT%\vendor\conemu-maximus5\ConEmu.xml" /run "{%~1}" -new_console:d:"%~2" /k "%CMDER_ROOT%\vendor\init.bat"

Here's an updated cmder_context_enable.reg, which seems to be working fine with an out-of-the-box install of Cmder:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

"MUIVerb"="Open in Cmder"

"MUIVerb"="Open in Cmder"

"MUIVerb"="Open in Cmder as Admin"

"MUIVerb"="Open in Cmder as Admin"


@="\"C:\\cmder\\CmderTask.bat\" \"cmd::Cmder\" \"%1\""


@="\"C:\\cmder\\CmderTask.bat\" \"cmd::Cmder\" \"%V\""


@="\"C:\\cmder\\CmderTask.bat\" \"PowerShell::PowerShell\" \"%1\""


@="\"C:\\cmder\\CmderTask.bat\" \"PowerShell::PowerShell\" \"%V\""


@="\"C:\\cmder\\CmderTask.bat\" \"bash::bash\" \"%1\""


@="\"C:\\cmder\\CmderTask.bat\" \"bash::bash\" \"%V\""


@="\"C:\\cmder\\CmderTask.bat\" \"bash::mintty\" \"%1\""


@="\"C:\\cmder\\CmderTask.bat\" \"bash::mintty\" \"%V\""

@="cmd as Admin"

@="\"C:\\cmder\\CmderTask.bat\" \"cmd::Cmder as Admin\" \"%1\""

@="cmd as Admin"

@="\"C:\\cmder\\CmderTask.bat\" \"cmd::Cmder as Admin\" \"%V\""

@="PowerShell as Admin"

@="\"C:\\cmder\\CmderTask.bat\" \"PowerShell::PowerShell as Admin\" \"%1\""

@="PowerShell as Admin"

@="\"C:\\cmder\\CmderTask.bat\" \"PowerShell::PowerShell as Admin\" \"%V\""

@="git-bash as Admin"

@="\"C:\\cmder\\CmderTask.bat\" \"bash::bash as Admin\" \"%1\""

@="git-bash as Admin"

@="\"C:\\cmder\\CmderTask.bat\" \"bash::bash as Admin\" \"%V\""

@="mintty as Admin"

@="\"C:\\cmder\\CmderTask.bat\" \"bash::mintty as Admin\" \"%1\""

@="mintty as Admin"

@="\"C:\\cmder\\CmderTask.bat\" \"bash::mintty as Admin\" \"%V\""

Replace C:\\cmder with Cmder's actual location.

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