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Created January 16, 2023 14:02
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Gist to support Flutter normalisation crash
// Gist to support
import 'dart:math';
import 'dart:ui';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:vector_math/vector_math.dart' as vmath;
enum BlastDirectionality {
const double kLowLimit = 1 / 60;
const desiredSpeed = 1 / kLowLimit;
void main() => runApp(const MyApp());
class MyApp extends StatefulWidget {
const MyApp({super.key});
State<MyApp> createState() => _MyAppState();
class _MyAppState extends State<MyApp> {
late ParticleSystem particleSystem;
void initState() {
particleSystem = ParticleSystem(
emissionFrequency: 0.02,
numberOfParticles: 20,
maxBlastForce: 5,
minBlastForce: 20,
gravity: 0.1,
blastDirection: 0,
blastDirectionality: BlastDirectionality.explosive,
colors: [,],
minimumSize: const Size(20, 10),
maximumSize: const Size(30, 15),
particleDrag: 0.05,
// createParticlePath: widget.createParticlePath,
particleSystem.screenSize = const Size(1000, 1000);
for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
particleSystem.update(1 / 60);
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
title: 'Material App',
home: Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: const Text('Material App Bar'),
body: const Center(
child: Text('Tester!'),
enum ParticleSystemStatus {
class ParticleSystem extends ChangeNotifier {
required double emissionFrequency,
required int numberOfParticles,
required double maxBlastForce,
required double minBlastForce,
required double blastDirection,
required BlastDirectionality blastDirectionality,
required List<Color>? colors,
required Size minimumSize,
required Size maximumSize,
required double particleDrag,
required double gravity,
Path Function(Size size)? createParticlePath,
}) : assert(maxBlastForce > 0 &&
minBlastForce > 0 &&
emissionFrequency >= 0 &&
emissionFrequency <= 1 &&
numberOfParticles > 0 &&
minimumSize.width > 0 &&
minimumSize.height > 0 &&
maximumSize.width > 0 &&
maximumSize.height > 0 &&
minimumSize.width <= maximumSize.width &&
minimumSize.height <= maximumSize.height &&
particleDrag >= 0.0 &&
particleDrag <= 1 &&
minimumSize.height <= maximumSize.height),
assert(gravity >= 0 && gravity <= 1),
_blastDirection = blastDirection,
_blastDirectionality = blastDirectionality,
_gravity = gravity,
_maxBlastForce = maxBlastForce,
_minBlastForce = minBlastForce,
_frequency = emissionFrequency,
_numberOfParticles = numberOfParticles,
_colors = colors,
_minimumSize = minimumSize,
_maximumSize = maximumSize,
_particleDrag = particleDrag,
_rand = Random(),
_createParticlePath = createParticlePath;
ParticleSystemStatus? _particleSystemStatus;
final List<Particle> _particles = [];
/// A frequency between 0 and 1 to determine how often the emitter
/// should emit new particles.
final double _frequency;
final int _numberOfParticles;
final double _maxBlastForce;
final double _minBlastForce;
final double _blastDirection;
final BlastDirectionality _blastDirectionality;
final double _gravity;
final List<Color>? _colors;
final Size _minimumSize;
final Size _maximumSize;
final double _particleDrag;
final Path Function(Size size)? _createParticlePath;
Offset _particleSystemPosition =;
Size _screenSize =;
late double _bottomBorder;
late double _rightBorder;
late double _leftBorder;
final Random _rand;
set particleSystemPosition(Offset position) {
_particleSystemPosition = position;
set screenSize(Size size) {
_screenSize = size;
// needs to be called here to only set the borders once
void stopParticleEmission({bool clearAllParticles = false}) {
_particleSystemStatus = ParticleSystemStatus.stopped;
if (clearAllParticles) {
void startParticleEmission() {
_particleSystemStatus = ParticleSystemStatus.started;
void finishParticleEmission() {
_particleSystemStatus = ParticleSystemStatus.finished;
List<Particle> get particles => _particles;
int get numberOfParticles => _particles.length;
int get activeNumberOfParticles => _particles.fold(
(previousValue, element) {
if ( {
return previousValue + 1;
} else {
return previousValue;
ParticleSystemStatus? get particleSystemStatus => _particleSystemStatus;
void update(double deltaTime, {bool pauseEmission = false}) {
if (_particleSystemStatus != ParticleSystemStatus.finished) {
if ((_particleSystemStatus == ParticleSystemStatus.stopped) &&
_particles.isEmpty) {
if (pauseEmission) return;
if (_particleSystemStatus == ParticleSystemStatus.started) {
if (particles.isEmpty) {
_addParticles(_particles, number: _numberOfParticles);
final chanceToGenerate = _rand.nextDouble();
if (chanceToGenerate < _frequency) {
_addParticles(_particles, number: _numberOfParticles);
void _setScreenBorderPositions() {
_bottomBorder = _screenSize.height * 1.1;
_rightBorder = _screenSize.width * 1.1;
_leftBorder = _screenSize.width - _rightBorder;
void _updateParticles(double deltaTime) {
if (_particleSystemStatus == ParticleSystemStatus.stopped) {
.removeWhere((particle) => _isOutsideOfBorder(particle.location));
for (final particle in _particles) {
for (final particle in _particles) {
if (_isOutsideOfBorder(particle.location)) {
bool _isOutsideOfBorder(Offset particleLocation) {
final globalParticlePosition = particleLocation + _particleSystemPosition;
return (globalParticlePosition.dy >= _bottomBorder) ||
(globalParticlePosition.dx >= _rightBorder) ||
(globalParticlePosition.dx <= _leftBorder);
void _addParticles(List<Particle> particles, {int number = 1}) {
int count = 0;
for (final particle in particles) {
if (! {
if (count == number) {
return; // exit early, no need to generate more particles
for (var i = 0; i < number - count; i++) {
generateParticleForceCallback: _generateParticleForce,
double get _randomBlastDirection =>
vmath.Vector2 _generateParticleForce() {
var blastDirection = _blastDirection;
if (_blastDirectionality == BlastDirectionality.explosive) {
blastDirection = _randomBlastDirection;
final blastRadius = Helper.randomize(_minBlastForce, _maxBlastForce);
final y = blastRadius * sin(blastDirection);
final x = blastRadius * cos(blastDirection);
return vmath.Vector2(x, y);
Color _randomColor() {
if (_colors != null) {
if (_colors!.length == 1) {
return _colors![0];
final index = _rand.nextInt(_colors!.length);
return _colors![index];
return Helper.randomColor();
Size _randomSize() {
return Size(
Helper.randomize(_minimumSize.width, _maximumSize.width),
Helper.randomize(_minimumSize.height, _maximumSize.height),
typedef GenerateParticleForceCallback = vmath.Vector2 Function();
class Particle {
Color color,
Size size,
double particleDrag,
Path Function(Size size)? createParticlePath, {
required this.generateParticleForceCallback,
}) : _startUpForce = generateParticleForceCallback(),
_color = color,
_mass = Helper.randomize(1, 11),
_particleDrag = particleDrag,
_location =,
_acceleration =,
_velocity =
vmath.Vector2(Helper.randomize(-3, 3), Helper.randomize(-3, 3)),
_pathShape = createParticlePath != null
? createParticlePath(size)
: createPath(size),
_aVelocityX = Helper.randomize(-0.1, 0.1),
_aVelocityY = Helper.randomize(-0.1, 0.1),
_aVelocityZ = Helper.randomize(-0.1, 0.1),
_rotateZ = Helper.randomBool(),
gravityVector = vmath.Vector2(
lerpDouble(0.1, 5, gravity)!,
_active = true;
final double gravity;
final vmath.Vector2 _startUpForce;
final GenerateParticleForceCallback generateParticleForceCallback;
final vmath.Vector2 _location;
final vmath.Vector2 _velocity;
final vmath.Vector2 _acceleration;
final double _particleDrag;
double _aX = 0;
double _aVelocityX;
double _aY = 0;
double _aVelocityY;
double _aZ = 0;
double _aVelocityZ;
final vmath.Vector2 gravityVector;
late final _aAcceleration = 0.0001 / _mass;
final Color _color;
final double _mass;
final Path _pathShape;
bool _active;
bool get active => _active;
final bool _rotateZ;
double _timeAlive = 0;
vmath.Vector2 windforceUp = vmath.Vector2(0, -1);
static Path createPath(Size size) {
final pathShape = Path()
..moveTo(0, 0)
..lineTo(-size.width, 0)
..lineTo(-size.width, size.height)
..lineTo(0, size.height)
// TODO: remove when this is fixed:
if (kIsWeb) {
..lineTo(-size.width, 0)
..lineTo(-size.width, size.height)
..lineTo(0, size.height)
return pathShape;
void reactivate() {
_timeAlive = 0;
final f = generateParticleForceCallback();
_startUpForce.setValues(f.x, f.y);
_location.setValues(0, 0);
_acceleration.setValues(0, 0);
_velocity.setValues(Helper.randomize(-3, 3), Helper.randomize(-3, 3));
_aX = 0;
_aY = 0;
_aZ = 0;
_aVelocityX = Helper.randomize(-0.1, 0.1);
_aVelocityY = Helper.randomize(-0.1, 0.1);
_aVelocityZ = Helper.randomize(-0.1, 0.1);
lerpDouble(0.1, 5, gravity)!,
_active = true;
void deactivate() {
_active = false;
void applyForce(vmath.Vector2 force, double deltaTimeSpeed) {
final f = force.clone()..divide(vmath.Vector2.all(_mass));
_acceleration.add(f * deltaTimeSpeed);
void drag(double deltaTimeSpeed) {
final speed = sqrt(pow(_velocity.x, 2) + pow(_velocity.y, 2));
final dragMagnitude = _particleDrag * speed * speed;
final drag = _velocity.clone()
applyForce(drag, deltaTimeSpeed);
void update(double deltaTime) {
final deltaTimeSpeed = deltaTime * desiredSpeed;
if (_timeAlive < 5) {
applyForce(_startUpForce, deltaTimeSpeed);
if (_timeAlive < 25) {
applyForce(windforceUp, deltaTimeSpeed);
_timeAlive += 1;
applyForce(gravityVector, deltaTimeSpeed);
_velocity.add(_acceleration * deltaTimeSpeed);
_location.add(_velocity * deltaTimeSpeed);
_aVelocityX += _aAcceleration;
_aX += _aVelocityX * deltaTimeSpeed;
_aVelocityY += _aAcceleration;
_aY += _aVelocityY * deltaTimeSpeed;
if (_rotateZ) {
_aZ += _aVelocityZ * deltaTimeSpeed;
_aVelocityZ += _aAcceleration;
Offset get location {
if (_location.x.isNaN || _location.y.isNaN) {
return const Offset(0, 0);
return Offset(_location.x, _location.y);
Color get color => _color;
Path get path => _pathShape;
double get angleX => _aX;
double get angleY => _aY;
double get angleZ => _aZ;
bool get rotateZ => _rotateZ;
final _rand = Random();
abstract class Helper {
static double randomize(double min, double max) =>
lerpDouble(min, max, _rand.nextDouble())!;
static Color randomColor() =>
static bool randomBool() => _rand.nextBool();
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