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Last active February 23, 2020 05:30
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  • Save HeGanjie/c5134384d720481da6b90bc670ff2d4c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save HeGanjie/c5134384d720481da6b90bc670ff2d4c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Allow you quickly style a div like this: <Box mg10x pd20y textCenter width300 itblock font20 color-white bold />
import styled from '@emotion/styled'
import _ from 'lodash'
const DirectDict = {
t: [0],
r: [1],
b: [2],
l: [3],
x: [1, 3],
y: [0, 2],
'': [0, 1, 2, 3]
function handleMargin(props) {
let res = null
_(props).keys().filter(k => _.startsWith(k, 'mg') && props[k]).map(k => k.match(/mg(\d+)(\D)?/)).forEach(([k, px, direction]) => {
if (res === null) {
res = [0, 0, 0, 0]
DirectDict[direction || ''].forEach(idx => res[idx] = px)
return res === null ? undefined : => `${px}px`).join(' ')
function handlePadding(props) {
let res = null
_(props).keys().filter(k => _.startsWith(k, 'pd') && props[k]).map(k => k.match(/pd(\d+)(\D)?/)).forEach(([k, px, direction]) => {
if (res === null) {
res = [0, 0, 0, 0]
DirectDict[direction || ''].forEach(idx => res[idx] = px)
return res === null ? undefined : => `${px}px`).join(' ')
function handleWidth(props) {
let key = _.findKey(props, (v, k) => _.startsWith(k, 'width') && v)
return !key
? undefined
: _.startsWith(key, 'width-')
? `${key.substr(6)}%`
: `${key.substr(5)}px`
function handleHeight(props) {
let key = _.findKey(props, (v, k) => _.startsWith(k, 'height') && v)
return !key
? undefined
: _.startsWith(key, 'height-')
? `${key.substr(7)}%`
: `${key.substr(6)}px`
function handleLineHeight(props) {
let key = _.findKey(props, (v, k) => _.startsWith(k, 'lineheight') && v)
return !key
? undefined
: _.startsWith(key, 'lineheight-')
? `${key.substr(11)}%`
: `${key.substr(10)}px`
function handleColor(props) {
let key = _.findKey(props, (v, k) => _.startsWith(k, 'color-') && v)
if (!key) {
return undefined
let val = key.substr(6)
return parseInt(val, 16) ? `#${val}` : val
function handleBackgroundColor(props) {
let key = _.findKey(props, (v, k) => _.startsWith(k, 'bg-') && v)
if (!key) {
return undefined
let val = key.substr(3)
return parseInt(val, 16) ? `#${val}` : val
function handleBorder(props, side = '') {
const checker = `border${side}`
let key = _.findKey(props, (v, k) => _.startsWith(k, checker) && v)
if (!key) {
return undefined
let [width = 1, style = 'solid', color = 'dcdcdc'] = key.substr(checker.length).split('-')
return `${width || 1}px ${style} ${parseInt(color, 16) ? `#${parseInt(color, 16)}` : color}`
function handleSideBorder(side) {
return props => handleBorder(props, side)
function readSuffixAsPx(prefix, defVal = 0) {
let prefixLen = prefix.length
return (props) => {
let key = _.findKey(props, (v, k) => _.startsWith(k, prefix) && v)
return key ? `${key.substr(prefixLen) || defVal}px` : undefined
* Usage: <Box mg10x pd20y textCenter width300 width-100 height300 itblock font20 color-white bg-dcdcdc bold corner5 border />
export const Box = styled.div`
display: ${props => props.itblock ? 'inline-block' : props.block ? 'block' : undefined};
vertical-align: ${props => props.itblock ? 'top' : undefined};
text-align: ${props => props.textCenter ? 'center' : undefined};
margin: ${handleMargin};
padding: ${handlePadding};
font-size: ${readSuffixAsPx('font')};
font-weight: ${props => props.bold ? 'bold' : undefined};
width: ${handleWidth};
height: ${handleHeight};
line-height: ${handleLineHeight};
color: ${handleColor};
background-color: ${handleBackgroundColor};
border-radius: ${readSuffixAsPx('corner', 5)};
border: ${handleBorder};
border-top: ${handleSideBorder('t')};
border-right: ${handleSideBorder('r')};
border-bottom: ${handleSideBorder('b')};
border-left: ${handleSideBorder('l')};
text-decoration: ${props => props.deleteLine ? 'line-through' : undefined};
position: ${props => props.relative ? 'relative' : props.absolute ? 'absolute' : undefined};
top: ${readSuffixAsPx('top')};
right: ${readSuffixAsPx('right')};
bottom: ${readSuffixAsPx('bottom')};
left: ${readSuffixAsPx('left')};
export const Text = Box.withComponent('span')
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