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Last active October 24, 2018 11:34
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makefile to compile latex files in linux environment
# insert preferred tools here
CC = pdflatex
BIB = bibtex
READER = xreader
# name of your main tex file without file extension
NAME = my_document
# files your document depends on, eg. bibliography or pictures
SRC = $(NAME).tex
BIN = $(NAME).pdf
$(BIN): $(SRC) $(ADD)
$(CC) $(SRC)
$(BIB) $(NAME).aux
makeglossaries $(NAME)
$(CC) $(SRC)
$(CC) $(SRC)
# open your compiled file in a viewer
visible: $(BIN)
make $(BIN)
$(READER) $(BIN) &
.PHONY: clean tidy touch one
# delete all build files
clean: tidy
rm $(BIN)&
# delete all auxiliary build files, but not the final pdf
rm `ls |grep -P -e '$(NAME)\.((?!(pdf)|(tex))(.*)|.{3}\..*)'`&
# build everything (useful if you forgot any document in the ADD variable)
make -B $(BIN)
# rebuild everything
make clean
make $(BIN)
# just compile once (useful for typo correction etc.)
$(CC) $(SRC)
# just compile the bibliography
$(BIB) $(NAME)
# just refresh the glossaries
makeglossaries $(NAME)
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