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Last active April 16, 2019 19:03
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/* [RETAKES] Priority Queue
* Copyright (C) 2018 Michael Flaherty // //
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program. If not, see
#include <sourcemod>
public Plugin myinfo =
name = "[RETAKES] Priority Queue",
author = "Headline",
description = "Allow admins to slip through waiting queue",
version = "1.0",
url = ""
public void Retakes_OnPostRoundEnqueue(Handle rankingQueue, Handle waitingQueue)
int admin;
int unlucky;
admin = FindAdminInArray(waitingQueue);
unlucky = FindUnluckyPerson(rankingQueue);
while (admin != -1 && unlucky != -1)
// get unlucky's client id
int temp;
temp = GetArrayCell(rankingQueue, unlucky);
// remove unlucky index / shift down
RemoveFromArray(rankingQueue, unlucky);
// get admin client id
int block[2];
int client = GetArrayCell(waitingQueue, admin);
block[0] = client; // client id
block[1] = 1; // idk i forget
// remove admin index / shift down
RemoveFromArray(waitingQueue, admin);
// push admin to ranking queue
PushArrayArray(rankingQueue, block);
// set unlucky into admin spot
PushArrayCell(waitingQueue, temp);
ChangeClientTeam(temp, 1);
PrintToChat(client, "You have been moved to spectator to make room for an Admin/VIP!");
admin = FindAdminInArray(waitingQueue);
unlucky = FindUnluckyPerson(rankingQueue);
// DESCRIPTION: Returns unlucky client's ARRAY INDEX, else returns -1
int FindUnluckyPerson(Handle rankingQueue)
ArrayList list = view_as<ArrayList>(rankingQueue);
if (list.Length == 0)
return -1;
int[] players = new int[MaxClients + 1];
int numUsed = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < list.Length; i++)
int client = list.Get(i);
if (!CheckCommandAccess(client, "skip_queue", ADMFLAG_RESERVATION, false))
players[numUsed++] = client;
int unlucky = players[GetRandomInt(0, numUsed-1)];
return FindValueInArray(rankingQueue, unlucky);
// DESCRIPTION: Finds an admin in an array
int FindAdminInArray(Handle waitingQueue)
if (GetArraySize(waitingQueue) == 0)
return -1
int client;
for (int i = 0; i < GetArraySize(waitingQueue); i++)
client = GetArrayCell(waitingQueue, i);
if (CheckCommandAccess(client, "skip_queue", ADMFLAG_RESERVATION, false))
return i;
return -1;
************************************ RETAKES INCLUDE **********************************
#if defined _retakes_included
#define _retakes_included
enum Bombsite {
BombsiteA = 0,
BombsiteB = 1,
// Spawn types. These only apply to T-side spawns, all
// CT-spawns are considered SpawnType_Normal since they have no bomb.
enum SpawnType {
SpawnType_Normal = 0,
SpawnType_OnlyWithBomb = 1,
SpawnType_NeverWithBomb = 2,
#define SITESTRING(%1) ((%1) == BombsiteA ? "A" : "B")
#define TEAMSTRING(%1) ((%1) == CS_TEAM_CT ? "CT" : "T")
* Maxmimum length of a nade string. Example: "hfs" is a hegrenade, flashbang, and smoke.
* Maxmimum length of a weapon name. Example: "weapon_ak47"
* Called right before players get put onto teams for the next round.
* This is the best place to decide who goes onto what team if you want
* to change the default behavior.
* @param rankingQueue a priority queue (see include/
* @param waitingQueue a queue of the players waiting to join (see include/
* @noreturn
forward void Retakes_OnPreRoundEnqueue(Handle rankingQueue, Handle waitingQueue);
* Called after active players have been placed into the priority scoring queue
* for the next round. This is a convenient place to change their scores by
* editing the ranking priority queue itself.
* (rather than using the Retakes_SetRoundPoints native)
* @param rankingQueue a priority queue (see include/
* @noreturn
forward void Retakes_OnPostRoundEnqueue(Handle rankingQueue, Handle waitingQueue);
* Called when the bombsite for the round is decided.
* @param site which bombsite the round will use
* @noreturn
forward void Retakes_OnSitePicked(Bombsite& site);
* Called when the team sizes are set for the round.
* @param tCount the number of terrorists that will play the round
* @param ctcount the number of counter-terrorists that will play the round
* @noreturn
forward void Retakes_OnTeamSizesSet(int& tCount, int& ctCount);
* Called when a player fails to plant the bomb when he spawned with it.
* @param client the player that did not plant
* @noreturn
forward void Retakes_OnFailToPlant(int client);
* Called when a team wins a round.
* @param winner the winning team (CS_TEAM_T or CS_TEAM_CT)
* @param tPlayers an ArrayList of the players on the terrorist team
* @param ctPlayers an ArrayList of the players on the counter-terrorist team
* @noreturn
forward void Retakes_OnRoundWon(int winner, ArrayList tPlayers, ArrayList ctPlayers);
* Called after teams have been determined for the round.
* @param tPlayers an ArrayList of the players on the terrorist team
* @param ctPlayers an ArrayList of the players on the counter-terrorist team
* @param bombsite
* @noreturn
forward void Retakes_OnTeamsSet(ArrayList tPlayers, ArrayList ctPlayers, Bombsite bombsite);
* Called when player weapons are being allocated for the round.
* @param tPlayers an ArrayList of the players on the terrorist team
* @param ctPlayers an ArrayList of the players on the counter-terrorist team
* @param bombsite
* @noreturn
forward void Retakes_OnWeaponsAllocated(ArrayList tPlayers, ArrayList ctPlayers, Bombsite bombsite);
* Called when a client issues a command to bring up a "guns" menu.
forward void Retakes_OnGunsCommand(int client);
* Returns if a player has joined the game, i.e., if they are on T/Ct or in the waiting queue.
* @param client a player
* @return if the player has joined
native bool Retakes_IsJoined(int client);
* Returns if a player is in the waiting queue.
* @param client a player
* @return if the player is in the waiting queue
native bool Retakes_IsInQueue(int client);
* Sends a retake formatted message to a client.
* @param client a player
* @param format string message
* @noreturn
native void Retakes_Message(int client, const char[] format, any:...);
* Sends a retake formatted message to all clients.
* @param format string message
* @noreturn
native void Retakes_MessageToAll(const char[] format, any:...);
* Returns the number of terrorists for the current round.
native int Retakes_GetNumActiveTs();
* Returns the number of terrorists for the current round.
native int Retakes_GetNumActiveCTs();
* Returns the number of active players (t+ct) for the current round.
native int Retakes_GetNumActivePlayers();
* Returns the bombsite for the current scenario.
native Bombsite Retakes_GetCurrrentBombsite();
* Returns the round points for a client in the current round.
native int Retakes_GetRoundPoints(int client);
* Sets the round points for a client in the current round.
native int Retakes_SetRoundPoints(int client, int points);
* Changes the round points for a client in the current round.
native void Retakes_ChangeRoundPoints(int client, int dp);
* Sets player weapon/equipment information for the current round.
native void Retakes_SetPlayerInfo(int client,
const char[] primary="",
const char[] secondary="",
const char[] nades="",
int health=100,
int armor=0,
bool helmet=false,
bool kit=false);
* Gets player weapon/equipment information for the current round.
native void Retakes_GetPlayerInfo(int client,
char secondary[WEAPON_STRING_LENGTH],
int& health,
int& armor,
bool& helmet,
bool& kit);
* Returns the total number of live rounds played on the current map.
native int Retakes_GetRetakeRoundsPlayed();
* Returns if edit mode is active.
native bool Retakes_InEditMode();
* Returns if the game is currently in a warmup phase.
native bool Retakes_InWarmup();
* Returns if the plugin is enabled.
native bool Retakes_Enabled();
* Returns if the plugin is enabled and not in warmup.
stock bool Retakes_Live() {
return Retakes_Enabled() && !Retakes_InWarmup() && !Retakes_InEditMode();
* Returns the maximum number of players allowed into the game.
native int Retakes_GetMaxPlayers();
public SharedPlugin __pl_retakes = {
name = "retakes",
file = "retakes.smx",
#if defined REQUIRE_PLUGIN
required = 1,
required = 0,
#if !defined REQUIRE_PLUGIN
public __pl_retakes_SetNTVOptional() {
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