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Created October 13, 2012 02:50
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  • Save HeartSaVioR/3883022 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save HeartSaVioR/3883022 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Redis in action, chapter 1, StackOverflow mini functionality
import redis
import time
import random
def article_vote(conn, user, article, upvote=True):
cutoff = time.time() - ONE_WEEK_IN_SECONDS
if conn.zscore('time:', article) < cutoff:
article_id = article.split(':')[-1]
if upvote:
key = 'voted:' + article_id
opponent_key = 'downvoted:' + article_id
article_vote_key = 'votes'
article_opponent_vote_key = 'downvotes'
vote_score = VOTE_SCORE
key = 'downvoted:' + article_id
opponent_key = 'voted:' + article_id
article_vote_key = 'downvotes'
article_opponent_vote_key = 'votes'
vote_score = VOTE_SCORE * -1
if conn.sismember(key, user):
print "DEBUG: %s already %s for %s" % (user, key, article)
if conn.sismember(opponent_key, user):
print "DEBUG: %s switched their mind: %s -> %s for %s" % (user, opponent_key, key, article)
conn.smove(opponent_key, key, user)
conn.zincrby('score:', article, vote_score * 2) # *2 for switch vote
conn.hincrby(article, article_opponent_vote_key, -1)
conn.hincrby(article, article_vote_key, 1)
conn.sadd(key, user)
conn.zincrby('score:', article, vote_score)
conn.hincrby(article, article_vote_key, 1)
def post_article(conn, user, title, link):
article_id = str(conn.incr('article:'))
voted = 'voted:' + article_id
conn.sadd(voted, user)
conn.expire(voted, ONE_WEEK_IN_SECONDS + 1)
now = time.time()
article = 'article:' + article_id
conn.hmset(article, {
'title': title,
'link': link,
'poster': user,
'time': now,
'votes': 1,
'downvotes': 0,
conn.zadd('score:', article, now + VOTE_SCORE)
conn.zadd('time:', article, now)
return article_id
def get_articles(conn, page, order='score:'):
start = max(page-1, 0) * ARTICLES_PER_PAGE
end = start + ARTICLES_PER_PAGE - 1
ids = conn.zrevrange(order, start, end)
articles = []
for id in ids:
article_data = conn.hgetall(id)
article_data['id'] = id
return articles
def add_remove_groups(conn, article_id, to_add=[], to_remove=[]):
article = 'article:' + article_id
for group in to_add:
conn.sadd('group:' + group, article)
for group in to_remove:
conn.srem('group:' + group, article)
def get_group_articles(conn, group, page, order='score:'):
key = order + group
if not conn.exists(key):
conn.zinterscore(key, ['group:' + group, order], aggregate='max')
conn.expire(key, 60)
return get_articles(conn, page, key)
def print_article_status(article_id):
print "*" * 40
print conn.hgetall('article:' + article_id)
print conn.zscore('score:', 'article:' + article_id)
print conn.zscore('time:', 'article:' + article_id)
print conn.smembers('voted:' + article_id)
print conn.smembers('downvoted:' + article_id)
print "*" * 40
def do_random_vote(conn, user, start_article_id, end_article_id):
# select article
article_id = random.randint(start_article_id, end_article_id)
# upvote / downvote
if random.randint(0, 1) == 1:
upvote = True
upvote = False
article_vote(conn, user, 'article:%d' % article_id, upvote=upvote)
return (article_id, upvote)
def apply_random_vote(conn, start_article_id, end_article_id):
user_list = ['user:%d' % x for x in range(100)]
# first votes
for user in user_list:
do_random_vote(conn, user, start_article_id, end_article_id)
# second votes
for user in user_list:
do_random_vote(conn, user, start_article_id, end_article_id)
def test_post_article(conn):
article_id = post_article(conn, 'user:83271', 'Go To Statement??', '')
return article_id
def test_vote(conn, article_id):
article_key = 'article:' + article_id
# with new voted user 12345, upvote
article_vote(conn, 'user:12345', article_key)
# with already upvoted user
article_vote(conn, 'user:12345', article_key)
# with new voted user 54321, downvote
article_vote(conn, 'user:54321', article_key, upvote=False)
# user 12345 switched vote, upvote -> downvote
article_vote(conn, 'user:12345', article_key, upvote=False)
# user 54321 switched vote, downvote -> upvote
article_vote(conn, 'user:54321', article_key)
if __name__ == "__main__":
conn = redis.Redis('search-crw-dev2')
# article_id = test_post_article(conn)
# test_vote(conn, article_id)
for i in range(10):
article_id = post_article(conn, 'user:83271', 'Go To Statement??', '')
#article_id = test_post_article(conn)
#article_id => 1 ~ 10
apply_random_vote(conn, 1, 10)
page_articles_by_score = get_articles(conn, 1, order='score:')
page_articles_by_time = get_articles(conn, 1, order='time:')
print "order by score:"
print page_articles_by_score
print "order by time:"
print page_articles_by_time
votes_list = map(lambda x: int(x['votes']), page_articles_by_score)
downvotes_list = map(lambda x: int(x['downvotes']), page_articles_by_score)
votes_count = sum(votes_list)
downvotes_count = sum(downvotes_list)
# 10 posts (with poster vote), 100 users * 2 votes => 210 votes
# second votes(100 users) can duplicated or switched, and these votes are not counted to whole votes
# so, (votes + downvotes) must be 210 - (duplicate + switched)
print "%s votes, %s downvotes, total %s" % (votes_count, downvotes_count, votes_count + downvotes_count)
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