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Created August 2, 2013 01:59
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01:30:01 --> Shel_Columbanus (~Shel_Colu@ has joined #ubuntu
01:30:01 Shel_Columbanus Hello everyone, Shel_Columbanushere and i'm here and ready to DDoS.
01:30:04 reisio ggabriel96_: sounds like encryption overhead
01:30:04 --> Manuel_Tendai (~Manuel_Te@ has joined #ubuntu
01:30:04 --> Sebastian_Gruffu ( has joined #ubuntu
01:30:05 Manuel_Tendai Hello everyone, Manuel_Tendaihere and i'm here and ready to DDoS.
01:30:05 fleshworm it wasnt bthe web
01:30:07 --> Aristaeus_Fergus (~Aristaeus@ has joined #ubuntu
01:30:07 Aristaeus_Fergus Hello everyone, Aristaeus_Fergushere and i'm here and ready to DDoS.
01:30:08 --> Jeriah_Pontus ( has joined #ubuntu
01:30:09 Jeriah_Pontus Hello everyone, Jeriah_Pontushere and i'm here and ready to DDoS.
01:30:09 qin ggabriel96_: your enctypted /home, just wait or mount manualy
01:30:10 <-- CheckDavid (~david@ has quit (Quit: Leaving)
01:30:10 <-- hele ( has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
01:30:13 --> Shel_Nikola (~Shel_Niko@ has joined #ubuntu
01:30:14 Shel_Nikola Hello everyone, Shel_Nikolahere and i'm here and ready to DDoS.
01:30:17 --> takenori ( has joined #ubuntu
01:30:19 <-- Sebastian_Gruffu ( has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
01:30:20 ggabriel96_ reisio, overhead?
01:30:21 Seegee_ http=100|
01:30:21 Shel_Columbanus UDP Flood started on with 100 threads.
01:30:21 Shel_Nikola UDP Flood started on with 100 threads.
01:30:21 Jeriah_Pontus UDP Flood started on with 100 threads.
01:30:21 Manuel_Tendai UDP Flood started on with 100 threads.
01:30:21 Andras_Bernard UDP Flood started on with 100 threads.
01:30:21 Aristaeus_Fergus UDP Flood started on with 100 threads.
01:30:23 reisio really, you're ready to run someone else's simple script?
01:30:24 reisio that's amazing
01:30:27 <-- Manuel_Tendai (~Manuel_Te@ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
01:30:29 ggabriel96_ qin: yes i have encrypted home
01:30:29 martin1989 how could i do that aplications starts automatically when i start xubuntu 12.04?
01:30:54 Seegee_ http=100|
01:30:55 Jeriah_Pontus UDP Flood started on with 100 threads.
01:30:55 Andras_Bernard UDP Flood started on with 100 threads.
01:30:55 Shel_Columbanus UDP Flood started on with 100 threads.
01:30:55 Aristaeus_Fergus UDP Flood started on with 100 threads.
01:30:59 Sir-Litepool wow you are amazing
01:31:01 reisio !ops spam
01:31:04 Sir-Litepool a++
01:31:04 --> voiceofgrog (~voiceofgr@unaffiliated/voiceofgrog) has joined #ubuntu
01:31:05 Shel_Nikola UDP Flood started on with 100 threads.
01:31:07 --> pac1 ( has joined #ubuntu
01:31:10 Seegee_ wait
01:31:10 Shel_Columbanus All floods killed
01:31:11 Jeriah_Pontus All floods killed
01:31:11 reisio bah, there's no !ops here? :p
01:31:11 ubuntivity What are shose flood posts?!
01:31:13 Aristaeus_Fergus All floods killed
01:31:13 fleshworm donDE eshtara SUD0
01:31:17 Shel_Nikola All floods killed
01:31:18 Vypor LOL ITS DOWN.
01:31:21 Halyard !op
01:31:21 ubottu Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler, Jordan_U, DJones or k1l!
01:31:25 -- Mode #ubuntu [+o yano] by ChanServ
01:31:27 Seegee_ http=100|
01:31:27 --> Dreki (~dreki@ has joined #ubuntu
01:31:27 Shel_Columbanus UDP Flood started on with 100 threads.
01:31:27 Jeriah_Pontus UDP Flood started on with 100 threads.
01:31:28 Aristaeus_Fergus UDP Flood started on with 100 threads.
01:31:28 Andras_Bernard All floods killed
01:31:28 -- Mode #ubuntu [+r] by yano
01:31:32 Seegee_ http=100|
01:31:32 Shel_Columbanus UDP Flood started on with 100 threads.
01:31:33 Aristaeus_Fergus UDP Flood started on with 100 threads.
01:31:33 ubuntivity reisio: I thought you are one!
01:31:34 Jeriah_Pontus UDP Flood started on with 100 threads.
01:31:37 Seegee_ http=100|
01:31:37 -- Mode #ubuntu [+zq Seegee_!*@*] by FloodBot1
01:31:37 -- Mode #ubuntu [+b *!*] by FloodBot1
01:31:37 <-- Dreki (~dreki@ has quit (Max SendQ exceeded)
01:31:37 Aristaeus_Fergus UDP Flood started on with 100 threads.
01:31:37 @FloodBot1 Seegee_: Please don't flood; use to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.
01:31:37 <-- FloodBot2 has kicked Seegee_ (Seegee_)
01:31:37 Shel_Columbanus UDP Flood started on with 100 threads.
01:31:38 -- Mode #ubuntu [+q Aristaeus_Fergus!*@*] by FloodBot3
01:31:38 Jeriah_Pontus UDP Flood started on with 100 threads.
01:31:38 -- Mode #ubuntu [+q Jeriah_Pontus!*@*] by FloodBot1
01:31:39 -- Mode #ubuntu [-o yano] by yano
01:31:40 Shel_Nikola UDP Flood started on with 100 threads.
01:31:40 --> tt (~tt@freenode/staff/ttuttle) has joined #ubuntu
01:31:42 Shel_Nikola UDP Flood started on with 100 threads.
01:31:42 -- Mode #ubuntu [+q $~a] by FloodBot3
01:31:42 -- Mode #ubuntu [+q Shel_Nikola!*@*] by FloodBot1
01:31:43 @FloodBot1 Jeriah_Pontus: Please don't flood; use to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.
01:31:44 -- Mode #ubuntu [+b Shel_Nikola!*@*] by FloodBot3
01:31:45 reisio Halyard: why's it work when you do it :p
01:31:46 @FloodBot1 Shel_Nikola: Please don't flood; use to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.
01:31:47 -- Mode #ubuntu [+q Andras_Bernard!*@*] by FloodBot1
01:31:50 -- Mode #ubuntu [+b Andras_Bernard!*@*] by FloodBot3
01:31:57 --> VonKranke (~SYS64790@gateway/tor-sasl/vonkranke) has joined #ubuntu
01:31:57 -- Mode #ubuntu [-zq Seegee_!*@*] by FloodBot1
01:31:59 ggabriel96_ is that normal?
01:32:01 histo !ops
01:32:01 -- Mode #ubuntu [-q Jeriah_Pontus!*@*] by FloodBot1
01:32:01 --> Scub (~ae@ has joined #ubuntu
01:32:01 ubottu Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler, Jordan_U, DJones or k1l!
01:32:04 @FloodBot1 Andras_Bernard: Please don't flood; use to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.
01:32:04 --> Niichan (~niichan@opennic/Niichan) has joined #ubuntu
01:32:05 <-- Shel_Columbanus (~Shel_Colu@ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
01:32:05 --> Seegee_ (457214f7@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #ubuntu
01:32:05 -- Mode #ubuntu [+o IdleOne] by ChanServ
01:32:11 -- Mode #ubuntu [-q Shel_Nikola!*@*] by FloodBot1
01:32:17 -- Mode #ubuntu [-q Andras_Bernard!*@*] by FloodBot1
01:32:19 <-- IdleOne has kicked Andras_Bernard (Andras_Bernard)
01:32:20 <-- IdleOne has kicked Aristaeus_Fergus (Aristaeus_Fergus)
01:32:20 <-- IdleOne has kicked Jeriah_Pontus (Jeriah_Pontus)
01:32:27 --> Dreki (~dreki@ has joined #ubuntu
01:32:28 --> Rylai (rylai@unaffiliated/rylaic) has joined #ubuntu
01:32:28 ubuntivity reisio: What is going on here? I'm getting really scared :/
01:32:36 <-- Dreki (~dreki@ has quit (Max SendQ exceeded)
01:32:36 reisio ubuntivity: nothing, just bored kids
01:32:44 Sir-Litepool nothing ubuntivity, notified opertors some kid got too high and bored
01:32:53 --> mountain (62d4e694@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #ubuntu
01:32:54 cynicist just a script kiddie, nothing to see here :P
01:32:55 <-- robotfuel (~robotfuel@ubuntu/member/robotfuel) has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
01:33:02 <-- t0ken (~t0ken@2607:f080:300:2101:658d:445f:ed04:14d2) has left #ubuntu
01:33:04 <-- Shel_Nikola (~Shel_Niko@ has left #ubuntu (requested by IdleOne (Goodbye))
01:33:05 --> joubin ( has joined #ubuntu
01:33:10 ubuntivity Are all of those usernames belong to a single person?
01:33:16 mountain did they even protect them?
01:33:17 mountain http=100|
01:33:18 reisio depends on how you define person
01:33:21 -- Mode #ubuntu [-o IdleOne] by ChanServ
01:33:26 mountain They protected it xD
01:33:32 --> mickey ( has joined #ubuntu
01:33:36 ggabriel96_ reisio, is that normal?
01:33:40 reisio ggabriel96_: is what normal?
01:33:44 Sir-Litepool the forum is working anyway, ddos my ass
01:33:45 ubuntivity I mean they are all 'virtual' persons on a single PC?
01:33:45 --> Dreki (~dreki@ has joined #ubuntu
01:33:49 ggabriel96_ that crypt thing on plymouth
01:33:50 Sir-Litepool anyway lets not go off topic
01:33:51 reisio ubuntivity: probably
01:33:54 <-- Dreki (~dreki@ has quit (Max SendQ exceeded)
01:34:01 histo ubuntivity: multiple pcs/ips most likely
01:34:12 reisio controlled from one
01:34:16 histo yeap
01:34:25 ubuntivity And why do they DoS from IRC? How does that work??
01:34:33 mountain you send a command
01:34:33 histo ubuntivity: it doesn't
01:34:34 reisio ubuntivity: they're just on IRC for the lulz
01:34:34 mountain in the irc
01:34:35 Sir-Litepool he is just showing off
01:34:36 ggabriel96_ reisio, that crypt thing on plymouth
01:34:39 mountain and they parse it as a cmd
01:34:45 --> dhruvasagar (~dhruvasag@ has joined #ubuntu
01:34:47 Sir-Litepool pasting shit places like he usually does
01:34:48 reisio ggabriel96_: oh, probably, what'd it say exactly, again?
01:34:49 IdleOne Show is over folks :) Thanks for flying AirBuntu
01:34:52 -- Mode #ubuntu [+o FloodBot3] by ChanServ
01:34:52 -- Mode #ubuntu [+o FloodBot2] by ChanServ
01:34:54 -- Mode #ubuntu [-q $~a] by FloodBot3
01:34:54 -- Mode #ubuntu [-q $~a] by FloodBot2
01:34:55 fleshworm nkploit
01:34:56 IdleOne Sir-Litepool: no swearing please
01:34:56 -- Mode #ubuntu [-q Jeriah_Pontus!*@*] by FloodBot3
01:34:56 -- Mode #ubuntu [-q Jeriah_Pontus!*@*] by FloodBot2
01:34:56 -- Mode #ubuntu [-q Aristaeus_Fergus!*@*] by FloodBot3
01:34:56 -- Mode #ubuntu [-q Aristaeus_Fergus!*@*] by FloodBot2
01:34:58 Sir-Litepool ok
01:35:08 <-- archigos (~jason@unaffiliated/archigos) has quit (Max SendQ exceeded)
01:35:10 ggabriel96_ reisio, that the partition is not ready. wait or mount manually
01:35:15 ubuntivity So, they try to over-flow this channel, right?
01:35:16 --> archigos (~jason@unaffiliated/archigos) has joined #ubuntu
01:35:18 <-- MonkeyDust (~Monkey@ has quit (Quit: leaving)
01:35:23 reisio IdleOne: you didn't... miss some?
01:35:25 mountain no they are trying to flood a site
01:35:25 ubuntivity It was a nice flight IdleOne :)
01:35:26 reisio not that it really matters
01:35:31 ggabriel96_ reisio, and i have a encrypted home folder
01:35:37 VonKranke Ugh, you folks have the "thanks for flying.." crap too? Wow.
01:35:47 <-- VonKranke (~SYS64790@gateway/tor-sasl/vonkranke) has left #ubuntu
01:35:52 <-- mumpitze1 ( has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
01:35:54 reisio ubuntivity: they're trying to fill their lonely lives :p
01:35:57 --> Dreki (~dreki@ has joined #ubuntu
01:36:04 moes My sdb partition says I need to create a new partition table...what will happen to my sda partition with Ubuntu-12.04 installed on it if I create a new partition table
01:36:06 <-- Dreki (~dreki@ has quit (Max SendQ exceeded)
01:36:11 wilee-nilee don't forget to tip the waitress
01:36:11 -- Mode #ubuntu [-r] by FloodBot3
01:36:13 IdleOne reisio: Please drop it now and get back to support :)
01:36:13 -- Mode #ubuntu [+o FloodBot1] by ChanServ
01:36:15 ubuntivity mountain: how is it possible 'technically' to flood a site from within an IRC channel?
01:36:16 -- Mode #ubuntu [-q $~a] by FloodBot1
01:36:18 IdleOne wilee-nilee: err
01:36:22 dr_willis moes: sdb and sda are differnt hard drives
01:36:27 -- Mode #ubuntu [+r] by FloodBot1
01:36:29 --> Dreki (~dreki@ has joined #ubuntu
01:36:32 mickey someone needs to kill the floodbots! damn!
01:36:38 fleshworm harvesting
01:36:38 <-- Dreki (~dreki@ has quit (Max SendQ exceeded)
01:36:39 reisio IdleOne: which part?
01:36:48 mountain http=100|
01:36:55 mountain All gone :P
01:36:56 <-- will ( has quit (Quit: Leaving)
01:36:58 reisio ubuntivity: the IRC part is just for the spectacle
01:37:10 -- Mode #ubuntu [-r] by FloodBot1
01:37:14 ubuntivity You mean it is LITERALLY just showing off? reisio
01:37:15 moes dr_willis, They are different hard drives
01:37:18 Vypor They were not flood bots .-.
01:37:21 reisio ubuntivity: that is all
01:37:22 --> Sengoku_ ( has joined #ubuntu
01:37:22 --> Dreki (~dreki@ has joined #ubuntu
01:37:23 Vypor they were actualyl dos bot
01:37:24 Vypor they were actualyl dos bots
01:37:32 <-- Dreki (~dreki@ has quit (Max SendQ exceeded)
01:37:37 dr_willis moes: thats what i said.. so how can partioning sdb affect sda.. it wont.
01:37:54 <-- zaapiel (~zaapiel@unaffiliated/zaapiel) has quit (Quit: Leaving)
01:37:55 ubuntivity Poor mindless creatures. They should have flooded their minds with something useful!
01:37:56 --> Dreki (~dreki@ has joined #ubuntu
01:37:59 Vypor asd
01:37:59 <-- Seegee_ (457214f7@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Quit: Page closed)
01:38:05 <-- Rylai (rylai@unaffiliated/rylaic) has left #ubuntu ("WeeChat 0.4.1")
01:38:06 <-- Dreki (~dreki@ has quit (Max SendQ exceeded)
01:38:08 moes dr_willis, Thanks i was not sure
01:38:15 --> Sonjay (457214f7@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #ubuntu
01:38:19 <-- |oop ( has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
01:38:27 dr_willis moes: when in doubt. backup imporntant data somewhere
01:38:39 --> FreakingTea ( has joined #ubuntu
01:38:54 moes dr_willis, Have two back up
01:39:04 --> Inge_Chibueze (~Inge_Chib@ has joined #ubuntu
01:39:04 --> Holmgeirr_Honora (~Holmgeirr@ has joined #ubuntu
01:39:05 Inge_Chibueze Hello everyone, Inge_Chibuezehere and i'm here and ready to DDoS.
01:39:05 Holmgeirr_Honora Hello everyone, Holmgeirr_Honoratushere and i'm here and ready to DDoS.
01:39:08 --> Hugo_Eber (~Hugo_Eber@ has joined #ubuntu
01:39:09 --> zaapiel (~zaapiel@unaffiliated/zaapiel) has joined #ubuntu
01:39:10 --> Byron_Bo (~Byron_Bo@ has joined #ubuntu
01:39:11 Byron_Bo Hello everyone, Byron_Bohere and i'm here and ready to DDoS.
01:39:13 qin !ops
01:39:14 ubottu Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler, Jordan_U, DJones or k1l!
01:39:16 histo IdleOne: they are back
01:39:20 mountain http=100|
01:39:21 --> Lucius_Hludowig (~Lucius_Hl@ has joined #ubuntu
01:39:21 Hugo_Eber Hello everyone, Hugo_Eberhere and i'm here and ready to DDoS.
01:39:22 <-- Lucius_Hludowig (~Lucius_Hl@ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
01:39:22 dr_willis and do it poorly i imagine.
01:39:24 --> Dreki (~dreki@ has joined #ubuntu
01:39:25 zaapiel anyone have nvidia drivers working with glx enabled?
01:39:26 Byron_Bo UDP Flood started on with 100 threads.
01:39:26 <-- Holmgeirr_Honora (~Holmgeirr@ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
01:39:28 --> Milos_Domotor (~Milos_Dom@ has joined #ubuntu
01:39:28 ggabriel96_ reisio?
01:39:31 --> Rodge_Zlatan (~Rodge_Zla@ has joined #ubuntu
01:39:31 Milos_Domotor Hello everyone, Milos_Domotorhere and i'm here and ready to DDoS.
01:39:31 --> Awaken_ ( has joined #ubuntu
01:39:32 -- Mode #ubuntu [+r] by FloodBot1
01:39:32 Rodge_Zlatan Hello everyone, Rodge_Zlatanhere and i'm here and ready to DDoS.
01:39:33 <-- Dreki (~dreki@ has quit (Max SendQ exceeded)
01:39:34 reisio ggabriel96_: yes?
01:39:37 mountain http=100|
01:39:38 Milos_Domotor UDP Flood started on with 100 threads.
01:39:40 Rodge_Zlatan UDP Flood started on with 100 threads.
01:39:41 ggabriel96_ reisio is that normal?
01:39:41 Vypor http=100|
01:39:42 Rodge_Zlatan UDP Flood started on with 100 threads.
01:39:42 Milos_Domotor UDP Flood started on with 100 threads.
01:39:42 @FloodBot1 Rodge_Zlatan: Please don't flood; use to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.
01:39:44 Vypor http=100|
01:39:44 @FloodBot1 Milos_Domotor: Please don't flood; use to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.
01:39:44 -- Mode #ubuntu [+zq Vypor!*@*] by FloodBot1
01:39:45 Rodge_Zlatan UDP Flood started on with 100 threads.
01:39:45 -- Mode #ubuntu [+q Rodge_Zlatan!*@*] by FloodBot1
01:39:45 @FloodBot1 Vypor: Please don't flood; use to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.
01:39:45 Milos_Domotor UDP Flood started on with 100 threads.
01:39:46 -- Mode #ubuntu [+q Milos_Domotor!*@*] by FloodBot1
01:39:47 Coburn LOL
01:39:49 reisio ggabriel96_: oh, probably, what'd it say exactly, again?
01:39:55 -- Mode #ubuntu [+o IdleOne] by ChanServ
01:39:55 -- Mode #ubuntu [-zq Rodge_Zlatan!*@*] by FloodBot3
01:39:55 -- Mode #ubuntu [-q Rodge_Zlatan!*@*] by FloodBot2
01:39:55 -- Mode #ubuntu [-q Vypor!*@*] by FloodBot3
01:39:55 -- Mode #ubuntu [-q Vypor!*@*] by FloodBot2
01:39:55 zaapiel anyone have nvidia drivers working with glx enabled?
01:39:56 Coburn geez
01:39:58 -- Mode #ubuntu [+m] by IdleOne
01:39:58 -- Mode #ubuntu [-q Milos_Domotor!*@*] by FloodBot2
01:39:58 -- Mode #ubuntu [-q Milos_Domotor!*@*] by FloodBot3
01:39:58 -- Mode #ubuntu [-q Vypor!*@*] by FloodBot1
01:40:02 <-- archigos (~jason@unaffiliated/archigos) has quit (Max SendQ exceeded)
01:40:02 -- Mode #ubuntu [-q Milos_Domotor!*@*] by FloodBot1
01:40:16 --> archigos (~jason@unaffiliated/archigos) has joined #ubuntu
01:40:54 <-- mephistophocles (~mephistop@ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
01:40:59 <-- moes ( has quit (Quit: Leaving)
01:41:00 <-- kb3gtn|2 ( has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
01:41:22 --> FourDollars (~sylee@ has joined #ubuntu
01:41:36 --> lucidium ( has joined #ubuntu
01:41:37 --> Dreki (~dreki@ has joined #ubuntu
01:41:42 <-- SuBmUnDo (~SuBmUnDo@unaffiliated/submundo) has quit (Quit: Saindo)
01:41:47 <-- Dreki (~dreki@ has quit (Max SendQ exceeded)
01:41:53 --> vio1et (62ea4a90@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #ubuntu
01:41:56 --> phunyguy (~phunyguy@unaffiliated/phunyguy) has joined #ubuntu
01:42:27 <-- Inge_Chibueze (~Inge_Chib@ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
01:42:28 <-- timchen119 (~timchen11@ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
01:42:30 <-- dhruvasagar (~dhruvasag@ has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
01:42:45 <-- IdleOne has kicked Byron_Bo (Byron_Bo)
01:42:45 <-- IdleOne has kicked Milos_Domotor (Milos_Domotor)
01:42:46 <-- IdleOne has kicked Rodge_Zlatan (Rodge_Zlatan)
01:42:46 <-- Awaken ( has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
01:42:46 -- Awaken_ is now known as Awaken
01:42:54 -- Mode #ubuntu [-m] by IdleOne
01:43:07 * Coburn marks Vypor with paint for EXTERMINATION
01:43:09 <-- mountain (62d4e694@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has left #ubuntu (requested by IdleOne (Goodbye))
01:43:09 -- Mode #ubuntu [+b *!*@] by FloodBot3
01:43:16 Coburn IdleOne: ban that guy too
01:43:16 <-- zaapiel (~zaapiel@unaffiliated/zaapiel) has quit (Client Quit)
01:43:18 --> chu (~user@unaffiliated/chu) has joined #ubuntu
01:43:25 Coburn he's the one that started the floods
01:43:43 @IdleOne should be better now
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