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Created October 10, 2018 21:57
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#pragma config(Sensor, in1, gyro, sensorGyro)
#pragma config(Sensor, dgtl1, rightEncoder, sensorQuadEncoder)
#pragma config(Sensor, dgtl6, puncherLimit, sensorTouch)
#pragma config(Sensor, dgtl11, leftEncoder, sensorQuadEncoder)
#pragma config(Motor, port1, launcher1, tmotorVex393_HBridge, openLoop, reversed)
#pragma config(Motor, port2, left1, tmotorVex393HighSpeed_MC29, openLoop, driveLeft, encoderPort, dgtl11)
#pragma config(Motor, port3, left2, tmotorVex393HighSpeed_MC29, openLoop, driveLeft)
#pragma config(Motor, port4, intake, tmotorVex393_MC29, openLoop)
#pragma config(Motor, port5, lift, tmotorVex393_MC29, openLoop)
#pragma config(Motor, port6, capIntake, tmotorVex393_MC29, openLoop)
#pragma config(Motor, port8, right2, tmotorVex393HighSpeed_MC29, openLoop, reversed, driveRight)
#pragma config(Motor, port9, right1, tmotorVex393HighSpeed_MC29, openLoop, reversed, driveRight, encoderPort, dgtl1)
#pragma config(Motor, port10, launcher2, tmotorVex393_HBridge, openLoop)
//*!!Code automatically generated by 'ROBOTC' configuration wizard !!*//
const float CIRC = 3.141592 * 4.155;
#pragma platform(VEX2)
#pragma competitionControl(Competition)
#include "Vex_Competition_Includes.c"
/* Pre-Autonomous Functions */
/* */
/* You may want to perform some actions before the competition starts. */
/* Do them in the following function. You must return from this function */
/* or the autonomous and usercontrol tasks will not be started. This */
/* function is only called once after the cortex has been powered on and */
/* not every time that the robot is disabled. */
void pre_auton()
// Set bStopTasksBetweenModes to false if you want to keep user created tasks
// running between Autonomous and Driver controlled modes. You will need to
// manage all user created tasks if set to false.
bStopTasksBetweenModes = true;
// Set bDisplayCompetitionStatusOnLcd to false if you don't want the LCD
// used by the competition include file, for example, you might want
// to display your team name on the LCD in this function.
// bDisplayCompetitionStatusOnLcd = false;
// All activities that occur before the competition starts
// Example: clearing encoders, setting servo positions, ...
/* */
/* Autonomous Task */
/* */
/* This task is used to control your robot during the autonomous phase of */
/* a VEX Competition. */
/* */
/* You must modify the code to add your own robot specific commands here. */
#define abs(x) (x < 0 ? -x : x)
static const float kp = 10;
void move(int leftPower, int rightPower) {
motor[left1] = leftPower;
motor[left2] = leftPower;
motor[right1] = rightPower;
motor[right2] = rightPower;
void shoot() {
while(SensorValue[puncherLimit] != 1) {
motor[launcher1] = 70;
motor[launcher2] = 70;
motor[launcher1] = 0;
motor[launcher2] = 0;
float driveForward(int power, float distance) {
SensorValue[leftEncoder] = 0;
SensorValue[rightEncoder] = 0;
int error = 0;
int slavePower = power; // subtract based upon observations
float ticksNeeded = (360 / CIRC) * distance;
float totalTicks = 0.0;
writeDebugStream("Need to move: %d", ticksNeeded);
while(abs(totalTicks) < ticksNeeded) {
totalTicks = (SensorValue[rightEncoder] + SensorValue[leftEncoder])/2;
error = SensorValue[rightEncoder] - SensorValue[leftEncoder];
slavePower += (int) (error / kp);
move(slavePower, power);
writeDebugStreamLine("Moved: %f", (totalTicks * CIRC)/360);
writeDebugStreamLine("Moved: %f", (totalTicks * CIRC)/360);
move(0, 0);
return totalTicks;
task autonomous()
float distance = driveForward(70, 45);
/* */
/* User Control Task */
/* */
/* This task is used to control your robot during the user control phase of */
/* a VEX Competition. */
/* */
/* You must modify the code to add your own robot specific commands here. */
// multiply by direction to go forwards or backwards
int direction = 1;
// Each of these "controls", controls a part of the robot
task driveControl ()
float distanceTraveledRight = (SensorValue[rightEncoder] * CIRC)/360;
float distanceTraveledLeft = (SensorValue[leftEncoder] * CIRC)/360;
//writeDebugStreamLine("traveled: %f", (distanceTraveledRight + distanceTraveledLeft)/2);
motor[right1] = direction * vexRT[Ch3] - vexRT[Ch1];
motor[right2] = direction * vexRT[Ch3] - vexRT[Ch1];
motor[left1] = direction * vexRT[Ch3] + vexRT[Ch1];
motor[left2] = direction * vexRT[Ch3] + vexRT[Ch1];
task puncherControl()
if(vexRT[Btn8U]) {
motor[launcher1] = 85;
motor[launcher2] = 85;
} else {
motor[launcher1] = 0;
motor[launcher2] = 0;
task ballIntakeControl()
while(true) {
if(vexRT[Btn8R]) {
motor[intake] = 85;
} else {
motor[intake] = 0;
task liftControl()
while(true) {
if(vexRT[Btn6U]) {
motor[lift] = 85;
} else if(vexRT[Btn6D]) {
motor[lift] = -85;
} else {
motor[lift] = 0;
task capIntakeControl()
while(true) {
if(vexRT[Btn5U]) {
motor[capIntake] = 85;
} else if (vexRT[Btn5D]) {
motor[capIntake] = -85;
} else {
motor[capIntake] = 0;
task usercontrol()
SensorValue[rightEncoder] = 0;
SensorValue[leftEncoder] = 0;
while (true)
// Direction flip
/*if(vexRT[Btn8U]) {
//direction *= -1;
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