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Created September 18, 2016 13:39
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Compatible with Theme My Login's "Email Only" type login system.
defined('ABSPATH') or die("Cheating........Uh!!");
* File contains the functions necessary for Social Login functionality
* Render Social Login icons HTML.
function the_champ_login_button($widget = false){
if(!is_user_logged_in() && the_champ_social_login_enabled()){
global $theChampLoginOptions;
$html = '';
$customInterface = apply_filters('the_champ_login_interface_filter', '', $theChampLoginOptions, $widget);
if($customInterface != ''){
$html = $customInterface;
}elseif(isset($theChampLoginOptions['providers']) && is_array($theChampLoginOptions['providers']) && count($theChampLoginOptions['providers']) > 0){
$html = the_champ_login_notifications($theChampLoginOptions);
$html .= '<div class="the_champ_outer_login_container">';
if(isset($theChampLoginOptions['title']) && $theChampLoginOptions['title'] != ''){
$html .= '<div class="the_champ_social_login_title">'. $theChampLoginOptions['title'] .'</div>';
$html .= '<div class="the_champ_login_container"><ul class="the_champ_login_ul">';
if(isset($theChampLoginOptions['providers']) && is_array($theChampLoginOptions['providers']) && count($theChampLoginOptions['providers']) > 0){
foreach($theChampLoginOptions['providers'] as $provider){
$html .= '<li><i ';
// id
if( $provider == 'google' ){
$html .= 'id="theChamp'. ucfirst($provider) .'Button" ';
// class
$html .= 'class="theChampLogin theChamp'. ucfirst($provider) .'Background theChamp'. ucfirst($provider) .'Login" ';
$html .= 'alt="Login with ';
$html .= ucfirst($provider);
$html .= '" title="Login with ';
if($provider == 'live'){
$html .= 'Windows Live';
$html .= ucfirst($provider);
if(current_filter() == 'comment_form_top' || current_filter() == 'comment_form_must_log_in_after'){
$html .= '" onclick="theChampCommentFormLogin = true; theChampInitiateLogin(this)" >';
$html .= '" onclick="theChampInitiateLogin(this)" >';
$html .= '<ss style="display:block" class="theChampLoginSvg theChamp'. ucfirst($provider) .'LoginSvg"></ss></i></li>';
$html .= '</ul></div>';
$html .= '</div><div style="clear:both; margin-bottom: 6px"></div>';
echo $html;
return $html;
// enable FB login at login, register and comment form
if(isset($theChampLoginOptions['enableAtLogin']) && $theChampLoginOptions['enableAtLogin'] == 1){
add_action('login_form', 'the_champ_login_button');
add_action('bp_before_sidebar_login_form', 'the_champ_login_button');
if(isset($theChampLoginOptions['enableAtRegister']) && $theChampLoginOptions['enableAtRegister'] == 1){
add_action('register_form', 'the_champ_login_button');
add_action('after_signup_form', 'the_champ_login_button');
add_action('bp_before_account_details_fields', 'the_champ_login_button');
if(isset($theChampLoginOptions['enableAtComment']) && $theChampLoginOptions['enableAtComment'] == 1){
global $user_ID;
if(get_option('comment_registration') && intval($user_ID) == 0){
add_action('comment_form_must_log_in_after', 'the_champ_login_button');
add_action('comment_form_top', 'the_champ_login_button');
if(isset($theChampLoginOptions['enable_before_wc']) && $theChampLoginOptions['enable_before_wc'] == 1){
add_action( 'woocommerce_before_customer_login_form', 'the_champ_login_button' );
if(isset($theChampLoginOptions['enable_after_wc']) && $theChampLoginOptions['enable_after_wc'] == 1){
add_action( 'woocommerce_login_form', 'the_champ_login_button' );
if(isset($theChampLoginOptions['enable_wc_checkout']) && $theChampLoginOptions['enable_wc_checkout'] == 1){
add_action( 'woocommerce_checkout_before_customer_details', 'the_champ_login_button' );
* Login user to Wordpress.
function the_champ_login_user($userId, $profileData = array(), $socialId = '', $update = false){
$user = get_user_by('id', $userId);
$user = apply_filters('authenticate', $user, $user -> user_login, '');
if($update && !get_user_meta($userId, 'thechamp_dontupdate_avatar', true)){
if(isset($profileData['avatar']) && $profileData['avatar'] != ''){
update_user_meta($userId, 'thechamp_avatar', $profileData['avatar']);
if(isset($profileData['large_avatar']) && $profileData['large_avatar'] != ''){
update_user_meta($userId, 'thechamp_large_avatar', $profileData['large_avatar']);
if($socialId != ''){
update_user_meta($userId, 'thechamp_current_id', $socialId);
do_action('the_champ_login_user', $userId, $profileData, $socialId, $update);
wp_set_current_user($userId, $user -> user_login);
do_action('wp_login', $user -> user_login);
* Create username.
function the_champ_create_username($profileData){
$username = "";
$firstName = "";
$lastName = "";
$username = $profileData['username'];
if(!empty($profileData['first_name']) && !empty($profileData['last_name'])){
$username = !$username ? $profileData['first_name'] . ' ' . $profileData['last_name'] : $username;
$firstName = $profileData['first_name'];
$lastName = $profileData['last_name'];
$username = !$username ? $profileData['name'] : $username;
$nameParts = explode(' ', $profileData['name']);
if(count($nameParts) > 1){
$firstName = $nameParts[0];
$lastName = $nameParts[1];
$firstName = $profileData['name'];
$firstName = $profileData['username'];
}elseif(isset($profileData['email']) && $profileData['email'] != ''){
$user_name = explode('@', $profileData['email']);
$username = $user_name[0];
$firstName = str_replace("_", " ", $user_name[0]);
$username = !$username ? $profileData['id'] : $username;
$firstName = $profileData['id'];
return $username."|tc|".$firstName."|tc|".$lastName;
* Create user in Wordpress database.
function the_champ_create_user($profileData, $verification = false){
// create username, firstname and lastname
$usernameFirstnameLastname = explode('|tc|', the_champ_create_username($profileData));
$username = $usernameFirstnameLastname[0];
$firstName = $usernameFirstnameLastname[1];
$lastName = $usernameFirstnameLastname[2];
// make username unique
$nameexists = true;
$index = 1;
$username = str_replace(' ', '-', $username);
//cyrillic username
$username = sanitize_user($username, true);
if($username == '-'){
$emailParts = explode('@', $profileData['email']);
$username = $emailParts[0];
$userName = $username;
while($nameexists == true){
if(username_exists($userName) != 0){
$userName = $username.$index;
$nameexists = false;
$username = $userName;
$password = wp_generate_password();
$userdata = array(
'user_login' => $username,
'user_pass' => $password,
'user_nicename' => $username,
'user_email' => $profileData['email'],
'display_name' => $firstName,
'nickname' => $firstName,
'first_name' => $firstName,
'last_name' => $lastName,
'description' => isset($profileData['bio']) && $profileData['bio'] != '' ? $profileData['bio'] : '',
'user_url' => isset($profileData['link']) && $profileData['link'] != '' ? $profileData['link'] : '',
'role' => get_option('default_role')
if( in_array( 'theme-my-login/theme-my-login.php', apply_filters( 'active_plugins', get_option( 'active_plugins' ) ) ) ) {
$tmlOptions = get_option('theme_my_login');
$tmlLoginType = isset($tmlOptions['login_type']) ? $tmlOptions['login_type'] : '';
if($tmlLoginType == 'email'){
$userdata = array(
'user_login' => $profileData['email'],
'user_pass' => $password,
'user_nicename' => $profileData['email'],
'user_email' => $profileData['email'],
'display_name' => $profileData['email'],
'nickname' => $profileData['email'],
'first_name' => $firstName,
'last_name' => $lastName,
'description' => isset($profileData['bio']) && $profileData['bio'] != '' ? $profileData['bio'] : '',
'user_url' => isset($profileData['link']) && $profileData['link'] != '' ? $profileData['link'] : '',
'role' => get_option('default_role')
$userId = wp_insert_user($userdata);
if(isset($profileData['id']) && $profileData['id'] != ''){
update_user_meta($userId, 'thechamp_social_id', $profileData['id']);
if(isset($profileData['avatar']) && $profileData['avatar'] != ''){
update_user_meta($userId, 'thechamp_avatar', $profileData['avatar']);
if(isset($profileData['large_avatar']) && $profileData['large_avatar'] != ''){
update_user_meta($userId, 'thechamp_large_avatar', $profileData['large_avatar']);
update_user_meta($userId, 'thechamp_provider', $profileData['provider']);
// send notification email
// insert profile data in BP XProfile table
global $theChampLoginOptions;
if(isset($theChampLoginOptions['xprofile_mapping']) && is_array($theChampLoginOptions['xprofile_mapping'])){
foreach($theChampLoginOptions['xprofile_mapping'] as $key => $val){
// save xprofile fields
global $wpdb;
$value = '';
$value = $profileData[$val];
$wpdb -> prefix . 'bp_xprofile_data',
'id' => NULL,
'field_id' => $wpdb -> get_var( $wpdb -> prepare( "SELECT id FROM " . $wpdb -> prefix . "bp_xprofile_fields WHERE name = %s", $key) ),
'user_id' => $userId,
'value' => $value,
'last_updated' => '',
// hook - user successfully created
do_action('the_champ_user_successfully_created', $userId, $userdata, $profileData);
return $userId;
return false;
* Replace default avatar with social avatar
function the_champ_social_avatar($avatar, $avuser, $size, $default, $alt = '') {
global $theChampLoginOptions;
if(isset($theChampLoginOptions['avatar_quality']) && $theChampLoginOptions['avatar_quality'] == 'better'){
$avatarType = 'thechamp_large_avatar';
$avatarType = 'thechamp_avatar';
$userId = 0;
if($avuser > 0){
$userId = $avuser;
if(property_exists($avuser, 'user_id') AND is_numeric($avuser->user_id)){
$userId = $avuser->user_id;
$user = get_user_by('email', $avuser);
$userId = isset($user->ID) ? $user->ID : 0;
if($avatarType == 'thechamp_large_avatar' && get_user_meta($userId, $avatarType, true) == ''){
$avatarType = 'thechamp_avatar';
if(!empty($userId) && ($userAvatar = get_user_meta($userId, $avatarType, true)) !== false && strlen(trim($userAvatar)) > 0){
return '<img alt="' . esc_attr($alt) . '" src="' . $userAvatar . '" class="avatar avatar-' . $size . ' " height="' . $size . '" width="' . $size . '" style="height:'. $size .'px;width:'. $size .'px" />';
return $avatar;
if(isset($theChampLoginOptions['avatar']) && $theChampLoginOptions['avatar'] == 1){
add_filter('get_avatar', 'the_champ_social_avatar', 10, 5);
add_filter('bp_core_fetch_avatar', 'the_champ_buddypress_avatar', 10, 2);
* Enable social avatar in Buddypress
function the_champ_buddypress_avatar($text, $args){
if(!empty($args['object']) && strtolower($args['object']) == 'user'){
if(!empty($args['item_id']) && is_numeric($args['item_id'])){
if(($userData = get_userdata($args['item_id'])) !== false){
global $theChampLoginOptions;
if(isset($theChampLoginOptions['avatar_quality']) && $theChampLoginOptions['avatar_quality'] == 'better'){
$avatarType = 'thechamp_large_avatar';
$avatarType = 'thechamp_avatar';
if($avatarType == 'thechamp_large_avatar' && get_user_meta($args['item_id'], $avatarType, true) == ''){
$avatarType = 'thechamp_avatar';
$avatar = '';
if(($userAvatar = get_user_meta($args['item_id'], $avatarType, true)) !== false && strlen(trim($userAvatar)) > 0){
$avatar = $userAvatar;
if($avatar != ""){
$imgAlt = (!empty($args['alt']) ? 'alt="'.esc_attr($args['alt']).'" ' : '');
$imgAlt = sprintf($imgAlt, htmlspecialchars($userData->user_login));
$imgClass = ('class="'.(!empty ($args['class']) ? ($args['class'].' ') : '').'avatar-social-login" ');
$imgWidth = (!empty ($args['width']) ? 'width="'.$args['width'].'" ' : 'width="50"');
$imgHeight = (!empty ($args['height']) ? 'height="'.$args['height'].'" ' : 'height="50"');
$text = preg_replace('#<img[^>]+>#i', '<img src="'.$avatar.'" '.$imgAlt.$imgClass.$imgHeight.$imgWidth.' style="float:left; margin-right:10px" />', $text);
return $text;
* Format social profile data
function the_champ_format_profile_data($profileData, $provider){
$temp = array();
if($provider == 'twitter'){
$temp['id'] = isset($profileData -> id) ? $profileData -> id : '';
$temp['email'] = isset($profileData -> email) ? $profileData -> email : '';
$temp['name'] = isset($profileData -> name) ? $profileData -> name : '';
$temp['username'] = isset($profileData -> screen_name) ? $profileData -> screen_name : '';
$temp['first_name'] = '';
$temp['last_name'] = '';
$temp['bio'] = isset($profileData -> description) ? $profileData -> description : '';
$temp['link'] = $temp['username'] != '' ? ''.$temp['username'] : '';
$temp['avatar'] = isset($profileData -> profile_image_url) ? $profileData -> profile_image_url : '';
$temp['large_avatar'] = $temp['avatar'] != '' ? str_replace('_normal', '', $temp['avatar']) : '';
}elseif($provider == 'twitch'){
$temp['id'] = isset($profileData['_id']) ? $profileData['_id'] : '';
$temp['email'] = isset($profileData['email']) && $profileData['email'] != null ? $profileData['email'] : '';
$temp['name'] = isset($profileData['name']) && $profileData['name'] != null ? $profileData['name'] : '';
$temp['username'] = isset($profileData['display_name']) && $profileData['display_name'] != null ? $profileData['display_name'] : '';
$temp['first_name'] = '';
$temp['last_name'] = '';
$temp['bio'] = isset($profileData['bio']) && $profileData['bio'] != null ? $profileData['bio'] : '';
$temp['link'] = '';
$temp['avatar'] = isset($profileData['logo']) && $profileData['logo'] != null ? $profileData['logo'] : '';
$temp['large_avatar'] = '';
}elseif($provider == 'steam'){
$temp['id'] = isset($profileData->steamID64) ? (string) $profileData->steamID64 : '';
$temp['email'] = '';
$temp['name'] = isset($profileData->realname) ? (string) $profileData->realname : '';
$temp['username'] = isset($profileData->steamID) ? (string) $profileData->steamID : '';
$temp['first_name'] = '';
$temp['last_name'] = '';
$temp['bio'] = isset($profileData->summary) ? (string) $profileData->summary : '';
$temp['link'] = '' . $temp['id'];
$temp['avatar'] = isset($profileData->avatarMedium) ? (string) $profileData->avatarMedium : '';
$temp['large_avatar'] = isset($profileData->avatarFull) ? (string) $profileData->avatarFull : '';
}elseif($provider == 'xing'){
$temp['id'] = isset($profileData -> id) ? $profileData -> id : '';
$temp['email'] = isset($profileData -> active_email) ? $profileData -> active_email : '';;
$temp['name'] = isset($profileData -> display_name) ? $profileData -> display_name : '';
$temp['username'] = '';
$temp['first_name'] = isset($profileData -> first_name) ? $profileData -> first_name : '';
$temp['last_name'] = isset($profileData -> last_name) ? $profileData -> last_name : '';
$temp['bio'] = '';
$temp['link'] = isset($profileData -> permalink) ? $profileData -> permalink : '';
$temp['avatar'] = isset($profileData -> photo_urls -> medium_thumb) ? $profileData -> photo_urls -> medium_thumb : '';
$temp['large_avatar'] = isset($profileData -> photo_urls -> size_original) ? $profileData -> photo_urls -> size_original : '';
}elseif($provider == 'linkedin'){
$temp['id'] = isset($profileData['id']) ? $profileData['id'] : '';
$temp['email'] = isset($profileData['emailAddress']) ? $profileData['emailAddress'] : '';
$temp['name'] = '';
$temp['username'] = '';
$temp['first_name'] = isset($profileData['firstName']) ? $profileData['firstName'] : '';
$temp['last_name'] = isset($profileData['lastName']) ? $profileData['lastName'] : '';
$temp['bio'] = isset($profileData['headline']) ? $profileData['headline'] : '';
$temp['link'] = isset($profileData['publicProfileUrl']) ? $profileData['publicProfileUrl'] : '';
$temp['avatar'] = isset($profileData['pictureUrl']) ? $profileData['pictureUrl'] : '';
$temp['large_avatar'] = isset($profileData['pictureUrls']) && isset($profileData['pictureUrls']['values']) && isset($profileData['pictureUrls']['values'][0]) ? $profileData['pictureUrls']['values'][0] : '';
}elseif($provider == 'google'){
$temp['id'] = isset($profileData['id']) ? $profileData['id'] : '';
$temp['email'] = '';
foreach($profileData['emails'] as $email){
if(isset($email['value']) && $email['value'] != ''){
$temp['email'] = $email['value'];
$temp['name'] = isset($profileData['displayName']) ? $profileData['displayName'] : '';
$temp['username'] = '';
$temp['first_name'] = isset($profileData['name']) && isset($profileData['name']['givenName']) ? $profileData['name']['givenName'] : '';
$temp['last_name'] = isset($profileData['name']) && isset($profileData['name']['familyName']) ? $profileData['name']['familyName'] : '';
$temp['bio'] = '';
$temp['link'] = isset($profileData['url']) ? $profileData['url'] : '';
$temp['avatar'] = isset($profileData['image']['url']) ? $profileData['image']['url'] : '';
$temp['large_avatar'] = $temp['avatar'] != '' ? str_replace('?sz=50', '', $temp['avatar']) : '';
}elseif($provider == 'vkontakte'){
$temp['id'] = isset($profileData['uid']) ? $profileData['uid'] : '';
$temp['email'] = '';
$temp['name'] = isset($profileData['nickname']) ? $profileData['nickname'] : '';
$temp['username'] = '';
$temp['first_name'] = isset($profileData['first_name']) ? $profileData['first_name'] : '';
$temp['last_name'] = isset($profileData['last_name']) ? $profileData['last_name'] : '';
$temp['bio'] = '';
$temp['link'] = isset($profileData['uid']) ? '' . $profileData['uid'] : '';
$temp['avatar'] = isset($profileData['photo']) ? $profileData['photo'] : '';
$temp['large_avatar'] = isset($profileData['photo_big']) ? $profileData['photo_big'] : '';
}elseif($provider == 'instagram'){
$temp['id'] = isset($profileData -> id) ? $profileData -> id : '';
$temp['email'] = '';
$temp['name'] = isset($profileData -> full_name) ? $profileData -> full_name : '';
$temp['username'] = isset($profileData -> username) ? $profileData -> username : '';
$temp['first_name'] = '';
$temp['last_name'] = '';
$temp['bio'] = isset($profileData -> bio) ? $profileData -> bio : '';
$temp['link'] = isset($profileData -> website) ? $profileData -> website : '';
$temp['avatar'] = isset($profileData -> profile_picture) ? $profileData -> profile_picture : '';
$temp['large_avatar'] = '';
$temp['avatar'] = str_replace( 'http://', '//', $temp['avatar'] );
$temp['large_avatar'] = str_replace( 'http://', '//', $temp['large_avatar'] );
$temp = apply_filters('the_champ_hook_format_profile_data', $temp, $profileData, $provider);
$temp['name'] = isset($temp['name'][0]) && ctype_upper($temp['name'][0]) ? ucfirst(sanitize_user($temp['name'], true)) : sanitize_user($temp['name'], true);
$temp['username'] = isset($temp['username'][0]) && ctype_upper($temp['username'][0]) ? ucfirst(sanitize_user($temp['username'], true)) : sanitize_user($temp['username'], true);
$temp['first_name'] = isset($temp['first_name'][0]) && ctype_upper($temp['first_name'][0]) ? ucfirst(sanitize_user($temp['first_name'], true)) : sanitize_user($temp['first_name'], true);
$temp['last_name'] = isset($temp['last_name'][0]) && ctype_upper($temp['last_name'][0]) ? ucfirst(sanitize_user($temp['last_name'], true)) : sanitize_user($temp['last_name'], true);
$temp['provider'] = $provider;
return $temp;
* User authentication after Social Login
function the_champ_user_auth($profileData, $provider = 'facebook', $twitterRedirect = ''){
global $theChampLoginOptions, $user_ID;
if($provider != 'facebook'){
$profileData = the_champ_format_profile_data($profileData, $provider);
$profileData['provider'] = 'facebook';
// social avatar url
$profileData['avatar'] = "//" . $profileData['id'] . "/picture?type=square";
$profileData['large_avatar'] = "//" . $profileData['id'] . "/picture?type=large";
// authenticate user
// check if Social ID exists in database
if($profileData['id'] == ''){
return array('status' => false, 'message' => '');
$existingUser = get_users('meta_key=thechamp_social_id&meta_value='.$profileData['id']);
// login redirection url
$loginUrl = '';
if(isset($theChampLoginOptions['login_redirection']) && $theChampLoginOptions['login_redirection'] == 'bp_profile'){
$loginUrl = 'bp';
if(count($existingUser) > 0){
// user exists in the database
if(isset($existingUser[0] -> ID)){
// check if account needs verification
if(get_user_meta($existingUser[0] -> ID, 'thechamp_key', true) != ''){
if(!in_array($profileData['provider'], array('twitter', 'instagram', 'steam'))){
wp_delete_user($existingUser[0] -> ID);
the_champ_link_account($socialId, $provider, $user_ID);
return array('status' => true, 'message' => 'linked');
return array('status' => false, 'message' => 'unverified');
wp_delete_user($existingUser[0] -> ID);
the_champ_link_account($profileData['id'], $profileData['provider'], $user_ID);
the_champ_close_login_popup(admin_url() . '/profile.php'); //** may be BP profile/custom profile page/wp profile page
return array('status' => false, 'message' => 'not linked');
// hook to update profile data
do_action('the_champ_hook_update_profile_data', $existingUser[0] -> ID, $profileData);
// update Xprofile fields
if(isset($theChampLoginOptions['xprofile_mapping']) && is_array($theChampLoginOptions['xprofile_mapping'])){
foreach($theChampLoginOptions['xprofile_mapping'] as $key => $val){
global $wpdb;
$value = '';
$value = $profileData[$val];
$wpdb -> prefix . 'bp_xprofile_data',
'value' => $value,
'last_updated' => '',
'field_id' => $wpdb -> get_var( $wpdb -> prepare( "SELECT id FROM " . $wpdb -> prefix . "bp_xprofile_fields WHERE name = %s", $key) ),
'user_id' => $existingUser[0] -> ID
the_champ_login_user($existingUser[0] -> ID, $profileData, $profileData['id'], true);
// if logging in first time after email verification
if(get_user_meta($existingUser[0] -> ID, 'thechamp_social_registration', true)){
delete_user_meta($existingUser[0] -> ID, 'thechamp_social_registration');
if(isset($theChampLoginOptions['register_redirection']) && $theChampLoginOptions['register_redirection'] == 'bp_profile'){
return array('status' => true, 'message' => 'register', 'url' => bp_core_get_user_domain($existingUser[0] -> ID));
return array('status' => true, 'message' => 'register');
return array('status' => true, 'message' => '', 'url' => ($loginUrl == 'bp' ? bp_core_get_user_domain($existingUser[0] -> ID) : ''));
// check if id in linked accounts
global $wpdb;
$existingUserId = $wpdb -> get_var('SELECT user_id FROM ' . $wpdb -> prefix . 'usermeta WHERE meta_key = "thechamp_linked_accounts" and meta_value LIKE "%'. $profileData['id'] .'%"');
return array('status' => false, 'message' => 'not linked');
the_champ_login_user($existingUserId, $profileData, $profileData['id'], true);
return array('status' => true, 'message' => '', 'url' => ($loginUrl == 'bp' ? bp_core_get_user_domain($existingUserId) : ''));
// linking
global $user_ID;
$providerExists = $wpdb -> get_var('SELECT user_id FROM ' . $wpdb -> prefix . 'usermeta WHERE user_id = '. $user_ID .' and meta_key = "thechamp_linked_accounts" and meta_value LIKE "%'. $profileData['provider'] .'%"');
return array('status' => false, 'message' => 'provider exists');
the_champ_link_account($profileData['id'], $profileData['provider'], $user_ID);
return array('status' => true, 'message' => 'linked');
// if email is blank
if(!isset($profileData['email']) || $profileData['email'] == ''){
if(!isset($theChampLoginOptions['email_required']) || $theChampLoginOptions['email_required'] != 1){
// generate dummy email
$profileData['email'] = $profileData['id'].'@'.$provider.'.com';
// save temporary data
if($twitterRedirect != ''){
$profileData['twitter_redirect'] = $twitterRedirect;
$serializedProfileData = maybe_serialize($profileData);
$uniqueId = mt_rand();
update_user_meta($uniqueId, 'the_champ_temp_data', $serializedProfileData);
if(!in_array($profileData['provider'], array('twitter', 'instagram', 'xing', 'steam'))){
return array('status' => false, 'message' => 'ask email|' . $uniqueId);
// check if email exists in database
if(isset($profileData['email']) && $userId = email_exists($profileData['email'])){
// email exists in WP DB
the_champ_login_user($userId, $profileData, '', true);
the_champ_link_account($profileData['id'], $profileData['provider'], $userId);
return array('status' => true, 'message' => '', 'url' => ($loginUrl == 'bp' ? bp_core_get_user_domain($userId) : ''));
$customRedirection = apply_filters('the_champ_before_user_registration', '', $profileData);
return $customRedirection;
do_action('the_champ_before_registration', $profileData);
// register user
$userId = the_champ_create_user($profileData);
the_champ_login_user($userId, $profileData, $profileData['id'], false);
if(isset($theChampLoginOptions['register_redirection']) && $theChampLoginOptions['register_redirection'] == 'bp_profile'){
return array('status' => true, 'message' => 'register', 'url' => bp_core_get_user_domain($userId));
return array('status' => true, 'message' => 'register');
return array('status' => false, 'message' => '');
function the_champ_link_account($socialId, $provider, $userId){
$linkedAccounts = get_user_meta($userId, 'thechamp_linked_accounts', true);
$linkedAccounts = maybe_unserialize($linkedAccounts);
$linkedAccounts = array();
$linkedAccounts[$provider] = $socialId;
update_user_meta($userId, 'thechamp_linked_accounts', maybe_serialize($linkedAccounts));
* User authentication ajax after Social login.
function the_champ_user_auth_ajax(){
the_champ_ajax_response(array('status' => 0, 'message' => 'Invalid request'));
$profileData = $_POST['profileData'];
$response = the_champ_user_auth($profileData, esc_attr($_POST['provider']), esc_attr(urldecode($_POST['redirectionUrl'])));
add_action('wp_ajax_the_champ_user_auth', 'the_champ_user_auth_ajax');
add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_the_champ_user_auth', 'the_champ_user_auth_ajax');
* Ask email in a popup
function the_champ_ask_email(){
global $theChampLoginOptions;
echo isset($theChampLoginOptions['email_popup_text']) && $theChampLoginOptions['email_popup_text'] != '' ? '<div style="margin-top: 5px">'.$theChampLoginOptions['email_popup_text'].'</div>' : ''; ?>
<style type="text/css">
div.tb-close-icon{ display: none }
<div id="the_champ_error" style="margin: 2px 0px;"></div>
<div style="margin: 6px 0 15px 0;"><input placeholder="<?php _e('Email', 'Super-Socializer') ?>" type="text" id="the_champ_email" /></div>
<div style="margin: 6px 0 15px 0;"><input placeholder="<?php _e('Confirm email', 'Super-Socializer') ?>" type="text" id="the_champ_confirm_email" /></div>
<button type="button" id="save" onclick="the_champ_save_email(this)"><?php _e('Save', 'Super-Socializer') ?></button>
<button type="button" id="cancel" onclick="the_champ_save_email(this)"><?php _e('Cancel', 'Super-Socializer') ?></button>
add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_the_champ_ask_email', 'the_champ_ask_email');
* Save email submitted in popup
function the_champ_save_email(){
$elementId = trim($_POST['elemId']);
if(isset($_POST['id']) && ($id = trim($_POST['id'])) != ''){
if($elementId == 'save'){
global $theChampLoginOptions;
$email = isset($_POST['email']) ? trim(esc_attr($_POST['email'])) : '';
// validate email
if(is_email($email) && !email_exists($email)){
if(($tempData = get_user_meta($id, 'the_champ_temp_data', true)) != ''){
delete_user_meta($id, 'the_champ_temp_data');
// get temp data unserialized
$tempData = maybe_unserialize($tempData);
$tempData['email'] = $email;
if(isset($theChampLoginOptions['email_verification']) && $theChampLoginOptions['email_verification'] == 1){
$verify = true;
$verify = false;
$customRedirection = apply_filters('the_champ_before_user_registration', '', $tempData);
do_action('the_champ_before_registration', $tempData);
// create new user
$userId = the_champ_create_user($tempData, $verify);
if($userId && !$verify){
// login user
$tempData['askemail'] = 1;
the_champ_login_user($userId, $tempData, $tempData['id']);
if(isset($theChampLoginOptions['register_redirection']) && $theChampLoginOptions['register_redirection'] == 'same' && isset($tempData['twitter_redirect'])){
the_champ_ajax_response(array('status' => 1, 'message' => array('response' => 'success', 'url' => $tempData['twitter_redirect'])));
}elseif(isset($theChampLoginOptions['register_redirection']) && $theChampLoginOptions['register_redirection'] == 'bp_profile'){
the_champ_ajax_response(array('status' => 1, 'message' => array('response' => 'success', 'url' => bp_core_get_user_domain($userId))));
the_champ_ajax_response(array('status' => 1, 'message' => 'success'));
}elseif($userId && $verify){
$verificationKey = $userId.time().mt_rand();
update_user_meta($userId, 'thechamp_key', $verificationKey);
update_user_meta($userId, 'thechamp_social_registration', 1);
the_champ_send_verification_email($email, $verificationKey);
the_champ_ajax_response(array('status' => 1, 'message' => 'verify'));
the_champ_ajax_response(array('status' => 0, 'message' => isset($theChampLoginOptions['email_error_message']) ? __($theChampLoginOptions['email_error_message'], 'Super-Socializer') : ''));
// delete temporary data
delete_user_meta($id, 'the_champ_temp_data');
the_champ_ajax_response(array('status' => 1, 'message' => 'cancelled'));
add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_the_champ_save_email', 'the_champ_save_email');
* Send verification email to user.
function the_champ_send_verification_email($receiverEmail, $verificationKey){
$subject = "[".wp_specialchars_decode(trim(get_option('blogname')), ENT_QUOTES)."] " . __('Email Verification', 'Super-Socializer');
$url = home_url()."?SuperSocializerKey=".$verificationKey;
$message = __("Please click on the following link or paste it in browser to verify your email", 'Super-Socializer') . "\r\n" . $url;
wp_mail($receiverEmail, $subject, $message);
* Prevent Social Login if registration is disabled
function heateor_ss_disable_social_registration($profileData){
global $theChampLoginOptions;
the_champ_ajax_response(array('status' => false, 'message' => 'registration disabled'));
add_action('the_champ_before_registration', 'heateor_ss_disable_social_registration', 10, 1);
* Send new user notification email
function heateor_ss_new_user_notification($userId){
global $theChampLoginOptions;
$notificationType = '';
$notificationType = 'both';
$notificationType = 'admin';
wp_new_user_notification($userId, null, $notificationType);
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