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Created April 3, 2024 14:30
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function Get-ADAccountInformation {
Retrieves detailed Active Directory account information for a specified user.
This function provides the following information about an AD user:
* Enabled status
* Lockout status (if locked out)
* Lockout time (if locked out, both local and UTC)
* Whether the lockout occurred after the last password change (if locked out)
* Password status (expired, expiration date, or time since expiration)
* Password last set date and time
* Account expiration status (if applicable)
* Account expiration date and time (if applicable, both local and UTC)
The function can find users by their TMID (employee ID).
The user's TMID (employee ID).
Get-ADAccountInformation -TMID adm.t1.2340508
Get-ADAccountInformation -TMID 123456
# Scenario 1: Active account, password not expired
Get-ADAccountInformation -TMID jsmith | Format-List
Name : Jane Smith
Enabled : True
AccountExpired : False
LockedOut : False
PasswordExpired : False
PasswordExpires : 6/3/2024 4:50:00 PM
# Scenario 2: Account locked out, password expired
Get-ADAccountInformation -TMID bbrown | Format-List
Name : Bob Brown
Enabled : True
AccountExpired : False
PasswordLastSet : 1/2/2024 5:04:35 PM
LockedOut : True
LockoutTime : 4/3/2024 9:21:15 AM
LockoutTimeUTC : 4/3/2024 2:21:15 PM
LockedAfterPasswordSet : False
PasswordExpired : True
PasswordExpiredSince : 4/2/2024 5:04:35 PM
# Scenario 3: Expired account
Get-ADAccountInformation -TMID ajones | Format-List
Name : Alex Jones
Enabled : True
AccountExpired : True
AccountExpirationDate : 3/28/2024 9:31:00 AM
AccountExpirationDateUTC : 3/28/2024 2:31:00 PM
PasswordLastSet : 1/29/2024 11:15:22 PM
PasswordExpired : False
LockedOut : False
# Scenario 4: Active account, locked out, password not expired
Get-ADAccountInformation -TMID cjohnson | Format-List
Name : Chris Johnson
Enabled : True
AccountExpired : False
PasswordLastSet : 3/22/2024 2:45:39 PM
PasswordExpired : False
LockedOut : True
LockoutTime : 4/3/2024 10:55:01 AM
LockoutTimeUTC : 4/3/2024 3:55:01 PM
LockedAfterPasswordSet : True
Param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[string] $TMID
if ($TMID -match 'adm|aad') {
$user = Get-ADUser -Filter { SamAccountName -eq $TMID }
else {
$user = Get-ADUser -Filter "employeeid -eq '$TMID'" -Properties '*'
$userInfo = [PSCustomObject][ordered]@{
Name = $user.Name
Enabled = $user.Enabled
AccountExpired = if ($user.AccountExpirationDate) { 'True' } else { 'False' }
LockedOut = $user.LockedOut
PasswordExpired = $user.PasswordExpired
if ($user.PasswordExpired) {
$userInfo.PasswordExpiredSince = ($user.PasswordLastSet).AddDays(90)
else {
$userInfo.PasswordExpires = (Get-Date $user.PasswordLastSet).AddDays(90)
if ($user.lockoutTime) {
$userInfo += @{
PasswordLastSet = Get-Date $user.PasswordLastSet
LockoutTime = (Get-Date $user.lockoutTime).ToLocalTime()
LockoutTimeUTC = Get-Date $user.lockoutTime
LockedAfterPasswordSet = ((Get-Date $user.lockoutTime) -le $user.PasswordLastSet)
if ($user.AccountExpired) {
$userInfo += @{
AccountExpirationDate = (Get-Date $user.AccountExpirationDate).ToLocalTime()
AccountExpirationDateUTC = Get-Date $user.AccountExpirationDate
Write-Output $userInfo
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