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Created December 18, 2020 23:15
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  • Save Hefeweizen/cb4954a9b29fdf9842e3e6188efcecee to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Hefeweizen/cb4954a9b29fdf9842e3e6188efcecee to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
My company uses Github for repo storage. I generally check out work repos to ~/Workspace. Other stuff, like my ~/dotfiles are going to other directories. So, here, I use my company wide id_ed25519 key for ssh access to github if I'm in '*/Workspace'. Otherwise, I use credentials scoped to my personal Github account.
Host *
PermitLocalCommand yes
StrictHostKeyChecking ask
User git
IdentitiesOnly yes
Match Host exec "pwd | grep '/Workspace' > /dev/null"
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_ed25519
Match Host !exec "pwd | grep '/Workspace' > /dev/null"
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/gh_hefeweizen
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