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Created December 22, 2016 16:37
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Demonstration of why not to use the with statement.
* how_with_works.js 2016.12.22 HeilTec
* To demonstrate how the 'with' statement works and why it can hide mistakes
* this code outlines some of the possible outcomes of this construction:
* --------------------------
* | with (unknownObject) { |
* | result = value |
* | } |
* --------------------------
* In a nodejs process the global object is named 'global' and in a browser it is called 'window'
* to test the 4 outcomes that doesn't fail uncomment any one of the following:
// unknownObject = { other:0 }; value = 111;
// unknownObject = { result: undefined }; value = 222;
// unknownObject = { value: 333 };
// unknownObject = { result: undefined, value: 444 };
* Provoke bad errors by uncommenting one of these.
// var unknownObject;
// var unknownObject=1;
simulate = 1;
if (simulate) {
try {
if (!unknownObject) { // falsy fails if not defined
console.error('The unknownObject was null or undefined');
} else {
if (Object.keys(unknownObject).indexOf('value') === -1) {
if (Object.keys(unknownObject).indexOf('result') === -1) {
try {
result = value; // global.result = global.value
} catch(e){
console.error('The value was never allocated', e.message);
} else {
unknownObject.result = value; // global.value
} else {
if (Object.keys(unknownObject).indexOf('result') === -1) {
result = unknownObject.value; // global.result
} else {
unknownObject.result = unknownObject.value; // Both in the object
catch(e) {
console.error('The unknownObject was never allocated\r\n', e.message);
} else {
try {
with (unknownObject) { // [jshint] Don't use 'with'. (W085)
result = value;
} catch(e) {
console.log('Runtime: ', e.message);
* Some mistakes are caught by runtime.
* Reference errors will occur when the object is not defined
* or the global.value is used and not defined.
* Notice that it is only through try/catch that 'undefined' can be differentiated from not defined.
try {
console.log('unknownObject.result: ', unknownObject.result);
} catch(e) {
console.log('Result: ', e.message);
try {
console.log('global.result: ', result);
} catch(e) {
console.log('Result: ', e.message);
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