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Last active May 13, 2021 13:54
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
// For clarity. In haskell, standard Dictionary is called "Map".
using Set1 = System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<int>;
using Map1 = System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<int, System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<int>>;
class Closure {
// Set to false to remove debug output.
public static bool enableDebug = true;
// This is in interface for an accumulator of `Close`.
// It can't be a real interface, because we cannot add implementations
// for exising types, such as `Set1` and `Map1`.
// However, `Close` requires these functions, so we pack'em in a struct
// and pass as a parameter there.
// Remember that `Accumulator<A>` is not `A`, but a pack of methods.
// Note: the functions ARE NOT expected to change their arguments!
// They must return new values, leaving arguments intact!
// I did it like that, because I started imperatively, but found that I'm
// unable to track the changes, and made it pure functional, so it won't
// blow up in my face.
public struct Accumulator<A>
public Func<A, A, A> Add { get; set; } // `A` can be added.
public Func<A, A, A> Remove { get; set; } // `A` can be subtracted.
public Func<A, Boolean> IsEmpty { get; set; } // `A` can be empty.
public Func<A, String> Show { get; set; } // `A` can be pretty-printed
public A Empty { get; set; } // There must exist an empty `A`.
// So, this is our function - "the transitive closure", or "call f until it
// stops changing the answer".
public static A Close<A>
( Accumulator<A> helper // a pack of methods to help is
, Func<A, A> f // a function we are finding a closure for
, A start // seed or initial value
A accum = start;
A workingSet = start;
while (true) {
if (enableDebug) {
Console.WriteLine($"workingSet = {helper.Show(workingSet)} --- accum = {helper.Show(accum)}");
workingSet = f(workingSet); // call `f`
workingSet = helper.Remove(workingSet, accum); // remove already visited points
if (helper.IsEmpty(workingSet)) { // nothing new?
return accum; // yes, exit
} else {
accum = helper.Add(workingSet, accum); // no, continue with new points only
// that's all!
// But, uhm, I can't let you go with just two things above.
// Here is an implementation of accumulator for `Set1` (aka `HashSet<int>`).
public static Accumulator<HashSet<T>> set<T>() => new Accumulator<HashSet<T>> {
// add two sets together
Add = (x, y) => {
var res = new HashSet<T>();
// yes, we copy `x` over
// that is because C# still has mutable collections only in its stdlib
// in 2021
// we can't be sure that changes in x will not shoot is in leg
foreach (var item in x) res.Add(item);
foreach (var item in y) res.Add(item);
return res;
// remove elements of `y` from `x`
// since `y` will be VERY BIG, and `x` kept small, we go over `x` here
Remove = (x, y) => {
var res = new HashSet<T>();
foreach (var item in x) {
if (!y.Contains(item)) res.Add(item);
return res;
// I really dunno what to write here.
IsEmpty = x => x.Count == 0,
// Debug toString(), because default ToString() is ABSO-FUCKING-LITELY USELESS.
Show = x => {
var acc = "{ ";
foreach (var item in x) {
acc += item.ToString() + " ";
return acc + "}";
Empty = new HashSet<T>(),
// Return a value at key, or an empty value if there is no such key.
// I will utilize the fact we have `Empty` field in `Accumulator` here.
static V atKey<K, V> (Accumulator<V> helper, K k, Dictionary<K, V> dict) =>
dict.ContainsKey(k)? dict[k] : helper.Empty;
// Given and `Accumulator` for `V`, make an `Accumulator` for `Dictionary<K, V>`.
public static Accumulator<Dictionary<K, V>> mapOf<K, V>
(Accumulator<V> set) =>
new Accumulator<Dictionary<K, V>> {
// merge 2 dictionaries togeter
Add = (x, y) => {
var res = new Dictionary<K, V>();
foreach (var pair in x) {
res.Add(pair.Key, pair.Value);
// Sadly, we must traverse the whole `y` here.
// in haskell/F# we'd have to pay only log(len(y)) cost, not len(y)
// but since our Dict is not a binary tree, here we are :(
// We technically could make it so the `y` is mutated, but that
// is an excercise left to reader ;)
foreach (var pair in y) {
var was = atKey<K, V>(set, pair.Key, x);
var neue = set.Add(was, pair.Value);
res.Remove(pair.Key); // Throwing an exception if Add(k, ...) finds k? Orly?
res.Add(pair.Key, neue);
return res;
// subtract y from x
Remove = (x, y) => {
var res = new Dictionary<K, V>();
// again, we only traversing `x`
foreach (var pair in x) {
var val = atKey(set, pair.Key, y);
var neue = set.Remove(pair.Value, val);
if (!set.IsEmpty(neue))
res.Add(pair.Key, neue);
return res;
IsEmpty = x => x.Count == 0,
Show = x => {
var acc = "{ ";
foreach (var item in x) {
acc += item.Key.ToString() + ": " + set.Show(item.Value) + ", ";
return acc + "}";
Empty = new Dictionary<K, V>(),
// An analogue of `foldMap` from haskell: map `f` to an container, then `Accumulate`
// that container into a single value using fields of `helper`.
// We can emulate it with a.ConvertAll(k).Accumulate(helper.Add, helper.Empty)
// but mmm, eeh, VSCode doesn't show me those methods after I type "."
public static C FoldMap<A, B, C>(Accumulator<C> helper, A a, Func<B, C> k) where A : IEnumerable<B> {
var res = helper.Empty;
foreach (var item in a) {
res = helper.Add(res, k(item));
return res;
// Memoise a function into a Dict, given a set of possible inputs.
public static Dictionary<A, HashSet<B>> Memoise<A, B>(HashSet<A> inputs, Func<A, HashSet<B>> f) {
var res = new Dictionary<A, HashSet<B>>();
foreach (var input in inputs) {
res.Add(input, f(input));
return res;
// Turn a Dict into a function.
public static Func<A, HashSet<B>> Use<A, B>(Dictionary<A, HashSet<B>> memo) =>
input => atKey<A, HashSet<B>>(set<B>(), input, memo);
// Okay, so we have the machinery we need to run stuff now.
// This function finds and prints a closure of `nextItem` with a set of { 1 }
// as an initial value.
static void WithSet(Accumulator<Set1> set, Func<int, Set1> nextItem) {
var start = new Set1 { 1 };
// We call `nextItem` for all elements of the set, and then merge results
// into another set. That's why this foldmap is here - otherwise it would
// be a fucking 7-line lambda. But we have generalised it as `FoldMap`.
var end = Close(set, items => FoldMap(set, items, nextItem), start);
Console.WriteLine("Result: " + set.Show(end));
// More complex example: a closure that works with map - or rather makes a map
// off a function.
static void WithMap(Accumulator<Map1> map, Func<int, Set1> next) {
// I fucking hate Java, C# and other languages where type inference is
// _that_ shitty.
// I even had to annotate generic types for `FoldMap`! Like seriously!
// So, um, this function takes a (key, set), produces a new map
// for each element of the set and then merges them all into one map.
// Key is ignored.
Func<KeyValuePair<int, Set1>, Map1>
nextItem = pair =>
FoldMap<Set1, int, Map1>(map, pair.Value, x =>
new Map1 { { x, next(x) } });
var start = new Map1 { {1, next(1) } };
var end = Close(map, x => FoldMap(map, x, nextItem), start);
Console.WriteLine("Result: " + map.Show(end));
public static void Main(string[] args) {
// This is the function we are working with.
// We can think of it as a "neighbour" relation in graph.
Func<int, Set1> nextItem = item => new Set1 { (item + 1) % 10, (item + 2) % 10};
var helper = set<int>();
var helper1 = mapOf<int, Set1>(helper);
// Collect all reachable points of the graph, using the function as single-stepper.
WithSet(helper, nextItem);
// Generate the whole graph using the function as single-stepper.
WithMap(helper1, nextItem);
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