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Created May 25, 2014 12:56
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Lambda calculus interpreter (with atoms, integers, bifs & ability to force a value calculation) to play with.
module AST where
data AST
= [Name] :=> AST
| Name :? AST
| App [AST]
| Atom String
| Const Integer
| Force AST
| Var Name
| BIF Name
type Name = String
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase, ViewPatterns #-}
module Eval where
import Control.Applicative hiding (Const)
import AST
eval :: AST -> IO AST
eval body
| stump body = return body
eval body = case body of
[] :=> ast -> return ast
label :? ast -> return ast
App [item] -> return item
App (a : b : rest) -> (App . (: rest)) <$> a <== b
Force ast | stump ast -> return ast
Force ast -> Force <$> eval ast
Var name -> fail $ "free var " ++ name
stump = \case
(_:_) :=> _ -> True
Atom _ -> True
Const _ -> True
other -> False
-- a <== b | stump a = fail $ "<" ++ show a ++ "> is not a valid target to pass <" ++ show b ++ ">"
a <== b = case a of
BIF bif -> fail "bifs aren't supported yet"
(name : args) :=> ast -> inject name b (args :=> ast)
other -> (<== b) =<< eval a
inject name arg = \case
args :=> ast
| name `elem` args -> return $ args :=> ast
| otherwise -> (args :=>) <$> inject name arg ast
label :? ast -> (label :?) <$> inject name arg ast
App items -> App <$> mapM (inject name arg) items
Force ast -> Force <$> inject name arg ast
Var n | n == name -> return $ arg
Var n -> return $ Var n
other -> return other
module Lang0 where
import Control.Applicative hiding (many, (<|>), Const)
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import AST
load :: String -> IO AST
load file = do
text <- readFile file
case parse program file text of
Left err -> error (show err)
Right a -> return a
program :: Parser AST
program = app
app :: Parser AST
app = do
objects <- point `sepEndBy1` spaces
return $ case length objects of
1 -> head objects
_ -> App objects
point :: Parser AST
point = var
<|> bif
<|> atom
<|> constant
<|> forced
<|> lambda
<|> "()" `bracketed` program
forced, atom, bif, var, constant :: Parser AST
forced = do char '!'; Force <$> "()" `bracketed` program
atom = do char ':'; Atom <$> name
bif = do char '#'; BIF <$> name
var = Var <$> name
constant = (Const . read) <$> many1 digit
name :: Parser Name
name = (:)
<$> letter
<*> many (letter <|> digit <|> char '-')
lambda :: Parser AST
lambda = do
char '\\'
args <- name `sepEndBy1` spaces
string "->"
(args :=>) <$> program
[l, r] `bracketed` parser = char l *> parser <* char r
import AST
import PP
import Lang0
import Eval
main = putStrLn . pretty =<< eval =<< load ""
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
module PP where
import Data.String.Utils
import AST
data ShowConf
= Init
| Tail
| Inside
| LambdaBody
deriving Eq
bracket f x = if f then "(" ++ x ++ ")" else x
instance Show AST where
show = pretty
pretty = prettyShow LambdaBody
prettyShow :: ShowConf -> AST -> String
prettyShow conf = \case
args :=> body -> case body of
-- joining lambdas
args2 :=> body ->
prettyShow conf $ (args ++ args2) :=> body
other -> bracket (conf /= Tail) $
"\\" ++ join " " args ++ " -> " ++ pretty body
label :? _program ->
label ++ ".."
App [item] ->
prettyShow conf item
App items -> case head items of
App subs ->
prettyShow conf $ App $ subs ++ tail items
other -> bracket (conf /= LambdaBody) $
let (h : rest) = items
(t, center) = (last rest, init rest)
start = prettyShow Init h
end = prettyShow Tail t
between = prettyShow Inside `map` center
join " " $ start : between ++ [end]
Atom atom -> ':' : atom
Const int -> show int
Force program -> "!(" ++ (pretty program) ++ ")"
Var name -> name
BIF name -> '#' : name
(\let ->
let (\a b def f -> f a (b def f)) \cons ->
let (\ def f -> def ) \nil ->
let (\as bs -> as bs cons) \append ->
let (\a b -> a) \head ->
let (\test -> test nil \a b -> append b (cons a nil)) \reverse ->
let (\as def -> reverse as def head) \last ->
let (cons :FIRST (cons :SECOND (cons :THIRD nil))) \test ->
last test :NONE
\x env -> env x
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