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Created November 2, 2012 08:11
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Types for router
module Instances where
import Control.Monad
import Types
-- For debugging
instance Show Response where
show result = show (code result) ++ ": "
++ response result
instance Show Id where
show (Slug slug) = "#" ++ slug
show (Const const) = const
| The idea is: there is an routing tree, which has nodes and leafs:
node :: state -> state?
leaf :: state -> response?
("?" means nullability)
We have two operators:
node + node -> node,
node + leaf -> leaf;
leaf * leaf -> leaf.
Obviously, each multiplication chain must end with^W^W be a leaf,
because only leaf could produce response - the node is a service object
made to prefixate it and pre-change environ;
otherwise, you will have an runtime error.
instance Num Router where
RouterNode granny * RouterNode mother = RouterNode $ granny >=> mother
RouterNode mother * RouterLeaf daughter = RouterLeaf $ mother >=> daughter
RouterLeaf left + RouterLeaf right = RouterLeaf $ first_succsessful [left, right]
abs _ = error "`abs` has no meaning for the router"
signum _ = error "`signum` has no meaning for the router"
fromInteger _ = error "`fromInteger` has no meaning for the router"
first_succsessful [] = \state -> Nothing
first_succsessful (action: rest) = \state -> msum [action state, first_succsessful rest state]
module Methods where
import Types
import Instances
resource name = RouterNode $ \state ->
case path state of
(top: rest) ->
if name == top
then let new_path = tail (path state)
new_parsed = parsed state ++ [Const name]
in Just $ RoutingState new_path new_parsed
else Nothing
_ -> Nothing
end point = RouterLeaf $ \state ->
if [point] == path state
then let new_parsed = parsed state ++ [Const point]
new_state = RoutingState [] new_parsed
in Just $ Response 200 (dump new_state)
else Nothing
nothing = RouterLeaf $ \state -> Nothing
route (RouterLeaf router) path = router $ RoutingState path []
dump state = show (parsed state)
identifier = RouterNode $ \state ->
case path state of
(id: rest) -> if all (`elem` ['0'..'9']) id
let new_parsed = parsed state ++ [Slug id]
in Just $ RoutingState rest new_parsed
else Nothing
_ -> Nothing
slug = RouterNode $ \state ->
case path state of
(id: rest) -> let new_parsed = parsed state ++ [Slug id]
in Just $ RoutingState rest new_parsed
_ -> Nothing
root = RouterLeaf $ \state ->
if path state == []
then Just $ Response 200 (dump state)
else Nothing
module RoutingStructure where
import Methods
import qualified Data.Map as Map
type Map = Map.Map
structure = space "v1"
`contains` entity_with (the "search" `And` the "foo") "users"
`Has` entity "projects"
`Has` entity "keys"
`Has` entity "translations"
`And` entity "locale"
data TestCase from to = from :=> to
requests = [["v1"] :=> "Just 200: [v1]",
["v1", "users"] :=> "Just 200: [v1,users]",
["v1", "users", "search"] :=> "Just 200: [v1,users,search]",
["v1", "users", "do_funny_things"] :=> "Nothing",
["v1", "users", "5", "projects", "6"] :=> "Just 200: [v1,users,#5,projects,#6]",
["v1", "users", "5", "projects", "6", "keys"] :=> "Nothing",
["v1", "projects"] :=> "Just 200: [v1,projects]",
["v1", "projects", "6"] :=> "Just 200: [v1,projects,#6]",
["v1", "projects", "6", "keys"] :=> "Just 200: [v1,projects,#6,keys]",
["v1", "projects", "6", "keys", "7"] :=> "Just 200: [v1,projects,#6,keys,#7]",
["v1", "projects", "6", "keys", "7", "translations"] :=> "Nothing",
["v1", "keys"] :=> "Just 200: [v1,keys]",
["v1", "keys", "7"] :=> "Just 200: [v1,keys,#7]",
["v1", "keys", "7", "translations"] :=> "Just 200: [v1,keys,#7,translations]",
["v1", "keys", "7", "translations", "7"] :=> "Just 200: [v1,keys,#7,translations,#7]"
main = print $ map (\ (from :=> to) ->
(show $ route (build_routes structure) from) == to)
data Structure a = Space String (Structure a)
| Class String (Structure a) (Structure a)
| Root a
| Structure a `Has` Structure a
| Structure a `And` Structure a
| Ability String
| Zero
deriving (Show, Eq)
infixr 7 `Has`
infixr 6 `And`
entity name = Class name Zero Zero
entity_with ability name = Class name Zero ability
the = Ability
space = Space
slash = Root ()
contains = ($)
infix 0 `contains`
build_routes (Space name rest) = resource name * (root + build_routes rest)
build_routes (Class name rest abilities) = resource name * (root + build_routes abilities + identifier * (root + end "edit" + end "delete" + build_routes rest))
build_routes (a `Has` b `Has` c) = build_routes (a `Has` b `And` b `Has` c)
build_routes (Class a rest abilities `Has` b) = build_routes (Class a (rest `And` b) abilities)
build_routes (a `And` b) = build_routes a + build_routes b
build_routes (Ability ability) = end ability
build_routes Zero = nothing
build_routes (Root _) = root
module Types where
data RoutingState = RoutingState { path :: [Element]
, parsed :: [Id] }
type Element = String
data Id = Slug { slug :: String }
| Const { table :: String }
data Response = Response { code :: Integer
, response :: String }
data Router = RouterNode (RoutingState -> Maybe RoutingState)
| RouterLeaf (RoutingState -> Maybe Response)
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