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Created August 20, 2022 20:34
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{- | Source of fresh names.
module Gensym where
data T s v = Gensym
{ gState :: s
, gStep :: s -> (v, s)
fromList :: [v] -> T [v] v
fromList vs = make vs \(v : vs) -> (v, vs)
make :: s -> (s -> (v, s)) -> T s v
make = Gensym
run :: T s v -> (v, T s v)
run (Gensym s step) =
let (v, s') = step s
in (v, Gensym s' step)
instance Show v => Show (T s v) where
show gen = do
let (v, _) = run gen
show v
{- | Type variable substitution.
module Subst where
import Data.Map qualified as Map
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Set qualified as Set
import Data.Set (Set)
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Term
{- | Substitution is implemented as a map. It is not left-biased, and there's
no composition - but you must check for cyclic terms before adding,
because application of a substitution is "apply until no variable is known".
data Subst t v = Subst
{ getSubst :: Map v (Term t v)
instance (Show v, Show (t (Term t v))) => Show (Subst t v) where
show (Subst sub) =
let list = Map.toList sub
pairs = map showPair list
in "[" <> intercalate ", " pairs <> "]"
showPair (v, t) = show v <> ": " <> show t
{- | Empty substitution list.
empty :: Ord v => Subst t v
empty = Subst mempty
{- | Add a substitution, unguarded.
add :: Ord v => v -> Term t v -> Subst t v -> Subst t v
add v t (Subst s) = Subst (Map.insert v t s)
{- | Add substitutions, unguarded.
addAll :: Ord v => [(v, Term t v)] -> Subst t v -> Subst t v
addAll d (Subst s) = Subst (Map.fromList d <> s)
{- | Recall a possible substitution for a type variable.
get :: Ord v => v -> Subst t v -> Maybe (Term t v)
get v (Subst s) = Map.lookup v s
{- | Check if term is cyclic.
occurs :: HasVars t v f => v -> f -> Bool
occurs v f = Set.member v (freeVars f)
{- | A property of containing type variables and ability to substitute them.
class Ord v => HasVars t v f | f -> t v where
freeVars :: f -> Set v
apply :: Subst t v -> f -> f
{- | A type is substitutable.
Note again that if substitutions produces a variable anywhere in output,
this variable will be searched and substituted as well.
instance (Ord v, Foldable t, Functor t) => HasVars t v (Term t v) where
freeVars = \case
Var v -> Set.singleton v
Term t -> foldMap freeVars t
apply sub = go
go = \case
Var v -> maybe (Var v) go (get v sub)
Term t -> Term (fmap go t)
{- | Type skeleton.
module Term where
{- | The type.
data Term t v
= Var v -- ^ Type variable.
| Term (t (Term t v)) -- ^ Any other structure.
instance (Show v, Show (t (Term t v))) => Show (Term t v) where
show = \case
Var v -> show v
Term t -> "(" <> show t <> ")"
module Unifiable where
import Data.Traversable (for)
import GHC.Generics
{- | Match two types and produce a unification plan for its parts.
Preferred way to get an instance is to derive with @anyclass@.
class Traversable t => Unifiable t where
match :: t a -> t a -> Maybe (t (Either a (a, a)))
match :: (Generic1 t, Unifiable (Rep1 t)) => t a -> t a -> Maybe (t (Either a (a, a)))
match a b = to1 <$> match (from1 a) (from1 b)
instance Unifiable V1 where
match a _ = return $ Left <$> a
instance Unifiable U1 where
match a _ = return $ Left <$> a
instance Unifiable Par1 where
match (Par1 a) (Par1 b) = return $ Par1 $ Right (a, b)
instance (Unifiable f) => Unifiable (Rec1 f) where
match (Rec1 a) (Rec1 b) = Rec1 <$> match a b
instance (Eq c) => Unifiable (K1 i c) where
match (K1 a) (K1 b)
| a == b = return (K1 a)
| otherwise = Nothing
instance (Unifiable f) => Unifiable (M1 i c f) where
match (M1 a) (M1 b) = M1 <$> match a b
instance (Unifiable f, Unifiable g) => Unifiable (f :+: g) where
match a b = case (a, b) of
(L1 q, L1 w) -> L1 <$> match q w
(R1 q, R1 w) -> R1 <$> match q w
_ -> Nothing
instance (Unifiable f, Unifiable g) => Unifiable (f :*: g) where
match (a :*: c) (b :*: d) = pure (:*:) <*> match a b <*> match c d
instance (Unifiable f, Unifiable g) => Unifiable (f :.: g) where
match (Comp1 a) (Comp1 b) = do
res' <- match a b
res'' <- for res' \case
Left ga -> return $ Left <$> ga
Right (ga, gb) -> match ga gb
return $ Comp1 res''
module Unify where
import Control.Monad.State (StateT(..))
import Control.Monad (when)
import Data.Function ((&))
import GHC.Generics (Generic1)
import Term
import Subst
import Gensym qualified
import Unifiable
data UnificationError t v
= Cyclic v (Term t v)
| Mismatch (Term t v) (Term t v)
| Unifying (Term t v) (Term t v) (UnificationError t v)
toString :: (Show v, Show (t (Term t v))) => UnificationError t v -> String
toString = \case
Cyclic v t -> unlines
[ "found cyclic type"
, " " <> show v
, " ~"
, " " <> show t
Mismatch l r -> unlines
[ "found mismatch"
, " " <> show l
, " and"
, " " <> show r
Unifying l r err -> unlines
[ "while unifying"
, " " <> show l
, " and"
, " " <> show r
, ""
] <> toString err
{- | Add a substitution, guarded. If neccessary, unify with existing knowledge.
:: (Ord v, Unifiable t)
=> v
-> Term t v
-> (Subst t v, Gensym.T s v)
-> Either (UnificationError t v) (Subst t v, Gensym.T s v)
addSubst v t (sub, gen) = do
let fullT = apply sub t
when (occurs v fullT) do
Left (Cyclic v fullT)
(t'', (sub', gen')) <- case Subst.get v sub of -- do we know smth?
Just t' -> unify (t, t') (sub, gen) -- unify with it
Nothing -> return (t, (sub, gen)) -- add as-is
return (Subst.add v t'' sub', gen')
:: (Ord v, Unifiable t)
=> (Term t v, Term t v)
-> (Subst t v, Gensym.T s v)
-> Either (UnificationError t v) (Term t v, (Subst t v, Gensym.T s v))
unify (l0, r0) (sub, gen) = do
let l = apply sub l0 -- "prune"
let r = apply sub r0 -- "prune"
case (l, r) of
-- In @a ~ b@ case, transform to @a ~ t0, b ~ t0@, so neither of @a@ or @b@
-- appear on the right side.
(Var lv, Var rv) -> do
let (v, gen') = gen
let sub' = Subst.addAll [(lv, Var v), (rv, Var v)] sub
return (Var v, (sub', gen'))
(Var v, t) -> (t,) <$> addSubst v t (sub, gen)
(t, Var v) -> (t,) <$> addSubst v t (sub, gen)
(Term t, Term u) -> do
case match t u of
Just matcher -> do
(t', (sub', gen')) <-
unifying (l0, r0) do
let unify' = either return (StateT . unify)
runStateT (traverse unify' matcher) (sub, gen)
return (Term t', (sub', gen'))
Nothing -> do
Left (Mismatch l r)
-- Catch inner unification error and wrap it with current pair of terms,
-- so it is possible to see why @t72 ~ List t72@ is cyclic.
unifying :: (Term t v, Term t v) -> Either (UnificationError t v) a -> Either (UnificationError t v) a
unifying (l, r) (Left err) = Left (Unifying l r err)
unifying _ (Right res) = Right res
---- TESTING AREA --------------------------------------------------------------
data Type t
= Int
| String
| Fun t t
deriving stock (Show, Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Generic1)
deriving anyclass (Unifiable)
sub0 :: Subst Type String
sub0 = Subst.empty & Subst.add "a" (Term (Fun (Var "b") (Var "b")))
gen0 :: Gensym.T [String] String
gen0 = Gensym.fromList ["t" <> show n | n <- [0 :: Int ..]]
pp :: Either
(UnificationError Type String)
(Term Type String, (Subst Type String, Gensym.T [String] String))
-> IO ()
pp = putStrLn . either toString show
test :: IO ()
test = pp $ unify (Var "a", Var "b") (sub0, gen0)
test2 :: IO ()
test2 = pp $ unify (Var "a", Term Int) (sub0, gen0)
test3 :: IO ()
test3 = pp $ unify (Var "a", Term (Fun (Term Int) (Var "c"))) (sub0, gen0)
test4 :: IO ()
test4 = pp $ unify (Var "a", Term (Fun (Var "b") (Var "a"))) (sub0, gen0)
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