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Forked from anonymous/parser.js
Last active October 13, 2016 09:52
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var ok = (value, offset) => ({good: true, value, offset})
var err = (message, offset) => ({message, offset})
var pure = (value) => ({type: "pure", value})
var fail = (message) => ({type: "fail", message})
var token = (token) => ({type: "token", token})
var any = (...parsers) => ({type: "any", parsers})
var many = (parser) => ({type: "many", parser})
var some = (parser) => ({type: "some", parser})
var recuring = (thunk) => ({type: "recuring", thunk})
var layouted = (parser) => decorated("layouted", "fun", [show(parser)],
.then( token("{"))
.then(sepBy(token(";"), parser)).as("result")
.then( token("}"))
.reduce(it => it.result, "result-of")
var decorated = (op, t, args, p) => ({type: "decorated", real: p, op, args, t})
var sepBy = (sep, parser) => decorated("sepBy", "binary", [show(parser), show(sep)], (maybe(sepBy1(sep, parser), [])))
var sepBy1 = (sep, parser) => (
.reduce(it => it.item, "take-item")
.reduce(it => [it.first].concat(, "cons")
var maybe = (parser, def) => ({type: "maybe", parser, def})
var that = (message, predicate) => ({
type: "that",
var lookahead = (parser) => ({type: "lookahead", parser})
Array.prototype.last = function () {
return this[this.length - 1]
var object = (type) => object_().then(pure(type)).as("type")
var object_ = (fields) => {
fields = fields || []
return (
{ type: "object"
, then: (parser) => object_(fields.concat([{name: null, parser}]))
, as: (name) => {
fields.last().name = name
return object_(fields)
, reduce: (fun, desc) => ({type: "reduce", object: object_(fields), fun, desc})
, fields: fields
var match = (o, def, ...matchers) => {
for (var i = 0; i < matchers.length; i += 2) {
if (o.type === matchers[i + 0])
return matchers[i + 1](o)
return def
var args = (...argz) => {
var acc = "(".green + argz[0]
for (var i = 1; i < argz.length; i++) {
acc += ", ".green + argz[i]
return acc + ")".green
var ors = (...argz) => {
var acc = argz[0]
for (var i = 1; i < argz.length; i++) {
acc += " || ".green + argz[i]
return acc
var obj = (...argz) => {
var acc = "[".bold + argz[0]
for (var i = 1; i < argz.length; i++) {
acc += "; ".bold + argz[i]
return acc + "]".bold
var colors = require('colors')
var show = (parser) => {
if (!parser)
return "NULL!"
if (typeof(parser) === "string")
return parser.cyan
return match(parser, parser.type
, "pure", (it) => "<- ".green + it.value
, "fail", (it) => ("!!! " + args(it.message)).red
, "decorated", (it) => it.t == "binary" ? it.args[0] + " " + + " " + it.args[1] : + args(it.args)
, "token", (it) => JSON.stringify(it.token).blue.bold
, "any", (it) => ors(
, "many", (it) => "many ".green + show(it.parser)
, "some", (it) => "some ".green + show(it.parser)
, "recuring", (it) => "recuring".green + args("?")
, "that", (it) => "is ".green + JSON.stringify(it.message)
, "lookahead", (it) => "try ".green + show(it.parser)
, "object", (it) => obj( => show(field.parser) + ( " AS ".bold + : "")))
, "reduce", (it) => ((it.desc || "reduce") + " ").yellow + show(it.object)
, "maybe", (it) => it.def ? JSON.stringify(it.def) + " or " + show(it.parser)
: show(it.parser) + "?"
var colorNames = ["red"
var indent = (l) => l == 0? "" : indent(l - 1) + colors[colorNames[l % 7]](".")
var run = (s, syntax, parser, level) => {
level = level || 0
console.log(" " + + "\t" + s.current() + "\t" + indent(level) + show(parser));
if (!parser)
throw new Error("!parser")
if (typeof(parser) === "string")
if (syntax[parser])
return run(s, syntax, syntax[parser], level)
throw Error(show(parser))
switch (parser.type) {
case "pure": return ok (parser.value, 0);
case "fail": return err([parser.message], 0);
case "decorated":
return run(s, syntax, parser.real, level + 1)
case "token":
if (s.current() == parser.token)
return ok(s.current(), 1)
return err(parser.token, 0)
case "any":
var acc = []
for (var i = 0; i < parser.parsers.length; i++) {
var res = run(s, syntax, parser.parsers[i], level + 1)
if (!res.good && !res.offset)
return res
return err(acc, 0)
case "maybe":
var res = run(s, syntax, parser.parser, level + 1)
if (res.good)
return res
else if (!res.offset)
return ok(parser.def, 0)
return res
case "many":
var acc = []
var offset = 0
while (true) {
var res = run(s, syntax, parser.parser, level + 1)
if (res.good && !res.offset)
throw new Error({
reason: "argument of many succeed, but didn't consume",
parser: show(parser.parser),
stream: s.move(offset),
else if (!res.good && !res.offset)
return ok(acc, offset)
else if (res.good) {
offset += res.offset
s = s.move(res.offset)
return res
return ok(acc, offset)
case "some":
var p = parser.parser
return run(s, syntax,
.reduce(it => [it.x].concat(it.xs), "cons"),
case "recuring":
var p = parser.thunk()
return run(s, syntax, p, level)
case "that":
if (parser.predicate(s.current()))
return ok(s.current(), 1)
return err(parser.message, 0)
case "lookahead":
var res = run(s, syntax, parser.parser, level + 1)
if (res.good)
return res
return err(res.message, 0)
case "object":
var acc = {}
var offset = 0
for (var i = 0; i < parser.fields.length; i++) {
var res = run(s, syntax, parser.fields[i].parser, level + 1)
if (!res.good) {
return err(res.message, offset + res.offset)
if (parser.fields[i].name)
acc[parser.fields[i].name] = res.value
offset += res.offset
s = s.move(res.offset)
return ok(acc, offset)
case "reduce":
var res = run(s, syntax, parser.object, level)
if (!res.good)
return res
return ok(, res.offset)
var reservedNames = ["let", "in", ";", "=", "\\", "->", '', '<EOS>',
"{", "}", "where", "(", ")", "match", "with", "module"
, "exports", "imports", "implementation"]
var isReservedName = (tok) => reservedNames.find(x => x == tok) == tok
var isStringLiteral = (tok) => tok.startsWith('"') || tok.startsWith("'")
var isNumberLiteral = (tok) => "0123456789".includes(tok[0])
var isName = (tok) => (!
( isReservedName(tok)
|| isStringLiteral(tok)
|| isNumberLiteral(tok)
var reserved = (tok) => {
if (!isReservedName(tok))
throw new Error(tok + " is not a reserved name!")
return token(tok)
var layout = (resWord, things) =>
.reduce(it => it.things)
var syntax = (
{ name: that("name", isName)
, string: that("string", isStringLiteral)
, number: that("number", isNumberLiteral)
, terminal: any ( "string"
, "number"
, "name"
, "parented"
, "letExpr"
, "lambda"
, "match"
, parented: object("parens enclosed expression")
.then("expr") .as("expr")
.reduce(it => it.expr, "expr of")
, expr: object("expr")
.then(some("terminal")) .as("chain")
, letExpr: object("let-expr")
.then(layout("let", "binding")).as("bindings")
.then("expr") .as("context")
, whereBlock: object("where-block")
.then(layout("where", "binding")).as("bindings")
.reduce(it => it.bindings, "bindings")
, binding: object("binding")
.then("name") .as("name")
.then(many("name")) .as("args")
.then("expr") .as("body")
.then(many("whereBlock")) .as("bindings")
, lambda: object("anonymous function")
.then("projection") .as("projection")
.reduce(it => it.projection, "lambda")
, projection: object("projection")
.then(many("name")) .as("args")
.then("expr") .as("body")
, match: object("match-block")
.then("expr") .as("matched")
.then(layout("with", "matchers")).as("matchers")
, matchers: object("match-alt")
.then("name") .as("ctor")
.then("projection") .as("resolver")
, module: object("module")
.then("name") .as("name")
.then(layout("exports", "name")) .as("exports")
.then(layout("imports", "name")) .as("imports")
.then(layout("implementation","binding")) .as("bindings")
var util = require("util")
var {tokenize, stdConf} = require('./tokenizer.js')
var tokens = tokenize(require('fs').readFileSync("").toString(), stdConf)
var fromStringArray = (array, at) => {
var at = at || 0
return (
{ at: () => array[at].line + ":" + array[at].col
, current: () => array[at].text
, move: (offset) => fromStringArray(array, at + offset)
var tokens = fromStringArray(tokens)
console.log(require('util').inspect(run(tokens, syntax, "module"), { depth: null }));
var assert = require('assert')
var { inspect } = require('util')
var match = (o, ...matchers) => {
for (var i = 0; i < matchers.length; i += 2) {
if (o.ctor === matchers[i + 0])
return matchers[i + 1](o)
return'ctor `' + o.ctor + '` for type `' + o.type + '` is unhandled')
var keysOf = (o) => {
var keys = []
for (var name in o)
return keys
var make = (type, schema, ctor) => (args) => {
ctor = ctor || type
args = args || {}
for (var name in args) {
ctor + " : {" +
keysOf(schema) + "} -> " +
type + " - has no argument `" +
name + "`")
for (var name in schema) {
assert(schema[name] || args[name],
ctor + " : {" +
keysOf(schema) + "} -> " +
type + " - no argument `" +
name + "` provided")
return set({type, ctor: ctor}, set(schema, args), {toString: function () {
return inspect(this)
var set = (o, ...d) => Object.assign({}, o, ...d)
var apply = (o, diff) => {
var r = set(o)
for (key in diff) {
r[key] = diff[key](r[key])
return r
var trace = (label, traced, o) => {
console.log(label, traced);
return o
var add = (x) => (xs) => set(xs, {[]: x})
var Object_map = (o, f) => {
var r = {}
for (var key in o) {
r = set(r, f(key, o[key]))
return r
var Module = make("module", {values: [], types: []})
var FunDecl = make("decl", {name: undefined, type: undefined}, "FunDecl")
var TypeDecl = make("decl", {name: undefined, kind: undefined}, "TypeDecl")
var declare = (mod, decl) => match(decl
, "FunDecl", it => apply(mod, {values: add(it)})
, "TypeDecl", it => apply(mod, {types: add(it)})
var declareAll = (mod, ...list) => {
for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++)
mod = declare(mod, list[i])
return mod
var Interface = make("interface", {values: [], types: []})
var typecast = (mod, face) => {
var result = Module({})
result = => mod.values[name]).reduce(declare, result)
result = face.types .map(name => mod.types [name]).reduce(declare, result)
return result
var withT = Interface({types: ['t']})
var importModule = (base, imported, name) => {
var rename = (decls) => !name? decls :
Object_map(decls, (key, value) => ({
[name + "." + key]: set(value, {name : name + "." + key})
return apply(base, {
values: (old) => set(old, rename(imported.values)),
types: (old) => set(old, rename(imported.types)),
, TypeDecl({name: "t", kind: "* -> *"})
, TypeDecl({name: "d", kind: "*"})
), withT).toString());
"name": "dumb",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "",
"main": "apparse.js",
"dependencies": {
"colors": "^1.1.2"
"devDependencies": {},
"scripts": {
"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": "git+"
"author": "",
"license": "ISC",
"bugs": {
"url": ""
"homepage": ""
var {tokenize, tokens, stdConf} = require('./tokenizer.js');
var run = (parser, text) => parser(tokenize(text, stdConf))
var ok = (x, s) => ({stream: s, good: true, value: x})
var err = (x, s) => ({stream: s, message: x})
var pure = (x) => (s) => ok(x, s)
var fail = (x) => (s) => err(x, s)
var apply = (fn, ...parsers) => (s) => {
var accum = []
for (var i = 0; i < parsers.length; i++) {
var res = parsers[i](s)
if (res.good) {
s =
} else {
return res
return ok(fn.apply(null, accum), s)
var getPosition = s => ok(s, s)
var produce = (...args) => {
var significant = (f) => (...args) => {
var argz = []
for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++)
if (args[i])
return f.apply(null, argz)
var argz = [significant(args[args.length - 1])]
for (var i = 0; i < args.length - 1; i++)
return apply.apply(null, argz)
var any = (msg, ...parsers) => (s) => {
for (var i = 0; i < parsers.length; i++) {
var res = parsers[i](s)
if (res.good || s.char >
return res
return err(msg, s)
var lookahead = (parser) => (s) => {
var res = parser(s)
if (!res.good) = s
return res
var many = (p) => (s) => {
var acc = []
for (;;) {
var res = p(s)
if (res.good && == s.char)
throw new Error({
message: "many(p): p succeed, nothing consumed",
if (!res.good)
return ok(acc, s)
s =
var some = (p) => apply((x, xs) => {xs.unshift(x); return xs}, p, many(p))
var satisfies = (msg, p) => (s) => {
if (s && p(s.text)) {
return ok(s.text,
return err(msg, s)
var silently = (p) => produce(p, x => null)
var onDemand = (lp) => {
var p = null
return (s) => {
p = p || lp()
return p(s)
var fs = require("fs")
var parseFile = (p, file) => {
var text = fs.readFileSync(file).toString()
return run(p, text)
module.exports = (
{ run
, parseFile
, silently
, onDemand
, pure
, fail
, apply
, produce
, many
, some
, any
, lookahead
, satisfies
, getPosition
"use strict";
var { run
, parseFile
, silently
, onDemand
, pure
, fail
, apply
, produce
, many
, some
, any
, lookahead
, satisfies
, getPosition
} = require('./parser.js')
var tell = (at, x) => {
// console.log({at, produced: x});
return x
var reservedNames = ["let", "in", ";", "=", "\\", "->", '', '<EOS>', "{", "}", "where"]
var isReservedName = (tok) => reservedNames.find(x => x == tok) == tok
var isStringLiteral = (tok) => tok.startsWith('"') || tok.startsWith("'")
var isNumberLiteral = (tok) => "0123456789".includes(tok[0])
var isName = (tok) => (!
( isReservedName(tok)
|| isStringLiteral(tok)
|| isNumberLiteral(tok)
var layouted = (p) => (
( token("{")
, optional(token(";"))
, sepBy(token(";"), p)
, token("}")
, xs => xs
var sepBy = (sep, p) => (
( p
, many(produce(sep, p, x => x))
, (x, xs) => [x].concat(xs)
var optional = (p) => (
any ( "optional"
, p
, pure({})
var name = satisfies("name", isName)
var orElse = (p, def) => any("", p, pure(def))
var token = (tok) => silently(satisfies("== " + tok, (curr) => curr == tok))
var string = satisfies("string literal", isStringLiteral)
var number = satisfies("number literal", isNumberLiteral)
var expr = onDemand(() => (produce
( some(terminal)
, orElse(whereBlock, [])
, (values, bindings) => tell("app", {type: "app", values, bindings})
var commented = (p) => any("comment or doc"
, produce
( token("comment")
, string
, p
, (comment, value) => Object.assign({}, value, {comment})
, produce
( token("doc")
, string
, p
, (comment, value) => Object.assign({}, value, {doc})
, p
var binding = commented(produce
( name
, many(name)
, token('=')
, expr
, (name, args, body) => tell("binding", {type: "binding", name, args, body})
var whereBlock = (produce
( token("where")
, layouted(binding)
var letExpr = (produce
( token("let")
, layouted(binding)
, token("in")
, expr
, (bindings, expr) => tell("letExpr", {type: "let", bindings, expr})
var lambda = (produce
( token("\\")
, some(name)
, token("->")
, expr
, (args, body) => tell("lambda", {type: "lambda", args, body})
var terminal = commented(any("terminal"
, string
, number
, produce(token("("), expr, token(")"), (e) => tell("braced terminal", e))
, letExpr
, lambda
, name
var prettifyParseResult = (res) => {
if (res.value)
return res.value
return "Expected "
+ res.message
+ ", but found "
+ " at "
+ JSON.stringify({col:, line:})
try {
console.log(JSON.stringify(prettifyParseResult(parseFile(expr, ""))))
} catch (e) {
} finally {
module List
fold-list add zero list = match list with
Cons x xs ->
fold-list add (add zero x) xs
Nil ->
f = \g -> h
map-list f list = match list with
Cons x xs -> Cons (f x) (map-list f xs)
Nil -> Nil
"use strict";
module.exports.tokenize = (text, conf) =>
conf ? applyLayout(module.exports.tokens(text), conf)
: module.exports.tokens(text)
module.exports.tokens = (stream) => {
var accum = []
var pos = {line: 1, col: 1, char: 0}
var isSingle = (c) =>
( c == "="
|| c == "("
|| c == ")"
|| c == "{"
|| c == "}"
|| c == ";"
|| c == "\\"
var isSpace = (c) => c == " " || c == "\n"
var end = () => pos.char >= stream.length
var spaceHere = () => isSpace(stream[pos.char])
var singleHere = () => isSingle(stream[pos.char])
var seekWordStart = () => !end(pos) && spaceHere(pos)
var count = () => { countChar(pos, stream[pos.char]) }
var seekWordEnd = () => !end(pos) && !spaceHere(pos) && !singleHere(pos)
var token = (begin, end) => stream.slice(begin.char, end.char)
var fromTo = (open, close) => {
if (stream.slice(pos.char, pos.char + open.length) == open) {
var begin = copy(pos)
for (var i = 0; i < open.length; i++)
while (!end()
&& stream.slice(pos.char, pos.char + close.length) != close
) {
for (var i = 0; i < close.length; i++)
var finish = copy(pos)
var text = token(begin, finish)
accum.push(copy(begin, {text}))
return true
while (!end()) {
while (seekWordStart())
var begin = copy(pos);
if (fromTo('"""', '"""')) continue;
if (fromTo('"', '"')) continue;
if (fromTo("'", "'")) continue;
if (singleHere())
else do {
} while (seekWordEnd())
var finish = copy(pos)
var text = token(begin, finish)
if (text)
accum.push(copy(begin, {text}))
accum.push(copy(pos, {text: "<EOS>", col: -1}))
return accum
Array.prototype.flatMap = function (f) {
var acc = [] => acc.push(f(x)))
return acc
Array.prototype.last = function () {
return this[this.length - 1]
var set = (o, things) => Object.assign({}, o, things)
var backOneChar = (tok) => set(tok, {col: tok.col - 1, char: tok.char - 1})
var applyLayout = (tokenArray, conf) => {
var acc = []
var starters = []
var nextStarts = false
tokenArray.forEach(token => {
if (token.text == conf.closeBracet) {
while (starters.last() && token.col < starters.last().col && token.text != conf.closeBracet) {
acc.push(backOneChar(set(token, {text: conf.closeBracet})))
if (starters.last() && token.col == starters.last().col && token.text != conf.semicolon)
acc.push(backOneChar(set(token, {text: conf.semicolon})))
if (nextStarts && token.text != conf.openBracet) {
starters.push({col: token.col})
acc.push(backOneChar(set(token, {text: conf.openBracet})))
nextStarts = false
if (conf.isStarter(token))
nextStarts = true;
if (token.text == conf.openBracet) {
nextStarts = false
return acc
var asList = (accum) => accum.reduceRight((list, elem) => { = list;
return elem
var copy = (...obj) => Object.assign({}, ...obj)
var before = (a, b) => a.line < b.line || a.col < b.col
var stepFor = (t, d) => {
while (t.line < d.line) {
t.text += "\n"
countChar(t, "\n")
while (t.col < d.col) {
t.text += " "
countChar(t, " ")
var countChar = (pos, char) => {
if (char == "\n") {
pos.line = pos.line + 1
pos.col = 1
} else {
pos.col += 1
pos.char += 1
var restoreText = (tokens) => {
var text = {line: 1, col: 1, char: 0, text: ""}
tokens.forEach(token => {
while (before(text, token)) {
stepFor(text, token)
text.text += token.text
for (var i = 0; i < token.text.length; i++)
countChar(text, token.text[i])
return text;
module.exports.stdConf = {
semicolon: ";",
openBracet: "{",
closeBracet: "}",
isStarter: x => x.text == "let"
|| x.text == "with"
|| x.text == "where"
|| x.text == "imports"
|| x.text == "exports"
|| x.text == "implementation"
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