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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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{-# LANGUAGE Arrows, TypeOperators #-}
import Prelude hiding (id, (.))
import SF
-- this is the timer - returns length of the tick
ticks :: () :-> Double
ticks = constant 1
-- Modelling the physics.
-- The inner block receives current force.
physics :: Double -> Double -> Double :-> Double
physics mass startPos = proc force -> do
-- receiving the time diff signal
dt <- ticks -< ()
-- this block has recursive dependencies
-- detect collision
-- it is delayed by emitting False before all output
-- this is done to preserve the rules of casuality
-- because bounce is circular dependent on x
-- so, it makes bounce depend on _previous_ x
bounce <- delayBy False <<< front collision -< x
let a = force / mass
-- invert speed on collision
let reflect :: Double -> Double
reflect = if bounce then negate else id
-- black magic:
-- both ways carried kinetic energy away, so I decided to experiment
let refine :: Double -> Double
refine v = avg [reflect (a * dt + v), a * dt + reflect v]
-- integrating dv into speed & speed into position
-- integrate' receives function to perform on value
v <- integrate' 0 -< refine
x <- integrate' startPos -< (+ v)
returnA -< x
avg list = sum list / fromIntegral (length list)
-- detects if the probe got inside the floor
collision :: Double :-> Bool
collision =
arr (\x -> x <= 0)
-- collision = arr . (<= 0)
draw :: Double -> IO ()
draw = id
>>> truncate -- Double -> Int
>>> (`replicate` '*') -- n : Int -> line of n '*'
>>> putStrLn -- print it
main = mapM_ draw $ take 150
-- simulation: mass = 1, startPos = 10, gravity is a constant -1
(physics 1 10 `listen` repeat (-1))
{-# LANGUAGE Arrows, TypeOperators #-}
import Prelude hiding (id, (.))
import SF
ticks :: () :-> Double
ticks = constant 1
physics :: Double -> Double -> Double :-> Double
physics mass startPos = proc force -> do
dt <- ticks -< ()
bounce <- delayBy False <<< front collision -< x
let a = force / mass
let reflect :: Double -> Double
reflect = if bounce then negate else id
let refine :: Double -> Double
refine v = avg [reflect (a * dt + v), a * dt + reflect v]
v <- integrate' 0 -< refine
x <- integrate' startPos -< (+ v)
returnA -< x
avg list = sum list / fromIntegral (length list)
collision :: Double :-> Bool
collision =
arr (\x -> x <= 0)
draw :: Double -> IO ()
draw = id
>>> truncate -- Double -> Int
>>> (`replicate` '*') -- n : Int -> line of n '*'
>>> putStrLn -- print it
main = mapM_ draw $ take 150
(physics 1 10 `listen` repeat (-1))
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
module SF
( module Control.Arrow
, module Control.Category
, module Control.Applicative
, SF
, (:->)
, (==>)
, andB
, listen
, conditions
, conditions_test
, constant
, delayBy
, diff
, fallback
, fib
, fromAngle
, hold
, integrate'
, integrate
, liftB2
, loop'
, nat
, onNothing
, orB
, peak
, tick
, whenB
, cycleB
, front
, switchByFront
, b2i
import Prelude hiding (id, (.))
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Category
newtype SF a b =
SF { runSF :: a -> (SF a b, b) }
type (:->) = SF
instance Category SF where
id = arr id
f . g = SF $ \a ->
(g', b) = g `runSF` a
(f', c) = f `runSF` b
in (f' . g', c)
instance Arrow SF where
arr pure = SF $ const (arr pure) &&& pure
first arrow =
SF $ \(a, b) ->
(arrow', c) = arrow `runSF` a
in (first arrow', (c, b))
instance ArrowLoop SF where
loop arrow =
SF $ \a ->
(arrow', (b, s)) = arrow `runSF` (a, s)
in (loop arrow', b)
instance ArrowChoice SF where
left arrow =
SF $ \a -> case a of
Left a ->
let (arrow', b) = arrow `runSF` a
in (left arrow', Left b)
Right a ->
(left arrow, Right a)
instance Num b => Num (SF a b) where
fromInteger = constant . fromInteger
(+) = liftB2 (+)
(*) = liftB2 (*)
abs = arr abs
negate = arr negate
signum = arr signum
instance Functor (SF a) where
fmap f = (>>> arr f)
instance Applicative (SF a) where
pure = constant
f <*> x = SF $ \a ->
(f', pf) = f `runSF` a
(x', px) = x `runSF` a
in (f' <*> x', pf px)
-- Seems to be no way to implement ArrowApply and Monad right.
-- The monad instance requires us in `ma >>= amb` transform the
-- result of `amb a` and send it as state to the future. But, the result
-- depends on arbitrary `a`, which makes it inaccessible.
-- `ArrowApply` due to semantics `being a monad` shows the same problem.
instance ArrowApply SF where
app =
SF $ \(bf, a) ->
(_, c) = bf `runSF` a
in (app, c)
liftB2 (?) left right = (?) <$> left <*> right
delayBy :: a -> SF a a
delayBy x =
SF $ \a ->
(delayBy a, x)
onNothing :: a -> SF (Maybe a) a
onNothing filler =
SF $ \a ->
case a of
Just value -> (onNothing filler, value)
Nothing -> (onNothing filler, filler)
hold :: a -> SF (Maybe a) a
hold seed =
SF $ \a ->
case a of
Just value -> (hold value, value)
Nothing -> (hold seed, seed)
peak :: Eq a => a -> SF a (Maybe a)
peak prev =
SF $ \a ->
( peak a
, if a == prev
then Nothing
else Just a
conditions :: [(SF a Bool, SF a b)] -> SF a b
conditions [] = error "No condition matched, use fallback (constant True) as the last one!"
conditions list =
conditions' [] list
conditions' failed ((predicate, action) : rest) =
SF $ \a ->
(predicate', flag) = predicate `runSF` a
in if flag
then let
(action', b) = action `runSF` a
in (conditions $ reverse failed ++ (predicate', action') : rest, b)
next = conditions' ((predicate', action) : failed) rest
in next `runSF` a
andB, orB :: SF a Bool -> SF a Bool -> SF a Bool
andB = liftB2 (&&)
orB = liftB2 (||)
conditions_test = conditions
[ arr (> 5) ==> constant "over five"
, arr (<= 5) `andB` arr (> 2) ==> arr show >>> arr ("is " ++)
, arr (== 1) ==> integrate 0 (+)
>>> arr show
>>> arr (++ " time we found 1")
, fallback ==> constant "very bad"
infix 0 ==>
(==>) = (,)
fallback = constant True
whenB :: SF a b -> SF a Bool -> SF a (Maybe b)
action `whenB` predicate =
SF $ \a ->
(predicate', flag) = predicate `runSF` a
in if flag
then let
(action', b) = action `runSF` a
in (action' `whenB` predicate', Just b)
else (action `whenB` predicate', Nothing)
loop' seed arrow =
loop $ second (delayBy seed) >>> arrow
fib = integrate (0, 1) (\(a, b) _ -> (a + b, a)) >>> arr snd
nat = 1 >>> integrate 0 (+)
tick = nat
infix 0 `listen`
listen :: SF a b -> [a] -> [b]
listen _ [] = []
listen b (a : as) =
(b', c) = b `runSF` a
in c : listen b' as
constant :: b -> SF a b
constant x = SF $ const $ (constant x, x)
diff init (?) = delayBy init &&& id >>> arr (uncurry (?))
fromAngle = arr sin &&& arr cos :: SF Float (Float, Float)
integrate' :: c -> SF (c -> c) c
integrate' seed =
SF $ \f -> (integrate' $ f seed, f seed)
integrate :: c -> (c -> b -> c) -> SF b c
integrate seed (?) =
SF $ \a ->
newseed = seed ? a
in (integrate newseed (?), newseed)
cycleB :: [b] -> SF a b
cycleB list =
integrate (undefined : cycle list) (flip $ const tail) >>> arr head
front :: SF a Bool -> SF a Bool
front arrow =
liftA2 (\now before -> now && not before)
(arrow >>> delayBy False)
switchByFront :: SF a Bool -> SF a Bool
switchByFront arrow =
front arrow >>> integrate False (/=)
b2i :: Bool -> Int
b2i True = 1
b2i False = 0
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