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Last active October 17, 2017 21:30
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Untyped implementation of sequental and parallel composition on stack machine.
// append elem to list with number of the list cell - 'time'
var Push = (head, tail) => ({head, tail, time: ++Push.time})
Push.time = 0
// this is the empty list - append to it or other list only
var Empty = {empty: true}
// flip(f) is 'f' but with args swapped
var flip = (f) => (x, y) => f(y, x)
// List(1,2,3) === Push(1, Push(2, Push(3, Empty)))
var List = (...elems) => Prepend(...elems, Empty)
// add some elements to the list
var Prepend = (...things) => {
var tail = things.pop()
return things.reduceRight(flip(Push), tail)
// from accum and x-to-accum-reducer make whole-list-reducer
var reduce_list = (zero, add) =>
function aux (list) {
if (list.empty) {
return zero
} else {
return add(nn(list.head), aux(nn(list.tail)))
// list -> string
var show_list = reduce_list('[]', (x, xs) => x + ' :: ' + xs)
var print_list = (list) => console.log(show_list(list))
// list -> {before: [...n top elems], after: list without n top elems}
var splitAt = (n, list) => {
var acc = []
for (var i = list; n > 0 && !list.empty; i = nn(i.tail)) {
return {before: acc, after: i}
// die if x is undefined
// TODO: place an 'assert' here
var nn = (x) => {
if (x === undefined) {
throw Error('undefined')
return x
// given old list and new list, find how deep the common part is in a new list
var bedrockDepth = (was, now) => {
var last = was.empty ? 0 : nn(was.time)
var depth = 0
for (var i = now; !i.empty && nn(i.time) > last; i = nn(i.tail)) {
return depth
var apply = (f, x) => f(x)
// apply funcs in sequence
var seq = (...fs) => (list) => fs.reduce(flip(apply), list)
// apply funcs in 'parallel'
// in par(f, g, h) the 'f' will be applied at top
var par = (...fs) => (list) => {
var blocks = []
var i = list
fs.forEach(f => {
var newi = f(i)
var depth = bedrockDepth(i, newi)
var {before, after} = splitAt(depth, newi)
i = after
return blocks.reduce((j, block) => block.reduceRight(flip(Push), j), i)
var push = (x) => (xs) => Push(x, xs)
var swap = (list) => {
var {before: [a, b], after} = splitAt(2, list)
return Prepend(b, a, after)
var drop = (list) => {
return nn(list.tail)
// dup touches the duplicated element, too! so its a (1 -> 2) func
var dup = (list) => {
var {before: [a], after} = splitAt(1, list)
return Prepend(a, a, after)
// must update the list!
var id = (n) => (list) => {
var {before, after} = splitAt(n, list)
return Prepend(...before, after)
var ival = (list) => {
var {before: [box], after} = splitAt(1, list)
var f = nn(box.unbox)
return f(after)
var Box = (item) => ({unbox: item})
var binOp = (op) => (list) => {
var {before: [a, b], after} = splitAt(2, list)
return Prepend({
'+': a + b,
'-': b - 1,
'*': a * b,
'/': b / a,
'>': a > b,
'>=': a >= b,
'<': a < b,
'<=': a <= b,
'=': a == b,
'/=': a != b,
}[op], after)
var bool = (x) => {
if (x === true || x === false) {
return x
throw Error('non-boolean')
// rec :: (_ -> bool _) _ -> _
var rec = (f) => (list) => {
for (var i = f(list); bool(i.head) == true; i = f(nn(i.tail)));
return nn(i.tail)
var dump = (label) => (list) => {
console.log(label, show_list(list))
return list
module.exports = {
List: {Push, Empty, of: List, reduce_list, show_list, splitAt, bedrockDepth},
Prelude: {flip, apply, nn},
SeqPar: {seq, par, Functions: {push, swap, drop, id}}
var test = par (dup, swap, ival, dup, drop)
var list = Prepend(1, 2, 3, Box(seq(dup, push(42))), List(4, 5, 6))
var powerOf2 = seq
( par(id(1), push(1))
, rec
( par
( seq(push(1), binOp('-'), dup, push(0), binOp('/='))
, seq(dup, binOp('+'))
, drop
var list = List(10)
var list = List(10)
fac = (id1; 1) [dup dup (0 /=; 1 -; *)] rec drop
var over_one = seq(push(1), binOp('<'))
var dec = seq(push(1), binOp('-'))
var fac = seq
( par(id(1), push(1))
, rec(seq(dup, dup, dump('before par:'), par(over_one, dec, binOp('*'))))
, drop
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