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Last active August 29, 2015 14:02
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Experimental prolog records-handling library.
:- use_module(library(lists)).
construct(Fields, Record)
:- Record =.. [record | Fields]
% synonym
make --> construct.
build --> destruct.
% for use in DCG notation to get fields from a record
destruct(Record, Fields)
:- construct(Fields, Record)
is_assignment(_ = _).
% unifies wildcards in Query with values from Record
% inst:
% - make([x = 1, y = 2], Point), query([x = X], Point), write(X).
% will write 1.
% - make([x = 1, y = 2], Point), query([z = Z], Point), write(Z).
% will fail.
query(Single, Record)
:- is_assignment(Single)
, query([Single], Record)
query(Query, Record)
:- construct(Fields, Record)
, zip_with_unify(Query, Fields)
% for use in DCG notation to unify some query before continuing
query(Query, Record, Record)
:- query(Query, Record)
% inst:
% - make([x = 1, y = 2], P), update([y = 3, z = 7], P, NewP), write(NewP).
% will write record(z=7,y=3,x=1).
--> { is_assignment(Single) }
, update([Single])
--> destruct
, zip_with_update(Query)
, construct
% will fill wildcards in query and remove it from record
% inst:
% - make([x = 1, y = 2], P), split([y = Y], P, NewP), write((Y, NewP)).
% will write 2,record(x=1).
--> { is_assignment(Single) }
, split([Single])
--> query(Query)
, remove(Query)
--> { is_assignment(Single) }
, remove([Single])
--> destruct
, flip_subtract(Query)
, construct
--> query(Query)
, remove(Query)
--> { destruct(Record, Fields) }
, update(Fields)
flip_subtract(A, B, C)
:- subtract(B, A, C)
--> { maplist(forget, List, Cleaned) }
, foldl(flip_delete, Cleaned)
, foldl(flip_append, List)
forget(Name = _, Name = _).
flip_delete(A, B, C) :- delete(B, A, C).
flip_append(A, B, C) :- C = [A | B].
zip_with_unify([], _).
zip_with_unify([X | Xs], Ys)
:- member(X, Ys)
, zip_with_unify(Xs, Ys)
:- format(Message)
, !
, fail
chain(List) --> foldl(run, List).
run(Action, I, O)
:- apply(Action, [I, O])
is_transformation(_ -> _).
--> modify(Any)
, the_same
--> { is_transformation(Single) }
, modify([Single])
--> foldl(single_modify, List)
, !
single_modify((I, O) -> (Action))
--> query(I)
, { !, apply(Action, []) }
, update(O)
single_modify(Names -> Action)
--> { apply(Action, []) }
, !
, update(Names)
zip_into_query(As, Bs, Cs)
:- maplist(is_equation, As, Bs, Cs)
is_equation(A, B, A = B).
--> modify([
( [x = X, y = Y]
, [distance = D, huistance = H]
-> ( D is sqrt(X * X + Y * Y)
, H is X + Y
% gabarite_box: Figure -> (Point -> GabariteBox)
--> { query(
[ type = circle
, radius = R
, Figure)
, split([x = X, y = Y])
, modify([
([left = Left, top = Top, right = Right, down = Down]) ->
( Left is X - R
, Right is X + R
, Top is Y - R
, Down is Y + R
--> { query(
[ type = rect
, width = W
, height = H
, Figure)
, split([x = X, y = Y])
, modify([
([left = Left, top = Top, right = Right, down = Down]) ->
( Left is X - W
, Right is X + W
, Top is Y - H
, Down is Y + H
:- build(Pivot, [x = 5, y = 9])
, build(Circle, [type = circle, radius = 5])
, build(Rect, [type = rect, width = 10, height = 4])
, gabarite_box(Circle, Pivot, CircleBox)
, gabarite_box(Rect, Pivot, RectBox)
, format("~w~n~w~n", [CircleBox, RectBox])
:- Actions = [make, do_shit]
, chain(Actions, [x = 3, y = 4], Result)
, write(Result)
dump(Msg, X, X)
:- format("~s: ~w~n", [Msg, X])
the_same(R1, R2)
:- destruct(R1, Fs1)
, destruct(R2, Fs2)
, msort(Fs1, Sorted)
, msort(Fs2, Sorted)
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