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{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
module Instr where
import Prelude hiding (drop)
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.String
data Value c where
Constant :: c -> Value c
Lambda :: Instr c -> Value c
Frame :: Map String (Instr c) -> Value c
Symbol :: String -> Value c
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Num (Value Integer) where
fromInteger = Constant . fromInteger
data Instr c where
Push :: Value c -> Instr c
(:->) :: [Int] -> [Int] -> Instr c
Group :: [[Instr c]] -> Instr c
External :: String -> Instr c
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance IsString (Instr c) where
fromString = External
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
module Machine where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad.Catch
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.State
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Traversable
import qualified Debug.Trace as Debug
import Instr
data Env c = Env
{ _external :: forall m. Interprets c m => Map String (m ())
data Status c = Status
{ _stack :: [(Int, Value c)]
, _time :: Int
, _scoped :: [Map String (Instr c)]
deriving Show
type Interprets c m =
( MonadState (Status c) m
, MonadReader (Env c) m
, MonadCatch m
, MonadIO m
, Show c
type M c =
StateT (Status c)
(ReaderT (Env c)
IO) ()
makeLenses ''Env
makeLenses ''Status
interpret :: (forall m. Interprets c m => Map String (m ())) -> [Value c] -> M c -> IO (Status c)
interpret stdlib list action = do
let unState = execStateT action state0
unRead <- runReaderT unState env0
return unRead
state0 = Status
{ _stack = reverse (zip [0..] (reverse list))
, _time = length list
, _scoped = [Map.empty]
env0 = Env
{ _external = stdlib
trace :: (Interprets c m, Show s) => s -> m () -> m ()
trace s action = do
old <- use stack
new <- use stack
Debug.traceShowM $ show s ++ ":\n\t" ++ show old ++ " -> " ++ show new ++ "\n"
step :: Interprets c m => Instr c -> m ()
step instr = do
case instr of
Push (Lambda instr) -> do
res <- compile instr
push [Lambda instr]
Push val -> do
push [val]
ins :-> outs -> do
args <- pops (length ins)
let mapping = Map.fromList $ zip ins args
let res = map (mapping Map.!) outs
push (reverse res)
External name -> do
mbInstr <- uses scoped (findVar name)
case mbInstr of
Just it -> step it
Nothing -> do
mbFunc <- views external (Map.lookup name)
case mbFunc of
Just it -> it
Nothing -> throwM (NotFound name)
Group iss -> do
pushBacks <- for iss $ \is ->
diff $ for_ is step
push $ reverse $ join pushBacks
findVar name [] = Nothing
findVar name (frame : rest) =
Map.lookup name frame <|> findVar name rest
compile :: Interprets c m => Instr c -> m (Instr c)
compile instr = case instr of
Push (Lambda prog) -> do
cs <- compile prog
return $ Push $ Lambda cs
Push (Frame fields) -> do
css <- for fields compile
return $ Push $ Frame css
Group css -> do
css' <- (traverse.traverse) compile css
return $ Group css'
External name -> do
mbInstr <- uses scoped (findVar name)
case mbInstr of
Just it -> return it
Nothing -> return $ External name
other -> do
return other
optimise :: Instr c -> Instr c
optimise = go
go i = case i of
Group css -> Group (map (>>= ungroup) css)
Push (Lambda i) -> Push (Lambda (go i))
Push (Frame f) -> Push (Frame (fmap go f))
other -> other
ungroup (Group [cs]) = cs
ungroup other = [other]
data End = End deriving (Show)
data Underflow = Underflow deriving (Show)
data NotAFunction = NotAFunction deriving (Show)
data NotFound = NotFound String deriving (Show)
data UnmatchedRBR = UnmatchedRBR deriving (Show)
data ExpectedName = ExpectedName deriving (Show)
instance Exception End
instance Exception Underflow
instance Exception NotAFunction
instance Exception NotFound
instance Exception UnmatchedRBR
instance Exception ExpectedName
diff :: Interprets c m => m () -> m [Value c]
diff action = do
old <- use stack
new <- use stack
pops (delta old new)
delta :: [(Int, a)] -> [(Int, a)] -> Int
delta [] = length
delta ((v, _) : rest) = length . filter ((v <) . fst)
pop :: Interprets c m => m (Value c)
pop = do
list <- use stack
case list of
[] -> do
throwM End
(_, a) : rest -> do
stack .= rest
return a
pops :: Interprets c m => Int -> m [Value c]
pops count = do
list <- use stack
let (res, rest) = splitAt count list
when (length res < count) $ do
throwM Underflow
stack .= rest
return (map snd res)
push :: Interprets c m => [Value c] -> m ()
push az = do
for_ az $ \a -> do
t <- use time
time %= (+ 1)
stack %= ((t, a) :)
module Parser (program, parseFromFile) where
import Control.Applicative
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec hiding (token, (<|>), many)
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Number
import Text.Parsec.Language
import Text.Parsec.Token
import Instr
import Value
-- data Value c where
-- Constant :: c -> Value c
-- Lambda :: Instr c -> Value c
-- Frame :: Map String (Instr c) -> Value c
-- data Instr c where
-- Push :: Value c -> Instr c
-- (:->) :: [Int] -> [Int] -> Instr c
-- Group :: [[Instr c]] -> Instr c
-- External :: String -> Instr c
-- data Val
-- = Double Double
-- | String String
-- | Integer Integer
program :: Parser (Instr Val)
program = spaces >> Group <$> groupBody
value = constant <|> lambda
constant = Constant <$> val
val = double <|> theString <|> theInteger
double = Double <$> t fractional
theString = String <$> t strParser
theInteger = Integer <$> t int
lambda = t $ do
token "["
i <- do
gb <- groupBody
case gb of
[[i]] -> return i
gb -> return (Group gb)
token "]"
return (Lambda i)
instr = push <|> comb <|> group <|> sym <|> ext
sym = t (do
char ':'
n <- name
return $ Push $ Lambda $ External n)
<|> t (do
n <- some (noneOf " \n\t()[]|?:")
token ":"
return $ Push $ Lambda $ External n)
push = Push <$> value
comb = t $ do
char '?'
ins <- some (read . pure <$> digit)
try $ string "->"
outs <- many (read . pure <$> digit)
return (ins :-> outs)
group = t $ do
token "("
gb <- groupBody
token ")"
return (Group gb)
groupBody = do
some instr `sepBy1` t (char '|')
ext = External <$> name
name = t (some (noneOf " \n\t()[]|?:"))
token = t . string
t p = try p <* spaces
strParser = stringLiteral $ makeTokenParser haskellDef
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
module Stdlib where
import Prelude hiding (drop)
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad.Catch
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.State
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Value
import Instr
import Machine
import PP
stdlib :: Interprets Val m => Map.Map String (m ())
stdlib = Map.fromList
[ ("!", applyImpl)
, ("{", openImpl)
, ("}", closeImpl)
, (";", bangImpl)
, ("+", monotype (+) (+) (++))
, ("-", monotype subtract subtract (error "cannot - strings"))
, ("*", monotype (*) (*) (error "cannot * strings"))
, ("**", monotype (**) (^) (error "cannot ** strings"))
, ("/", monotype (/) div (error "cannot / strings"))
, ("%", monotype (error "cannot % doubles") mod (error "cannot % strings"))
, ("save", saveImpl)
, ("open", openOImpl)
apply = External "apply"
open = External "{"
close = External "}"
bang = External ";"
i = [1] :-> [1]
dup = [1] :-> [1, 1]
swap = [1, 2] :-> [2, 1]
drop = [1] :-> []
dip = Group [[swap, Group [[i], [apply]]]]
openImpl :: Interprets c m => m ()
openImpl = do
scoped %= (Map.empty :)
closeImpl :: Interprets c m => m ()
closeImpl = do
scopes <- use scoped
case scopes of
[] -> throwM UnmatchedRBR
(a : rest) -> do
push [Frame a]
scoped .= rest
bangImpl :: Interprets c m => m ()
bangImpl = do
[body, name] <- pops 2
case (name, body) of
(Lambda (External n), Lambda b) -> do .= Just b
(Lambda (External n), _) -> .= Just (Push body)
_ ->
throwM ExpectedName
applyImpl :: Interprets c m => m ()
applyImpl = do
item <- pop
case item of
Lambda it -> step it
_ -> throwM NotAFunction
:: Interprets Val m
=> (Double -> Double -> Double)
-> (Integer -> Integer -> Integer)
-> (String -> String -> String)
-> m ()
monotype ds is ss = do
[Constant a, Constant b] <- pops 2
push [Constant $ onConstants a b]
onConstants (Double d) (Double c) = Double $ d `ds` c
onConstants (Integer d) (Integer c) = Integer $ d `is` c
onConstants (String d) (String c) = String $ d `ss` c
data ExpectedString = ExpectedString deriving Show
data ExpectedObject = ExpectedObject deriving Show
instance Exception ExpectedString
instance Exception ExpectedObject
saveImpl :: (Interprets Val m) => m ()
saveImpl = do
fname <- pop
case fname of
Constant (String it) -> do
scope <- use scoped
liftIO $ writeFile it (show . (<+> text "open") . fsep . reverse . map pretty $ scope)
other -> do
throwM ExpectedString
openOImpl :: (Interprets Val m) => m ()
openOImpl = do
o <- pop
case o of
Frame obj -> do
scoped %= (obj :)
other -> do
throwM ExpectedObject
:drop [ ?1-> ] ;
:math {
:add [-] ;
:inc [1 add] ;
:val [2 3 drop inc] ;
val ?12->21
} ;
"" save
module Value where
data Val
= Double Double
| String String
| Integer Integer
deriving (Eq, Show)
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