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Created June 30, 2022 20:28
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module AST where
import Data.Text qualified as Text
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Scientific
data Module = Module QName [Import] [Toplevel]
data Import = Import
{ from :: [Name]
, rename :: Maybe [Name]
, names :: Maybe [Name]
data Toplevel
= TopDecl Private Decl
| NewType Private NewType
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord)
data Private = Private | Public
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord)
data NewType
= Opaque Name [TArg] [Variant]
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord)
data Variant
= Variant Ctor [TField]
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord)
data TField = TField Name Type
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord)
data TArg = TArg Name (Maybe Kind)
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord)
data Kind = Star | KArr Kind Kind
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord)
data Prog
= Var QName
| App Prog Prog
| Lam [Arg] Prog
| Ann Prog Type
| Rec [RDecl]
| Get Prog Field
| Upd Prog [RDecl]
| Inj Ctor Prog
| Mtc Prog [Alt]
| Let [Decl] Prog
| Con Constant
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord)
data RDecl
= Decl Decl
| Capt Name
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord)
data Decl
= Val Name (Maybe Type) Prog
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord)
data Type
= TCon QName
| TVar Name
| TApp Type Type
| TArr Type Type
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord)
data QName = QName [Name] Name
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord)
data Name = Name Text Int
deriving stock (Eq, Ord)
fromText :: Text -> Name
fromText = (`Name` 0)
instance Show Name where
show (Name x 0) = Text.unpack x
show (Name x i) = Text.unpack x <> "'" <> show i
data Ctor = Ctor QName deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord)
data Field = Field Name deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord)
data Arg = Arg Name (Maybe Type)
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord)
data Alt = Alt Pat Prog Prog
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord)
data Pat
= PVar Name
| PPrj Ctor [PDecl]
| PCon Constant
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord)
data PDecl
= PDecl Name Pat
| PCapt Name
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord)
data Constant
= Number Scientific
| String Text
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord)
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-uni-patterns -Wno-star-is-type #-}
module E where
import Control.Applicative hiding (some)
import Data.Monoid (First (..))
import Data.Char
import Data.Scientific
import Data.Text qualified as Text
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Typeable
import Prettyprinter
import Text.Brick.DSL
import Text.Brick.Lexer qualified as Lexer
import Text.Brick.Lexer (SourcePos, Parser, runLexer, stringLit, asToken, nameLike, kw)
import AST
import Debug.Trace
arith :: M (Entity Lexeme SourcePos NewType)
-- arith :: M (Entity Lexeme SourcePos QuailifiedName)
arith = mdo
pat <- rule "Pat"
[ Pos !* aCtor !. "{" !. "}" :=> \_ c _ _ -> PPrj c []
, Pos !* aCtor !. "{" !* pdecls !. "}" :=> \_ c _ ds _ -> PPrj c ds
pdecls <- pdecl `sepBy` sep
pdecl <- rule "PDecl"
[ Pos !* name :=> \_ n -> PCapt n
, Pos !* name !. "=" !* pat :=> \_ n _ p -> PDecl n p
constant <- rule "Constant"
[ Pos !. "number" :=> \_ (LNumber s) -> Number s
, Pos !. "string" :=> \_ (LString s) -> String s
newType <- rule "NewType"
[ Pos !. "type" !* ctor !* targs !. "=" !* variants :=> \_ _ c ns _ vs -> Opaque c ns vs
, Pos !. "type" !* ctor !. "=" !* variants :=> \_ _ c _ vs -> Opaque c [] vs
, Pos !. "type" !* ctor !* targs :=> \_ _ c ns -> Opaque c ns []
, Pos !. "type" !* ctor :=> \_ _ c -> Opaque c [] []
targs <- some targ
variants <- some variant
targ <- rule "TArg"
[ Pos !* name :=> \_ n -> TArg n Nothing
, Pos !. "(" !* name !. ":" !* kind !. ")" :=> \_ _ n _ k _ -> TArg n (Just k)
kind <- rule "Kind"
[ Pos !* kindArrow :=> pass
kindArrow <- rule "KArrow"
[ Pos !* kindTerm !. "->" !* kindArrow :=> \_ d _ c -> KArr d c
, Pos !* kindTerm :=> pass
kindTerm <- rule "KTerm"
[ Pos !. "*" :=> \_ _ -> Star
, Pos !. "(" !* kind !. ")" :=> \_ _ k _ -> k
variant <- rule "Variant"
[ Pos !. "|" !* aCtor !. "{" !. "}" :=> \_ _ c _ _ -> Variant c []
, Pos !. "|" !* aCtor !. "{" !* fields !. "}" :=> \_ _ c _ fs _ -> Variant c fs
fields <- tField `sepBy` sep
tField <- rule "TField"
[ Pos !* name !. ":" !* type_ :=> \_ n _ t -> TField n t
type_ <- rule "Type"
[ Pos !* typeArrow :=> pass
typeArrow <- rule "TArrow"
[ Pos !* typeApp !. "->" !* typeArrow :=> \_ d _ c -> TArr d c
, Pos !* typeApp :=> pass
typeApp <- rule "TApp"
[ Pos !* typeApp !* typeTerm :=> \_ f x -> TApp f x
, Pos !* typeTerm :=> pass
typeTerm <- rule "TTerm"
[ Pos !* name :=> \_ n -> TVar n
, Pos !* qCtor :=> \_ n -> TCon n
, Pos !. "(" !* type_ !. ")" :=> \_ _ t _ -> t
qCtor <- rule "QCtor"
[ Pos !* ctor :=> \_ c -> QName [] c
, Pos !* ctor !. "." !* qCtor :=> \_ c _ (QName p n) -> QName (c : p) n
qName <- rule "QName"
[ Pos !* name :=> \_ c -> QName [] c
, Pos !* ctor !. "." !* qName :=> \_ c _ (QName p n) -> QName (c : p) n
aCtor <- rule "ACtor"
[ Pos !* qCtor :=> \_ c -> Ctor c
ctor <- rule @_ @SourcePos "Ctor" [ Pos !. "ctor" :=> \_ (LCtor c) -> fromText c ]
name <- rule "Name" [ Pos !. "name" :=> \_ (LVar c) -> fromText c ]
sep <- rule "Separator"
[ Pos !. "," :=> \_ _ -> ()
, Pos !. ";" :=> \_ _ -> ()
return newType
:: forall (t :: *) (p :: *) a (sep :: *)
. (Typeable p, Typeable sep, Typeable a, Typeable t)
=> Entity t p a
-> Entity t p sep
-> M (Entity t p [a])
sepBy a@(MkEntity aName) sep'@(MkEntity sepName) = mdo
res <- rule (aName <> "/" <> sepName)
[ Pos !* a :=> \_ x -> [x]
, Pos !* a !* sep' !* res :=> \_ x _ xs -> x : xs
return res
:: forall (t :: *) (p :: *) a
. (Typeable p, Typeable a, Typeable t)
=> Entity t p a
-> M (Entity t p [a])
some a@(MkEntity aName) = mdo
res <- rule (aName <> "+")
[ Pos !* a :=> \_ x -> [x]
, Pos !* a !* res :=> \_ x xs -> x : xs
return res
pass :: i -> a -> a
pass = const id
ignore :: i -> a -> ()
ignore _ _ = ()
data Lexeme
= LIgnored Text
| LNumber Scientific
| LString Text
| LVar Text
| LCtor Text
instance Show Lexeme where
show = \case
LIgnored t -> show t
LNumber n -> show n
LString t -> show t
LVar n -> Text.unpack n
LCtor n -> Text.unpack n
lexer :: String -> Text -> Either String [(Term, SourcePos, Lexeme)]
lexer = runLexer "$" (LIgnored "$")
[ nameLike "name" startName restName LVar reserved
, nameLike "ctor" startCtor restCtor LCtor reserved
, terms LIgnored reserved
reserved = "-> . ( ) : , ; { } | type = *"
startName c = isAlpha c && isLower c
startCtor c = isAlpha c && isUpper c
restName c = isAlpha c && isLower c || isDigit c || c == ('_' :: Char)
restCtor c = isAlphaNum c || c `elem` ("-?!_" :: String)
terms :: (Text -> l) -> Text -> Parser (Term, SourcePos, l)
terms l txt = foldl (<|>) empty $ map (kw' l) do Text.words txt
kw' :: (Text -> l) -> Text -> Parser (Term, SourcePos, l)
kw' l t = kw t (MkTerm t) (l t)
input :: String -> Text -> [(Term, SourcePos, Lexeme)]
input f src = either error id $ lexer f src
-- test :: String -> Text -> (Either Component Ent)
test f src = runParser arith src $ input f src
pp :: (Functor f, Pretty (f Hide)) => f i -> IO ()
pp = print . pretty . fmap (const Hide)
data Hide = Hide
instance Show Hide where show _ = ""
angled, braced :: [Doc ann] -> Doc ann
braced = encloseSep "{" "}" ","
angled = encloseSep "<" ">" ","
located :: (Show i, Pretty (f i), Foldable f) => f i -> String
located fi = case getFirst (foldMap (First . Just) fi) of
Just info -> show (pretty fi) <> " at " <> show info
Nothing -> error $ "structure with no info field: " <> show (pretty fi)
type Cofree (f : * -> *) x =
| Cofree { x : a, f : f (Cofree f a) }
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