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Last active December 7, 2020 22:09
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{- | A chunk of 16x16x16 atoms.
module Chunk where
import Prelude hiding (read)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Primitive
import Data.IORef
import Data.Functor
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Traversable
import Data.Vector.Unboxed (Unbox)
import qualified Data.Vector.Grow.Unboxed as Vector
import Data.Vector.Grow.Unboxed (GrowVector)
class PrimMonad m => HasVar m where
type Var m :: * -> *
alloc :: a -> m (Var m a)
fetch :: Var m a -> m a
($=) :: Var m a -> a -> m ()
instance HasVar IO where
type Var IO = IORef
alloc = newIORef
fetch = readIORef
($=) = writeIORef
{- | A chunk is either a vector with size 1 (then it is a monolit),
or a vector with size 16^3 (then it is normal chunk).
Any write will turn monolit into normal chunk.
data Chunk m a = Chunk { mono :: Var m Bool, rawChunk :: GrowVector (PrimState m) a }
{- | Will do for now.
type Stored = Unbox
{- | Create a monolitic chunk.
monolit :: (HasVar m, Stored a) => a -> m (Chunk m a)
monolit a = do
mono <- alloc True
gv <- Vector.newSized 1 1
Vector.unsafeWrite gv 0 a
return $ Chunk mono gv
{- | Create a normal chunk.
The count of elements provided must be 16^3 or more.
Excess elements will be ignored.
chunk :: (HasVar m, Stored a) => [a] -> m (Chunk m a)
chunk as = do
mono <- alloc False
gv <- Vector.newSized 0 (16 * 16 * 16)
unsafeFill (Chunk mono gv) (16 * 16 * 16) as
return $ Chunk mono gv
{- | Create a normal chunk.
The count of elements provided must be 16^3 or more.
Excess elements will be ignored.
unsafeFill :: (HasVar m, Stored a) => Chunk m a -> Int -> [a] -> m ()
unsafeFill (Chunk _ gv) = fill
fill n (a : as) | n > 0 = do
Vector.unsafePushBack gv a
fill (n - 1) as
fill _ _ = return ()
{- | Check if chunk is a monolit.
isMonolit :: (HasVar m, Stored a) => Chunk m a -> m Bool
isMonolit (Chunk mono _) = do
fetch mono
{- | Get element of a chunk.
{-# INLINE read #-}
read :: (HasVar m, Stored a) => Chunk m a -> Int -> m a
read c@(Chunk _ raw) i = do
mono <- isMonolit c
Vector.unsafeRead raw if mono then 0 else i
{- | Get many elements of a chunk.
{-# INLINE massRead #-}
massRead :: (HasVar m, Stored a) => Chunk m a -> [Int] -> m [a]
massRead c@(Chunk _ raw) is = do
mono <- isMonolit c
if mono
then do
a <- Vector.unsafeRead raw 0
return $ a <$ is
else do
for is $ Vector.unsafeRead raw
{- | Write element into of a chunk.
Will transform monolit chunk into normal one.
{-# INLINE write #-}
write :: (HasVar m, Stored a) => Chunk m a -> Int -> a -> m ()
write c@(Chunk _ raw) i a = do
mono <- isMonolit c
when mono do
unsafeToChunk c
Vector.write raw i a
unsafeToChunk :: (HasVar m, Stored a) => Chunk m a -> m ()
unsafeToChunk c@(Chunk mono raw) = do
old <- read c 0
Vector.ensure raw (16 * 16 * 16)
unsafeFill c (16 * 16 * 16 - 1) (repeat old)
mono $= False
{- | Perform a batch-write element into of a chunk.
Will check if chunk is a monolit only once.
{-# INLINE massWrite #-}
massWrite :: (HasVar m, Stored a) => Chunk m a -> [(Int, a)] -> m ()
massWrite c@(Chunk _ raw) batch = do
mono <- isMonolit c
when mono do
unsafeToChunk c
for_ batch \(i, a) -> do
Vector.unsafeWrite raw i a
{- | A sparse voxel octree.
The tree carries some monoidal fold in each node.
Use it to store average node color or what not.
It has /neither/ the notion of its own size,
/nor/ the notion of maximal granularity,
/nor/ the coordinates.
You have to watch them yourself, probably by keeping
the current log8 of volume covered by tree.
If you load up a segment and it is outside a tree,
expand in general direction of a segment then put it in.
If you want to remove a segment from memory, replace it
with some atom of your choice.
The path used to access is a @Point x y z@ but
it is @(x y z)@ matrix, bit-transposed.
The tree will self-optimise (and there is an off-flag).
If the updated branch contains atoms with identical contents,
it will be replaced with one atom.
module Octree
( -- * Octree type and constructors
Octree (..)
, atom
, branch
, expand
-- * High-level access
, Path
, location
, batched
, scanned
-- * Low-level access
, ZipperT
, runZipperT
, exit
, step
, go
, change
, here
, batch
, scan
) where
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad.Extra
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Foldable
import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
import Data.Vector ((!), (//), Vector)
import GHC.Generics
{- | An octree of atoms @a@ and some previev (color, material hp) @b@.
data Octree b a
= Branch !b (Vector (Octree b a))
| Atom !b a
deriving stock (Show, Generic)
makePrisms ''Octree
{- | Regenerate or extract previews. Happens automatically on updates.
class Monoid b => Draft a b | a -> b where
draft :: a -> b
instance Draft a b => Draft (Octree b a) b where
draft = \case
Branch b _ -> b
Atom b _ -> b
{- | Peano-cube merge of vector.
merge8 :: Monoid a => Vector a -> a
merge8 v = ((v ! 0 <> v ! 1) <> (v ! 2 <> v ! 3)) <> ((v ! 4 <> v ! 5) <> (v ! 6 <> v ! 7))
{- | Each `Int` is 3-bits of @(x, y, z)@ of the same position, starting from high bits.
Do /not/ use numbers outside @[0.. 7]@, you have been warned.
type Path = [Int]
{- | TODO: make it a CPP-pragma.
selfCompact :: Bool
selfCompact = True
{- | Access lens.
location :: forall a b. (Eq a, Draft a b) => Path -> Lens' (Octree b a) (Octree b a)
location path = lens (getA path) (setA path)
getA :: Path -> Octree b a -> Octree b a
getA p s = case (p, s) of
(i : p', Branch _ v) -> getA p' (v ! i)
_ -> s
setA :: Path -> Octree b a -> Octree b a -> Octree b a
setA p s a = case (p, s) of
(i : p', Branch _ v) -> do
let e = v ! i
let e' = setA p' e' a
let v' = v // [(i, e')]
if selfCompact
case allSameAtoms v' of
Just e' -> atom e'
_ -> branch v'
branch v'
(i : p', Atom _ e) ->
setA p (split e) a
([], _) -> a
allSameAtoms :: Vector (Octree b a) -> Maybe a
allSameAtoms v = do
v' <- traverse (^?_Atom._2) v
guard $ Prelude.all (\i -> (v' ! 0) == (v' ! i)) [1.. 7]
return $ v' ! 0
split :: a -> Octree b a
split = branch . Vector.replicate 8 . atom
{- | Create one atom.
atom :: Draft a b => a -> Octree b a
atom a = Atom (draft a) a
{- | Create a branch.
branch :: Draft a b => Vector (Octree b a) -> Octree b a
branch es = Branch (merge8 $ fmap draft es) es
{- | Add some space around the octree.
expand :: Draft a b => a -> Int -> Octree b a -> Octree b a
expand vacuum octant octree =
branch $ Vector.generate 8 $ \i ->
if i == octant
then octree
else atom vacuum
data ZipLayer b a = ZipLayer
{ _tree :: Octree b a
, _back :: Int
, _dirty :: Bool
makeLenses ''ZipLayer
{- | Run batched sequence of updates.
batched :: (Eq a, Draft a b, MonadFail m) => [(Path, Octree b a -> m (Octree b a))] -> Octree b a -> m (Octree b a)
batched action octree = runZipperT octree (batch action >> exit)
{- | Run a batched sequence of lookups.
scanned :: (Eq a, Draft a b, MonadFail m, Monoid r) => [(Path, Octree b a -> m r)] -> Octree b a -> m r
scanned action octree = runZipperT octree (scan action)
{- | An iterator over the tree.
type ZipperT b a = StateT [ZipLayer b a]
{- | Run the iterator.
runZipperT :: Monad m => Octree b a -> ZipperT b a m x -> m x
runZipperT octree action = evalStateT action $ enter octree
{- | Open the tree.
enter :: Octree b a -> [ZipLayer b a]
enter _tree = [ZipLayer { _tree, _back = 0, _dirty = False }]
{- | Reconstruct current tree.
exit :: (Eq a, Draft a b, MonadFail m) => ZipperT b a m (Octree b a)
exit = do
Just locus <- gets (^?_head.tree)
return locus
exit' = do
gets (^?_tail._head) >>= \case
Nothing -> return ()
_ -> do
step Nothing
{- | Perform step into specified direction. On `Nothing` step up.
step :: (Eq a, Draft a b, Monad m) => Maybe Int -> ZipperT b a m ()
step (Just i) = do
get >>= \case
zl : _ ->
modify $ (:) $ ZipLayer
{ _tree = zl^.tree.location [i]
, _back = i
, _dirty = False
step _ = do
get >>= \case
zl : rest -> do
modify tail
when (zl^.dirty) do
modify $ _head
%~ (dirty .~ True)
. (tree.location [zl^.back] .~ zl^.tree)
{- | Perform given sequence of steps.
go :: (Eq a, Draft a b, Monad m) => [Maybe Int] -> ZipperT b a m ()
go = traverse_ step
{- | Register a change.
change :: MonadFail m => (Octree b a -> m (Octree b a)) -> ZipperT b a m ()
change act = do
Just locus <- gets (^?_head.tree)
locus' <- lift $ act locus
modify $ _head %~ ((tree .~ locus') . (dirty .~ True))
{- | Get current subtree.
here :: MonadFail m => ZipperT b a m (Octree b a)
here = do
Just locus <- gets (^?_head.tree)
return locus
{- | Run several actions in a batch /from current subtree/. Ends somewhere on the last path.
batch :: (Eq a, Draft a b, MonadFail m) => [(Path, Octree b a -> m (Octree b a))] -> ZipperT b a m ()
batch (differentiate -> items) = do
for_ items \(path, action) -> do
go path
change action
{- | Run several scans in a batch /from current subtree/. Ends somewhere on the last path.
scan :: (Eq a, Draft a b, MonadFail m, Monoid r) => [(Path, Octree b a -> m r)] -> ZipperT b a m r
scan (differentiate -> items) = do
flip mconcatMapM items \(path, action) -> do
go path
here >>= lift . action
{- | Optimise path traversal.
differentiate :: [(Path, x)] -> [([Maybe Int], x)]
differentiate items = do
let (paths, actions) = unzip items
let paths' = differential paths
zip paths' actions
differential :: [Path] -> [[Maybe Int]]
differential [] = []
differential (p : ps) = [map Just p] ++ go p ps
go :: Path -> [Path] -> [[Maybe Int]]
go p [] = []
go p (q : ps) =
(replicate d Nothing ++ map Just q') : go q ps
(d, q') = delta p q
delta :: Path -> Path -> (Int, Path)
delta [] [] = (0, [])
delta p [] = (length p, [])
delta [] q = (0, q)
delta (a : p) (b : q) | a == b = delta p q
delta p q = (length p, q)
- base
- extra
- grow-vector
- lens
- mtl
- primitive
- vector
- BlockArguments
- ConstraintKinds
- DeriveGeneric
- DerivingStrategies
- FlexibleInstances
- FunctionalDependencies
- LambdaCase
- MultiParamTypeClasses
- NamedFieldPuns
- RankNTypes
- ScopedTypeVariables
- TemplateHaskell
- TypeApplications
- TypeFamilies
- ViewPatterns
- .
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