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Created December 27, 2011 12:07
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Reifying case expressions on lists
Re: Reifying case expressions [on lists]
A version of ListTo that can handle lazy results.
and follow-up discussion.
module ListTo (ListTo, caseOf, interpret, idL, takeL, andL, testId, testTake, testAnd) where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Arrow (first,second)
-- representation of functions [a] -> b
data ListTo a b where
Fmap :: (b -> c) -> ListTo a b -> ListTo a c
CaseOf :: b -> (a -> ListTo a b) -> ListTo a b
caseOf = CaseOf
-- from Control.Monad.Instances
-- instance Functor ((->) a) where fmap = (.)
-- interpreter homomorphism
interpret :: ListTo a b -> ([a] -> b)
interpret (Fmap f g) = fmap f (interpret g)
interpret (CaseOf nil cons) = \ys -> case ys of
[] -> nil
(x:xs) -> interpret (cons x) xs
-- functor instance
instance Functor (ListTo a) where
fmap f = normalize . Fmap f
normalize :: ListTo a b -> ListTo a b
normalize (Fmap a (Fmap b c)) = normalize $ Fmap (a . b) c
normalize x = x
-- applicative instance, lock-step evaluation
instance Applicative (ListTo a) where
pure b = fmap (const b) $ caseOf b (const $ pure b)
f <*> x = fmap (uncurry ($)) $ pair f x
pair :: ListTo a b -> ListTo a c -> ListTo a (b,c)
pair (CaseOf a1 b1) (CaseOf a2 b2) = CaseOf (a1,a2) (\x -> pair (b1 x) (b2 x))
pair (Fmap f b) c = fmap (first f) (pair b c)
pair b (Fmap f c) = fmap (second f) (pair b c)
-- examples
idL :: ListTo a [a]
idL = caseOf [] $ \x -> (x:) <$> idL
takeL :: Int -> ListTo a [a]
takeL 0 = pure []
takeL n = caseOf [] $ \x -> (x:) <$> takeL (n-1)
andL :: ListTo Bool Bool
andL = caseOf True $ \b -> (\c -> if b then c else False) <$> andL
testId = interpret idL [1..]
testTake = interpret (takeL 20) [1..]
testAnd = interpret andL (True:False:undefined)
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