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Created October 2, 2012 16:49
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Game loop in reactive-banana
Implementation of an "industry strength" game loop with fixed time step
and variable fps.
See also
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
module Main where
import Reactive.Banana
Game Loop
main = do
SDL.init [InitEverything]
SDL.setVideoMode 800 600 32 []
gamestate <- initGameState
Prelude.flip evalStateT gamestate gameLoop
return ()
-- timing helpers
fps = 30 -- physics framerate
dt = (1000 `div` fps) * ms -- physics timestep
type Duration = Integer
type Time = Integer
type GameNetworkDescription
= Event () -- ^ physics timer
-> Behavior Time -- ^ clock (synchronized with physics and user input)
-> Event Input -- ^ user input
-> NetworkDescription (Behavior (IO ())) -- ^ graphics to be sampled
:: Duration -- ^ physics time step
-> Double -- ^ maximal frames per second
-> GameNetworkDescription -- ^ event network corresponding to the game
-> IO ()
gameLoop dt maximalFps gameNetwork = do
-- set up event network
(ahInput , fireInput) <- newAddHandler
(ahPhysics , firePhysics) <- newAddHandler
(ahGraphics, fireGraphics) <- newAddHandler
clock <- newIORef 0
network <- compile $ do
eInput <- fromAddHandler ahInput
ePhysics <- fromAddHandler ahPhysics
bTime <- fromPoll (readIORef clock)
eGraphics <- fromAddHandler ahGraphics
bGraphics <- gameNetwork ePhysics bTime eInput
reactimate $ bGraphics <@ eGraphics
actuate network
-- game loop
go clock 0 =<< getRealTime
go clock acc old = do
-- acc accumulates excess time (usually < dt)
-- old keeps track of the time of the previous iteration of the game loop
input <- SDL.pollEvent
unless (event == Quit) $ do
new <- getRealTime
-- FIXME: set clock properly for user input
fireInput input -- handle user input
-- "physics" simulation
-- invariant: the world time begins at 0 and is always a multiple of dt
let (n,acc2) = (new - old + acc) `divMod` dt
replicateM_ (fromIntegral n) $ do
modifyIORef clock (+dt) -- update clock
firePhysics () -- handle physics
-- no need to hog all the CPU
-- FIXME: something with maximalFPS
SDL.delay (dt `div` 3)
-- graphics
-- note: time might *not* be multiple of dt, for interpolation
tempclock <- readIORef clock -- remember multiple of dt
modifyIORef clock (+acc2) -- advance clock slightly
fireGraphics () -- interpolate graphics
writeIORef clock tempclock -- reset clock to multiple of dt
go clock acc2 new
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