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Last active October 11, 2018 14:05
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Chart library examples — monadic vs pure API
plotSpectrum1 lattice n m = toFile def file $ do
layout_title .= "Spectrum of '" ++ name ++ "'"
layout_x_axis . laxis_title .= "momentum k (" ++ show m ++ " points)"
layout_y_axis . laxis_title .= "energy E"
setColors $ colorGradient blue (length rows)
forM_ rows $ \row -> plot (line "band" [row])
colorGradient color n =
[opaque $ blend (fromIntegral k/fromIntegral n) black color | k <- [1..n]]
plotSpectrum' n m = renderableToFile def file $ toRenderable chart
chart = tval energyBands
= layout_title .~ "Spectrum - '" ++ name ++ "'"
$ layout_x_axis . laxis_title .~ "momentum k (" ++ show m ++ " points)"
$ layout_y_axis . laxis_title .~ "energy E (" ++ show n ++ " bands)"
$ layout_plots .~ map (toPlot . plotBand) (zip bands colors)
$ def
colors = colorGradient blue (length bands)
plotBand (band,c)
= plot_lines_values .~ [map (\(x,y,z) -> (x,y)) band]
$ plot_lines_style . line_color .~ c
$ def
colorGradient color n =
[opaque $ blend (fromIntegral k/fromIntegral n) black color | k <- [1..n]]
% test data (to keep example self-contained)
ks = 0:0.1:pi; m = length(ks);
bands = transpose([sin(ks); sin(2*ks); sin(3*ks)]); % m * 3 matrix
% plotting functionality
gradient = transpose( [ zeros(1,m); zeros(1,m); 1 - ks / pi ])
set(0, 'DefaultAxesColorOrder', gradient)
xlabel(sprintf('momentum k (%d points)',m))
ylabel('energy E')
title('Spectrum of Hamiltonian')
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