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Last active August 29, 2015 14:15
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Lua Global Environment
_G = nil --[[ref]],
_VERSION = "Lua 5.1",
arg = {
[-1] = "/usr/bin/lua",
[0] = "main.lua"
} --[[table: 0xbcbef0]],
assert = assert --[[function: 0xbc5310]],
collectgarbage = collectgarbage --[[function: 0xbc5370]],
coroutine = {
create = coroutine.create --[[function: 0xbc52e0]],
resume = coroutine.resume --[[function: 0xbc6830]],
running = coroutine.running --[[function: 0xbc6890]],
status = coroutine.status --[[function: 0xbc68f0]],
wrap = coroutine.wrap --[[function: 0xbc6950]],
yield = coroutine.yield --[[function: 0xbc69b0]]
} --[[table: 0xbc6600]],
debug = {
debug = debug.debug --[[function: 0xbc8a80]],
getfenv = debug.getfenv --[[function: 0xbc8ab0]],
gethook = debug.gethook --[[function: 0xbc8ae0]],
getinfo = debug.getinfo --[[function: 0xbc8b40]],
getlocal = debug.getlocal --[[function: 0xbc8ba0]],
getmetatable = debug.getmetatable --[[function: 0xbcbc80]],
getregistry = debug.getregistry --[[function: 0xbcbc20]],
getupvalue = debug.getupvalue --[[function: 0xbcbcb0]],
setfenv = debug.setfenv --[[function: 0xbcbd10]],
sethook = debug.sethook --[[function: 0xbcbd40]],
setlocal = debug.setlocal --[[function: 0xbcbda0]],
setmetatable = debug.setmetatable --[[function: 0xbcbe00]],
setupvalue = debug.setupvalue --[[function: 0xbcbe30]],
traceback = debug.traceback --[[function: 0xbcbe90]]
} --[[table: 0xbcb680]],
dofile = dofile --[[function: 0xbc5480]],
error = error --[[function: 0xbc54e0]],
gcinfo = gcinfo --[[function: 0xbc53d0]],
getfenv = getfenv --[[function: 0xbc5430]],
getmetatable = getmetatable --[[function: 0xbc56c0]],
io = {
close = io.close --[[function: 0xbc6c00]],
flush = io.flush --[[function: 0xbc6c30]],
input = io.input --[[function: 0xbc6c60]],
lines = io.lines --[[function: 0xbc8c00]],
open = --[[function: 0xbc8c30]],
output = io.output --[[function: 0xbc8c90]],
popen = io.popen --[[function: 0xbc8cf0]],
read = --[[function: 0xbc8d50]],
stderr = "file (0x7f88b33e3180)",
stdin = "file (0x7f88b33e3340)",
stdout = "file (0x7f88b33e3260)",
tmpfile = io.tmpfile --[[function: 0xbc8d80]],
type = io.type --[[function: 0xbc8de0]],
write = io.write --[[function: 0xbc8e10]]
} --[[table: 0xbc87a0]],
ipairs = ipairs --[[function: 0xbc5010]],
load = load --[[function: 0xbc5540]],
loadfile = loadfile --[[function: 0xbc5720]],
loadstring = loadstring --[[function: 0xbc55a0]],
math = {
abs = math.abs --[[function: 0xbcab10]],
acos = math.acos --[[function: 0xbcab70]],
asin = math.asin --[[function: 0xbcabd0]],
atan = math.atan --[[function: 0xbcac90]],
atan2 = math.atan2 --[[function: 0xbcac30]],
ceil = math.ceil --[[function: 0xbcacf0]],
cos = math.cos --[[function: 0xbcadb0]],
cosh = math.cosh --[[function: 0xbcad50]],
deg = math.deg --[[function: 0xbcae10]],
exp = math.exp --[[function: 0xbcae70]],
floor = math.floor --[[function: 0xbcaed0]],
fmod = math.fmod --[[function: 0xbcaf30]],
frexp = math.frexp --[[function: 0xbcaf90]],
huge = 1/0 --[[math.huge]],
ldexp = math.ldexp --[[function: 0xbcaff0]],
log = math.log --[[function: 0xbcb0b0]],
log10 = math.log10 --[[function: 0xbcb050]],
max = math.max --[[function: 0xbcb110]],
min = math.min --[[function: 0xbcb170]],
mod = nil --[[ref]],
modf = math.modf --[[function: 0xbcb1d0]],
pi = 3.1415926535898,
pow = math.pow --[[function: 0xbcb230]],
rad = math.rad --[[function: 0xbcb290]],
random = math.random --[[function: 0xbcb2f0]],
randomseed = math.randomseed --[[function: 0xbcb350]],
sin = math.sin --[[function: 0xbcb410]],
sinh = math.sinh --[[function: 0xbcb3b0]],
sqrt = math.sqrt --[[function: 0xbcb470]],
tan = math.tan --[[function: 0xbcb530]],
tanh = math.tanh --[[function: 0xbcb4d0]]
} --[[table: 0xbca5b0]],
module = module --[[function: 0xbc7380]],
newproxy = newproxy --[[function: 0xbc6560]],
next = next --[[function: 0xbc5600]],
os = {
clock = os.clock --[[function: 0xbc9460]],
date = --[[function: 0xbc94c0]],
difftime = os.difftime --[[function: 0xbc9520]],
execute = os.execute --[[function: 0xbc9580]],
exit = os.exit --[[function: 0xbc95e0]],
getenv = os.getenv --[[function: 0xbc47b0]],
remove = os.remove --[[function: 0xbc60d0]],
rename = os.rename --[[function: 0xbc6100]],
setlocale = os.setlocale --[[function: 0xbc6160]],
time = os.time --[[function: 0xbc61c0]],
tmpname = os.tmpname --[[function: 0xbc6220]]
} --[[table: 0xbc9180]],
package = {
config = "/\n;\n?\n!\n-",
cpath = "./?.so;/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/?.so;/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/lua/5.1/?.so;/usr/lib/lua/5.1/?.so;/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/",
loaded = {
_G = nil --[[ref]],
coroutine = nil --[[ref]],
debug = nil --[[ref]],
io = nil --[[ref]],
math = nil --[[ref]],
os = nil --[[ref]],
package = nil --[[ref]],
string = nil --[[ref]],
table = nil --[[ref]],
} --[[table: 0xbc5290]],
loaders = {
"function: 0xbc6e10",
"function: 0xbc6e40",
"function: 0xbc6e70",
"function: 0xbc6ea0"
} --[[table: 0xbc6d70]],
loadlib = "function: 0xbc6cb0",
path = "./?.lua;/usr/local/share/lua/5.1/?.lua;/usr/local/share/lua/5.1/?/init.lua;/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/?.lua;/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/?/init.lua;/usr/share/lua/5.1/?.lua;/usr/share/lua/5.1/?/init.lua",
preload = {} --[[table: 0xbc7300]],
seeall = "function: 0xbc6d10"
} --[[table: 0xbc6b50]],
pairs = pairs --[[function: 0xbc50b0]],
pcall = pcall --[[function: 0xbc5660]],
print = print --[[function: 0xbc5a40]],
rawequal = rawequal --[[function: 0xbc5aa0]],
rawget = rawget --[[function: 0xbc5b00]],
rawset = rawset --[[function: 0xbc5b60]],
require = require --[[function: 0xbc73e0]],
select = select --[[function: 0xbc4700]],
setfenv = setfenv --[[function: 0xbc5780]],
setmetatable = setmetatable --[[function: 0xbc57e0]],
string = {
byte = string.byte --[[function: 0xbc6330]],
char = string.char --[[function: 0xbc6390]],
dump = string.dump --[[function: 0xbc63f0]],
find = string.find --[[function: 0xbc6450]],
format = string.format --[[function: 0xbc64b0]],
gfind = string.gmatch --[[function: 0xbca170]],
gmatch = nil --[[ref]],
gsub = string.gsub --[[function: 0xbca1d0]],
len = string.len --[[function: 0xbca230]],
lower = string.lower --[[function: 0xbca290]],
match = string.match --[[function: 0xbca2f0]],
rep = string.rep --[[function: 0xbca350]],
reverse = string.reverse --[[function: 0xbca3b0]],
sub = string.sub --[[function: 0xbca410]],
upper = string.upper --[[function: 0xbca470]]
} --[[table: 0xbc62e0]],
table = {
concat = table.concat --[[function: 0xbc5e50]],
foreach = table.foreach --[[function: 0xbc5eb0]],
foreachi = table.foreachi --[[function: 0xbc5f10]],
getn = table.getn --[[function: 0xbc5f70]],
insert = table.insert --[[function: 0xbc6030]],
maxn = table.maxn --[[function: 0xbc5fd0]],
remove = table.remove --[[function: 0xbc6090]],
setn = table.setn --[[function: 0xbc7e80]],
sort = table.sort --[[function: 0xbc7ee0]]
} --[[table: 0xbc67a0]],
tonumber = tonumber --[[function: 0xbc5840]],
tostring = tostring --[[function: 0xbc58a0]],
type = type --[[function: 0xbc5900]],
unpack = unpack --[[function: 0xbc5960]],
xpcall = xpcall --[[function: 0xbc59c0]]
} --[[table: 0xbc46b0]] --[[incomplete output with shared/self-references skipped]]
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