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Created December 13, 2014 20:09
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Pandoc filter to convert Critic Markup to Spans (which will be converted to Tracked Changes in Docx).
#!/usr/bin/env python
Pandoc filter to parse CriticMarkup into Spans for
Insertion and Deletion. The Docx writer will convert
these into Tracked Changes.
A comment immediately after a change will be parsed
for "author: The Author" and "date: 12-21-12", which
will be inserted into the Span as appropriate.
from pandocfilters import Span, Str, RawInline, walk, attributes, stringify
import re
import sys
import json
regexes = {
'all': re.compile(r"([-+=~]{2}\}\{>>|\{[-+~>=]{2}|[-+=~<]{2}\}|~>)"),
# 'all': re.compile(r"(\{[-+~>=]{2}|[-+=~<]{2}\}|~>)"),
def parseMarks (key, value, format, meta):
if key == 'Str':
if regexes['all'].search(value):
items = regexes['all'].split(value, 1)
result = [
RawInline('critic', items[1])]
result.extend(walk([Str(items[2])], parseMarks, format, meta))
return result
spanstart = {
'{++' : 'insertion',
'{--' : 'deletion',
'{==' : 'hilite',
'{>>' : 'comment',
'{~~' : 'subdelete'
spanend = {
'insertion' : '++}',
'deletion' : '--}',
'hilite' : '==}',
# 'comment' : '<<}',
spancomment = {
'insertion' : '++}{>>',
'deletion' : '--}{>>',
'hilite' : '==}{>>',
'subadd' : '~~}{>>',
def makeSpan (contents, classes = "", author = "", date = ""):
attrs = {'classes' : classes.split(), 'author' : author, 'date' : date}
return Span (attributes(attrs), contents)
def findAuthor (comment):
author ="(author:|@)\s*([\w\s]+)", comment)
if author:
return ""
def findDate (comment):
date ="date:\s*(\S+)", comment)
if date:
return ""
inspan = False
spantype = None
lasttype = None
spancontents = []
priorspan = []
def spanify (key, value, format, meta):
global inspan
global spantype
global lasttype
global spancontents
global priorspan
if inspan:
# pass
if key == 'RawInline' and value[0] == 'critic':
if value[1] == spanend.get(spantype, ""):
newspan = makeSpan(spancontents, spantype)
inspan = False
spantype = None
spancontents = []
return walk([newspan], spanify, format, meta)
elif spantype == 'subdelete' and value[1] == '~>':
priorspan.append({'type': 'deletion', 'contents': spancontents})
spancontents = []
spantype = 'subadd'
return []
elif spantype == 'subadd' and value[1] == '~~}':
delspan = makeSpan(priorspan[0]['contents'], 'deletion')
addspan = makeSpan(spancontents, 'insertion')
inspan = False
spantype = None
priorspan = []
spancontents = []
return walk([delspan, addspan], spanify, format, meta)
elif value[1] == spancomment.get(spantype, ""):
thistype = spantype
if thistype == 'subadd': thistype = 'insertion'
priorspan.append({'type': thistype, 'contents': spancontents})
spancontents = []
spantype = 'comment'
return []
elif value[1] == '<<}' and spantype == 'comment':
commentstring = stringify(spancontents)
result = []
# if len(priorspan) > 0:
author = findAuthor(commentstring)
date = findDate(commentstring)
for item in priorspan:
result.append(makeSpan(item['contents'], item['type'], author, date))
comment = "<!-- %s -->" % commentstring
result.append(RawInline('html', comment))
priorspan = []
spancontents = []
spantype = None
inspan = False
return walk(result, spanify, format, meta)
spancontents.append({'t': key, 'c': value})
return []
spancontents.append({'t': key, 'c': value})
return []
if key == 'RawInline' and value[0] == 'critic':
thetype = spanstart.get(value[1], "")
if thetype:
spantype = thetype
inspan = True
spancontents = []
return []
#this is a user error, do not parse
if __name__ == "__main__":
doc = json.loads(
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
format = sys.argv[1]
format = ""
meta = doc[0]['unMeta']
parsed = walk(doc, parseMarks, format, meta)
altered = walk(parsed, spanify, format, meta)
json.dump(altered, sys.stdout)
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