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Created December 5, 2020 09:04
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AOC 2020 - Day 5
(require '[clojure.string :as str])
(defn binary-partition [b-string]
(let [bits (dec (count b-string))]
(->> b-string
(map-indexed (fn [i x]
(if (#{\B \R} x)
(Math/pow 2 (- bits i))
(reduce +))))
(defn seat-id [a-string]
(let [rows (drop-last 3 a-string)
cols (take-last 3 a-string)]
(+ (* 8 (binary-partition rows))
(binary-partition cols))))
(defn part-1 []
(let [data (-> (slurp (format "./inputs/day5.txt"))
(map seat-id data)))
(defn part-2 []
(let [seat-ids (sort (part-1))]
(loop [c (rest seat-ids)
i (first seat-ids)]
(if (= (first c) (inc i))
(recur (rest c) (first c))
(inc i)))))
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