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Created January 31, 2016 16:27
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Save HelloZeroNet/006347ed183e7f3721ff to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
import urllib2, re, json, os, time, sys, HTMLParser
html_parser = HTMLParser.HTMLParser()
auth_address = "1KbV1e1u6P6AsY8XNBydgtbtN8iSB5WMyG"
auth_privatekey = "xxxx"
site = "1TaLkFrMwvbNsooF4ioKAY9EuxTBTjipT"
zeronet_dir = ".."
json_path = "data/%s/data/users/%s/data.json" % (site, auth_address)
data = json.load(open(json_path))
def addNews(title, source, url, descr):
global data
added_urls = [re.match(".*?(http[s]{0,1}://.*$|$)", topic["body"], re.DOTALL).group(1) for topic in data["topic"]]
added_bodys = [topic["body"] for topic in data["topic"]]
added_titles = [topic["title"] for topic in data["topic"]]
if url not in added_urls and descr[0:30] not in "".join(added_bodys) and title[0:30] not in "".join(added_titles):
topic = {
"topic_id": data["next_topic_id"],
"title": title,
"body": descr+"\n\n"+url,
"added": int(time.time()),
"parent_topic_uri": "1_1KbV1e1u6P6AsY8XNBydgtbtN8iSB5WMyG"
data["next_topic_id"] += 1
data["topic"] = [topic for topic in data["topic"] if topic["added"] > time.time()-60*60*24*2 or "type" in topic] # Only keep last 2 day topics + the group
print "Added:", repr(title)
return True
return False
def getNews():
opener = urllib2.build_opener()
opener.addheaders = [('User-agent', 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; it; rv: Gecko/20071127 Firefox/')]
response =",lr:lang_1en&source=lnms&tbm=nws&sa=X", timeout=10)
added = 0
found = 0
blocks = re.findall('<div class="g">(.*?)</table>',
if not blocks:
print "No blocks"
for block in blocks:
match = re.match('.*?<h3.*? href=\"(?P<url>.*?)\".*?>(?P<title>.*?)</a>.*<div class="slp"><span.*?>(?P<source>[A-Za-z0-9 ]*).*<div class="st">(?P<descr>.*?)</div>(.*?)</td>', block.replace("<b>", "").replace("</b>", ""))
if match:
found += 1
url, title, source, descr, more = match.groups()
title = html_parser.unescape(title.decode("utf8"))
descr = html_parser.unescape(descr.decode("utf8"))
more = more.strip()
url = re.sub(".*?q=(.*?)&amp;.*", "\\1", url)
if not more:
added += addNews(title, source, url, descr)
if not found:
print "Not found any"
if added:
json.dump(data, open(json_path, "w"), indent=2)
print "* Sign and publish..."
os.system("python siteSign %s %s --inner_path data/users/%s/content.json --publish" % (site, auth_privatekey, auth_address))
while 1:
except Exception, err:
print "Exception", err
print ".",
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