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Last active May 17, 2016 22:30
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  • Save HelloZeroNet/8100939a439670640b88ef65b1902df5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save HelloZeroNet/8100939a439670640b88ef65b1902df5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
import time
import json
import os
import sys
import re
import socket
from subprocess import call
from bitcoinrpc.authproxy import AuthServiceProxy
def publish():
print "* Signing and Publishing..."
call(" ".join(command_sign_publish), shell=True)
def processNameOp(domain, value, test=False):
if not value.strip().startswith("{"):
return False
data = json.loads(value)
except Exception, err:
print "Json load error: %s" % err
return False
if "zeronet" not in data:
print "No zeronet in ", data.keys()
return False
if not isinstance(data["zeronet"], dict):
print "Not dict: ", data["zeronet"]
return False
if not re.match("^[a-z0-9]([a-z0-9-]{0,62}[a-z0-9])?$", domain):
print "Invalid domain: ", domain
return False
if test:
return True
if "slave" in sys.argv:
print "Waiting for master update arrive"
time.sleep(30) # Wait 30 sec to allow master updater
# Note: Requires the file data/names.json to exist and contain "{}" to work
names_raw = open(names_path, "rb").read()
names = json.loads(names_raw)
for subdomain, address in data["zeronet"].items():
subdomain = subdomain.lower()
address = re.sub("[^A-Za-z0-9]", "", address)
print subdomain, domain, "->", address
if subdomain:
if re.match("^[a-z0-9]([a-z0-9-]{0,62}[a-z0-9])?$", subdomain):
names["%s.%s.bit" % (subdomain, domain)] = address
print "Invalid subdomain:", domain, subdomain
names["%s.bit" % domain] = address
new_names_raw = json.dumps(names, indent=2, sort_keys=True)
if new_names_raw != names_raw:
open(names_path, "wb").write(new_names_raw)
print "-", domain, "Changed"
return True
print "-", domain, "Not changed"
return False
def processBlock(block_id, test=False):
print "Processing block #%s..." % block_id
s = time.time()
block_hash = rpc.getblockhash(block_id)
block = rpc.getblock(block_hash)
print "Checking %s tx" % len(block["tx"])
updated = 0
for tx in block["tx"]:
transaction = rpc.getrawtransaction(tx, 1)
for vout in transaction.get("vout", []):
if "scriptPubKey" in vout and "nameOp" in vout["scriptPubKey"] and "name" in vout["scriptPubKey"]["nameOp"]:
name_op = vout["scriptPubKey"]["nameOp"]
updated += processNameOp(name_op["name"].replace("d/", ""), name_op["value"], test)
except Exception, err:
print "Error processing tx #%s %s" % (tx, err)
print "Done in %.3fs (updated %s)." % (time.time() - s, updated)
return updated
# Connecting to RPC
def initRpc(config):
"""Initialize Namecoin RPC"""
rpc_data = {
'connect': '',
'port': '8336',
'user': 'PLACEHOLDER',
'password': 'PLACEHOLDER',
'clienttimeout': '900'
fptr = open(config, 'r')
lines = fptr.readlines()
return None # Or take some other appropriate action
for line in lines:
if not line.startswith('rpc'):
key_val = line.split(None, 1)[0]
(key, val) = key_val.split('=', 1)
if not key or not val:
rpc_data[key[3:]] = val
url = 'http://%(user)s:%(password)s@%(connect)s:%(port)s' % rpc_data
return url, int(rpc_data['clienttimeout'])
# Loading config...
# Check whether platform is on windows or linux
# On linux namecoin is installed under ~/.namecoin, while on on windows it is in %appdata%/Namecoin
if sys.platform == "win32":
namecoin_location = os.getenv('APPDATA') + "/Namecoin/"
namecoin_location = os.path.expanduser("~/.namecoin/")
config_path = namecoin_location + 'zeroname_config.json'
if not os.path.isfile(config_path): # Create sample config
open(config_path, "w").write(
json.dumps({'site': 'site', 'zeronet_path': '/home/zeronet', 'privatekey': '', 'lastprocessed': 223910}, indent=2)
print "* Example config written to %s" % config_path
config = json.load(open(config_path))
names_path = "%s/data/%s/data/names.json" % (config["zeronet_path"], config["site"])
os.chdir(config["zeronet_path"]) # Change working dir - tells script where Zeronet install is.
# Parameters to sign and publish
command_sign_publish = [sys.executable, "", "siteSign", config["site"], config["privatekey"], "--publish"]
if sys.platform == 'win32':
command_sign_publish = ['"%s"' % param for param in command_sign_publish]
# Initialize rpc connection
rpc_auth, rpc_timeout = initRpc(namecoin_location + "namecoin.conf")
rpc = AuthServiceProxy(rpc_auth, timeout=rpc_timeout)
while 1:
info_result = rpc.getinfo()
last_block = int(info_result["blocks"])
break # Connection succeeded
except socket.timeout: # Timeout
print ".",
except Exception, err:
print "Exception", err.__class__, err
print info_result
rpc = AuthServiceProxy(rpc_auth, timeout=rpc_timeout)
if not config["lastprocessed"]: # First startup: Start processing from last block
config["lastprocessed"] = last_block
print "- Testing domain parsing..."
assert processBlock(223911, test=True) # Testing zeronetwork.bit
assert processBlock(227052, test=True) # Testing brainwallets.bit
assert not processBlock(236824, test=True) # Utf8 domain name (invalid should skip)
assert not processBlock(236752, test=True) # Uppercase domain (invalid should skip)
assert processBlock(236870, test=True) # Encoded domain (should pass)
# sys.exit(0)
print "- Parsing skipped blocks..."
should_publish = False
for block_id in range(config["lastprocessed"], last_block + 1):
if processBlock(block_id):
should_publish = True
config["lastprocessed"] = last_block
if should_publish:
while 1:
print "- Waiting for new block"
while 1:
print "Found"
break # Block found
except socket.timeout: # Timeout
print ".",
except Exception, err:
print "Exception", err.__class__, err
rpc = AuthServiceProxy(rpc_auth, timeout=rpc_timeout)
last_block = int(rpc.getinfo()["blocks"])
should_publish = False
for block_id in range(config["lastprocessed"] + 1, last_block + 1):
if processBlock(block_id):
should_publish = True
config["lastprocessed"] = last_block
open(config_path, "w").write(json.dumps(config, indent=2))
if should_publish:
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