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Last active January 29, 2022 14:11
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wordle/ solver
from string import ascii_lowercase
import argparse
def letter_frequency_builder(words_list):
corpus_length = len(words_list)
return {letter: sum(letter in word for word in words_list)/corpus_length for letter in ascii_lowercase}
def word_score(word, letter_frequency):
return sum(letter_frequency[letter] for letter in set(word))
def best_n_guesses(n, words_list):
freq_dict = letter_frequency_builder(words_list)
return sorted(words_list, key=lambda word: word_score(word, freq_dict))[-n:], freq_dict
def print_guesses_and_score(words_list):
guesses, freq_dict = best_n_guesses(10, words_list)
for i, guess in enumerate(guesses[::-1]):
print(f"{i+1} {guess} - {word_score(guess, freq_dict)}")
def filter_word(word, in_position, not_in_position, not_in_word):
for letter, position in in_position.items():
if not word[position] == letter:
return False
for letter, position in not_in_position.items():
if word[position] == letter:
return False
letters_set = set(word)
in_word = set(not_in_position.keys())
not_in_word = set(not_in_word)
return (letters_set.intersection(in_word) == set(in_word) and
letters_set.intersection(not_in_word) == set())
def filter_words_list(words_list, in_position, not_in_position, not_in_word):
return set([word for word in words_list if filter_word(word, in_position, not_in_position, not_in_word)])
def process_guess_and_result(guess, result):
result = result.lower()
if result.count("g") + result.count("b") + result.count("y") != 5:
raise ValueError(f"Invalid result {result}. "
f"It must contain exactly five letters and only the letters 'b', 'g' or 'y'.")
if len(guess) != 5:
raise ValueError(f"Invalid guess {guess}. "
f"It must contain exactly five letters.")
in_position = {}
not_in_position = {}
not_in_word = []
for position, (guess_letter, result_letter) in enumerate(zip(guess, result)):
if result_letter == 'g':
in_position[guess_letter] = position
elif result_letter == 'y':
not_in_position[guess_letter] = position
return in_position, not_in_position, not_in_word
def build_portuguese_word_bank(words_list):
translation_table = str.maketrans({"à": 'a', "á": "a", "â": "a", "ã": "a", "ä": "a",
"é": "e", "ê": "e", "ë": "e", "è": "e",
"í": "i", "î": "i", "ï": "i", "ì": "i",
"ó": "o", "ô": "o", "õ": "o", "ò": "o", "ö": "o",
"ú": "u", "û": "u", "ü": "u", "ù": "u",
"ç": "c",
"ñ": "n"})
return set([word.lower().translate(translation_table) for word in words_list if (len(word) == 5 and
'.' not in word and
'ª' not in word and
'º' not in word
def retrieve_english_resources():
from nltk.corpus import words
return words.words()
except Exception as e:
import nltk"words")
return words.words()
def retrieve_portuguese_resources():
from nltk.corpus import machado
return machado.words()
except Exception as e:
import nltk"machado")
return machado.words()
def new_game(language="english"):
if language == "english":
words_list = retrieve_english_resources()
updated_words_list = [word.lower() for word in words_list if len(word) == 5]
elif language == "portuguese":
words_list = retrieve_portuguese_resources()
updated_words_list = build_portuguese_word_bank(words_list)
print(f"Language {language} is not supported.")
result = "BBBBB"
count = 0
while result.lower() != "ggggg":
guess, result = input("""
Type the attempted word and result.
Result must be a five letters indicating the individual letters result:
- b for black (letter not in the word);
- y for yellow (letter in the word but not in this position);
- g for green (letter in the word and in this position);
in_position, not_in_position, not_in_word = process_guess_and_result(guess, result)
updated_words_list = filter_words_list(updated_words_list, in_position, not_in_position, not_in_word)
if len(updated_words_list) == 0:
print("This word is not in my vocabulary D:")
count += 1
except ValueError as e:
print(f"An error occurred while processing your guess and result: {e}")
if count < 7:
print("Looks like this algorithm can be improved :(")
def parse_args():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("language", help="Language of the new game", choices=["english", "portuguese"])
return parser.parse_args()
if __name__ == '__main__':
args = parse_args()
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Requires nltk installation: pip install nltk

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