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Created June 26, 2017 09:17
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Export table to CSV with JS APIs and Clojuresript
; Extends Nodelist in order for us to just map through nodelists (array like js objects)
(extend-type js/NodeList
(-seq [array] (array-seq array 0)))
(defn download-csv [csv filename]
(let [csv-file (js/Blob. (clj->js [csv]) {:type "text/csv"})
download-link (.createElement js/document "a")]
(aset download-link "download" filename)
(aset download-link "href" (.createObjectURL (aget js/window "URL") csv-file))
(aset download-link "style.display" "none")
(.appendChild (aget js/document "body") download-link)
(.click download-link)))
(defn export-table-to-csv [table-id]
(let [row-selector (str "#" table-id " tr")
rows (.querySelectorAll js/document row-selector)
table (->> (map (fn [row]
(let [cols (.querySelectorAll row "th, td")]
(->> (map (fn [col]
(.-innerText col)) cols)
(clojure.string/join ",")))) rows)
(clojure.string/join "\n"))]
(download-csv table (str "table-export-" table-id ".csv"))))
; (export-table-to-csv "some-table-id")
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