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Last active August 29, 2015 14:22
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  • Save HendrikRoth/1b3815f156cfb64cde7e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save HendrikRoth/1b3815f156cfb64cde7e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
var test = {};
test.getnews = function(exa) {
return m.request({
method: 'GET',
dataType: "jsonp",
url: "" + exa,
unwrapSuccess: function(response) {
return response.responseData.feed.entries;
unwrapError: function(response) {
return response.error;
var nSource = [{
title: "CNN ",
url: ''
}, {
title: "Reuters World News ",
url: ''
test.controller = function() {
var ctrl = this;
ctrl.selectedId = m.prop('')
ctrl.source = nSource;
ctrl.feeds = test.getnews(ctrl.selectedId())
test.view = function(ctrl) {
return [m('select', {
onchange: m.withAttr('value', ctrl.selectedId)
}, [ {
return m('option', {
value: data.url
}, data.title)
m('.list-group', [
ctrl.feeds().map(function(feed) {
return m('a.list-group-item', {
target: '_newtab'
}, [
m('h4.list-group-item-heading', feed.title),
m('p.list-group-item-text.text-left', feed.contentSnippet),
m('span.small', feed.publishedDate)
m.mount(document.body, test)
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