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Last active December 9, 2015 20:34
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An implementation of fold in Swift with a few usage examples. Blog article corresponding to it:
extension Array {
func empty() -> Bool {
return self.count == 0
var head: Element? {
get {
return self.first
var tail: Array<Element>? {
get {
if self.empty() { return nil }
return Array(self.dropFirst())
func foldl<A,B>(acc: A, list: Array<B>, f: (A, B) -> A) -> A {
if list.empty() { return acc }
return foldl(f(acc, list.head!), list: list.tail!, f: f)
func sum(list: Array<Int>) -> Int {
return foldl(0, list: list, f: (+))
extension Array {
func push(elem: Element) -> Array<Element> {
var tmpArray = Array(self)
tmpArray.insert(elem, atIndex: 0)
return Array(tmpArray)
func reverse<T>(list: Array<T>) -> Array<T> {
return foldl(Array<T>(), list: list, f: { return $0.push($1) })
func maximum(list: Array<Int>) -> Int {
return foldl(0, list: list, f: max)
func universalQuantifier(list: Array<Bool>) -> Bool {
return foldl(true, list: list, f: { $0 && $1 })
func existencialQuantifier(list: Array<Bool>) -> Bool {
return foldl(false, list: [false, true, true], f: { $0 || $1 })
func fac(n: Int) -> Int {
return foldl(1, list: Array(1...n), f: (*))
extension Array {
func _append(elem: Element) -> Array<Element> {
var arr = Array(self)
return Array(arr)
func _filter<T>(list: Array<T>, pred: (T -> Bool)) -> Array<T> {
return foldl(Array<T>(), list: list, f: { pred($1) ? $0._append($1) : $0 })
func _map<A,B>(list: Array<A>, mf: (A -> B)) -> Array<B> {
return foldl(Array<B>(), list: list, f: { $0._append(mf($1)) })
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