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Last active September 1, 2015 04:09
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AngularJS directive for address autocompletion using Google Places Autocomplete API
This directive is based on an example on google's developers website that shows how to use
the places api to implement an address autocomplete textbox:
Here is an example of how to use it in your application:
<html ng-app="your-app">
<!-- jQuery, AngularJs and Google Places libraries must be imported in your index.html-->
<script src=""></script>
<script src="" data-semver="1.4.3"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<!-- The application module definition, controllers and directives are all assumed to be in app.js-->
<script src="app.js"></script>
<body ng-controller="MainCtrl as mainCtrl">
<input type="text" google-places-autocomplete on-place-selected="mainCtrl.placeSelected(place, address)" />
angular.module 'your-app', []
.directive 'googlePlacesAutocomplete', ($window) ->
ctrl = ()->
vm = this
### use a default options if none is given ###
if not vm.options?
vm.options =
types: ['geocode']
country: 'us'
directive =
restrict: 'A'
options: "="
onPlaceSelected: "&"
controller: ctrl
controllerAs: 'ctrl'
bindToController: true
link: (scope, element, attrs, ctrl) ->
###Map defines the forms of the address components we are interested in###
addressComponentForm =
street_number: 'short_name',
route: 'long_name',
locality: 'long_name',
administrative_area_level_1: 'short_name',
country: 'long_name',
postal_code: 'short_name'
###Throw an error if this directive is not associated with an input element of type text###
if not"input[type='text']") then throw new Error "element must be of type input[type='text']"
###Create the autocomplete object, restricting the search to geographical location types. ###
###TODO: Validate ctrl.options ###
autocomplete = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(element.get(0), ctrl.options)
### Bias the autocomplete object to the user's geographical location, as supplied by the browser's 'navigator.geolocation' object. ###
element.focus ()->
### Make sure the browser supports geolocation###
if $window.navigator.geolocation?
$window.navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition (position)->
geolocation = lat: position.coords.latitude, lng: position.coords.longitude
circle = new google.maps.Circle(center: geolocation, radius: position.coords.accuracy)
###Add a callback to get notified when a place is selected from the dropdown###
autocomplete.addListener 'place_changed', () ->
###use scope.$apply to execute the callback from google places in angular context###
scope.$apply ()->
###Parse the address of the selected place###
place = autocomplete.getPlace()
address = {}
for addressComponent in place.address_components
do (addressComponent) ->
addressComponentType = addressComponent.types[0]
if addressComponentForm[addressComponentType]?
address[addressComponentType] = addressComponent[addressComponentForm[addressComponentType]]
ctrl.onPlaceSelected(place: place, address: address)
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