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Created July 20, 2023 19:57
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Go Future
package asyncutils
import (
// A Future is a task which starts but doesn't block the current thread since it's run in a goroutine.
// To wait on a future, call the Await() method which blocks until the future resolves either to a value or an error.
// To start a new future, check the `RunFuture` function.
type Future[T any] interface {
Await() (T, error)
type future[T any] struct {
val T
err error
done chan struct{}
func (future *future[T]) Await() (T, error) {
return future.val, future.err
type staticFuture[T any] struct {
val T
func (future *staticFuture[T]) Await() (T, error) {
return future.val, nil
func Value[T any](value T) Future[T] {
return &staticFuture[T]{val: value}
// AwaitAllSlice awaits all futures in a given slice.
// The return values are returned in order though futures
// which resulted in an error are logged and skipped in the output.
func AwaitAllSlice[T any](ctx context.Context, futures []Future[T]) []T {
results := make([]T, 0, len(futures))
for _, future := range futures {
result, err := future.Await()
if err != nil {
logger.ReportError(ctx, err)
results = append(results, result)
return results
// AwaitAllMap awaits all futures in a map and returns the map without futures.
// Any future which resolves into an error will be omitted from the final map.
func AwaitAllMap[Key comparable, T any](ctx context.Context, futures map[Key]Future[T]) map[Key]T {
results := make(map[Key]T, len(futures))
for key, future := range futures {
result, err := future.Await()
if err != nil {
logger.ReportError(ctx, err)
results[key] = result
return results
// RunFuture starts a new future and runs the provided function in a goroutine.
// The calling goroutine will not be blocked until `Await()` on the future is called
// which will return the results of the passed function.
// The ctx is needed to properly create track the async operations both in our tracing and monitoring.
// The operation name serves as a identifier in the tracing to identify the async code more easily.
// Panics are also recovered and are returned as normal errors.
// In this case the default value of `T` is returned with the paniced error.
// Example:
// future := async.RunFuture(ctx, "FetchResponse", func() (*http.Response, error) {
// res, err := http.Get("")
// if err != nil {
// return nil, err
// }
// return res, nil
// })
// fmt.Println("This code will not wait for the HTTP request")
// res, err := future.Await()
// fmt.Println("This code waits until the http request is done")
// For more examples, check the test suite of the `async` package.
func RunFuture[T any](
ctx context.Context,
f func(ctx context.Context) (T, error),
) Future[T] {
future := &future[T]{
done: make(chan struct{}, 1),
go func(ctx context.Context) {
defer close(future.done)
defer func() {
panicErr := recover()
if panicErr == nil {
if IsDevelopment() {
log.Printf("Recovered panic: %v", panicErr)
future.err = fmt.Errorf("GoRoutine paniced: %v", panicErr)
future.val, future.err = f(ctx)
return future
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