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Last active October 4, 2016 19:09
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Transfer R package from SVN to Git repository
# rforge2git.R by Henrik Bengtsson
# Rscript rpkg_svn2git.R <pkg>
# Rscript rpkg_svn2git.R r-forge:r-dots/
# Rscript rpkg_svn2git.R bioc-devel:illuminaio
# Rscript rpkg_svn2git.R svn://
# sudo apt-get install git-svn
# git config svn.authorsfile ~/.gitauthors
git <- function(...) {
args <- c(...)
bin <- Sys.which("git")
stopifnot(nchar(bin) > 0L)
system2(bin, args=args, stdout=TRUE)
git_version <- function() {
ver <- tryCatch({
ver <- git("--version")
ver <- gsub("(git|version|msysgit.*)", "", ver)
ver <- gsub("(^[ ]+|[ .]+$)", "", ver)
}, error = function(ex) numeric_version("0.0.0"))
git_svn_authors_r_forge <- function() {
# R-Forge admins
authors <- c(
"mpacala = Martin Pacala <mpacala[SPAM-at-SPAM]>",
"stefan7th = Stefan Theuss <stefan.theussl[SPAM-at-SPAM]>"
gsub("[SPAM-at-SPAM]", "@", authors, fixed=TRUE)
git_svn_authors_bioc <- function() {
# Bioconductor admins
authors <- c(
"hpages[SPAM-at-SPAM] = Herve Pages <hpages[SPAM-at-SPAM]>",
"p.aboyoun = Patrick Aboyoun <paboyoun[SPAM-at-SPAM]>",
"n.gopalakrishnan = Nishant Gopalakrishnan <ngopalak[SPAM-at-SPAM]>",
"c.wong = Chao-Jen Wong <cwon2[SPAM-at-SPAM]>",
"d.tenenbaum = Dan Tenenbaum <dtenenba[SPAM-at-SPAM]>",
"mtmorgan[SPAM-at-SPAM] = Martin Morgan <mtmorgan[SPAM-at-SPAM]>",
"sethf = Seth Falcon <seth[SPAM-at-SPAM]>",
"tliu[SPAM-at-SPAM] = Ting-Yuan Liu <tliu[SPAM-at-SPAM]>",
"rgentlem = Robert Gentleman <rgentlem[SPAM-at-SPAM]>",
"m.carlson = Mark Carlson <mcarlson[SPAM-at-SPAM]>"
gsub("[SPAM-at-SPAM]", "@", authors, fixed=TRUE)
git_svn_authors_known <- function() {
c(git_svn_authors_r_forge(), git_svn_authors_bioc())
git_svn_authorsfile <- function() {
pathname <- git("config", "svn.authorsfile")
status <- attr(pathname, "status")
if (!is.null(status))
stop("The git svn authors file not set, e.g. git config --global svn.authorsfile ~/.gitauthors")
if (!file_test("-f", pathname))
stop("The git svn authors file not found: ", pathname)
git_svn_authors <- function(authors=NULL) {
trim <- function(x) gsub("(^[ \t]+|[ \t]+$)", "", x)
if (is.null(authors)) authors <- readLines(git_svn_authorsfile())
authors <- grep("^[ ]*#", authors, invert=TRUE, value=TRUE)
authors <- trim(authors)
authors <- authors[nzchar(authors)]
authors <- sort(unique(authors))
pattern <- "(.*)[ \t]*=[ \t]*(.+)[<](.*)[>]"
unknown <- grep(pattern, authors, invert=TRUE, value=TRUE)
if (length(unknown) > 0) {
stop("Malformed entry in authors file: ", unknown[1])
user <- trim(gsub(pattern, "\\1", authors))
name <- trim(gsub(pattern, "\\2", authors))
email <- trim(gsub(pattern, "\\3", authors))
data.frame(user=user, email=email, name=name)
git_svn <- function(url, path=NULL, authors=NULL, ...) {
## Change working directory?
if (!is.null(path)) {
if (!file_test("-d", path)) dir.create(path, recursive=TRUE)
opwd <- getwd()
authfile <- NULL
if ( && nrow(authors) > 0L) {
# Create authors file
authfile <- ".svn2git_git_svn_authorsfile.txt"
bfr <- sprintf("%s = %s <%s>", authors$user, authors$name, authors$email)
writeLines(bfr, con=authfile)
# git("svn", "init", "--prefix=svn/", "--no-metadata",
# sprintf("--trunk=%s", url))
git("svn", "init", "--prefix=svn/", "--no-metadata", url)
git("svn", "fetch", sprintf("--authors-file=%s", authfile))
mcat("\n\nThe 3 most recent commits:\n")
log <- git("log", "-3")
mcat(log, sep="\n")
mcat("\nSVN-to-Git export completed.\n\n")
rpkg_svn2git <- function(pkg, from=NULL, ...) {
pkg <- as.character(pkg)
stopifnot(length(pkg) == 1L, grepl("(.*):(.*)", pkg))
if (!is.null(from)) from <- as.integer(from)
if (git_version() < "1.8.0") {
stop("Your version of git is too old: ", git_version())
} else if (git_version() < "1.9.0") {
warning("Your version of git is old and may fail the SVN-to-Git export: ", git_version())
## Parse package specification
repos <- tolower(gsub("(.*):(.*)", "\\1", pkg))
if (repos == "svn") {
svnURL <- pkg
package <- unlist(strsplit(svnURL, split="/"), use.names=FALSE)
package <- setdiff(package, "trunk")
package <- package[nchar(package) > 0]
package <- package[length(package)]
} else if (!is.element(repos, c("bioc-devel", "r-forge", "svn"))) {
stop("Unknown repository: ", repos)
} else {
pkg <- gsub("(.*):(.*)", "\\2", pkg)
## Build authors map
authors_local <- readLines(git_svn_authorsfile())
authors_known <- git_svn_authors_known()
authors <- git_svn_authors(c(authors_known, authors_local))
mcat("svn-to-git map of authors:\n")
## URL for the SVN repository
if (repos == "bioc-devel") {
svnURL <- sprintf("", pkg)
} else if (repos == "r-forge") {
project <- gsub("(.*)/(.*)", "\\1", pkg)
package <- gsub("(.*)/(.*)", "\\2", pkg)
mprintf("R-Forge project: %s\n", project)
mprintf("R-Forge package: %s\n", package)
svnURL <- sprintf("svn://",
project, package)
mprintf("SVN URL (translated): %s\n", svnURL)
mprintf("R package name: %s\n", package)
## Download complete SVN history
git_svn(url=svnURL, path=package, authors=authors)
} # rpkg_svn2git()
## Called from the command line?
if (!interactive()) {
## Download from specific revision?
from <- cmdArg(from=NULL)
## Package
args <- cmdArgs()
args <- args[!nzchar(names(args))]
stopifnot(length(args) == 1L)
pkg <- args[1]
rpkg_svn2git(pkg=pkg, from=from)
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