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Last active October 23, 2020 20:32
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Detect sprintf() argument mistakes in R (>= 4.1.0)
#' Condition Handler Detecting Sprintf Mistakes
#' @param w A condition
#' @param action Should the sprintf mistake be escalated to an error,
#' or should it display the warning and prompt the user?
#' @examples
#' globalCallingHandlers(warning = handle_sprintf_warning)
#' @seealso
#' [base::globalCallingHandlers()]
#' @export
handle_sprintf_warning <- function(w, action = c("error", "pause")) {
action <- match.arg(action)
if (grepl("arguments? not used by format", conditionMessage(w))) {
if (action == "error") {
} else if (action == "pause") {
message("SPRINTF WARNING: ", sQuote(conditionMessage(w)))
message("- call: ", deparse(conditionCall(w), width.cutoff = 400L))
readline(prompt = "Press ENTER to continue: ")
#' Scan a Single Package Example with Custom Condition Handlers
#' @param topic,package The topic and package of the example to scan
#' @param ask If FALSE, the examples are run without prompting when
#' opening graphics.
#' @param \ldots Additional arguments passed to [utils::example()].
#' @examples
#' handlers <- list(
#' warning = function(w) handle_sprintf_warning(w, action = "pause")
#' )
#' scan_example("hpaste", package = "R.utils", handlers = handlers)
#' @importFrom utils example
#' @export
scan_example <- function(topic, package, ask = FALSE, handlers = list(), ...) {
expr <- quote({
example(topic = topic, character.only = TRUE,
package = package, ask = ask, ...)
args <- c(list(expr), handlers), args = args)
#' Scan all Package Examples with Custom Condition Handlers
#' @param package The package whose examples to scan
#' @param ask If FALSE, the examples are run without prompting when
#' opening graphics.
#' @param skip A non-negative integer specifying how many of the
#' examples to skip.
#' @param \ldots Additional arguments passed to [utils::example()].
#' @examples
#' handlers <- list(
#' warning = function(w) handle_sprintf_warning(w, action = "pause")
#' )
#' scan_examples("R.utils", handlers = handlers)
#' @export
scan_examples <- function(package, skip = 0L, ask = FALSE, ...) {
library(package, character.only = TRUE)
rd <- readRDS(system.file(package = package, "Meta", "Rd.rds"))
topics <- rd[, "Name"]
for (kk in seq_along(topics)) {
if (kk < skip) next
message(sprintf("%d/%d: Scanning example %s",
kk, length(topics), sQuote(topics[kk])))
scan_example(topic = topics[kk], package = package, ask = ask, ...)
#' @export
sprintf_scan_examples <- function(...) {
handlers <- list(
warning = function(w) handle_sprintf_warning(w, action = "pause")
scan_examples(..., handlers = handlers)
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