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Created July 23, 2018 03:55
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Light graphQL / redux-bundler example
import gqlFetch from '../helpers/gql-fetch'
import config from '../config'
export default {
name: 'extraArgs',
getExtraArgs: store => {
return {
gqlFetch: gqlFetch({
apiUrl: config.apiUrl,
getToken: () => store.selectAuthToken(),
handleBadStatusResponse: () => {
const defaults = {
apiUrl: null,
handleBadStatusResponse: response => response,
firstCatch: err => {
throw err
getToken: () => null
export default spec => (query, variables = null) => {
const opts = Object.assign({}, defaults, spec)
const token = opts.getToken()
const encodedQuery = encodeURIComponent(query.trim())
const encodedVars = variables
? `&variables=${encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(variables))}`
: ''
const tokenQuery = token ? `&token=${token}` : ''
return fetch(
method: 'post'
.then(response => response.json())
.then(parsed => {
if (parsed.errors) {
parsed.errors.forEach(error => {
if (
(error.message === 'NO_AUTH' || error.message === 'NO_USER') &&
) {
throw parsed.errors
return parsed
import { createSelector } from 'redux-bundler'
import { setItem } from '../helpers/ls'
import omit from '../helpers/omit'
const subscriptionTransform = sub =>
Object.assign({}, sub, {
cancelledAt: Number(sub.cancelledAt),
currentPeriodEnd: Number(sub.currentPeriodEnd),
currentPeriodStart: Number(sub.currentPeriodStart),
start: Number(sub.start)
export const userResponseSnippet = `{
// lots more stuff here
const actions = [
const STARTED = actions[0]
const FINISHED = actions[1]
const FAILED = actions[2]
export default {
name: 'user',
// we don't want to include START because we don't want the app
// to ever think it's starting in "loading" mode.
persistActions: [FAILED, FINISHED],
getReducer: () => {
const initialState = {
data: null,
loading: false,
error: null
return (state = initialState, { payload, type }) => {
if (type === STARTED) {
return Object.assign({}, state, { loading: true })
if (type === FAILED) {
return Object.assign({}, state, { loading: false, error: payload })
if (type === FINISHED) {
return Object.assign({}, state, {
error: null,
loading: false,
data: omit(payload, ['inhalationAgents', 'ivDrugs', 'token'])
if (type === CLEARED) {
return initialState
return state
doFetchUser: () => ({ gqlFetch, dispatch }) => {
dispatch({ type: STARTED })
return gqlFetch(`{ user ${userResponseSnippet} }`)
.then(res => {
.catch(err => dispatch({ type: FAILED, payload: err }))
doUpdateUser: properties => ({ gqlFetch, dispatch }) => {
dispatch({ type: STARTED })
return gqlFetch(
`mutation updateUser($properties: UserInput!) {
updateUser(properties: $properties) ${userResponseSnippet}
{ properties }
.then(res => {
.catch(err => dispatch({ type: FAILED, payload: err }))
doUpdatePaymentMethod: token => ({ gqlFetch }) => {
return gqlFetch(`
mutation {
addPaymentMethod(stripeToken:"${token}") ${userResponseSnippet}
.then(res => {
.catch(err => {
const first = err[0].message
if (first) {
const [type, receivedMessage] = first.split('|')
if (receivedMessage) {
throw Error(receivedMessage)
throw Error(type)
doCancelSubscription: () => ({ gqlFetch, store }) => {
const subscription = store.selectUserSubscription()
const id = subscription &&
if (!id) {
return gqlFetch(`
mutation {
cancelSubscription(id:"${id}") ${userResponseSnippet}
`).then(res => {
doReceiveUser: user => {
setItem('token', user.token)
return { type: FINISHED, payload: user }
selectUserRaw: state => state.user,
selectUser: state =>,
selectUserIsLoading: state => state.user.loading,
selectUserSubscription: createSelector('selectUser', user => {
const sub = user && user.subscription
return sub && subscriptionTransform(sub)
selectUserPaymentMethod: createSelector(
user => user && user.paymentMethod
reactShouldFetchUser: createSelector(
(userRaw, isSignedIn) => {
if (!userRaw.loading && ! && isSignedIn) {
return { actionCreator: 'doFetchUser' }
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