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Forked from cayter/repository.ts
Created April 20, 2024 23:13
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Drizzle ORM Type-Safe Repository With PgTable
import { startSpan } from "@sentry/remix";
import type { StartSpanOptions } from "@sentry/types";
import {
type AnyColumn,
type AnyTable,
type BuildQueryResult,
type DBQueryConfig,
type DrizzleTypeError,
type Equal,
type ExtractTablesWithRelations,
type GetColumnData,
type InferSelectModel,
type KnownKeysOnly,
type Relation,
type SQL,
} from "drizzle-orm";
import type {
} from "drizzle-orm/pg-core";
import type { PostgresJsQueryResultHKT } from "drizzle-orm/postgres-js";
import { camelCase } from "moderndash";
import postgres from "postgres";
import { objectKeys } from "#isomorphic/utils.js";
import type { AppDb } from "#node/db.js";
* The database error class.
export class DatabaseError extends Error {
fieldErrors!: Record<string, string[] | undefined>;
message: string,
fieldErrors?: Record<string, string[] | undefined>,
) {
if (fieldErrors) {
this.fieldErrors = fieldErrors;
* The options for finding the first record.
export type FindFirstOpts<T extends Record<string, unknown>> = KnownKeysOnly<
FindFirstQueryConfig<T, keyof ExtractTablesWithRelations<T>>
* The options for finding many records.
export type FindManyOpts<T extends Record<string, unknown>> = KnownKeysOnly<
FindManyQueryConfig<T, keyof ExtractTablesWithRelations<T>>
* The options for paginating the records by offset.
export type PaginateByOffsetOpts<T extends Record<string, unknown>> =
PaginateByOffsetQueryConfig<T, keyof ExtractTablesWithRelations<T>>
* The find first query builder config.
export type FindFirstQueryConfig<
T extends Record<string, unknown>,
U extends keyof ExtractTablesWithRelations<T>,
> = Omit<
> & {
tx?: Transaction<T>;
* The find many query builder config.
export type FindManyQueryConfig<
T extends Record<string, unknown>,
U extends keyof ExtractTablesWithRelations<T>,
> = DBQueryConfig<
> & {
tx?: Transaction<T>;
* The paginate by offset query builder config.
export type PaginateByOffsetQueryConfig<
T extends Record<string, unknown>,
U extends keyof ExtractTablesWithRelations<T>,
> = Omit<
> & {
page?: number;
perPage?: number;
sortBy?: keyof ExtractTablesWithRelations<T>[U]["columns"];
sortDirection?: "asc" | "desc";
tx?: Transaction<T>;
"limit" | "offset"
* The generic transaction session.
export type Transaction<T extends Record<string, unknown>> = PgTransaction<
type SimplifyShallow<T> = {
[K in keyof T]: T[K];
} & {};
type SelectResultField<
TDeep extends boolean = true,
> = T extends DrizzleTypeError<any>
? T
: T extends AnyTable<any>
? Equal<TDeep, true> extends true
? SelectResultField<T["_"]["columns"], false>
: never
: T extends AnyColumn
? GetColumnData<T>
: T extends SQL | SQL.Aliased
? T["_"]["type"]
: T extends Record<string, any>
? SelectResultFields<T, true>
: never;
type SelectResultFields<
TDeep extends boolean = true,
> = SimplifyShallow<{
[Key in keyof TSelectedFields & string]: SelectResultField<
export abstract class Repository<
T extends Record<string, unknown>,
U extends PgTableWithColumns<any>,
V extends keyof ExtractTablesWithRelations<T>,
> {
* The DB instance.
db: AppDb<T>;
* The DB table.
table: U;
* The DB model name.
#modelName!: keyof ExtractTablesWithRelations<T>;
* The DB table relations.
#relations: Record<string, Relation>;
constructor(db: AppDb<T>, table: U) {
this.db = db;
this.table = table;
Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(table).map((k) => {
if (k.toString() === "Symbol(drizzle:Name)") {
// Replace graphile-worker's table prefix.
this.#modelName = camelCase(
table[k as unknown as string].replace("_private_", ""),
) as keyof ExtractTablesWithRelations<T>;
// @ts-expect-error
this.#relations = this.db.schema[`${this.#modelName}Relations`].config(
get columns() {
return objectKeys(getTableColumns(this.table));
* Asynchronously invalidates the storage cache/object for the provided rows.
* @param {Array<InferSelectModel<T>>} rows The rows to be checked for
* cache/object invalidation.
* @returns {Promise<any>} A promise that resolves once all relevant
* cache/object entries have been invalidated.
* @private
async #cleanUpStorage(rows: Array<InferSelectModel<U>>) {
const promises: Promise<any>[] = []; => {
Object.values(row).map((value) => {
if (
value &&
typeof value === "object" &&
"key" in value &&
"name" in value &&
"url" in value &&
) {
// promises.push(cache.expire(;
// promises.push(storage.delete(value.key));
await Promise.all(promises);
* Get the Sentry's tracing span attributes.
* @returns {StartSpanOptions} The Sentry options to start a tracing span.
#getSentryAttributes(): Partial<StartSpanOptions> {
return {
attributes: {
"db.system": "postgresql",
op: "db.query",
* Convert the unknown error to DatabaseError class with best efforts.
* @param {unknown} err The unknown error.
* @returns {unknown | DatabaseError}
#toDatabaseError(err: unknown) {
* Refer to the errors list at
if (err instanceof postgres.PostgresError) {
switch (err.code) {
case "23505": {
const keyRegex = /Key \(([^=]+)\)=/;
const valueRegex = /=\(([^)]+)\)/;
const keyMatch = err.detail?.match(keyRegex);
const valueMatch = err.detail?.match(valueRegex);
if (keyMatch && valueMatch) {
const keys = keyMatch[1].split(", ").map((key) => key.trim());
const values = valueMatch[1]
.split(", ")
.map((value) => value.trim());
const fieldErrors: Record<string, string[]> = {};
const isComposite = keys.length > 1;
// TODO: Finish up composite key error handling.
// keys.forEach((key, _idx) => {
// fieldErrors[
// `${pluralize.singular(this.#tableName)}.${camel(key)}`
// ] = [
// isComposite
// ? "app:errors.dbUniqueCompositeConstraint"
// : "app:errors.dbUniqueConstraint",
// ] satisfies I18nKeys[];
// });
return new DatabaseError(err.message, fieldErrors);
return err;
* A hook that is invoked right before a row is inserted.
* @param {PgInsertValue<U>} row
* @returns {Promise<void>}
async beforeCreate(row: PgInsertValue<U>) {}
* A hook that is invoked after a row is inserted and right before returning to the caller.
* @param {InferSelectModel<U>} row
* @returns {Promise<InferSelectModel<U>>}
async afterCreate(row: InferSelectModel<U>) {}
* A hook that is invoked after a row is deleted and right before returning to the caller.
* @param {InferSelectModel<U>} row
* @returns {Promise<void>}
async afterDelete(row: InferSelectModel<U>) {}
* A hook that is invoked right before returning to the caller which applies to:
* - findFirst()
* - findMany()
* - paginateByOffset()
* The common use cases:
* - post process s3 storage path to a private s3 URL and cache it
* @param {InferSelectModel<U>} row
* @returns {Promise<void>}
async afterFind(row: InferSelectModel<U>) {}
* A hook that is invoked right before a row is updated.
* @param {PgUpdateSetSource<U>} row
* @returns {Promise<void>}
async beforeUpdate(row: PgUpdateSetSource<U>) {}
* A hook that is invoked after a row is updated and right before returning to the caller.
* @param {InferSelectModel<U>} row
* @returns {Promise<void>}
async afterUpdate(row: InferSelectModel<U>) {}
* Insert 1 value into the database.
* @param {PgInsertValue<U>} value The values to insert.
* @param {object} [opts] The insert options.
* @param {object} [opts.columns] The fields to return.
* @param {Transaction<U>} [opts.tx] The SQL transaction.
* @returns
async create<TSelectedFields extends SelectedFieldsFlat>(
value: PgInsertValue<U>,
opts: {
columns: TSelectedFields;
onConflictDoNothing?: {
target?: IndexColumn | IndexColumn[];
onConflictDoUpdate?: PgInsertOnConflictDoUpdateConfig<
PgInsertBase<U, PostgresJsQueryResultHKT, undefined, false, never>
tx?: Transaction<T>;
): Promise<SelectResultFields<TSelectedFields> | null>;
async create(
value: PgInsertValue<U>,
opts?: {
onConflictDoNothing?: {
target?: IndexColumn | IndexColumn[];
onConflictDoUpdate?: PgInsertOnConflictDoUpdateConfig<
PgInsertBase<U, PostgresJsQueryResultHKT, undefined, false, never>
tx?: Transaction<T>;
): Promise<InferSelectModel<U> | null>;
async create<TSelectedFields extends SelectedFieldsFlat | undefined>(
value: PgInsertValue<U>,
opts?: {
columns?: TSelectedFields;
onConflictDoNothing?: {
target?: IndexColumn | IndexColumn[];
onConflictDoUpdate?: PgInsertOnConflictDoUpdateConfig<
PgInsertBase<U, PostgresJsQueryResultHKT, undefined, false, never>
tx?: Transaction<T>;
) {
try {
await this.beforeCreate(value);
const qb = (opts?.tx || this.db.orm).insert(this.table).values(value);
if (opts?.onConflictDoUpdate) {
? {
set: {
updatedAt: sql`NOW()`,
: {}),
} else if (opts?.onConflictDoNothing) {
if (opts && "columns" in opts) {
qb.returning(opts.columns as SelectedFieldsFlat);
} else {
const rows = await startSpan(
name: qb.toSQL().sql,
async () => qb,
if (rows.length < 1) {
return null;
await this.afterCreate(rows[0]);
return rows[0];
} catch (err) {
throw this.#toDatabaseError(err);
* Insert many values into the database.
* @param {PgInsertValue<U>[]} values The values to insert.
* @param {object} [opts] The insert options.
* @param {object} [opts.columns] The columns to return.
* @param {Transaction<T>} [opts.tx] The SQL transaction.
* @returns
async createMany<TSelectedFields extends SelectedFieldsFlat>(
value: PgInsertValue<U>[],
opts: {
columns: TSelectedFields;
tx?: Transaction<T>;
): Promise<SelectResultFields<TSelectedFields>[]>;
async createMany(
value: PgInsertValue<U>[],
opts?: { tx?: Transaction<T> },
): Promise<InferSelectModel<U>[]>;
async createMany<TSelectedFields extends SelectedFieldsFlat>(
values: PgInsertValue<U>[],
opts?: {
columns?: TSelectedFields;
tx?: Transaction<T>;
) {
try {
const qb = (opts?.tx || this.db.orm).insert(this.table).values(
await Promise.all(
.map((value) => {
return async () => {
await this.beforeCreate(value);
return value;
.map((v) => v()),
if (opts?.columns) {
} else {
const rows = await startSpan(
name: qb.toSQL().sql,
async () => qb,
if (rows.length < 1) {
return [];
await Promise.all( (row) => this.afterCreate(row)));
return rows;
} catch (err) {
throw this.#toDatabaseError(err);
* Delete the data rows in the database based on the where condition.
* @param {object} [opts] The insert options.
* @param {object} [opts.columns] The columns to return.
* @param {SQL<unknown>} [opts.where] The SQL where filter.
* @param {Transaction<T>} [opts.tx] The SQL transaction.
* @returns
async delete<
TSelectedFields extends SelectedFieldsFlat,
QConfig extends FindManyQueryConfig<T, V>,
>(opts: {
columns: TSelectedFields;
where?: QConfig["where"];
tx?: Transaction<T>;
}): Promise<SelectResultFields<TSelectedFields>[] | null>;
async delete<QConfig extends FindManyQueryConfig<T, V>>(opts?: {
where?: QConfig["where"];
tx?: Transaction<T>;
}): Promise<InferSelectModel<U>[] | null>;
async delete<
TSelectedFields extends SelectedFieldsFlat,
QConfig extends FindManyQueryConfig<T, V>,
>(opts?: {
columns?: TSelectedFields;
where?: QConfig["where"];
tx?: Transaction<T>;
}) {
let where;
if (opts?.where) {
if ("queryChunks" in opts.where) {
where = opts.where;
} else if (typeof opts.where === "function") {
where = opts.where(getTableColumns(this.table), getOperators());
const deletingRows = await this.findMany({ where, tx: opts?.tx });
if (deletingRows.length > 0) {
await this.#cleanUpStorage(deletingRows);
const qb = (opts?.tx || this.db.orm).delete(this.table).where(where);
if (opts?.columns) {
} else {
const rows = await startSpan(
name: qb.toSQL().sql,
async () => qb,
if (rows.length < 1) {
return [];
await Promise.all( (row) => this.afterDelete(row)));
return rows;
* Return the 1st record based on the config.
* @param {FindFirstOpts<QConfig>} [opts] The find many options with pagination.
* @param {object} [opts.columns] The columns to select.
* @param {object} [opts.extras] The extras columns to return.
* @param {object} [opts.offset] The offset of the returned rows.
* @param {object} [opts.orderBy] The sorting order.
* @param {SQL<unknown>} [opts.where] The where filter.
* @param {object} [opts.with] The relations to include in query.
* @param {Transaction<T>} [opts.tx] The SQL transaction.
* @returns
async findFirst<QConfig extends FindFirstQueryConfig<T, V>>(
opts?: FindFirstOpts<QConfig>,
) {
const { tx, ...config } = opts || {};
const qb = tx || this.db.orm;
const row = await startSpan(
// @ts-expect-error
name: qb.query[this.#modelName].findFirst(config || {}).toSQL().sql,
// @ts-expect-error
async () => qb.query[this.#modelName].findFirst(config || {}),
if (!row) {
return null;
await this.afterFind(row);
return row as BuildQueryResult<
* Return all the records based on the config.
* @param {FindManyOpts<QConfig>} [opts] The find many options.
* @param {object} [opts.columns] The columns to select.
* @param {object} [opts.extras] The extras columns to return.
* @param {object} [opts.limit] The limit number of the returned rows.
* @param {object} [opts.offset] The offset of the returned rows.
* @param {object} [opts.orderBy] The sorting order.
* @param {SQL<unknown>} [opts.where] The where filter.
* @param {object} [opts.with] The relations to include in query.
* @param {Transaction<T>} [opts.tx] The SQL transaction.
* @returns
async findMany<QConfig extends FindManyQueryConfig<T, V>>(
opts?: FindManyOpts<QConfig>,
) {
const { tx, ...config } = opts || {};
const qb = tx || this.db.orm;
const rows = await startSpan(
// @ts-expect-error
name: qb.query[this.#modelName].findMany(config || {}).toSQL().sql,
// @ts-expect-error
async () => qb.query[this.#modelName].findMany(config || {}),
if (!rows || rows.length < 1) {
return [];
await Promise.all(
.map((row: InferSelectModel<U>) => async () => {
return this.afterFind(row);
.map((v: () => Promise<void>) => v()),
return rows as unknown as BuildQueryResult<
* Return the paginated records based on the config.
* @param {PaginateByOffsetOpts<QConfig>} [opts] The find many options with pagination.
* @param {object} [opts.columns] The columns to select.
* @param {object} [opts.extras] The extras columns to return.
* @param {SQL<unknown>} [opts.orderBy] The order by SQL. Can be overwritten by sortBy.
* @param {object} [opts.sortBy] The sorting column.
* @param {object} [opts.sortDirection] The sorting direction.
* @param {SQL<unknown>} [opts.where] The where filter.
* @param {object} [opts.with] The relations to include in query.
* @param {number} [] The current page.
* @param {number} [opts.perPage=10] The current page size.
* @param {Transaction<T>} [opts.tx] The SQL transaction.
* @returns
async paginateByOffset<QConfig extends PaginateByOffsetQueryConfig<T, V>>(
opts?: PaginateByOffsetOpts<QConfig>,
) {
const {
page = 1,
perPage = 10,
sortDirection = "asc",
} = opts || {
columns: undefined,
extras: undefined,
orderBy: undefined,
tx: undefined,
where: undefined,
with: undefined,
const qb = config.tx || this.db.orm;
let countWhere: SQL<unknown> | undefined;
if (config.where) {
if ("queryChunks" in config.where) {
countWhere = config.where;
} else if (typeof config.where === "function") {
countWhere = config.where(getTableColumns(this.table), getOperators());
if (sortBy) {
config.orderBy =
sortDirection === "asc"
? [
this.table[sortBy as keyof (typeof this.table)["_"]["columns"]],
: [
this.table[sortBy as keyof (typeof this.table)["_"]["columns"]],
const [rows, totals] = await startSpan(
name: qb
.select({ count: sql<number>`count(*)`.mapWith(Number) })
async () =>
offset: (page - 1) * perPage,
limit: perPage + 1,
.select({ count: sql<number>`count(*)`.mapWith(Number) })
const totalRows = totals?.[0]?.count;
const next = rows.length > perPage;
if (next) {
return {
previous: page > 1,
totalPages: Math.ceil(totalRows / perPage),
* Update the data rows in the database based on the where condition.
* @param {PgUpdateSetSource<U>} value The values to update to.
* @param {object} [opts] The insert options.
* @param {object} [opts.columns] The fields to return.
* @param {SQL<unknown>} [opts.where] The SQL where filter.
* @param {Transaction<T>} [opts.tx] The SQL transaction.
* @returns
async update<
TSelectedFields extends SelectedFieldsFlat,
QConfig extends FindManyQueryConfig<T, V>,
value: PgUpdateSetSource<U>,
opts: {
columns: TSelectedFields;
where?: QConfig["where"];
tx?: Transaction<T>;
): Promise<SelectResultFields<TSelectedFields>[]>;
async update<QConfig extends FindManyQueryConfig<T, V>>(
value: PgUpdateSetSource<U>,
opts?: {
where?: QConfig["where"];
tx?: Transaction<T>;
): Promise<InferSelectModel<U>[]>;
async update<
TSelectedFields extends SelectedFieldsFlat,
QConfig extends FindManyQueryConfig<T, V>,
value: PgUpdateSetSource<U>,
opts?: {
columns?: TSelectedFields;
where?: QConfig["where"];
tx?: Transaction<T>;
) {
try {
let where;
if (opts?.where) {
if ("queryChunks" in opts.where) {
where = opts.where;
} else if (typeof opts.where === "function") {
where = opts.where(getTableColumns(this.table), getOperators());
await this.beforeUpdate(value);
const qb = (opts?.tx || this.db.orm)
? { updatedAt: sql`NOW()` }
: {}),
if (opts?.columns) {
} else {
const rows = await startSpan(
name: qb.toSQL().sql,
async () => qb,
if (rows.length < 1) {
return [];
await Promise.all( => this.afterUpdate(row)));
return rows;
} catch (err) {
throw this.#toDatabaseError(err);
import type { PrimarySchema } from "./databases/primary/schemas/index";
import type { User } from "./databases/primary/schemas/index";
import { Repository } from "./repository";
export class UserRepository extends Repository<
> {
async beforeCreate(row: User) {}
async afterCreate(row: User) {}
async afterDelete(row: User) {}
async afterFind(row: User) {}
async beforeUpdate(row: User) {}
async afterUpdate(row: User) {}
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