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Last active May 11, 2021 04:40
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  • Save HenryHey/09821395126696d7cdf47f0bbf03cc53 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save HenryHey/09821395126696d7cdf47f0bbf03cc53 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Blaseball auto bet to the team with the best (probably not) chance of winning
// This bookmarklet will auto bet on the team with highest odds. Or the left team if equal odds.
// I guess this saves around 20 seconds and 30 clicks of your life. You're welcome!
// 1. Create a new bookmark and give it a name
// 2. Paste the following code in the URL field
javascript:(async function () { let goBet=async e=>{length=document.getElementsByClassName("Widget-Button btn btn-success").length;for(let t=0;t<length;t++)try{document.getElementsByClassName("Widget-Button btn btn-success")[t].children[0].click(),await new Promise(t=>setTimeout(t,e)),[...document.getElementsByClassName("ModalForm-Form-Team-Percentage")].filter(e=>parseFloat(e.innerHTML)>=50)[0].click(),document.getElementsByClassName("ModalForm-Form-Inputs-Amount-Max")[0].click(),document.getElementsByClassName("ModalForm-Submit btn btn-success")[0].click(),await new Promise(t=>setTimeout(t,2*e))}catch(t){await new Promise(t=>setTimeout(t,2*e)),await goBet(500)}return"Done!"};await goBet(500); } )();
// 3. Go to
// 4. Run the bookmarklet and lose all your coins 💸💸💸
// ❗ If it gets stuck in a loop, refresh the page 🤷
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